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Demographically, Ruska holds three percent of the Empire's population, most of it within the big cities, or coastal or alluvial towns and such.  The population is incredibly Spanish in culture, most likely stemming from early movements of Spanish colonist from the [[SafeHaven2]] area, and thus, the population there is very Spanish in its ways, including the variations of the [[Dienstadi]] language, although the language already takes heavy influence from Spanish, as it does from German, and other indegenous languages.
Demographically, Ruska holds three percent of the Empire's population, most of it within the big cities, or coastal or alluvial towns and such.  The population is incredibly Spanish in culture, most likely stemming from early movements of Spanish colonist from the [[SafeHaven2]] area, and thus, the population there is very Spanish in its ways, including the variations of the [[Dienstadi]] language, although the language already takes heavy influence from Spanish, as it does from German, and other indegenous languages.
===[[Imperial Provence]]===
[Capital: [[Fedala]] ]
The [[Imperial Provence]] is bordered by two rivers, the [[River Tarkus]] in the south, and the [[River Nestor]] to the north, and has a moutain range at the bottom border, the [[Alemanni Cordillera]].  It has also has the largest lake in the Empire, [[Lake Tiara]].  All of this sorrounds four major cities [[Fedala]], [[Choybalsan]], [[Dzamiin]] and [[Aksha]].  Whatever isn't dominated by the huge physical features is made up of a rolling grassland, which is some of the most heavily industrialized areas of the Empire, save [[Dienstad]]. 
The provence in general holds a seven percent of the Empire's total population, and it is growing as more and more people flock to the realm of the Golden Throne.  It is also an attraction to royal families abroad.  As the nexus of the Golden Throne it's also one of the most expensive pieces of royal estate known to man, and the cheapest flat in Fedala could cost anywhere near eight hundred thousand Reichmarks, and that's only one hundred square meters.

Revision as of 21:56, 17 October 2005

Second Empire of the Golden Throne
Flag of Second Empire of the Golden Throne
Motto: Iacta Alea Est
Region Imperial Armies
Capital Fedala
Official Language(s) Dienstadi
Leader Emperor of the Golden Throne Fedor I
Population As of June 13, 2005 - 4.267 billion
Currency The Reichmark 
NS Sunset XML

Geography, Topography and Demography

The Empire is truly vast, covering deserts, forests, mountains and grasslands, and all the while, each seperate region enjoys a very personalized character. As a consequence, it would, perhaps, be best to divide the Empire into chunks, officially regarded to as provences, and thereby explain them one by one. Nevertheless, it's important to kote that the Empire remains knit by a higher force, and not by geographical or cultural unity.

Regional Map National Map


[Pronouced: Saar-khan-tha, Capital" Marsa Bruth ]

Sarcanza situates itself in an area where there was a convergence of Spanish, German and indegenous influences. However, the indegenous people were never fully assimilated into either culture, consequently, politically they retain a level of wanted autonomy, and culturally, they consider themselves totally different from that of the central Empire, which consequently explains the reasons for their rebellion in the War of Golden Succession. Furthermore, the language spoken in Sarcanza, although official, is embedded with colloquial vocabulary that personalizes the language. Indeed, Marsa Bruth's name is an underscoring of indegenous roots within the language.

Sarcanza is considered a panhandle, as it juts out right over Zarbia. Subsequently, the are is a hot spot, as it's deemed volatile in nature due to Sarcanzan independence groups, and because of constant Zarbian threats to retake what they consider theirs. There have been no political overtures to deal with Sarcanza to date, and neither Jonach I or Fedor I have been willing to begin, especially after the Empire's victory in the War of Golden Succession.

Geographically, the area is a vast desert, which creeps into Sidi, and for the past two thousand years it has been expanding. Recent industrial regulations, however, have actually worked to push it back about two millimeters per annum. The desert does occupy most of northern Zarbia and all of Riptide Monzarc, and is collectively known as the Matamoscas Desert. The Matamoscas Desert is the ecological house of several CAM III plants, including Matamoscas specific plants, such as the Ortus Neguria and the Violer Deus. It's also the home of countless insects and smaller animals, including foxes and rodents. The deserts include sporadic oasis which are used to full capacity for the growth of olive trees, the major agricultural good of the provence.

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Matamoscas Desert

The largest city is Marsa Bruth accounting for six million occupants, and sprawling over ten square kilometers. The second largest city is Prokhorovka, with two million occupants. The rest of the provence is relatively unpopulated, except for the huge olive grove farms, sometimes exceeding eighty thousand workers each. There are certain nomadic tribes that perpetuate themselves from Riptide Monzarc, but they cause relatively little trouble.

The provence ends to the west through five small rivers, and one very large river, the River Ares, that makes up the border between Sarcanza and Sidi.


[Pronounced: Sid-ee; Capital: Sidi Rezegh ]

The capital city of over thirty million residents sits on the borders of the Matamoscas Desert and the grasslands which form the Submatamoscas. Indeed, if one was to leave the city towards the east, he/she would hit the beginnings of a desert, whith some grass and trees, but soon turning into mostly sand dunes. If that same person was to turn and leave towards the west, he/she would hit a vast flatland, with rolling grassland. Indeed, during the Great Civil War the city, founded in 306 B.C., Julian Calendar, was called the Gateway to Hell by the soldiers of King Atmos III, and ha forever remained with that nickname.

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Atmos III Battling the Keretians

Within the context of demographics, the provence houses about eleven percent of the Empire's population, three hundred and forty million of which live in three major cities and a myriad of minor cities, including Sidi Rezegh, Magrat and Segovia. The rest reside in towns and villages.

Agriculturally, the principle products are wheat, barely, olives and grapes. Indeed, while the very best of the Empire's olive oil comes from Sarcanza, where the limits have forced agriculturist to find the very best methods of fermentation, that produced in Sidi is the second best, with one of the best brands being Zapatero Extra Virgin Oilive Oil. The provence is also the site of all major breweries, meaning barley from Talavera, Castilla y Guadalajara and Ruska have to be shipped here. Breweries are so many that even the smallest town has one of its own. As for vines, the type of grape most grown is that destined to make vinigar and wine, and includes the Empire's favourite, Shiraz. Nonetheless, the principle exporter of wine from the Empire, Canforrales, bases itself off Sidi, with minor plants in Dienstad.


[Capita: Macabea ]

Dienstad was the Macabee Kingdom during the Great Civil War, and was the political center of the Empire until Jonach I moved the capital to his new city of Fedala, which stands as the capital to this very day. Consequently, Dienstad holds a very high idea of itself, and the aristocracy of Dienstad, or the Dienstad Nobility, think of themselves as the lifeline of the Empire. Unfortunately, about ninety percent of the Dienstand Nobility were killed in the Weigar Massacre, where contestant to the throne Prince Heinrich killed them all for the safety of his crown, which led to the War of Golden Succession. The capital city of Dienstad, Macabea, is a massive megapolis of over seventy million soulds, all stacked in flats in buildings over thirty plants tall. Most of the construction was done during the early and mid 19th century, as a consequence, the city city takes a very neo-classical look, with plazas and squares decorated with ancient gods and godesses on chariots and the like, and buildings built in Gothic and Neo-classical archetecture. Mandalay, the second largest city of the Empire, houses twelve million citizens, over an area of six square kilometers.

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Winter Palace

The provence's main source of income is her massive industrial polygons, including the main Kriegzimmer factories, which spill out much of the Empire's and her allies' martial equipment. There is also huge car manufacturing plants, including Soleden, a very high class luxury car company, which specializes in the cars for foreign governments and such. There is also a huge furniture industy in Dienstad, but Kriegzimmer is the principle complex there, as well as the massive gas and electric companies, for now owned by Dietrich Harbinger, owner of Kriegzimmer.

Dienstad also has a large agricultural sector that bases itself off fruits. Indeed, the coastline of the provence is laden with orchards upon orchards of trees carrying apples, oranges, mandarins, et etcetera. Dienstad is the largest exporter of fruits in the region.

The Concordat Peninsula, which forms the northern part of Dienstad, is spined by the Faragut Mountains, some of them rising past eleven thousand meters, including the tallest, Farathar, hitting an altitude of fourteen thousand six hundred and eighty meters, spiralling thousands of meters past the height of Everest. This gives massive climatic changes between Western Dienstad, where most of the agricultural sector is, and Eastern Dienstad which is mostly industrialized. It is to say, it rains more in the west, and since the clouds stick within the mountains, or are blocked, the east is more arid, although not specifically a desert. However, because of such heavy industrialization, there is worries that the Matamoscas Desert will expand into northern Dienstand, and from there engulf the entire north-eastern part of the Empire, although most professional dismiss that as pure fantasy.


[Pronounced: Vi-gaar; Capital: Weigar City ]

Weigar currently holds nine percent of the Empire's population, twenty million of which used to live in the capital city of Weigar City, until said city was destroyed in the War of Golden Succession, while the rest live in the rolling hills of the provence, and especially on the northern banks of the Nestor River. There are three major cities, including the capital, of which all are over three million in the number of residents living within it. However, the great deal of the citizens of Weigar live in small, or sometimes rather large, towns, and small cities, dotting the provence. The population itself has a lot of character, and prefers to be thought of relatively autonomous from the Empire, although the crushing of Weigar's rebellion during the War of Golden Succession, but down any dreams of relatively sovereignty, or even absolute autonomy.

Geographically, Weigar is composed of rolling hills throughout the provence, however, these rolling hills turn into incredibly tall mountains southeast of the River Nestor, providing very good natural defenses from that area. The rolling hills, and even the mountains, are used to grow orchads of either olive trees, apple trees or orange trees, making Weigar the center of fruits and vegetables south of Dienstand, rivaling even Targul Frumos in the amount of fruit grown anually. To the northeast there is a single mountain, named Mons Dei, which strangely is as big as some of the biggest groups of mountains in the Tuernament Mountain Range southeast of the River Nestor. Mons Dei has recently been made infamous since it was the center of one of the early battles, and relatively crucial battles, of the War of Golde Succession. To the northwest, as well, there is one of the largest forests in the Empire, called the Tukarov Black Forest, home of many unknown animals, including dozens of unnamed rodents and such; much like Mons Dei, Tukarov is considered mystical in some way, shape, or form.

Apart from fruit, Weigar deducts much of its wealth from its salt water fishing industry off its coast, and from trade from foreign countries. Within the region, Weigar's fish is infamous for its richness, and even abroad cooks order it special for their dinners.

If it wasn't for war, perhaps Weigar would be one of the more pleasant provences within the Empire.


[Capital: Arras ]

Talavera is an island just north-west of Dienstad, and is the home of the largest military training base in the Empire, and in fact that training area for the Waffen-SS, the Empire's foreign military service. Being an island it has an ample fishing sector, although most of its money comes from the series of air bases and ground bases there, although it still does not have a shipping dock to use. Nonetheless, the wide array of armed forces there provide a lot of money to the community in the shape of purchases of food, clothing, and then the entertainment industry. Indeed, adult entertainment is huge in Talevera, as well as standard entertainment, such as the movies. The island also has a huge agricultural sector, including vineyards, olive orchids, barley, potatoes, and much, much more.

The island is also one of the largest tourist attractions within the Empire, with its large coastal tourist resorts. It attracts a reputed thirty million tourists a year, alone, and that doesn't account for those who land elsewhere, and then get their own way to the island. These tourist add life to the reputed two million people who live in Arras, and the rest of the island which only contains one percent of the Empire's total population.


[Capital: Beda Fromm ]

Faracat resembles Weigar in how its topography is designed. Indeed, it's a series of rolling hills, with a mountain range in the north, providing it with fresh spring water, and acting as the source of dozens of rivers which run through the provence. Many people compare Faracat to the topography of Quarter Bras and Waterloo during the 100 Days. The comparison can be made, the only difference would be that Faracat as a whole is much more unique than the Waterloo battlefield.

The provence's economy is based off the same agriculture as that of Weigar, including vast types of fruit, barley and just as well, the saltwater fishing industry. It also has a huge economy based off local naval and aerial bases, including the central naval base at Beda Fromm itself.

Faracat houses nine percent of the Empire's population, most of it which lives in the many cities, as there is little rural area in Faracat. Beda Fromm itself is the largest in the Empire, with eighty million occupants. The entire city is made of high rises, some of which go past one hundred floors. It's also the "tallest" city in the world, with buildings over six hundred meters in length. Along the coastline, it has some of the best beach resorts, right after Talavera.

Castilla y Guadalajara

[Capital: Targul Frumos ]

The terrain of Faracat rolls into Castilla y Guadalajara, and again, the topography is mostly rolling hills, imitating that of central Belgium. However, there are two key regions that this is not true, including the Fortat Mountains and the Arkanon Cordillera, which are as high as nine thousand meters. The two ranges block off the wind currents that come in from the Bay of Targul Frumos and hold the periodic rain within the provence, causing nasty torrents in the mountain areas, and flash floods around them. Consequently, the areas below the mountains are scantly populated.

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Fortat Mountains

The center of the provence is composed of rolling hills, and a major river, the River Hades. The river originates from the lower mountains of the Fortat Mountains, and continues all the way until its end when it empties into the Bay of Targul Frumos. The latter is the only hotly contested sea area by SafeHaven2 and [[The Macabees] until it's ownership was decided during the War of Golden Succession.

The provence receives its capital from the air and naval bases, and from massive fishing reserves. It's also the most heavily farmed area of the Empire, hosting the largest vineyards and largest olive groves, all though all picked olives are shipped north. Furthermore, the Imperial Valley, between the two moutain ranges, is the single largest watermelon and cantaloupe cultivation areas, all done through biological means. Targul Frumos, however, has almost absolutely no heavy industry, or industry at all, reserving all of its land for agriculture, or natural reserves, and because of this, it's one of the most beautiful provences in the Empire.


[Capital: Mosnoi Bor ]

The northe of Ruska is dominated by the River Tarkus, which ends about three hundred kilometers east of the end of the Alemanni Cordillera, which reaches into the provence. This latter mountain range includes some of the tallest mountains in the Empire, some of which rise past ten thousand meters. They're also one of the most visited ski and snowboard resorts, and home to many Havenites, prior to the War of Golden Succession, and thereafter. The center of the provence is the river lowlands, dominated by the River Styx, which begins in Zarbia, passes in front of Atbarah, then to the forefront of Mosnoi Bor and finally ending some three hundred and fifty kilometers from Aurillac. Between that and the Alemanni Cordillera resides the largest forest in the Empire, the Demiansk Forest, which is the habitat of many unknown species of animals and insects.

Topographically, other than the geographic areas described above, the rest of the provence is one grassy plain, which was perhaps one of the biggest attractions to Havenite armies during the War of Golden Succession.

Demographically, Ruska holds three percent of the Empire's population, most of it within the big cities, or coastal or alluvial towns and such. The population is incredibly Spanish in culture, most likely stemming from early movements of Spanish colonist from the SafeHaven2 area, and thus, the population there is very Spanish in its ways, including the variations of the Dienstadi language, although the language already takes heavy influence from Spanish, as it does from German, and other indegenous languages.

Imperial Provence

[Capital: Fedala ] The Imperial Provence is bordered by two rivers, the River Tarkus in the south, and the River Nestor to the north, and has a moutain range at the bottom border, the Alemanni Cordillera. It has also has the largest lake in the Empire, Lake Tiara. All of this sorrounds four major cities Fedala, Choybalsan, Dzamiin and Aksha. Whatever isn't dominated by the huge physical features is made up of a rolling grassland, which is some of the most heavily industrialized areas of the Empire, save Dienstad.

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The provence in general holds a seven percent of the Empire's total population, and it is growing as more and more people flock to the realm of the Golden Throne. It is also an attraction to royal families abroad. As the nexus of the Golden Throne it's also one of the most expensive pieces of royal estate known to man, and the cheapest flat in Fedala could cost anywhere near eight hundred thousand Reichmarks, and that's only one hundred square meters.


Cratia is an official territory of the Empire, annexed during the War of the Fugue Straits, between Little India, The Kraven Corporation, and The Macabees. It's composed of 'three islands, bordering an island owned by Little India, and others by Van Luxemburg. All three islands are geographically composed of rainforests, and are totally unpopulated.

The only population is composed of a mechanized brigade located on the largest island of the three, and a twelve strip airfield and a small naval base.