The Melanesian Islands

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The Melanesian Islands
Flag of The Melanesian Islands
Motto: Pecunia in arbotis non crescit
Region Carteria - Southern Carteria
Capital Fortuna Bay
Official Language(s) Melanesian, English
Leader Michal Pogorzelski
Population 500 - 1 000 million
Currency principo 
NS Sunset XML

Basic facts

The Melanasian Islands is an archipelago under the suzerainty of the country, Uzbekistan and Solomon.

  • Type of government - Civil Rights Lovefest
  • Civil rights - Excellent
  • Economy - Very Strong
  • Political freedoms - Superb
  • GDP - $10 358 000 000 000 (11.8% of Carteria's GDP)
  • GDP per capita - $27 065
  • tax rate - 40%
  • national animal - Melanesian tiger


The economy of The Melanesian Islands is increasingly diverse. It, along with Uzbekistan and Solomon, is the economical powerhouse of the lower Carterian continent. Economy is mostly based on tourism and its offshoot - gambling, located in many of the resort towns that dot the major eight islands. Also important are trout farming, which is based on the main island, and woodchip exports, as the woodchips from the forestry industries of the Islands pass through the gigantic port installations in Fortuna Bay.


Early History

The Melanesian Islands were first inhabited around 200 BC by tribal groups of Solomonese descent. These early islanders were, for the most part, left alone for nearly two millenia. Then, during the Carterian Renaissance, the Islands became a haven for political exiles from all parts of Carteria. Aristocrats and intellectuals from Hammer2026, Mindus and Holyboy and the 666s, among others, came to the Islands and helped create the intelligent, opulent society that exists there today.


Uzbekistan and Solomon leased the Islands for 500 years in the early 19th century, for the price of 10 000 principos a year, an ungodly sum of money in those days. Now, the Islands are an autonomous nation, and Uzbekistan and Solomon manages their most important political affairs.

Recent History

After the Renaissance, immigration into The Melanesian Islands was restricted, but millions of immigrants still pour into the islands annualy, creating dynamic new cities and expanding existing ones. After the disastrous "suburban experiments" of the 1950s, the government hired a full-time team of city planners to efficiently manage the growth of metropolitan centres. Melanesian cities are now the envy of much of the world, for their ingenious architecture, transit infrasturcture and land distribution.

Looking Ahead

As the 21st century dawns in The Melanesian Islands, islanders - immigrants and natives alike - prepare to face the challenges the future holds, and are ready to overcome obstacles in their traditional, steadfast way.


The Melanesian Islands are made up of eight inhabited islands and hundreds of tiny, uninhabitable shoals and atolls off the coast of Carteria. The main island is Great Melanesian Is., which is also the largest. Seven other islands are also important to the country, and all are connected by ferry service, as well as airplane service.


The Lease-Owned Federation of The Melanesian Islands is ruled as an autonomous nation within the Holy Empire of Uzbekistan and Solomon. The city of Fortuna Bay is the local centre of jurisdiction, while the courts and higher government offices are located in Tashmara, Uzbekistan and Solomon.


While most diplomatic relationships are managed in Tashmara by Uzbekistan and Solomon, there are several consulates in Fortuna Bay, along Elm Street:

  • Consulate of The Republic of Hammer2026: 14 Elm Street
  • Consulate of The Confederacy of Gwan Chimone: 89 Elm Street
  • Consulate of The United Socialist States of Mindus: 123 Elm Street
  • Consulate of The Democratic Republic of Sapphire Coast: 82 Elm Street


Party to the Carterian Pact.


Citizens of The Melanesian Islands enjoy a very high quality of life, and have acess to a variety of domestic and international goods and services. The Islands' major airport, numerous regional airports and ship ports aid in the free flow of goods in and out of the country. Free market mentality is more widespread here than in the suzerain, Uzbekistan and Solomon.

Citizens also have very extensive civil and political rights, sometimes reaching excessive levels. This proves that the Lease-Owned Federation still keeps a very different identity from its suzerain, who lead a less libertarian lifestyle.