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DersconiFlag.jpg DersconiCoatofArms.jpg
Flag of Derscon Coat of Arms
Королевство рая, За временем и природой
National Anthem: Боже, Царя храни
Population 7.021 Billion
GDP $318,296,766,928,741.63
Region Greater Prussia
Language Dersconi, Russian, English, German
Capital Rekjyavich-Andropov Military City
Largest City Drakongrad
Homeworld Earth/Kæsþiöndhrímir
Government Type Divine Right Monarchy
Leaders Tsar Xavier Alexeitovich II, Andropov House
Date of Foundation October 21, 2003
Currency Tsar Rouble



The government of Derscon is predominantly a Divine Right Monarchy. However, in reality, the Dersconi government is a complex mix of feudalism, federalism, republicanism, democracy, and monarchy. A general rule of thumb is that the larger the constitutency, the more autocractic the governance. At the local level, direct democracy is often found, especially in the north, where the tribal ways of living are still present. At the provincial level, a form of parliamentary monarchy is most likely to be found. At the State level, the royalty is well-present, all but two states being ruled by nobles that answer to the Tsar. Of course, at the Imperial level, it is the Tsar.

The Imperial government reigns supreme over all other decisions, and supercedes all other forms of law. The nobility of Derscon is not answerable to the normal law. Instead, a special court system and law code is established for the nobility. The Tsar, however, is outside all jurisdiction -- be it local, provincial, state, Imperial, or international.

Derscon does not hold any international law or court system to be binding in Derscon.

Current Government

Imperator: Xavier Alexeitovich Andropov II

Chancellor: (currently vacant)

The Cabinet

  • Minister of Foreign Affairs: Zheleztsolupp Kabanov
  • Minister of State Security: Yuri Golovko
  • Minister of Defence: Imperial Marshal (ret.) Sir Arthur Wellesley
  • Minister of Justice: Kosar Beria
  • Minister of Finance: Alyanov Grennavich
  • Minister of Culture: Charles Camile Sant-Saëns

Foreign Policy

For the most part, The Divine Prussian Empire has never been an out-going nation in terms of foreign policy. However, since the reign of Tsar Alexei Alexandrovich Andropov XIV, Derscon has taken a much more open stance towards the rest of the world, while still maintaining a relative distrust to those nations not associated with the Empire itself.

The Divine Prussian Empire of Derscon generally classifies all nations under one of the following categories, in order from closely related to utterly despised:

The Greater Prussian Empire

(See: Greater Prussia)

The nations of The Greater Prussian Empire recieve the closest benefits of the Dersconi Empire. All Prussian nations, along with the mandatory Free Trade and mutual defence pacts, recieve Most Favoured Nation status. Also, all citizen travel restrictions are suspended, save the need for a passport. All Prussian leaders have their own private suites in the Grand Kremlin Palace, and most Prussian leaders own estates in Derscon somewhere.

Quadrafectum of the Welschmerz Terran Federation

The Quadrafectum of WTF is an alliance between Derscon, The Cassatopian Galaxy, and Czardas, with a recent addition of Allanea. WTF members recieve all the benefits of the Prussian nations, save MFN status, and the private suites. Also, Allied Visas are required for entry, but are relatively easy to obtain.



The IOI is a relatively secret organization helped founded by Derscon.

(more later upon declassification)

Treaty Alliances

(This article is subject to my OOC memory, which is about as good as a goldfish's)

"Treaty Alliances" refers to alliances forged by nations through treaties of some sort. Treaty alliances can be from the all-encompassing to simply the free trade agreement and/or an embassy exchange.

General Alliance

Free Trade Agreements

Embassy Exchange

Non-Allied Nations

The majority of the nations of the universe fall here. Most nations Derscon has never interacted with, therefore doesn't care one way or another about them. However, some do grab the attention of the Empire, and usually not in a good way. However, very few nations ever actually do enough stupid things to make it on Derscon's blacklist.

General Animosity

"General Animosity" is a category that expresses distaste for the nation, but any action taken would be as effective as a UN Resolution.

The Blacklist

The blacklist is the list of those nations that, upon mention, bring a nasty taste into the mouth of a Dersconi. These are nations that most Dersconis wouldn't even blink if they suddenly went away.