The Proletariat World

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The Proletariat World
Flag of The Proletariat World
Motto: "Give me Equality, or give me Death"
Region The United Region of Friends
Capital Marx
Official Language(s) English and Spanish
 - Prime Minister Right Honourable Hamish Paul Wilson
 - Governing Party The Communist Party of the Proletariat World
 - Leader of the Opposition Honourable Paul Brownshead
Population 1.686 billion (As of November 2 2007)
Currency Terra 
NS Sunset XML

The Communist States of The Proletariat World (commonly abbreviated TPW) is a Democratic Country, currently residing in the United Region of Friends. It is the Minister For Trade, Aid, Development & Environment in the United Region of Friends Regional Government.


Neo-PCR Coup of October 2007

On October 9 2007 a group called the Neo-PCR tried to take over The Proletariat World. The Neo-PCR were once members of the Pro Capitalist Rebels, but disagreed with forming a new country. Instead, they continued doing terrorist activities against TPW. Nothing was known about this group, until they attacked and overthrew the Government. They than declared Dictatorship. Meanwhile, TPW Forces were regrouping at Engels Island.

With the Combined strength of TPW Forces and troops from Bushkin First Nation and Terran Inhabitants, the Capital was quickly retaken. Communist Party and Liberal Democratic Party Supporters also fought, a rare show of unity between the two Partys. By October 10 2007, almost all the Neo-PCR were in TPW's Prison on Engels Island. Five manageds to escape to Work Damn you Work, but were captured by Moosemen.

250 people died during the Coup. Most of the deaths were Neo-PCR, but 25 TPW soldiers died, mostly during the overthrow of the government. One civilian also died, he was trying to start a Rebel movement to retake the Capital. The Neo-PCR captured were tried on October 31 2007. They were found guilty, and sentenced to life in prison.

Politics and Government

The Proletariat world is a Democracy with 42 seats in its Parliament. During the Last Election (January 16 2007) The Communist Party of the Proletariat World won 36 seats, and the Liberal Democratic Party won 6 seats. Historically there was a third party (The Capitalist Party), but they turned into the Terrorist group Pro Capitalist Rebels. The PCR later left The Proletariat world to form there own Nation.

The leader of The Communist Party of the Proletariat World (Right Honorable Hamish Paul Wilson) is currently TPW's Prime Minister. Paul Brownshead (Leader of The Liberal Democratic party) is the leader of the Opposition.

Military and Police

The Proletariat World Army, known as the Red Defense Army, has its headquarters at The Science and Military base of Engels Island. The Government has not said how much troops it has, but says it is very low. The Police of the Proletariat world are a Sub-group of the Army. It has one prison on Engels Island, with only 200 inmates.

Science and Technology

The Proletariat World has an advanced Science Lab, located at The Science and Military base of Engels Island. It employs over 500 Scientists. Also important is the The Proletariat Word Museum of Natural History, located in Marx. It has many specimens of Prehistoric and Modern day Animals (Mostly donated) from all over the United Region of Friends.

The Proletariat World Government created the FOSS Development Team, which develops Free Open Source Software, such as PUnix a Operating System using the Linux kernel. It is used on all Government Computers, and most other Computers in TPW.

News and Media

The Proletariat World has one News Service, TPW News. Though paid for by the Government, its is owned and operated independently. It is the only service in TPW that is not owned by the Goernment. The Prime Minister of The Proletariat World, Right Honourable Hamish Paul Wilson say that "We let it operate independently so it can not be accused of being biased in the Governments favour, because it is not controlled by the Government".

The Government Operates four Television stations, and four Radio Stations. A Television station is paired to a Radio station. Surveys find that the Television and Radio Station with the most listeners and viewers are TV Marx and Radio Marx. All Television stations and Radio stations at 6:00 PM broadcast TPW News.

External Links

The Proletariat World on Nation States

The United Region of Friends
UN Delegate: My Political Arm,([[]])
Vice-President: Edward City,(Jack Stanton)
Other Ministers: Minister for Transport and the Envirnment: // | Minister for Trade, Aid, & Development: The Proletariat world | Minister For International Courts, Law & Justice: Terran Inhabitants (Graham Lawrence Wilson)
Other Nations: Work Damn you Work | Archedon(dissolved) | Bessarbia | Biker Isle(ceased to exist) | Edward City | Falksea Islands(moved to the UIN) | Fuchu Daiichi | Gilamot | Insert States Here | Insomnia Island | Insomnia State Prison | Machinegunelephant | My Political Arm | Naanyaar | New Conemaugh(ceased to exist) | Newest Soviet Union | Papa Muerte | Plicks | Saxonburgh | Seyda | The Pink Milk | Vikain | Wyzus-Jackus-Horssisus | Zingatan
Laws: High Declarations of the United Region of Friends , Laws of the United Region of Friends , Constitution of The United Region of Friends
Bills: List of Bills approved by the URF Delegate
Military : URF Military Co-Ordination Task Force
Major Historic Moments: Edward City 2025 Zombie Outbreak