Syndicate (Aurono)

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<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">Syndicate_flag.png
Flag of the Syndicate. A crossover of the Mitsubishi logo and the flag of Imperial Japan.

The Syndicate is the united arm of the Black Dragon Society and the Mitsubishi Conglomerate and one of the largest organization of the world by matters of finance and one of the largest non-governmental military organizations. The Syndicate was ruled an organized criminal network by both Aurono and the other powers on the American continent, but this is only one aspect of the complex conspiracy evolving around the Syndicate. The organization has substanital presence in, and influence over:

However, due to the "facelessness" of the organization, which is made up of several competing branches, companies and splinter organizations grouped around multiple leaders and councils, it is hard to determine what actions are carried out by the Syndicate, as no clear agenda can be determined for their cause.


For most of the early 20th century, the Mafia was the leading ciminal organization in America. This changed when the Japanese invasion broke up the government, old authorities fell from power and strict disciplinary measures prevented bribing of officials.

With the dawn of the information era, the Mafia lost ground to new, more technologized organizations focusing on internet crime and hacking, and the manufacture and sale of hi-tech weapons and equipment. One of these organizations was the Mitsubishi Conglomerate, a megacorp that had risen from a notable national producer of military equipment and motorized vehicles to one of the largest corporations of the world in the wake of the japanization of Asia and the Pacific area. Mitsubishi operated under strict government control, but was involved in many less legal affairs.


The organizational structure of the Syndicate is hard to determine, because it involves multiple leading figures, branches and companies, often with conflicting agendas. While parts of the Syndicate adher to a strict Human Supremacist viewpoint and oppose genetic engineering and other forms of creating Non-Human sentients, other parts actively engage in research in these fields. The Syndicate takes active influence on the policy of Aurono through it's politcal arms, ironically called "Executive Syndicate", which acts as a shadow government constantly trying to usurp Princess Momoko Aurelia Hanasaki's position through various means. The Black Dragon Society and the Syndicate have both been connected with the assassination of Prince William and Princess Yoko of Aurono, and the armed resistance of Unit 741 soldiers in Alcatraz following the official transformation of the unit into a civilian medical research society and the end of the Racial Purity and Human Supremacy politics in Aurono.


Notable Individuals

Notable Member Groups, Companies & Organizations

  • Mitsubishi Conglomerate
  • BGI Industrial Group
    • Musashi Manufacturing
    • Hiyama Mining
  • Pacific Railways
  • Unit 731
  • Black Dragon Society

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

For the RL company, see wikipedia:Mitsubishi

Mitsubishi is the second-largest company in the Association for Biotechnology (after Carpathian Global) and the second-largest company with its headquarters in nation of the Neutral Alliance (after The Shin Ra Corp).

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan
Nationality: Aurono
Specialty: Bioengineering, Consumer Goods, Mining, Robotics, Guns and Ammunition, Aerospace Engineering, Aerospace Transport, Naval Engineering, Manufacture, Environmental Engineering, Machines
Storefront: (Mitsubishi Financial Consulting Services)


Guns and Ammunition

Mitsubish is the largest and almost exclusive developer, designer, producer and supplier of military material in Imperial Japan and Aurono. While the naval and aerospace engineering branches deliver the newest battleships and kamikaze craft to the Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kaigun (Imperial Japanese Navy), the company is also the sole producer of the Standardized Format Ammo Clips and also supplies the armed forces with most of its state-of-the-art lighter weapons. Most of the weapons developed and produced by Mitsubishi are also used by the Syndicate's strikers and operatives. Mitsubishi manufactures the following weapons:

  • Black Adder SMG - Subsidary: Hughes
  • Scram Cannons - Not wikipedia:scram cannons in the mainstream sense of the word, in that these weapons do not fire projectiles by rocket drive, but rather fire Mini Missiles like a cannon to give them an initial boost. The missiles only activate their warheads and drives after a certain timer has passed after launch, much like a TOW. A similar system was adapted in Omega-XIII as the SWARM (Short-ranged Wide Area Reaction Missiles) Mini Missile launcher, also partially based on the weapon from Ground Control.
  • Wave Motion Cannons
  • Detonation Harness - personal bomb belt for kamikaze and terrorist suicide attacks. Used by Kamikaze troops and suicide attack drones and androids.
  • Standardized Ballistic Ammo Clips - Standardized format for all ballistic ammunition within the Japanese territories.
  • Standardized Energy Storage Cells - Standardized format for all energy storage devices, both stationary and portable, and voltages used within the territories. Few appliances stray from this format. Standardized Energy Storage Cells were developed by the Energy Storage Division and are adaptable to any appliance using the format.
  • MiniMissiles - Miniature missiles that are used as ammunition for the Scram Cannons. Measuring only few centimeters in length and diameter, these missiles actually concentrate advanced systems in their hull, including an active homing system based on inherited guidance, but switching to autonomous targeting when no target is specified, the target has been destroyed or is unreachable. They also hold high explosive warheads, and the eight missiles fired at one salvo of the Scram Cannon are by far enough to kill an average soldier. Similar to a TOW, the missile's warheads, homing function and rocket drives are inactive at short ranges. The missiles are fired out of the Scram Cannon like out of a cannon and active after a given timer after launch has passed. When their drives and homing system have activated, they scramble towards the target from all directions. A similar system was adapted in Leninist Dynasty as the MiniTorp. MiniMissiles are produced under the Standardized Ammo Format.
  • MicroMissiles - Micro missiles that can be used as personal armament. They can be thrown like darts or simply thrown into the air. They will automatically lock onto their targets and home in.
  • Ryu Missile
  • Shinryu ICBM
  • SCREAM Cannons - bioweapons using a byproduct of energy cell research: a highly active, energy producing bacteria culture encased within a membrane capsule, feeding on living organisms instead of biowaste like intended for energy production through the normal Energica cultures. Once fired, the bacteria are attracted to any living organisms in the area and propell the capsule towards the target. If the target is reached, the microorganism feed on its lifeforce, killing the host in the process, then move on to the next host. If no host to feed on can be found within active range, the bacteria become inactive and die. A similar weapon was adapted by Omega-XIII as the Merciful Doom.


Mitsubishi, as a large biotech concern, is the main manufacturer of the bioandroids called Simulated Life Dolls, or SLDs. These serve in a wide variety of uses, such as police duty, firefighting, industry and construction work or office work. Mitsubishi is the sole supplier of SLDs as battle androids to the Imperial Japanese Army and ASDF. Mitsubishi also delivers SLDs for paramilitary purposes to the Syndicate forces (See: Mitsubishi Tanker v. 1.6 Paramilitary SLD). SLDs are grown out of artificial tissue in special tanks and fed with data over several moth to prepare them for their duty. The great advantage of these humanoid robots is their extreme versatility - a model might only require slight changes to switch it from paramilitary to office duty and vice versa. However, recent events have revealed an unexpected degree of free will in SLD units with long operational history, so users are advised to shut down and dispose of SLDs after being in use for extended time.

  • Artificial tissue
  • Cloning
  • SLDs go here.


Nerve stapling

See Nerve stapling for an overview of Nerve stapling technology.

To maintain Latency of Symbiotes under META's control, the organization needed a way to monitor and actively intervene in their organism's processes. While monitoring had been succesful earlier via implanting a subdermal Neurolink, this method lacked capability of actively infuencing the host body. Mitsubishi developed and now manufactures brain implants that both perform the functions of the NeuroLink (tracks position and physical functions) and have an additional Nerve stapling chip in-built. If the host body approaches Critical Latency or becomes otherwise rampant, the chip - either automated or by manual control - generates a strong electromagnetic shock in the individual's brain. While ony of low voltage and limited range compared to the larger, military-grade Nerve stapling warheads of Laurasia, the chip is in direct proximity to the individual's brain and the chip's energy reserves are sufficient to generate a high amperage shock within the surrounding brain tissue, often even influencing bystanders. The Symbiote is effectively rendered immobile and can be picked up by Unit 731 operatives. Normally, these chips are implanted in the neck or brain stem and are constantly linked to The Restrictors to track the Symbiotes.


Cytaurs are artificial mechano-organical hybrid creatures. Their organic tissue has been programmed with the DNA of several species with traits useful for these beings. They are grown industrially in breeding vats. Instead of implantation of cybernetic augments, their organic parts grow onto a mechanical structure, which thus is an integral part of their organism they require to survive. The beings, measuring, depending upon requirements, 4m - 15m in size, have four legs mounting a humanoid torso with an incredible small head covered by an iron mask. From the torso, two extremely long and powerful arms protrude. Their skin tone ranges from pale white over green to purple. Cytaurs - the word is a mixture of "Cybernetic" and "Centaur" due to the quadrupedal, yet humanoid appearance fo the beigns - are completely unable to feel any pain or have any free will and should more accurately be seen as "organic machines". They are a similar to SLDs, but with scaled-down interlectual abilities and enhanced physical prowess. Cytaurs can be used in a wide variety, such as in industry, transportation and military (though they tend to be slow and bulky). Sometimes, additional systems, such as a welder, machine gun or metal grappling claws are attached to a Cytaur and the unit given a new routine on how to use their new appendixes. Cytaurs have advanced voice processing and can receive orders by voice command. They can, despite their limited mental functions, process orders related to time intervals, distances, weight and related, very precisely, but are generally not very adaptive and in no way creative or inventive.

  • SLD
  • Restrictors
  • Symbiotes
  • Deadly Brain
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
motto here
Headquarters Tokyo, Japan
Five largest corporate subsidiaries

more here

 - CEO
 - Deputy CEO
· Multinational coproration
''name here''
name here
Organizations Association for Biotechnology
 - corporation
 - multinational corporation
 - equity firm

April 30, 1910
January 13, 1956
March 5, 1980
Annual earnings
Pronunciation (IPA) /mitzubishi haevy industriis/

Minor Sectors

  • Applied science:
    • Artificial intelligence
    • Ceramic engineering
    • Computing technology
    • Electronics
    • Energy
    • Energy storage - Standardized Energy Storage Cells
    • Engineering physics
    • Environmental technology - alibi branch
    • Materials science & engineering
    • Microtechnology
    • Nanotechnology
    • Nuclear technology - ASDF Nuclear Project
    • Optical engineering
  • Information and communication
    • Communication - editor's comment: TV channels belong in this sector. As does the Aurono-Kotaka telnet company
    • Graphics - editor's comment: anime studios belong in this category, see Motion Pictures of NS#Kotaka
    • Music technology
    • Speech recognition
    • Visual technology
  • Industry
    • Construction
    • Financial engineering - Mitsubishi Financial Consulting Services. Motto: We do your math, so you don't have to. Storefront: Mitsubishi Financial Consulting Services
    • Manufacturing
    • Machinery
    • Mining - Kotaka Mining Society
  • Domestic
    • Domestic appliances
    • Domestic technology
    • Educational technology
    • Food technology
  • Engineering
    • Aerospace - development and manufacture of Airships, Zero Fighters and Shinryu and the like.
    • Agricultural
    • Bioengineering - editor: That's Daodan Chrysalis, Smart Cancer and Cytaur
    • Biochemical
    • Biomedical - editor: Syntropin, Hypospray should go here
    • Ceramic
    • Chemical
    • Civil
    • Computer
    • Construction
    • Cryogenic - editor: Cryofreezing of Zero belongs here
    • Electrical
    • Electronic
    • Environmental - editor: Atmospheric Processors and Kotaka revitalization here, please.
    • Food
    • Industrial
    • Materials
    • Mechanical
    • Mechatronics - editor's note: Mechatronic Depots go here
    • Metallurgical
    • Mining
    • Naval
    • Nuclear
    • Petroleum
    • Software
    • Structural
    • Systems
    • Textile
    • Tissue
  • Health and safety - the shadow government's "public safety" department responsible for oppression of political dissenters and prisons
    • Biomedical engineering
    • Bioinformatics
    • Biotechnology
    • Cheminformatics
    • Fire protection technology
    • Health technologies
    • Pharmaceuticals
    • Safety engineering
    • Sanitary engineering
  • Transport
    • Aerospace - maintains a large Airship transport company in Kotaka
    • Aerospace engineering - maintains airshipyards in Kotaka for Airship production
    • Marine engineering
    • Motor vehicles
    • Space technology - editor comment: the Mitsubishi 0 belongs in this category
    • Transport



Current Projects

  • Development of the A6M112 (scheduled to enter service in 2010) and A6M120 (scheduled for 2015) fighter jets.
  • Development of stealth aircraft (Kage, Oni)
  • Development of spatial craft for military and industrial uses (Kotaka, Space Battleship Yamato)
  • Development of directed energy weapons with neuronal disruptive effects on basis of Nerve stapling (Phase Stream Projector development). Quote from Engineering sector: "Practical use will be feasible within the next decade."
  • Development of tachyon-based directed energy weapons for land assault units and space combat
  • Development of Kusanagi- and Konoko-class Space-Airships.
  • Development of the next generation of Yamato-class super-battleships.
  • Development of Airships for Kotaka.

Atmospheric Processors

A major business field for Mitsubishi is the construction of Atmospheric Processors, facilities that can process irradiated, carbonized or somehow contaminated air (by chemical, biological or nanomechanical means) into breathable air by filtering the contamination. This, of course, is only possible if the basic compound of earth's atmosphere is still present in the air to process. For example, if you have an ammonium-based atmosphere without any "air" in the Terran sense of the word, the Processors will be able to filter out any contamination (if told that ammonium is the desired atmosphere - otherwise they will filter the ammonium as well), but will not be able to create oxygen from nowhere. Usually, these are very large facilities and cover whole city blocks. They are widely used in Kotaka under the ReNatura Project and also in military outposts further to the south (usually scaled down in size). Because Processors can be reprogrammed to which part of the processed gas to threat as desired part of the end product (except for air, which will always be treated as such), they can actually be misused to poison the atmosphere. Also, filtered toxines can be reused in biological or chemical weapons. Because of this and Mitsubishi's links to the Syndicate, the Processors are normally operated by the government of the relevant nation, and guarded by government troops, so that Mitsubishi has no hand in the filtering process.

Black Dragon Society

For the RL organization, see wikipedia:Black Dragon Society.

See also