The Good Guys: The Movie

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The Good Guys: The Movie
Director Steven Spielberg
Studio Kabomf! Pictures
Starring Liam Neeson
Clive Owen
Ralph Fiennes
Joaquin Phoenix
David Tennant
Hugh Jackman
Music Various Artists
Screenplay Cameron McDermott
Editing Cameron McDermott
Distribution Kabomf! Pictures
Release Date 3rd May 2007
Runtime 95 minutes
Country Sherylannia
Awards 7 SEFA's
Language English
Budget 20,000,000 Sherris
Tagline If you ain't a Good Guy, you're a Bad Guy.
DVD Release 16th October 2007
Rating 16 (Sherylannia)
15 (Oldham Road)
15 (White-Rose)
12 (Sabrateur)
MA-15 (Kanami)

The Good Guys: The Movie is an action film in The Spectrum. The storyline follows the Ediroth Conflict and the battle over the island of THA FORST. It has won critical acclaim, and is considered by most critics in a Good Guys nation, to be the greatest film of the decade.

Two sequels, The Good Guys 2: The Rise of S.A.T.O, and The Good Guys 3: The Shadow Threat have already been approved, thanks to overwhelming internet hype of the first film. They are being filmed back to back, with a release date for the sequels being 10/4/08 and 4/5/09.


Main Characters

Oldham Road - Liam Neeson
Sherylannia - Clive Owen
White-Rose - Ralph Fiennes
I Know Better Than You - Joaquin Phoenix
Calumnius - David Tennant
Domas-Porada - Hugh Jackman
Mushy Pea - Gwyneth Paltrow

Supporting Characters

Buttery Boonswoggles - Steve Coogan
Nintenduu 64 - Jason Biggs
Don Flanioso - Johnny Depp
The Red Rose Movement - Nicole Kidman
Daveanoyl Chloride - Tom Welling
THA FORST - Zachary Quinto



We see an ornate office, with a man sat behind a large desk. A man walks in, and places a stack of papers on the desk.

"Oldham Road, sir. Ediroth is yours." A smirk forms on the face of the man, before he looks in to the camera.


The trailer cuts to an outpost in a jungle. Soldiers are running in and out of barracks, and we see the symbols of I Know Better Than You and Calumnius emblazoned on their uniforms. A soldier calls all of them to the barracks, and they see Oldham Road claiming Ediroth as his own. The message is continued across many different television screens, before finally reaching another ornate room, where a shadowy figure bangs his fist on the table, in rage.

We see Oldham Road talking to a man with his back turned. He suggests an alliance, to which the man turns round and agrees. Two more faces are flashed across the screen, smiling. We see four hands outstretched across a table, one over the other. We hear the words, "An alliance is forged."

Villagers are shown cowering in fear, and then rejoicing, as a tall man known as Domas-Porada stands high above them all.

A tense meeting is shown, with raised voices, and idle threats.

It cuts to another table. A woman is putting forward a proposal about an island. We see 9 hands, all over one another. The scene blacks out, and the title card is shown, then the release date, May 3rd 2007.

The shadowy figure from before is shown. He leans forward, into view. "They think they can do as they wish? They've got another thing coming."


The film opens with a barren wasteland, seemingly quiet. All of a sudden, an explosion, followed shortly afterward by the meeting of two sets of enemy soldiers occurs. One side, are various members of the Spectrum's armies. The other, Edirothi Insurgents. The carnage continues for a while, before pausing in mid-battle. A man rewinds the tape, and replays it, over and over. He addresses a group sat down around a table. The man is revealed, through conversation, to be Oldham Road (Liam Neeson), and the other men are his advisors. After debating Ediroth's worth, Oldham Road decides to invade Ediroth and take it as his own. Meanwhile, in another place, another man, I Know Better Than You (Joaquin Phoenix) is debating the same thing with his advisors. Calumnius (David Tennant) and his advisors are also present. Although reasons differ from Oldham Road's, the same decision is made. IKBTY and Calumnius immediately dispatch troops to the Ediroth jungle.

The scene cuts to Oldham Road's office, and he learns about this turn of events. He expresses his rage, and then calls an immediate press conference. He proceeds to dress for the occasion. 2 hours later, journalists are gathered in the conference room. He announces to the known Spectrum that Ediroth is his territory, and that if IKBTY and Calumnius do not withdraw, he cannot be held responsible for what happens. He swiftly leaves, not wanting to answer any questions. IKBTY is shown watching the conference, and he slams his fist on the table in range, before sending a message to his lieuteant in Ediroth.

The next day, at a camp in Ediroth, home to IKBTY and Calumnius forces is busy running as usual, when a liutenant calls them all into a large room. They are told that they have been given an ultimatum, and that they are not backing down. They are told that this whole thing is going to get a lot worse. A klaxon blares and they see planes approaching over the distance. They see the planes dropping bombs. They see nothing else.

Oldham Road is sat in his office, when an aide bursts in, and puts his papers down on the desk. He tells Oldham Road that Ediroth is now under his control. He smiles, and then sends the aide to prepare his plane. He says he knows that his enemies will soon retaliate upon his own men. He tells the aide to set him a flightpath to the neighbouring country. He makes his way to the airstrip, and lands a couple of hours later. His aide accompanies him into a limo, where they are driven to the capital to meet the leader.

After talking with the receptionist, Oldham Road walks through to the gardens, where he finds a man tending to his plants. Oldham Road tells him that he is in dire need of help. They converse about past events, before the man turns around and is shown to be Sherylannia (Clive Owen). He accepts Oldham Road's offer, and the Good Guys are formed. They immediately set out to other allies, White-Rose (Ralph Fiennes), and Domas-Porada (Hugh Jackman). Their trip to White-Rose is rather pleasant, but their journey to Domas-Porada involves many tasks, such as climbing the surrounding mountains, and fighting their way to the main office. Domas-Porada, impressed with their courage tells them that he will join the alliance, as long as they help him take the island of THA FORST. Sherylannia reasons that Domas-Porada would be a mighty ally. White-Rose doesn't think attacking another area wouldn't be too beneficial. Oldham Road is about to answer, when his mobile phone rings. His aide, who has stayed in Sherylannia to keep an eye on things, tells him that IKBTY and Calumnius have doubled their troops in Ediroth, and are moving towards Oldham Road's men. Deciding that he does need Domas-Porada's help, he agrees to the condition, so long as Domas-Porada dispatches some troops to Ediroth immediately. He agrees, and all 4 nations deploy troops to both Ediroth and THA FORST.

THA FORST (Zachary Quinto) doesn't prove too much of a challenge when the combined might of four nations rain down upon it, and before long Domas-Porada is the new leader. They are now free to concentrate on Ediroth. However, just as the Good Guys are leaving THA FORST, Oldham Road recieves another call from his aide. He is told that IKBTY and Calumnius want to arrange a meeting. He reluctantly agrees. Domas-Porada stays behind to rebuild the shattered island, and the remaining three Good Guys depart for neutral territory, ruled over by the dictator, Nintenduu 64 (Jason Biggs).

After landing, the Good Guys are led to the nation's courthouse, to meet in private. However, once Oldham Road enters, and IKBTY follows shortly after, they lunge at each other, and have to be restrained. Ninentduu chairs the meeting, which has been referred to by the media as the G6 Summit. Arguing ensues, between all parties, before Sherylannia and White-Rose leave in disgust at their opponents, for fresh-air. Oldham Road is left alone. They try to pressure Oldham Road into giving up, but he fights back, and simply leaves the room, head held high. The Good Guys travel back to Sherylannia to decide what to do next.

On THA FORST, Domas-Porada is enjoying the adulation, after invading successfully. He recieves word on the progress of the G6 Summit. A female voice calls from the shadows. Mushy Pea (Gwyneth Paltrow) walks out, saying she has a proposition for him and the Good Guys.

Meanwhile, Oldham Road, White-Rose and Sherylannia travel the Spectrum, recruiting many different nations, in the fight to save Ediroth. They succeed in recruiting Buttery Boonswoggles (Steve Coogan), Don Flanioso (Johnny Depp), Red Rose Movement (Nicole Kidman), Daveanoyl Chloride (Tom Welling) and the peacekeeper at G6, Nintenduu. They are travelling to Sabrateur, when the phone rings again. Domas-Porada calls them all to THA FORST. After arriving, they see an enormous, half-finished tower dead centre of the island. They enter, to find Domas-Porada and Mushy Pea waiting. She proposes that island is handed over to her, for redevelopment. Her reasoning is clear and concise, and although some Good Guys fight the prospect, eventually, all agree. Mushy Pea is also inducted into the Good Guys, becoming the ninth member. They all place their hands on top of the other, signifying the true birth of the alliance. The credits roll.

After the credits, four shadowy figures are seen, agreeing to create an alliance as a foil to the Good Guys. A name is decided: S.A.T.O.


"What's mine is yours. What's yours is mine. What's theirs... is ours. You in?"
"Why the hell wouldn't I be? We're gonna be f**king heroes! We're saving a goddamn country!"
-Oldham Road, Sherylannia

"You sure you wanna do this?"
"You already know the answer."
-White-Rose, Oldham Road

"You've got twenty four hours to move out. If not... you've chosen annihilation."

"Kneel before me, former FORSTers! I, Domas-Porada, am your new leader!"

"Trust me, this'll be to the Good Guys advantage. Marketplaces, meeting towers, the works. This place'll the biggest thing since Vagism!"
-Mushy Pea

"This isn't saving people! This is madness!"
"You know what? This barely affects your precious rationality! Get the hell out of my country!"
-I Know Better Than You, Oldham Road


Music Inspired by The Good Guys: The Movie

  1. 'Rogue Nation' - Rinceton Preview
  2. 'New World Order' - Vagina of the Bishop
  3. 'The Good vs. Selfish Notions' - The Gloria Monument
  4. 'Overlord Suite' - Geoffrey's Driver
  5. 'Strike on the Record' - Curvy Nelson
  6. 'Confessions of a Leader' - Voices
  7. 'Friction's Aurora' - Alarms
  8. 'Lights, Camera, Action; The World's Watching Now' - Starlight Trivia
  9. 'The Beat, The Victory' - Latin Soul
  10. 'A Kiss, A Love, A Touch, To War' - The Farewell Record
  11. 'Look Out! Bombs are A'Droppin'!' - Voyage Shark
  12. 'Ediroth's Reqiuem' - Shot Sign
  13. 'Panic in the Spectrum' - The Smiths feat. Allan Raneberg
  14. 'Rocking Out to the Sound of Democracy' - Wild Cheddar
  15. 'Whatever Happened to Sloth?' - Daft Twine
  16. 'Our Great Leader' - Freeway Section
  17. 'We Slept With The Director To Get Our Song on This Record' - The Underlings
  18. 'Figure in the Shadows' - New Rave Rangers
  19. 'Psychobilly Hero' - Dandy Can and The Strap Crow
  20. 'Rag Cube's Tribute to The Good Guys' - Rag Cube
  21. 'Objection! Hold It! Take That!' - Red Lorry, Yellow Lorry

The album is scheduled for release with the film, with the lead single being Rinceton Preview's Rogue Nation. Vagina of the Bishop will be releasing New World Order as a single, with half the proceeds going to help Vagism followers down on their luck.

The Good Guys: The Movie DVD

The DVD of the movie contains the following extras:

  • An interview with Steven Spielberg and Cameron McDermott
  • Commentary from Liam Neeson and Clive Owen
  • Music videos for both 'Rogue Nation' by Rinceton Preview and 'New World Order' by Vagina of the Bishop
  • '24 Hours to Move Out: The Making of The Good Guys: The Movie' featurette
  • 17 deleted scenes
  • 10 unused scenes
  • A blooper reel


The Good Guys: The Movie has been won the following awards.

Sherylannian Excellence in Film Awards 2007

  • Won: Best Film
  • Won: Best Actor (Liam Neeson)
  • Won: Best Actress (Gwyneth Paltrow)
  • Won: Best Supporting Actor (Clive Owen)
  • Won: Best Supporting Actress (Nicole Kidman)
  • Won: Best Villain (Joaquin Phoenix)
  • Won: Best Director (Steven Spielberg)
  • Won: Best Score


  • There was some confusion over the casting of Nintenduu 64, at one point, the character of Sloth from 'The Goonies' was offered 70,000 Sherris to play the part.
  • The movie's budget is rumoured to be around 20,000,000 Sherris.
  • The character of Sherylannia was originally to be played by Clive Owen. However, he soon left the project, and Ewan McGregor was given the part. Owen came back to beg for the part, and was reassigned the role.
  • It was rumoured that, after being approached to write a song for the film's soundtrack, lead singer of Rinceton Preview Ally Raneberg proceeded to write it whilst in a bath with 8 Sherylannian groupies in his hotel after a gig in Parodia, White-Rose, where they were on tour at the time.
  • The film was exported to Kanami. It is not known how the film was recieved.