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{{Politics of ITD}}
==Article I - The Preamble==
Constitution of the Empire of Itinerate Tree Dweller
A. We the people of Itinerate Tree Dweller, in order to form a more ideal and safe nation, establish these laws with which our governance shall be carried out.
We the people of Itinerate Tree Dweller and the Commonwealth, in order to form a more ideal and safe nation and in order to protect our rights and future, do establish these laws with which our governance shall be carried out.
==Article II - The Bearer of Power==
==Section 1 Citizenship in the Imperial Government==
A. All power shall be vested in the Emperor, whom shall retain control as head of state and head of military.
B. Power over the empire shall be passed by birth. The Emperor's first born son shall be given control over the empire, pending the death or disability of the Emperor already in power. If an Emperor has no male heir, the throne shall pass to his first born daughter until such time that she bears a male son. If no female heir is established then the throne shall be passed to the former Emperor's closest living male relative.
===Paragraph I: Definition of Citizenship===
A citizen is a person who has performed service for the imperium, having completed the oath of citizenship and having served their time, honorably and without incident. The oath of citizenship shall consist of the following terms:
*I, '''state your full name''', of my own free will, without promise, coercion, or inducement, after having been duly advised and warned of the meaning and consequences of this oath, do now enroll in the Imperial Service of the ITD Empire for not less than two years and as much longer as may be required by the needs of the Service.
*I swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the Imperium against all its enemies foreign or domestic, to protect and defend the Constitutional liberties and privileges of all citizens and lawful residents of the Empire, its associate states and territories, to perform, home or abroad, such duties of any lawful nature as may be assigned to me by lawful direct or delegated authority.
**And to obey all lawful orders of the Emperor of the Imperial Service and of all officers or delegated persons placed over me.
**And to require such obedience from all members of the Service or other persons or non-human beings lawfully placed under my orders.
**And, on being honorably discharged at the completion of my full term of active service or upon being placed on inactive retired status after having completed such full term, to carry out all duties and obligations and to enjoy all privileges of Imperial citizenship including but not limited to the duty, obligation and privilege of exercising sovereign franchise for the rest of my natural life unless stripped of my honor by verdict, finally sustained, of court of my sovereign peers.
C. All laws passed by the ruling Emperor shall be treated as law throughout the empire, including all occupied nations.
===Paragraph II: Honor of Citizenship===
If a person dies before completing their tour of duty for the imperium, they are awarded their citizenship and they are given a citizen burial.
==Article III - The Responsibilities of the Emperor==
===Paragraph III: Rights of Citizenship===
A. The Emperor shall have power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare. The Emperor also holds the power to wage war and establish a military.
All citizens have the right to vote in public elections, the right to address the imperial senate and the responsibility to protect the body politic of the imperium.
B. The Emperor shall be expected to provide a sound yearly budget, regulate international commerce, establish currency and standards of measurement, establish roads and a postal system, establish a system of copyrights and trademarks, punish criminals local and abroad, provide for and govern a well trained military, and to establish a system by which naturalization to the nation may be possible.
==Section II: Guaranteed Rights and Responsibilities==
C. The Emperor shall also be in control of the nations judicial system, which he may design and use at his leisure.
===Paragraph I: Speech, Press and Religion===
All persons, civilian and citizen, are awarded the ability to speak their mind, write their thoughts and worship as they choose.  All persons are awarded the ability to peacefully assemble and protest.  No person may be denied these privileges without due process of law.
==Article IV - Establishment of Rights and Crimes==
===Paragraph II: Economic Rights===
A. No individual shall commit the crimes of murder, theft, perjury, treason, destruction of property, libel or slander, rebellion, illegal drug use, illegal drug posession, rape, assault, physical or mental abuse, nor any other crime seen as rude, tasteless and evil.
No persons, civilian or citizen may be denied their freedom to be economically independent.  All persons are free to trade and purchase goods as well hold office in public and private corporations and businesses. All persons have the right to seek employment and live where they are able. No person may be deprived of property without due process of law.
B. The Emperor and his forces shall have full rights to commit any and all actions mentioned prior.
C. All individuals have the following rights:
*Freedom of speech and press.
===Paragraph III: Legal Rights===
No person may be detained without having access to an attorney. No person’s property may be searched without due process and the issuance of a warrant.  No person may be subject to cruel and unusual punishment.  No person may be coerced or otherwise forced to confess to any crime.  All persons have a right to a fair and open trial by a jury of their peers.  All persons have a right to address their accusers in a fair and public manner.
*Freedom of religion and belief. [reinstated]
===Paragraph IV: Supremacy Clause===
The Emperor and his forces shall have full rights to deny any and all rights mentioned prior.
*Freedom to trade and purchase goods.
===Paragraph V: Establishment of Crimes===
No individual shall commit the following crimes:
*Murder, both accidential and intentional, as well as the intentional, but not accidental, death of an unborn child.
*Intentional theft, accidental theft is not punishable as long as the culprit makes reasonable means to rectify the situation, be it returning the property or replacing it.
*Intentional perjury in a court of law.
*Intentional treason against the imperial government or a commonwealth realm.
*Intentional destruction of property; accidental destruction of property is not punishable as long as the culprit makes reasonable means to rectify the situation, be it repairing the property or replacing it.
*Intentional libel or slander against any private or public official.
*Intentional rebellion against the imperial government or a commonwealth realm.
*Intentional illegal drug use & illegal drug possession unless given permission by the imperial government.
*Rape is punishable by death in all situations.
*Intentional assault, be it simple or aggravated.
*Intentional physical or mental abuse.
*Any other crime seen as rude, tasteless and evil.
*Freedom to travel and relocate.
===Paragraph VI: Supremacy Clause===
The Emperor and his forces shall have full rights to commit any and all actions mentioned prior.
*Freedom to procreate and reproduce, pending the purchase of a license.
==Section III: Executive Office==
*Freedom to experience loss and pain, to suffer.
===Paragraph I: Governance===
All executive power is invested in the office of the Emperor.  The office of the Emperor is give supreme legal rights within the bounds of the imperium.  The Emperor is the legal head of state and head of military.  
*Freedom to live by the rules of the empire.
===Paragraph II: Legal Decrees===
All decrees issued by the office of the Emperor shall be treated as law throughout the imperium, including all occupied and commonwealth territories.
D. The Emperor and his forces shall have full rights to deny any and all rights mentioned prior.
===Paragraph III: Rights and Responsibilities of the Emperor===
*The Emperor shall have power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare. The Emperor also holds the power to wage war and establish a military.
==Article V - Ratification==
*The Emperor shall be expected to provide a sound yearly budget, regulate commerce, establish currency and standards of measurement, establish roads and a postal system, establish a system of copyrights and trademarks, punish criminals local and abroad, provide for and govern a well trained military, and to establish a system by which naturalization to the nation may be possible.
A. I, Emperor Lazarus I, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller.
B. I, Emperor Erik I, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the former and now deceased Emperor Lazarus I.
*The Emperor shall provide yearly verbal or written reports about the state of the empire to the Imperial Senate in which he shall detail all major economy, political and legal matters.  He shall also require yearly reports from commonwealth realms and other territories; these reports shall be included in the yearly report to the Imperial Senate.
==Article VI - Amendments==
*The Emperor must appoint the Prime Minister of the Imperial Senate.
===1st Amendment - The Division of Cities===
*The Emperor may, at any time, hold a session of the Imperial Senate and address the Imperial Senate.  The Emperor may, at his whim, disband the Imperial Senate and in doing so must call for new elections and appointments to take place.
A. The nation, having been consisted of 16 sectors with 4 divisions in each sector, will from henceforth consist of cities. The cities will bear names of forefathers and heroes of the empire.
*The Emperor shall also be in control of the nations judicial system, which he may design and use at his leisure.
B. An Overseer will govern each sector-city. Each overseer will control 4 Supervisors. Every Overseer will report directly to the Emperor. No overseer may contradict the Emperor, his word is doctrine.
===Paragraph IV: Office of Emperor===
*The office of Emperor shall be passed by birth.  
*The Emperor's first born son shall be given control over the imperium, pending the death or disability of the Emperor already in power.  
*If an Emperor has no male heir, the throne shall pass to his first born daughter until such time that she bears a male son.
*If there is no female issue then the throne shall be passed to the former Emperor's closest living male relative or closest living female relative if no male relative is available, until such time that she bears a male son.  
*If the House of Xericus shall fail, the throne shall pass to the House of Vosii, the founder of said house being the second born of Emperor Xerik Xericus.
*If the House of Vosii shall fail, the throne shall pass to the House of Valor, the founder of said house being the third born of Emperor Xerik Xericus.
*If the House of Valor shall fail, the throne shall pass to the House of Genii, the founder of said house being the fourth born of Emperor Xerik Xericus.
*If the House of Genii shall fail, the throne shall pass to the House of Messina, the founder of said house being a later offshoot of the descendants of Emperor Xerik Xericus.
*If the House of Messina shall fail, the throne shall be left empty and all executive power shall pass to the Prime Minister.  The Empire shall then be reorganized into a republic.
C. To ensure the balance of power at the sector-city level, the 4 Supervisors, if in unison, may overrule the actions of the Overseer. Any such action will require the Emperor to be notified immediately. If the Supervisors have been shown to be wrong in their actions they will be removed or disposed of.
===Paragraph VI: Compensation===
The Emperor shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compensation which shall not be diminished during his continuance in office.
D. The Overseers shall only control local police units, all military units still report to the Emperor's Generals. The Generals report to the Emperor. Neither groups are to interfere with each other, but if necessary the General's may require the Overseers to cooperate.
==Section IV: Legislative Branch==
===2nd Amendment - Laws Regarding Breeding===
===Paragraph I: Governance===
All legislative power, save for the power of imperial decree, is invested in the Imperial Senate.  The senate will consist of three houses, the House of Commons, House of Lords and House of Appointees.
A. No member of the Ninthian tribe may procreate with a non-Ninthian. [no longer enforced, but highly encouraged]
===Paragraph II: Composition of Houses===
Each house of the Imperial Senate shall consist of a total of three hundred thirty three members.  The Senate shall consist of nine hundred ninety nine members and an additional member who shall serve as the office of Prime Minister.
B. The rape of a Ninthian by a non-Ninthian is considered an offense punishable only by execution. [Edit: All rape is now punishable by death.]
===Paragraph III: House of Commons===
The House of Commons shall be directly elected by the citizens of the imperium. The House of Commons is invested with the power to levy taxes, the power to tax estates and the ability to limit the appointments of Governor-Generals.  Citizens may only address the House of Commons, but all citizens complaints that are found to be valid must be presented by the Prime Minister to the other houses at his leisure.
C. No non-Ninthian may adopt a Ninthian. [no longer enforced, but highly encouraged.]
===Paragraph IV: House of Lords===
The House of Lords shall consist of traditionally aristocratic members of the ruling families of the imperium. The Emperor may appoint members to this house, but all members and appointments are required to be land owners and are required to pay feudal taxes to the imperium.  The House of Lords can issue declaration of wars, can regulate international trade with regards to the imperium and can also appoint ambassadors and maintain embassies.  The House of Lords is empowered to set salaries for all three houses of the Imperial Senate.
D. Any person who is 15/16 Ninthian is considered, legally, to be Ninthian. Such heritage must be proven in a court of law. The other 1/16 may not be from the 8th tribe. [no longer enforced, but highly encouraged]
===Paragraph V: House of Appointees===
The House of Appointees consists of those representatives appointed by regional Governor-Generals, and is charged with maintaining trade and commerce between the various territories. All territorial disputes between regions are settled on the floor of the House of Appointees. The House of Appointees regulates the House of Lords by regulating the amount of land a noble may own and regulates the House of Commons by declaring the number of seats a territory is awarded.
E. No physician or individual may abort a Ninthian fetus. Non-Ninthian abortion is legal. [All abortions are now illegal]
===Paragraph VI: General Law===
All three houses of the Imperial Senate are provided the ability to issue laws that are not within the bounds of another house. All issues that no house is given specific power to regulate are defined as “general” and thus may be approached by any house.
F. In the event that a non-Ninthian impregnates a Ninthian, the child shall be aborted and the non-Ninthian executed. [no longer enforced, but highly encouraged.]
===Paragraph VII: Compensation===
Senate members shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office.
===3rd Amendment - Law Additions===
==Section V: Judicial Branch==
A. Any member of the ITD police or military forces may ask to see identification of any civilian.
===Paragraph I: Brief Overview===
The Judicial Branch of the imperium is entirely appointed by the Legislative Branch and thus can vary in structure any purpose.  All judges are appointed by the emperor and may be removed by him at any time.  Unless removed by imperial decree or suffering death, an appointed judge is given a lifetime appointment.
B. No non-Ninthian may inhabit areas deemed Ninthian only. Areas considered permanently Ninthian include: Hades Cluster, Tol'Kethis Prime, Xerikis & Tol'Lazarik. [no longer enforced, but highly encouraged.]
===Paragraph II: Supreme Court===
The Supreme Court shall consist of ten Judges, all appointed by the Emperor every decade. Each Judge is given a term of one year as Supreme Court Chief Justice. During this time as Chief Justice, the Judge has the ability to overrule fellow Judges and may have one extra vote, but only in cases of a tie vote.  
If a Judge were to die in their term, the Emperor may appoint a Judge from one of the lower courts to take their place, but this judge is not eligible for a term as Chief Justice. If a deceased Judge's term as Chief Justice Approaches, the remaining Judges vote on which of the remaining eligible Judges will sit in as the Chief Justice. No Judge may serve more than two years in a row as Chief Justice.  
C. No non-Ninthian may possess ammunition or firearm weapons. No Ninthian may possess automatic weapons. Weapons used primarily for hunting and basic self-defense may be possessed. [no longer enforced]
===Paragraph III: Court of Justice===
In cases of capital crimes, a jury of randomly selected but carefully screened private citizens tries an individual or group in an open and public court.
C. Citizens are now required to own firearms and be trained in the safe use of them.
===Paragraph IV: Court of Disputes===
In cases of private disputes involving property, fiscal disputes and personal injury, this court is employed. Citizens present their claims to a Judge or Jury and receive their ruling from the same source. Juries are only appointed at the request of the plaintiff or defendant, but both must agree to a jury trial.
D. No individual may commit what may be considered a hate crime. Any crime perpetrated, when the victim is selected by race, is hereby outlawed.
===Paragraph V: Court of Military Justice===
This court is employed in cases of military misconduct and is thus overseen by the Imperial Security Council and the Emperor's Praetorian Guard. Trials in this court are not public and are considered classified unless otherwise noted.
===4th Amendment - Clarification===
===Paragraph VI: Compensation===
Judicial members shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office.
A. Sections a, c, d and f of the 2nd amendment are no longer enforced and thus no longer considered law.
==Section VI: Ratification==
B. Section b of the 2nd amendment is further clarified so that all rape is now punishable by death.
===Paragraph I: Ratification by Emperor Titus===
I, Emperor Titus Christopher Kersk Xericus, hereby create this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Seth of the House of Xericus.
C. Section e of the 2nd amendment is further clarified so that all abortion is now illegal.
===Paragraph II: Ratification by Emperor Nicolas===
I, Emperor Nicolas Saint Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Titus Christopher Kersk Xericus.
D. Sections b and c of the 3rd amendment are no longer enforced and thus no longer considered law.
===Paragraph III: Ratification by Emperor Kristof===
I, Emperor Kristof David Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Nicolas Saint Kersk Xericus.
E. The freedom of the religion and belief shall not be infringed upon by any government agency or individual either through force or coercion. Further more, no single religion will be given preference by the government or any publicly funded group. Private groups may disallow members from religious group or sects if they choose to do so, but they may not use force against any religion or group, causing damage to that religion's members or property.
===Paragraph IV: Ratification by Emperor Malcolm===
I, Emperor Malcolm Joseph Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Kristof David Kersk Xericus.
===Paragraph V: Ratification by Emperor Thomas===
I, Emperor Thomas Nicolas Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Malcolm Joseph Kersk Xericus.
===Paragraph VI: Ratification by Emperor Karlus===
I, Emperor Karlus Edmund Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Thomas Nicolas Kersk Xericus.
===Paragraph VII: Ratification by Emperor Daniel===
I, Emperor Daniel William Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Daniel William Kersk Xericus.
===Paragraph VIII: Ratification by Emperor Patrick===
I, Emperor Patrick Curtis Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Daniel William Kersk Xericus.
===Paragraph IX: Ratification by Emperor Alexander===
I, Emperor Alexander Sean Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Patrick Curtis Kersk Xericus.
===Paragraph X: Ratification by Emperor Virgil===
I, Emperor Virgil Gabriel Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Virgil Gabriel Kersk Xericus.
===Paragraph XI: Ratification by Emperor Robert===
I, Emperor Robert Patrick Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Virgil Gabriel Kersk Xericus.
===Paragraph XII: Ratification by Emperor Shane===
I, Emperor Shane Ryan Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Robert Patrick Kersk Xericus.
===Paragraph XIII: Ratification by Emperor Lazarus===
I, Emperor Lazarus Lionsbane Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Shane Ryan Kersk Xericus.
===Paragraph XIV: Ratification by Emperor Erik===
I, Emperor Erik Sirus Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Lazarus Lionsbane Kersk Xericus.

Latest revision as of 12:07, 14 June 2007

Empire of Itinerate Tree Dweller
Imperial Government
Imperial Throne
Privy Council
Prime Minister
House of Commons
House of Appointees
House of Lords
Imperial Courts
Supreme Court
The Court of Justice
The Court of Disputes
The Court of Military Justice
February 10, 2003
February 10, 2007
June 10, 2007
Political Parties
Imperial Party
Conservative Party
Legionnaire Party
Salvation Union Party
Libertarian Conservative Party
Traditional Centrist Party
Progressive Party


Constitution of the Empire of Itinerate Tree Dweller


We the people of Itinerate Tree Dweller and the Commonwealth, in order to form a more ideal and safe nation and in order to protect our rights and future, do establish these laws with which our governance shall be carried out.

Section 1 Citizenship in the Imperial Government

Paragraph I: Definition of Citizenship

A citizen is a person who has performed service for the imperium, having completed the oath of citizenship and having served their time, honorably and without incident. The oath of citizenship shall consist of the following terms:

  • I, state your full name, of my own free will, without promise, coercion, or inducement, after having been duly advised and warned of the meaning and consequences of this oath, do now enroll in the Imperial Service of the ITD Empire for not less than two years and as much longer as may be required by the needs of the Service.
  • I swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the Imperium against all its enemies foreign or domestic, to protect and defend the Constitutional liberties and privileges of all citizens and lawful residents of the Empire, its associate states and territories, to perform, home or abroad, such duties of any lawful nature as may be assigned to me by lawful direct or delegated authority.
    • And to obey all lawful orders of the Emperor of the Imperial Service and of all officers or delegated persons placed over me.
    • And to require such obedience from all members of the Service or other persons or non-human beings lawfully placed under my orders.
    • And, on being honorably discharged at the completion of my full term of active service or upon being placed on inactive retired status after having completed such full term, to carry out all duties and obligations and to enjoy all privileges of Imperial citizenship including but not limited to the duty, obligation and privilege of exercising sovereign franchise for the rest of my natural life unless stripped of my honor by verdict, finally sustained, of court of my sovereign peers.

Paragraph II: Honor of Citizenship

If a person dies before completing their tour of duty for the imperium, they are awarded their citizenship and they are given a citizen burial.

Paragraph III: Rights of Citizenship

All citizens have the right to vote in public elections, the right to address the imperial senate and the responsibility to protect the body politic of the imperium.

Section II: Guaranteed Rights and Responsibilities

Paragraph I: Speech, Press and Religion

All persons, civilian and citizen, are awarded the ability to speak their mind, write their thoughts and worship as they choose. All persons are awarded the ability to peacefully assemble and protest. No person may be denied these privileges without due process of law.

Paragraph II: Economic Rights

No persons, civilian or citizen may be denied their freedom to be economically independent. All persons are free to trade and purchase goods as well hold office in public and private corporations and businesses. All persons have the right to seek employment and live where they are able. No person may be deprived of property without due process of law.

Paragraph III: Legal Rights

No person may be detained without having access to an attorney. No person’s property may be searched without due process and the issuance of a warrant. No person may be subject to cruel and unusual punishment. No person may be coerced or otherwise forced to confess to any crime. All persons have a right to a fair and open trial by a jury of their peers. All persons have a right to address their accusers in a fair and public manner.

Paragraph IV: Supremacy Clause

The Emperor and his forces shall have full rights to deny any and all rights mentioned prior.

Paragraph V: Establishment of Crimes

No individual shall commit the following crimes:

  • Murder, both accidential and intentional, as well as the intentional, but not accidental, death of an unborn child.
  • Intentional theft, accidental theft is not punishable as long as the culprit makes reasonable means to rectify the situation, be it returning the property or replacing it.
  • Intentional perjury in a court of law.
  • Intentional treason against the imperial government or a commonwealth realm.
  • Intentional destruction of property; accidental destruction of property is not punishable as long as the culprit makes reasonable means to rectify the situation, be it repairing the property or replacing it.
  • Intentional libel or slander against any private or public official.
  • Intentional rebellion against the imperial government or a commonwealth realm.
  • Intentional illegal drug use & illegal drug possession unless given permission by the imperial government.
  • Rape is punishable by death in all situations.
  • Intentional assault, be it simple or aggravated.
  • Intentional physical or mental abuse.
  • Any other crime seen as rude, tasteless and evil.

Paragraph VI: Supremacy Clause

The Emperor and his forces shall have full rights to commit any and all actions mentioned prior.

Section III: Executive Office

Paragraph I: Governance

All executive power is invested in the office of the Emperor. The office of the Emperor is give supreme legal rights within the bounds of the imperium. The Emperor is the legal head of state and head of military.

Paragraph II: Legal Decrees

All decrees issued by the office of the Emperor shall be treated as law throughout the imperium, including all occupied and commonwealth territories.

Paragraph III: Rights and Responsibilities of the Emperor

  • The Emperor shall have power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare. The Emperor also holds the power to wage war and establish a military.
  • The Emperor shall be expected to provide a sound yearly budget, regulate commerce, establish currency and standards of measurement, establish roads and a postal system, establish a system of copyrights and trademarks, punish criminals local and abroad, provide for and govern a well trained military, and to establish a system by which naturalization to the nation may be possible.
  • The Emperor shall provide yearly verbal or written reports about the state of the empire to the Imperial Senate in which he shall detail all major economy, political and legal matters. He shall also require yearly reports from commonwealth realms and other territories; these reports shall be included in the yearly report to the Imperial Senate.
  • The Emperor must appoint the Prime Minister of the Imperial Senate.
  • The Emperor may, at any time, hold a session of the Imperial Senate and address the Imperial Senate. The Emperor may, at his whim, disband the Imperial Senate and in doing so must call for new elections and appointments to take place.
  • The Emperor shall also be in control of the nations judicial system, which he may design and use at his leisure.

Paragraph IV: Office of Emperor

  • The office of Emperor shall be passed by birth.
  • The Emperor's first born son shall be given control over the imperium, pending the death or disability of the Emperor already in power.
  • If an Emperor has no male heir, the throne shall pass to his first born daughter until such time that she bears a male son.
  • If there is no female issue then the throne shall be passed to the former Emperor's closest living male relative or closest living female relative if no male relative is available, until such time that she bears a male son.
  • If the House of Xericus shall fail, the throne shall pass to the House of Vosii, the founder of said house being the second born of Emperor Xerik Xericus.
  • If the House of Vosii shall fail, the throne shall pass to the House of Valor, the founder of said house being the third born of Emperor Xerik Xericus.
  • If the House of Valor shall fail, the throne shall pass to the House of Genii, the founder of said house being the fourth born of Emperor Xerik Xericus.
  • If the House of Genii shall fail, the throne shall pass to the House of Messina, the founder of said house being a later offshoot of the descendants of Emperor Xerik Xericus.
  • If the House of Messina shall fail, the throne shall be left empty and all executive power shall pass to the Prime Minister. The Empire shall then be reorganized into a republic.

Paragraph VI: Compensation

The Emperor shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compensation which shall not be diminished during his continuance in office.

Section IV: Legislative Branch

Paragraph I: Governance

All legislative power, save for the power of imperial decree, is invested in the Imperial Senate. The senate will consist of three houses, the House of Commons, House of Lords and House of Appointees.

Paragraph II: Composition of Houses

Each house of the Imperial Senate shall consist of a total of three hundred thirty three members. The Senate shall consist of nine hundred ninety nine members and an additional member who shall serve as the office of Prime Minister.

Paragraph III: House of Commons

The House of Commons shall be directly elected by the citizens of the imperium. The House of Commons is invested with the power to levy taxes, the power to tax estates and the ability to limit the appointments of Governor-Generals. Citizens may only address the House of Commons, but all citizens complaints that are found to be valid must be presented by the Prime Minister to the other houses at his leisure.

Paragraph IV: House of Lords

The House of Lords shall consist of traditionally aristocratic members of the ruling families of the imperium. The Emperor may appoint members to this house, but all members and appointments are required to be land owners and are required to pay feudal taxes to the imperium. The House of Lords can issue declaration of wars, can regulate international trade with regards to the imperium and can also appoint ambassadors and maintain embassies. The House of Lords is empowered to set salaries for all three houses of the Imperial Senate.

Paragraph V: House of Appointees

The House of Appointees consists of those representatives appointed by regional Governor-Generals, and is charged with maintaining trade and commerce between the various territories. All territorial disputes between regions are settled on the floor of the House of Appointees. The House of Appointees regulates the House of Lords by regulating the amount of land a noble may own and regulates the House of Commons by declaring the number of seats a territory is awarded.

Paragraph VI: General Law

All three houses of the Imperial Senate are provided the ability to issue laws that are not within the bounds of another house. All issues that no house is given specific power to regulate are defined as “general” and thus may be approached by any house.

Paragraph VII: Compensation

Senate members shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office.

Section V: Judicial Branch

Paragraph I: Brief Overview

The Judicial Branch of the imperium is entirely appointed by the Legislative Branch and thus can vary in structure any purpose. All judges are appointed by the emperor and may be removed by him at any time. Unless removed by imperial decree or suffering death, an appointed judge is given a lifetime appointment.

Paragraph II: Supreme Court

The Supreme Court shall consist of ten Judges, all appointed by the Emperor every decade. Each Judge is given a term of one year as Supreme Court Chief Justice. During this time as Chief Justice, the Judge has the ability to overrule fellow Judges and may have one extra vote, but only in cases of a tie vote. If a Judge were to die in their term, the Emperor may appoint a Judge from one of the lower courts to take their place, but this judge is not eligible for a term as Chief Justice. If a deceased Judge's term as Chief Justice Approaches, the remaining Judges vote on which of the remaining eligible Judges will sit in as the Chief Justice. No Judge may serve more than two years in a row as Chief Justice.

Paragraph III: Court of Justice

In cases of capital crimes, a jury of randomly selected but carefully screened private citizens tries an individual or group in an open and public court.

Paragraph IV: Court of Disputes

In cases of private disputes involving property, fiscal disputes and personal injury, this court is employed. Citizens present their claims to a Judge or Jury and receive their ruling from the same source. Juries are only appointed at the request of the plaintiff or defendant, but both must agree to a jury trial.

Paragraph V: Court of Military Justice

This court is employed in cases of military misconduct and is thus overseen by the Imperial Security Council and the Emperor's Praetorian Guard. Trials in this court are not public and are considered classified unless otherwise noted.

Paragraph VI: Compensation

Judicial members shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office.

Section VI: Ratification

Paragraph I: Ratification by Emperor Titus

I, Emperor Titus Christopher Kersk Xericus, hereby create this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Seth of the House of Xericus.

Paragraph II: Ratification by Emperor Nicolas

I, Emperor Nicolas Saint Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Titus Christopher Kersk Xericus.

Paragraph III: Ratification by Emperor Kristof

I, Emperor Kristof David Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Nicolas Saint Kersk Xericus.

Paragraph IV: Ratification by Emperor Malcolm

I, Emperor Malcolm Joseph Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Kristof David Kersk Xericus.

Paragraph V: Ratification by Emperor Thomas

I, Emperor Thomas Nicolas Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Malcolm Joseph Kersk Xericus.

Paragraph VI: Ratification by Emperor Karlus

I, Emperor Karlus Edmund Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Thomas Nicolas Kersk Xericus.

Paragraph VII: Ratification by Emperor Daniel

I, Emperor Daniel William Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Daniel William Kersk Xericus.

Paragraph VIII: Ratification by Emperor Patrick

I, Emperor Patrick Curtis Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Daniel William Kersk Xericus.

Paragraph IX: Ratification by Emperor Alexander

I, Emperor Alexander Sean Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Patrick Curtis Kersk Xericus.

Paragraph X: Ratification by Emperor Virgil

I, Emperor Virgil Gabriel Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Virgil Gabriel Kersk Xericus.

Paragraph XI: Ratification by Emperor Robert

I, Emperor Robert Patrick Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Virgil Gabriel Kersk Xericus.

Paragraph XII: Ratification by Emperor Shane

I, Emperor Shane Ryan Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Robert Patrick Kersk Xericus.

Paragraph XIII: Ratification by Emperor Lazarus

I, Emperor Lazarus Lionsbane Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Shane Ryan Kersk Xericus.

Paragraph XIV: Ratification by Emperor Erik

I, Emperor Erik Sirus Kersk Xericus, hereby ratify this constitution to govern the land of Itinerate Tree Dweller, having taken rule of the land as my right as heir and son of the deceased Emperor Lazarus Lionsbane Kersk Xericus.

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Main article: Itinerate Tree Dweller
Individuals: Daniel Reck Kersk XericusErik Sirus Kersk XericusLazarus Lionsbane Kersk XericusPersephone Calista KerskJames Tiberius RikerRickter Josephus Scott
Miscellaneous: Flag of Itinerate Tree DwellerIG virusLaws of Itinerate Tree DwellerCurrency of Itinerate Tree DwellerHistory of Itinerate Tree DwellerGenealogy of the Imperial Family of Itinerate Tree DwellerGeography of Itinerate Tree DwellerMilitary of Itinerate Tree DwellerColonies of Itinerate Tree DwellerXericuriansThe Venom CorporationImperial Senate of Itinerate Tree DwellerPeerage in Itinerate Tree DwellerPets of the Imperial Family of Itinerate Tree DwellerList of Prime Ministers of Itinerate Tree Dweller
Political Parties: Imperial Party of Itinerate Tree DwellerConservative Party of Itinerate Tree DwellerLegionnaire Party of Itinerate Tree DwellerSalvation Union Party of Itinerate Tree DwellerLibertarian Conservative Party of Itinerate Tree DwellerTraditional Centrist Party of Itinerate Tree DwellerProgressive Party of Itinerate Tree Dweller