Western Asia

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Western Asia
Flag of Western Asia
Motto: "Idealist is just another way of saying Wrong"
No Map Available
Region Greater Israel
Capital Jerusalem (Federal),
Tel Aviv (Provincial, Is),
Tehran (Provincial, Ir),
Ankara (Provincial, Tu)
Official Language(s) English, Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, Turkish
Leader Chaim Benyamin
Population 3.8+ Billion
Currency New Israeli Shekel 
NS Sunset XML

The United States of Western Asia (Founded March 2003) is a massive human nation centered in the Middle East (of NS Earth) although it maintains territorial holdings throughout the world. The massive secular liberal nation includes numerous minority groups that practice an array of religions (including, most predominantly, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism). The strong Constitutional Federal Government (CFG, or Fed) operates as a coordinating body for the several large state-territories.
A powerful Navy-based military ensures the security of Western Asia and its various interests although the nation usually refrains from entering many alliances and groups that, in the view of the USWA, tend to only lead to more conflicts. A fairly isolationist policy is tempered by the wide geographical reach of the nation and Western Asia has been known to engage in major conflicts from time to time, although the strength of its military force tends to limit the duration of such conflicts.

A Nation's History

Birth of a Supernation

(A Historical Prologue)

The seed of Western Asia was Israel at the turn of the 21st Century. A cascade of power shifts in the region soon lead to a major confligration, at the end of which stood the victorious Israel, now several times larger and a feared regional influence.

Seeds of Change

The new powers within the PLO/PA (Palestinian Authority) after the death of Yassir Arafat were unable to create a stable government due to financial troubles and the interference of several terrorist groups, including Hezbollah, Hamas (both foreign-supported terrorist groups), and the Al Aksa Brigade (a radical splinter group from the PLO) among others. A campaign against these groups by the few loyal PA Security Personnel left under the new Palestinian Government's control ended disastrously as the fighting soon devolved to open civil war reminiscient of the Lebanese Civil war. The PA government, previously rejected by many of the militant groups for being to "concilatory" towards Israel, was forced to negotiate a hasty peace agreement with Israel (which sat similarly to the 2000 negotiations between Arafat, Ehud Barak, and the Clinton Administration in the USA) in order to get the Israelis to give the PA "operating room" and, the PA claimed, to "grant legitimacy" to the PA government. The terrorist groups soon managed to seize control of the entirety of the Gaza Strip, even repelling an incursion by Egyptian infantry forces called in at the behest of the PA government. The West Bank was at first a better situation; Jordanian forces soon entered to back up the PA forces against the terrorist groups. But the initial high hopes were soon dashed--Hezbollah forces from Lebanon and Syria attacked Jordan with heavy equipment (including tanks, old Soviet MiGs, and artillery teams). This attack forced Jordan to deal with domestic issues and many soldiers in the West Bank were withdrawn to face the new threat and the PA government was soon crippled by a string of car bombings and suicide attacks that killed dozens of top PA authorities including the President and Prime Minister of the fledgling state. Hamas was soon in charge of the entirety of the new Republic of Palestine.

Israel Strikes Back

Seeing this situation, Israel announced that the previous treaties were voided, since the government that they had negotiated with was dissolved. As The Western Media made the apparent Israeli threat a new sensational event, which overshadowed the fact that Syrian regulars had reportedly joined the Hezbollah forces in Jordan. Several Jordanian Palestinian military units deserted and joined forces with the invaders...including one infantry company stationed in Amman that raided King Abdullah II's Palace and the seat of the National Assembly, where they killed the Royal family and any moderate or loyalist officials and representatives they could find, which left several radical fringe groups in control of the National Assembly. This new Jordanian government soon allowed itself to be annexed to Syria, which simultaneously annexed Lebanon. As US and Iraqi forces were rushed to the Iraqi border to encourage Syria to step down, Israel let loose in the West Bank.

The Knesset announced that they had passed legislation annexing the West Bank and Gaza, declaring that the chaotic militant government "unable to operate properly as a national body." Infantry and Armored formations rushed into the West Bank and Gaza. Any civilians found were removed to "housing camps" in the Negev or were bussed to the Egyptian border and deported. The Naval Corps initiated a blockade and began to bombard the fledgling PA naval installations and, in doing so, destroyed several cargo ships that were carrying heavy weapons to Hamas (from Iran) and Hezbollah (from Syria). Over a dozen other ships were also intercepted and major military systems (including artillery pieces, light tanks, and armored vehicles...as well as hundreds of tons of munitions) were discovered aboard them. Useable systems were rushed into IDF use while others were collected and destroyed or were cannibalized for spare parts.

The IDF sweep had caught the terrorist groups off-guard and by the end of the week they had mostly been driven out of the West Bank. Some moderate Palestinian families were allowed to remain but the rest of the former "Occupied Territories" had become ghost towns. Hardline Hasidic groups soon moved in to occupy the new lands and even urged the government to move into Jordan, which had been a part of the original British Mandate (and so was offered as a part of the Jewish state by the Balfour Declaration).

Meanwhile, as had happened during the previous Arab-Israeli wars, Jewish volunteers from abroad began to arrive and enlist in the IDF. Israel also secretly pulled strings in Russia, India, and China to obtain dozens of new armored vehicles, strike aircraft, and helicopters (not always by official routes, as it was reported that most of the Russian equipment came through black market negotiations). These vehicles were placed in service at the same time as the seized munitions, which helped hide the Sino-Indio-Russian involvement.


A number of Western European governments objected vehemently to the Israeli actions, but the Israeli government, after years of abuse, announced that it would withdraw from the UN if sanctions were placed against it. Furthermore, the hardline conservative US government used its veto power to protect Israel in the Security Council, where it instead tried to focus debates on the Syrian expansions in Jordan and Lebanon. The terrorists were forced to flee into Egypt and the former Jordanian Territories. Many of the civilians that remained were happy to be freed of the terrorist influence although they often opposed the harsh treatment the Israelis had delivered to their fellow, more radical, palestinian fellows. Several hundred thousand Arab Muslims fled to other countries when the IDF had run through the Territories in their anti-terrorist sweeps.

Although Syrian propoganda played against the Israeli actions, no attack on the newly expanded Israel was taken...yet. Syria had to deal with unifying its new territories and organizing a new army. Meanwhile, Syrian intelligence agents plotted against the Egyptian government and established connections with Al Qaeda and other "insurgent" groups in Iraq. The remnant Hamas and Hezbollah forces (the Al Aksa group was almost completely destroyed by the IDF raids) regrouped in Syrian Jordan, Egypt, and Syrian Lebanon and began to orchestrate raids against Israeli towns.

New Threats

The cross-border skirmishes between IDF forces and these groups eventually escalated to tremendous highs. The Arab hosts of these countries were bound to their words of support for the groups and moderates were also afraid of becoming targets themselves after anti-terrorist politicians in these countries were murdered and the Syrian government had promoted hardliners to high positions. The Syrian agents in Egypt teamed up with crack Hamas strike teams to stage a raid on the People's Assembly, Advisory Council, and President Mubarak's offices. Again, radicals soon emerged in the top governmental positions. Within days, the governments of Syria and Egypt announced the "rebirth" of the United Arab Republic, which had dissolved prior to the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. Israel increasingly used special forces teams to conduct raids against Hamas and Hezbollah camps in the Sinai, in Jordan, and in Lebanon. UN observers in the Golan repeated the actions of the UN observers in the Sinai (c. 1967) and withdrew at the request of the Syrians. A meeting of the Arab League degenerated into a "propogandathon" as the UAR (holding the seats of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt collectively) tried to rile up support against Israel. More than once, the UAR maneuvered armored forces around the border zone and UAR fighters and reconnaissance aircraft conducted incursions along the Israeli Air Defense Zone, leading to a couple of downed arab aircraft once Israel began placing F-15 and F-16 fighters on Combat Air Patrols in the region.

EU and US negotiations with the UAR broke down and the UAR declared that it would never recognize the "Zionist blight" or allow peace agreements. A UN regional weapons embargo was soon established, but that did little to improve matters. The US secretly allowed Israel to receive several shipments of tanks, aircraft, and other materiel formerly destined for states absorbed by the UAR. Several commercial US, Chinese, and Indian firms were contracted to deliver the parts as "food aid" and "medical supplies" (many of the shipments actually contained these supplies to foil UN opposition. France, Iran, Libya, and Sudan also worked secretly against the UN embargo with Libya and Sudan even donating an infantry division or two to the Egyptian forces.

A Second Six Days of War

The stress, skirmishes, and stand-offs soon broke into full warfare. Almost a repeat of the 1967 war, Joradano-Syrian forces tried to push in from the north with major Egyptian support from the south (including the proxy forces that had effectively seized the Sinai). The IAF ran hundreds of strike missions daily, with pilots running long days with little sleep between missions. The Mossad Signals Intelligence group managed to intercept the UAR battle plans and information about their militaries, which allowed the IAF to repeat its raids on the Egyptian air force, which was effectively wiped out by the end of the first day of combat. Syrian air units in Lebanon and Jordan met the same fate, although some units within Syria managed to escape thanks to heavy air defense arrays within Syria proper.

By the time the dust settled less than a week later, Israeli forces had pushed deep into the territory of their enemies.

Southern Command forces seized the Sinai Peninsula and the Suez Canal from Egypt, killing most of the terrorist and proxy Egyptian forces in the area, and had also taken most of Southern Jordan. A coup by "moderate" forces and subsequent negotiations ended that war inside of 3 days. Central Command forces took over the rest of Jordan. CentCom's armored corps and infantry units (including many reservists) pushed into northern Jordan and central Jordan, which severed the communications and supply lines for Syrain units in the territory. The chaotic responses of the UAR-loyal Jordanian and Syrian units were fended off and thousands of POWs were taken in subsequent actions. Materiel was either destroyed or pressed into Israeli service. Millions of Arabs fled East to Iraq and Saudi Arabia or north to Syria, tens of thousands of Arab soldiers (including hastily-arranged "irregular" units) were killed in the fighting and due to Israeli artillery and aerial strikes. The officials of the UAR were arrested or killed by the invading Israeli forces.

In spite of all of the successes of the other commands, the Northern Command was able to stun the world and set itself apart. That force was able to seize almost all of Lebanon and the vast majority of Syria before the end of the week, when Israel declared victory over the UAR. In the end, Israel's territory spanned from the southern border of Turkey in the north to several kilometers past the the Suez Canal in the south and eastward to the tip of Jordan (and within Syria to Aleppo and the northern bit of the Euphrates and straight to the south of that point).

This massive turn of events, which was rather appropriately dubbed the "2nd Six Day War,” was only concluded when Syria, the remnants of the Lebanese and Jordanian governments, and Egypt (the UAR was officially disbanded by the third day of war) signed not just cease-fire agreements as they had during previous wars but full peace agreements that established Israel as the legal holder of most gained territories. The disgraced Syrian and Egyptian governments received a few hundred square kilometers of land that the IDF’s commanders determined was unnecessary. The remnant Syrian territory was flooded with Arab refugees of Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. Egypt and Saudi Arabia had to face a massive wave of forced immigration thanks to a new Israeli policy of deporting Arab families with strong ties to religious and political radicals.

While faced with official objections from France, and Germany and several of the remaining Arab powers Israel stood strong and the Knesset announced plans to formally annex most of the newly obtained territories. But unlike in 1967, there was not going to be anyone who would offer to support the Arabs against Israel: the Soviet Union was long gone and few powers were interested in testing the strength of the now well-proven IDF forces. While many millions of Arab Muslims were displaced by this war, many remained in their homes and found that the new government was both more liberal and a better provider than their old government. Jurisprudence, Civil Liberties, and a relative lack of corruption attracted many and eased the transition of government. While some Guerilla and terrorist groups fought steadfastly against the occupying forces, they were all killed, captured, or had fled by the end of the first year or two. These new territories were soon united under the nation of Western Asia, each old country was given its own province of control and, after about a decade, a degree of self-governance. --- It's all well and good but this sounds like fiction written by a hardline pro-Isreali author. If you really expect the Turkish (don't forget the rest of the Arab world; especially Saudi Arabia) with their armed forces to just surrender to Israeli rule? Reality check please.

New Horizons

(the life of WA in NationStates)


Additional Information

Western Asia's Contributions to the World of NationStates

  • Introduced Trimaran Warships to NS, commercialized and sold units
  • First nation to develop, use, and sell MTHEL and Navalized MTHEL (NMTHEL) systems
  • First to introduce/develop/use several other cutting-edge RL technologies and systems in the NationStates world
  • Established first dedicated "storefront" on NationStates, focusing on the sale of Trimaran warships.

(There are also some others, but I forget them)

International Organizational and Treaty Affiliations (Past and Present)

Western Asian Domains

(Provinces, Transshipment Points, Foreign Bases, and Controlled Areas)

Notes on Access Rights:
WA is generally very open about opening its bases and ports to friendly nations and some groups (including formerly the Ur Trade Pact, Delta Triumvirate, and others), have enhanced rights to house forces there with approval. The Zion Pact and Delta Triumvirate have pretty much open access to all WA bases and territories (secret facilities open to only Delta Triumvirate with some top-level facilities opened to others on a special basis).

Western Asia (Provinces and Major Territories)

Province of Israel
(Major National Province. Inclusive of Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Central and Western Syria (to Turkey Province), and the Sinai Peninsula (with Suez Canal and other territories extending about 40mi past the Canal and down along the coast of the Gulf of Suez.).)
Also port for other Grand Fleets and Devastator Squadrons during major overhauls and repair operations. Home port for all of the IDF's forces and the main location for Western Asia's hundreds of millions of people. The origin of Western Asia was in the state of Israel proper (now known simply as Israel or Israel Province) and centuries have allowed it to expand to the world power that it is today, with bases in every hemisphere and on almost every continent. The IDF's Air Corps and Army Corps are almost exclusively dedicated to protecting this territory and the neighboring Turkey province. Control of the Suez Canal ensures access for WA allies between the Indian Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Home to the 1st and 12th (Coast Guard Prime Fleet/Navy National Guard Prime Fleet) Grand Fleet of the IDF's Naval Corps and the 7th Amphibious Assault Ready Group.

Province of Turkey
(Major National Province. Inclusive of Turkey and Turkish Cyprus.)
Rights of access to limited airbases granted to Garrison, general port and airbase access rights extended to allied nations. Turkey is also home to several major economic and cultural centers of Western Asia. Control and defense of the strategic economic passage between the Mediterranean and Black Seas is a major issue and the Dardanelles and Bosphorus are well guarded by local National Guard and Coast Guard facilities, with some assistance from IDF Army, Marine, Air, and Naval Corps. Home to the 2nd and 3rd Grand Fleets of the IDF's Naval Corps and the 6th Amphibious Assault Ready Group.

SE Corner of Ellesmere Island
Mostly a Naval Way station in the North Atlantic. Also includes airfields but a very limited number of personnel (Spaam controls the majority of the territory as we granted him the portion that was ours with the exception of the military facilities). The extensive natural sites nearby make this territory a very popular tourist attraction and a prime site for naturalists to study arctic environments. An arctic combat/survival school is located in this territory. Granted "held territory status." Home to the 8th Grand Fleet of the IDF's Naval Corps. A dedicated force of icebreaking cutters and submarines are placed here as well.

Malta (Province of Malta)
Islands and ports of Malta, the naval base and civilian facilities take up the major portion of Malta not filled by civilian residences and/or nature and archeological reserves. A major way station for WA patrol fleets and a base for the IDF's Air Corps Strategic Conventional Bomber Wings. Granted "National Province" status. Civilian population is largely independent of the military operations and enjoy similar privileges to the citizens of the Pacific Islands Province. No major fleet is permanently based here although a division of the Coast Guard maintains a defensive flotilla.

Guam, Midway, and Wake Island Groups (Pacific Islands Province)
These islands are collectively granted "National Province" status as a unified province. These island chain bases are essentially for forward deployed Grand Fleets and Amphibious Assault Ready Groups. Large runways and good storage facilities allow these bases to receive and maintain even the massive PelicanULTRA transport aircraft and transport ships up to the size of a "super tanker." These bases use aerial and naval resupplies to establish stores of oil, ammunition, provisions, and spare parts. Each island group hosts an airwing or two, a marine garrison, and a small naval defensive force (mostly smaller patrol craft). Civilian populations are a mix of natives of the islands (naturalized citizens) and the families of soldiers based permanently at the camp. The civilian population is provided with full health and medical benefits, subsidized housing, and a great deal of local governmental autonomy. Education for all citizens on these territories is similarly provided at a high quality and no additional costs. These islands are home to the 10th and 11th Grand Fleets of the IDF's Naval Corps and the 1st Amphibious Assault Ready Group.

NOTES: The Pacific Islands Province territory was originally gained from Fik and in independent operations.
Matich has a naval station granted on Wake, California and Alaska and Menelmacar are both granted unlimited open port rights to land, refuel, and resupply at any of these bases.
These islands have signed free trade agreements (limited tariffs) with a NAFTA group for trading in the northern parts of the Western Hemisphere.

St. Helena, Canary, Madeira, and Azores Island groups (Atlantic Islands Province)
These islands are collectively granted "National Province" status as a unified province. Permanent, but small, bases exist on the St. Helena group. The Madeira and Azores groups are formally a part of Western Asia while some of the Canary islands are now under the control of other powers. Civilian populations exist on the Canary, Madeira, and Azores islands as well as the military forces. These islands are home to the 7th Grand Fleet of the IDF’s Naval Corps and the 2nd Amphibious Assault Ready Group.

Province of Iran
(Major National Province. Inclusive of Iran, Northern Afghanistan, and parts of Kashmir.)
Gained in a massive military stabilization effort launched in response to the sudden collapse of the central Daylam government. The Daylami forces had fallen away to warlords and bands of militias ordered about by organized crime figures and former local commanders. A strong political movement arose among right wing politicians in Western Asia against the idea of a Balkanized Iran with dozens of minor, competing states that would have nuclear missiles and their production facilities. Northern Afghan & Kashmir (which included parts of the former nation of Pakistan) were handed over to Western Asia by a former Daylami commander who was battling another Kashmir-seeking power when the Daylam Empire collapsed. Political officials have been working steadily towards establishing Northern Afghanistan & Kashmir as an independent state with strong trade and political relations with Western Asia, although NAK would not actually be a part of the USWA. Iran, however, has been established as the third "Major National Province" of Western Asia and is known as the "Province of Iran" along with the "Province of Israel" and the "Province of Turkey."

NOTE: A "Major National Province" (MNP) is more of a classification term than a political title. Each MNP is a collection of several states and/or territories that are each given a weighted voice in the CFG's High Congress. Each MNP has a Lower Congress (as well as a system of localized courts) that deals with the cooperation issues between the states of that MNP. A "National Province" (NP) is a significantly large, important, or long-held territory that has been granted a level of self-governance only slightly beneath that of the MNPs.

Foreign Bases
(not necessarily whole territories)

Australia (several locations)
In Mega Tau and The Evil Overlord territory. Gained in negotiated deals for similar access in Western Asia proper and at various island territories abroad. WA-constructed port and airstrip facilities allow for large shipments and major established infrastructure allow this base to be a major center of operations in the region. Home to the 5th Grand Fleet of the IDF's Naval Corps and the 3rd Amphibious Assault Ready Group.

SE South Africa
This base in rural Sniper Country territory includes constructed port and airstrip facilities allow for medium/large shipments but shipping transport capabilities are limited due to the small size of the port facilities. No longer used for major forces as a home port.

Antsiranana, Madagascar
A major base sits just outside of this city. WA-constructed port and airstrip facilities allow for medium/large shipments and have sections specifically built for use by Madagascar’s civilian population. The base was built in support of Beth Gellert operations in support of the Madagascar government in Antananarivo and maintains facilities for the training and deployment of native Police and Military forces. WA forces regularly assist in defensive patrols of the island nation and have donated major equipment to the Republic of Madagascar and are employed in the training of the People’s Armed Forces, Gendarmerie, and Presidential Security Regiment. Liaison offices are present in several cities and a significant marine garrison is placed at the WA Embassy in Antananarivo. The base is home to the 6th Grand Fleet of the IDF’s Naval Corps and the 4th Amphibious Assault Ready Group.

Cienfuegos, Cuba
WA-improved port and airstrip facilities in this major city are employed as a base for ongoing stability and peace-keeping operations. WA-provided services are employed in improving national infrastructure and support systems. Defensive coordination efforts and training programs are in effect. An extended-term lease agreement has been signed for the port and air traffic rights. The base is home to the 9th Grand Fleet of the IDF’s Naval Corps and the 5th Amphibious Assault Ready Group.

Mombasa, Kenya
Minor WA Marine Garrison and ship servicing facility exist on a leased dock in the port of this major city. IDF personnel train Kenyan army, navy, and air force. Defense Aid Package (DAP) provides Kenya with WA-produced systems for subsidized costs including, most recently, the Blue Knight-class Littoral Combat Ship and the F-16 Block 60/62. IDF personnel also assist in counter-narcotics naval operations and limited combat operations against the "Lord's Resistance Army" near the Ugandan border.

Camp Masada(aka too damn close to Arda).
Located bout 1100mi east of Melkor Unchained. A significant base on a small island that appreciates good facilities as well as good natural and enhanced ports. During Coalition War, Camp Masada served as a friendly base in the Region for Coalition forces. Used as a way station for naval patrols, only minor defensive naval forces are permanently stationed here.

Locations of Granted Port and Supply Loading Rights

Military Information and References

Basic Organization The official military force of the United States of Western Asia (herein known as "WA" or the "USWA") is the IDF (Israel Defense Force), which is divided into several Corps. These Corps are overall divisions by the central focus, purpose, and means of the constituent commands and departments.

IDF Organization

  • Naval Corps (IDF-NC): in charge of all combat naval operations
    • Coast Guard Command (NC/CGC)
    • Naval Defense Command (NC/NDC)
  • Marine Corps (IDF-MC): the premier combat operations group for Western Asian operations launched from the sea and at locations other than WA proper.
    • Marine Air Command (MC/MAC)
    • Marine Ground Command (MC/MGC)
    • Marine Sea Command (MC/MSC)
  • Air Force (IDF-AF,aka IAF): deals with conventional airforce operations including strategic and space commands
    • Strategic Bomber Command (AF/SBC)
    • Space Defense Command (AF/SDC)
    • Air Defense Command (AF/ADC)
    • Reserve Air Command (AF/RAC)
  • Army Corps (IDF-AC): primarily tasked with defending WA and its territories although select units are sometimes called up for combat duty in major operations.
    • National Guard Command (AC/CGC)
    • Land Combat Command (AC/NCC)
  • Special Operations Command (IDF-SOCOM)
    • Command Group
    • Operational Group
    • Transport Group
    • Command Group
  • Support Corps (IDF-SC)
    • Strategic Mobility Command (IDF-SMC): primarily tasked with general military materiel and personnel transport operations as well as supplying IDF bases at home and abroad with proper and sufficient supplies.
  • IDF Central Materiel Development Corps (IDF-CMDC)
    • Product Research and Development Authority (CMDC/PRDA)
  • Magen David Adom (civilian Red Cross Branch, disaster relief Command operates on military resources)
    • Disaster Relief Command