Derin Lume

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Derin Kavaan Lume
Spoken Languages Riikan, English, Quenya
Birth Kel-Sansu-Dan Nujaan, 560BDE
Species/Race Kajali
Title Ambassador
Active Era 12BDE Onward
Marital Status Single
Portrayed By Unknown

Unrelated to former Ambassador Jeran Lume, Derin Kavaan Lume was born in Shalbatana, Kajal Mars, and pursued a career of law in Kajal Mars up until shortly before the Democratic Revolution. Described as "One of Kajal Mars' finest diplomats," he was granted an Ambassadorial position in 12BDE, from which he worked primarily in the negotiations with Kajal towards a permanent ceasefire (Though at the time, none was signed). When the Democratic Revolution occured, he travelled to Kajal much as the majority of the Duchess' staff had, and was appointed Ambassador to Mars.

Derin Lume is openly bisexual, and currently unattached.

flagsmall.gif Her Imperial Majesty's Federated Imperium of the Four Worlds and Territories of Kajal
Main articles: Kajal, Kajal Mars
Leaders: Dajal I, Dajal II, Derin Kavar, Lirella Keral
Important Persons: Derin Lume, Ilosse Zherka, Ilunaia Keral-Kavar, Iu, Sala Maraan, Sera Merala, Vierun Muraan Jiraga Shenar, Illaan Soryaan
Currency and Language: Kajali Galac, Riikan Language
Other articles within Category:Kajal