List of Valerian Rulers

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The Valerian Empire is a monarchy, and has been for centuries. There are a total of 81 rulers that have so far ascended to the throne of the country. Each Dynasty is named after the House of the Family that happens to be seated on the throne. For example, during the Kantakouzenos Dynasty, the House of Kantakouzenos was in power at the time. The monarchs, along with the duration of their reign in parentheses, are as follows:

Grand Princes of Vedus

  • Istrikov (284 BC - 251 BC)
  • Artemidoros (251 BC - 222 BC)
  • Kalimdus (222 BC - 203 BC)
  • Boris I (203 BC - 189 BC)
  • Victor (189 BC - 187 BC)
  • Boris II (187 BC - 163 BC)
  • Boris III (163 BC - 148 BC)
  • Valerian I of Vedus (148 BC - 122 BC)
  • St. Valerian, or Valerian II (122 BC - 91 BC)

Istrikovani Dynasty

Romali-Istrikovani Dynasty

First von Plittersdorff Dynasty

Garandov-Romali-Istrikovani Dynasty

Kantakouzenos Dynasty

Cambridge Dynasty

Second von Plittersdorff Dynasty

Cambridge Dynasty (Restored)

Third von Plittersdorff Dynasty

Interregnum, 1611 AD - 1615 AD

Kalderis Dynasty

Borivich-Vassilakos-Seleukios Dynasty

See Also