Federal Trodenhiem

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Federal Trodenhiem
Flag of Federal Trodenhiem
Motto: "How Many Paths Must a Man Walk
No Map Available Yet
Region Federation of Allied Nations
Capital Geddon City
Official Language(s) English, Trodonian
Leader Monte Guerro
Population 6 million
Currency Universal Credit 
NS Sunset XML

The Republic of Federal Trodenhiem is a tiny, pleasant nation, remarkable for its compulsory military service. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, intelligent population of 6 million have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.



Federal Trodenhiem is the last remaining remnant of the Trodonian Nation, unlike Southern Trodenhiem which is no longer affiliated in any way with Trodenhiem itself, Federal Trodenhiem maintains the traditions and much of the culture of Trodenhiem.

Trodenhiem was founded by Emperor Julian I in circa 5000 B.C. Juilian was the head of a large nomadic people called the Trodden, with his people they settled in the central plains of the Troden Continent in what is now the Federation of Allied Nations. Initially they lived in clans and villages, however as threats from neighbouring tribes increased, they were forced to fortify, thus the traditional walled towns began.

As the population multiplied it became apparent that Despotism could no longer support such a large populace, and under the rule of Emperor Titherius I the despotism became an Empire of unified Trodonian tribes, that came to be known as Trodenhiem.

The Empire flourished conquering the nearby tribes and nations, and grew in size and wealth. By 1500 A.D. Trodenhiem was established as a major power on the Trodonian Continent, famous for its mounted soldiers and technologically advance arquebusiers. But in 1812 A.D. the Empire declined in size, as nearby nations expanded.

The 1900s were marked as the golden age of the Empire, and it was the first nation to develope the telephone, radios, televisions and auto-matic weapons. Thier advancements did not worry the rest of the region as Trodenhiem was not an imperialistic nation. In 1916 the Militocracy of North Cadia was officially recognised as the brother state of the Empire, and together the two nations grew to vast proportions.

In 2005 the Emperor Sylas II signed over power to Monte Guerro, who established the Commonwealth of Trodenhiem, a democratic nation with a constitutional monarchy. Monte Guerro was elected as the first President and under his rule Trodenhiem moved into The Serenade. But on the 16th of September 2006 in a sudden act of treachery Emperor Sylas II siezed power, and enslaved the nation.

The Trodoneo-Cadian War

Nicknamed the Last Fall

The Emperor's enslavement of his nation did not go unnoticed and Conrad Kruschev Emperor of North Cadia and the Kruschevan Empire, lead his nations to war with Trodenhiem.

September 16th

Emperor Sylas II siezes power from Monte Guerro, and starts a brutal coup and enforces a strict curfew on pain of death, more than 100,000 civilians are murdered.

September 17th

The populace are enslaved and forced into uninhabitted areas where they are to build work camps and factories over 3,000,000 people die in the process.

September 25th

Following a heated discussion in the North Cadia cabinet room Conrad Kruschev orders his forces be mobilised and sends a message to Emperor Sylas II telling him to free his people.

September 26th

Emperor Sylas II refuses to return power to Monte Guerro and mobilises his own heavily demoralised troops.

September 27th

Conrad Kruschev formally declares war and deployment is ordered. The navy is deployed to blockade Trodenhiem's ports, and 100 ICBMs are fired at the military stronghold of Schwelsburg in Trodenhiem.

September 28th

The missles hit Schwelsburg, and the city is left in ruins, almost the entire garrison there is slain, the soldiers that weren't rout to the nearby woods. The coastal defences come into action firing inneffectively at the North Cadia fleet, and the naval bombardment destroys the defences, leaving the officers firing smallarms at the approaching ships while thier soldiers rout.

September 29th

The North Cadia forces land on the now undefended Trodonian coast, and begin to offload thier supplies. Food aid was distributed to the freed slaves in the area, and forward troops took schwelsburg and captured the remaining forces there, and set it up as a Forward HQ. Yet more missles were fired by the North Cadians this time at the Trodonian Capital, Troden City, all 300 hit and the city is all but destroyed.

October 1st

Troden City is entered by North Cadia troops and a TV camera crew follow thier progress as they search for survivors, there is only one, the Emperor, who is found scrambling through the ash. He is immediately executed in front of over three billion viewers. The leading military officials of Trodenhiem are found dead, either murdered by thier men or having committed suicide. Monte Guerro is restored to power, and annexes the majority of Trodonian land holdings, to the North Cadian government, who split the land in two the East goes to the Kruschevan Empire, while the West goes to the North Cadian Trading Company. Monte Guerro is escorted by FDN and IA troops, to Trodenhiem's remaining land in the Federation of Allied Nations, where he formally re-established the land as Federal Trodenhiem, a democratic republic.

Current Affairs

Federal Trodenhiem is now a totally independant state, currently ruled by President Monte Guerro.

The Current Government

  • President - Monte Guerro
  • Minister of the Interior - Zeblak Juan
  • Minister of Defence - Herban Jarick
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs - Baam Bezall
  • Secretary of Education - Jane Harwell
  • Secretary of Health - Martin Gaynot
  • Secretary of Public Services - Yvonne Pertandt

Major Political Parties

  • The Federal Party - (Monte Guerro}
  • The National Independance Party - (Nathanuan Kael)
  • The Trodonian Communist Party - (Freidrick Kell)
  • The Union of Right Wing Parties - (Adrian Ortiz)

Military Branches

  • FDF - (Federal Defence Force)
  • FAF - (Federal Air Force)
  • FNF - (Federal naval Forces)
  • FIA - (Federal Intel Agency)