Ilë Sornë

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Ilë Sornë
Flag of Ilë Sornë
Motto: Unestablished'
National Anthem: Unestablished'
Milky Way Galaxy, Perseus Arm, Casseiopia Constellation, M103 Open Cluster
Region The ESUS
Capital Kelwynd
Official Language(s) Quenya, Arenumbergian Elven, Basic/English
Leader Arch-Chancellor Anariel Anahstis, Chancellor Ythera
Population 11 Billion +
Currency Siliar 
NS Sunset XML

The Federal Republic of Ilë Sornë is an interstellar country located within the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, near the nation of Otagia and host in its own domain to an enclave of Allaneans, and Nominor and the Free Worlds Combine. Created by the union of the former nationstates of Arenumberg and Arizona Nova, Ilë Sornë was conceived in the 1050s A.C.E., shortly before the ESUS-GFFA War, as a full union of the two under one democratic Federal body. By their union, the nation that formed is the largest within the Extra Solar Union of Systems, if not known space, with a population exceeding eleven billion.


Ilë Sornë is roughly translated into Basic/English as "Eagle of the Stars" from the Arenumbergian Elven dialect. As elven languages - Quenya within old Arizona Nova - were significant, "high" tongues within both progenitor states, it was decided that it would be the language used in the name of the new state. It is significant in that it heralds a shift, at least in the former nation of Arizona Nova, from a national identity defined by Sol based cultural roots, to elven - and, arguably, self-defined - cultural roots.


Main Article: History of Ilë Sornë

The history of Ilë Sornë is largely tied up in the history of its constituent states, but the impetus of Ilë Sornë's creation lies in two devastating events - the Khurganate War and the Wrath of the Great Carnivore. The Khurganate War was a singly devastating surprise attack on the Elvish Republic of Arenumberg by extra-dimensional entities, presumed to be xenoform sentients that were zealous worshippers of chaos. Their initial attacks crippled Arenumberg's military, leaving the majority of its territories undefended, causing a flood of Arenumbergian refugees to nations across the galaxy. Those that remained settled on the world of Thalassi. This group was later recognized by Arizona Nova as the successor state to the old monarchy of Arenumberg. Quantus-Koratu, however, was reinforced by a joint ESUS task force, which repelled the Khurganate attack there, forcing their retreat back into their domain, although by this time all Arenumberg's citizens had fled. A few decades later, Arizona Nova was attacked by the Great Carnivore, a force consisting of rogue elements of both Jordaxia and Arizona Nova, which had constructed a very large and powerful fleet using an ancient Jordaxian ringworld's industrial facilities. The expatriate Arizona Novanian digisent Julius, one of the ringleaders, had assisted the archsentient Fate in the attack, using his extensive knowledge of the Arizona Novanian military and its computer systems to break into the defense mainframe - an act facilitated by the disappearance of Anikar and the subsequent breakdown of her systems - and turned the PBSL system on the Arizona Novanian fleet. Battered, the fleet retreated to New Constantinople, and soon an even larger fleet lead by Fate made its attack. While this time the defenses were in Arizona Novanian control, sheer numbers and tactics were on Fate's side, until the reapperance of the ANSS Fist of the Empress, with an ESUS task force in train. The counter-attack shredded through Fate's fleet, forcing her retreat into parts unknown. The two badly wounded nations had sympathy for the other's collective plight, and a plan discussed by Lady Ythera in Arenumberg and Diplomat General Anariel suggested the two nations, already culturally and policitally close, unite for their common good. The matter was presented in Arizona Nova and Arenumberg both, and the consensus indicated agreement. Soon the successor delegates for the two powers came together in a ceremony on Ondataru, a world spared the wrath of the Great Carnivore, and discussed and signed a treaty of unification in 1064 A.C.E.

Government & Politics

The Federal government of Ilë Sornë is a constitutional republic, bound by the terms of the Second Treaty of Unification, and considered transcendent, but ultimately composed of, its parent governments. While it is considered the spiritual successor to the ideals driving the original Treaty of Unification, it is still acknowledged that the monumental nature of the new nation, and indeed the abrupt adoption of democracy, is experimental in either of the former states. Others argue that in fact democracy has been the norm in Arizona Nova and Arenumberg, citing the fact that while the head of state in Arizona Nova has traditionally been a theoretically absolute leader, the gross majority of the government has been democratic and meritocratic in nature, and that following the Khurganate war, Arenumberg became democratic as well (and has had itself a democratic/monarchic duality that has, in phases, shifted in its supremacy).

Political Divisions

The most anticipated political divides in the new Republic are along the former Arenumbergian and Arizona Novanian national divide. However, many pundits have postulated that worry on that angle is ignoring other potential differences. Most important is the lingering fears in Arizona Nova of "chronomancy" or joint paranoia concerning the Khurganate and Fate. Another popular model is the free market economics versus planned market economics, as Arenumberg's economy, while powerful, worked on planned market principals. Within this school of thought, some believe that "sympathizers" for one or the other system will likely arise in either country, making the contrast less a national than ideological one.

Foreign Relations

Ilë Sornë inherits a number of alliances from its predecessors - most notable the Extra Solar Union of Systems along with the largely defunct Galactic Alliance. Ilë Sornë remains affiliated with the Greater Prussian Empire in Sol through the Free Cities Alliance, of which Arizona Nova was the head. There is much speculation that Ilë Sornë may begin working with its position over the FCA at some point in the future.


Main article: Military of Ilë Sornë

Due to the destruction of Arenumberg's military during the War of the Khurganate, it is largely composed of former Arizona Novanian forces. It remains to be seen how the unified military will be organized and maintained.

States and Territories

The territorial possessions of Ilë Sornë are technically smaller than what either nation possessed before - Arizona Nova, having lost the Imperial Core, and Arenumberg, everything but Thalassi, the combined territories offer less habitable planetage than what either possessed pre-calamity. Expeditions to locate and extend control over more worlds, especially for the purpose of the establishment of a new capital, are already being considered.


The Economy of Ilë Sornë is at the current time bipolar - divided between the old free market system in Arizona Nova and the more planned economy in Arenumberg, at the current point the constitution merely mandates that the regional authorities continue to regulate their internal economies as they see fit, while the central government regulates the external economics. As well, the Big Three in Arizona Nova are having their control transferred (or inherited by) the Ilë Sornë government.


As of 4 Y.O.R., 11,741,000,000 sentients live under the aegis of Ilë Sornë, with a yearly population growth rate of 0.1%. 47% is of elven descent, 44% is Anikari, 8% is Tzoy, and 0.000005% is Kaleesh. The largest concentration of sentient beings is on New Constantinople, followed by Thalassi, Ondataru, and Baramua. Many refugees from the destruction of the former Arizona Novanian homeworld have settled, ironically, on Koratu-Quantus. As well, Egureo is home to a large Allanean population of Dohwar. The official national languages of Ilë Sornë are Aerenal, Quenya, Basic/English, German, and Latin. Basic tends to be used for external affairs, but the Elven family of languages is quickly gaining ground as the most used language for day to day affairs, and education programs in both predecessor states included intense, early programs for the teaching of multiple languages. Ilë Sornë is more religiously multipolar than either of their predecessors, although many former Arenumbergians refuse to profess a concrete faith, and the largest religious bloc in the nation is composed of them. Next largest is Christianity in all its forms - itself dominated by the Church of Saint Peter - followed by Perseid Islam. As with either of the predecessors, Ilë Sornë does not establish any official religion by the power of the state. Education is vital to the state as well, with about 10% of the budget going annually to fund it and a literacy rate of 85.75% percent.


Ilë Sornë has a very rich cultural heritage drawing from multiple fronts. Combining the refreshed ideals of Old Terra adopted by Arizona Nova and the practical and aesthetically pleasing elements of elven culture, Ilë Sornë is a paradoxical fusion of the cosmopolitan and the traditional, and it is a paradox largely made possible by the long coexistence of the two former states on Koratu, and their chief ethical concern: the right of sentient - i.e., sapient, thinking - beings, as the elves of Arenumberg, and technically, the Anikari both fall under the crosshairs of Central Facehuggerian ideology and the Othranari way of life. Speculation also abounds that a new convention on the Sentient Civil Rights Act is soon to be made in Ilë Sornë, to increase the strength of the act and help tie up the infamous "loose end" - hive mind sentience. As well, many speculate that in time, the extreme paranoia former Arizona Novanians toward temporal technology will be tempered, although People for the Crusade have vowed to continue their mission.

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