Liberal Democratic Party of North Ahjeezistan

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Liberal Democratic Party
Liberal Democratic Party logo
Party Chairman Lady Senator Derentír, incumbent Leader of the Opposition
Senate Leader Lady Senator Derentír, incumbent Senate Minority Leader
House Leader The Hon. Marcel Greeley, incumbent House Minority Leader
Founded 11 November 19431
Headquarters 8 Arlington Street
Moss Bay
Political ideology Liberalism, Centre-right
International affiliation Liberal International
Color(s) Gold
Website [1]
1The exact date Virginia Halley founded the Liberal Democratic Party is uncertain, this is the date it first contested a general election.

The Liberal Democratic Party of North Ahjeezistan, better known as the Liberal Democrats and sometimes as the Lib Dems, is a major political party in North Ahjeezistan. It was founded by Virginia Halley on an unknown date, and contested the first North Ahjeezistan general election.


It only won one seat in the first election, Halley's, in Southwest North Ahjeezistan. They gained one seat in the 3rd general election, but lost all their seats in the Social Democratic landslide of the 4th general election. Halley defeated her 4th general election challenger in the 5th general election to win back her seat, but no other Liberal Democrat won a seat in the House of Commons (now the House of Represenatatives). In the 5th Parliament, Halley officially supported Lord McAlpin's Opposition to the Social Democrats under Lord Morrissey. When Lord McAlpin defeated Lord Morrissey in the 6th general election, Viringia Halley became Minister of Public Transportation, a post she retained even after the following general election, won by the Social Democrats. In the 6th general election, two other Liberal Democrats were elected. The 7th general election saw Lord McAlpin defeated by a returning Lord Morrissey, forcing the Liberal Democrats out of government, but also saw eight new Liberal Democrats elected. The party moved from a minor party to a more major one.

Throughout the rest of Lord Morrissey's premiership, two general elections on 19 October 2006 and 23 October 2006 the Liberal Democrats gained two seats, one in each. The party gained ground continuously. At the 10th general election, Halley was replaced as leader by Lord Rintiàr, who was at the next general election replaced by Lord Braunglen, who alinged the Liberal Democrats with the Liberal Conservative Opposition and moved to focus on wealthy or middle class urban areas that had long abandoned the Liberals and Conservatives but were not reliably left-wing. As the result of a series of by-elections, the Liberal Democrats gained seven more seats and Lord Hartley's Social Democrats lost their majority. Several Liberal Democrats served as ministers in Lord Terresond's government. They left this government to serve in the Social Democratic opposition of Lady Senator Simpson, which was elected in the following general election. This was the state of affairs until the 16th general election.

The Liberal Democrats left Lady Senator Simpson's government following a leftward shift in the Social Democratic Party. They replaced the remnants of the Liberal Conservative Party, the fiscally conservative Moderate Party of North Ahjeezistan and the socially conservative Popular Democratic Party of North Ahjeezistan as Official Opposition, and gained seats in the 17th general election, but not only lost a majority of their seats but their status as Official Opposition in the 18th general election, repalced by the Popular Democrats, due to the Vanderlin Affair. The task of rebuilding the party fell to Lord Madingley.

Under his leadership, the Liberal Democrats regained all their seats plus in the 19th general election, and won the 20th general election in coalition with the Moderates. He served another term and was replaced by Lord Arlen, who was defeated by Lord Tom Allen. The Liberal Democrats remained Official Opposition throughout Lord Tom Allen's term, until they were replaced by the Social Democrats themselves. After Lady Averley's short government, the Liberal Democrats went from Secondary Opposition to government in a landslide victory under Lord Arlonway. He served four terms until defeat in the 31st general elction, when he was defeated by Lady Graham. He was replaced as Liberal Democratic Leader by Chancellor of the Ginebaré Lord Hanning. In the 32nd general election, a new force on the right, the Conservatives, drew votes from the Liberal Democrats and enabled Lady Graham to continue on as Prime Minister. Lady Derentír, popular defence minister in Lady Graham's Cabinet, was elected to the Party leadership following Graham's re-election. Derentír was expected to defeat Graham, but the predicted upturn in Tiàrtír support for the Liberal Democrats did not materialize. The Social Democrats bested the Lib Dems, 107-100, with fifteen members for the fledgling Conservatives. The Liberal Democrats and Social Democrats entered a Grand Coalition for Lady Graham's third term; Lady Derentír became Chancellor of the Ginebaré. The Grand Coalition was broken by the Social Democrats' victory in the 34th general election, where they won exactly half the seats. The 35th general election saw a Liberal Democratic victory of ninety-seven seats with the Social Democrats (32 seats) as junior coalition partners. The thirty-fourth and fifth general elections also saw a surge in support for the far right Conservatives. Lady Derentír viewed (unknown outside Moss Hall) the Conservatives to be a threat to democracy. She changed the Constitution to allow for the creation of a Senate, with the Office of Representation Organization (headed by Liberal Democrat loyalist and Derentír confidante The Hon. Marcel Greeley) drawing the constituencies to disenfranchise the Conservatives. The thirty-sixth general election saw a Conservative victory in the House, but an artificial Liberal Democratic/Social Democratic victory in the Senate. The 37th general election, fought over the Conservatives' agressive foreign policy proposals regarding South Ahjeezistan and Lady Derentír now publicly known "Senate coup" saw the Liberal Democrats lose all but one of their seats in the House and all but one (Lady Derentír ran in a gerrymandered constituency and defeated her Conservative opponent, 50%-49%) in the Senate. They were badly defeated in the 38th general election by former anti-Nationalist ally Jane Urtír, but gained seats in the House. Longtime leader Lady Derentír's interal approval ratings hover barely above 50%, she intends to resign following the 39th general election. Her candidate for the leadership is [[Lord Greeley (North Ahjeezistani politician|Lord Greeley); his rival is Lady Thorne, a former leader during Lord Harcourt's ministry.

List of Leaders

List of Leaders

# Leader Parliament Highest Office Start of service End of service
1 (The Right Honourable) Lady Virginia Halley 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th Minister of Public Transportation 3 October 2006 24 October 2006
2 Lord Rintiàr 10th Minister of Aviation 24 October 2006 30 October 2006
3 Lord Braunglen 11th, 12th Member of Parliament 30 October 2006 7 November 2006
4 Lady Senator Simpson (Social Democrat) 13th, 14th, 15th Prime Minister of North Ahjeezistan 7 November 2006 16 November 2006
5 Lord Braunglen 16th, 17th, 18th Leader of the Opposition, Secretary of Workplace Relations 16 November 2006 20 November 2006
6 Lord Madingley 19th, 20th, 21st Prime Minister of North Ahjeezistan 20 November 2006 28 November 2006
7 Lord Arlen 22nd Prime Minister of North Ahjeezistan 28 November 2006 30 November 2006
8 Lord Doctrine (Moderate) 23rd Leader of the Opposition, UN Ambassador 30 November 2006 4 December 2006
9 Lord Hanning 24th Leader of the Opposition 4 December 2006 5 December 2006
10 Lord Tarry 25th Leader of the Opposition 5 December 2006 8 December 2006
11 Lord Arlonway 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th Prime Minister of North Ahjeezistan 8 December 2006 28 December 2006
12 Lord Hanning 31st Leader of the Opposition 28 December 2006 1 January 2007
13 Lady Derentír 32nd, 33rd, 34th, 35th, 36th, 37th, 38th Prime Minister of North Ahjeezistan 1 January 2007 Incumbent Leader

Its official song is Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing, an American civil rights song.