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*Former Directors of the RLAI: [[Blackbird]]
*Former Directors of the RLAI: [[Blackbird]]
*Former Directors of the Regulatory Commission: [[Jako]]
*Former Directors of the Regulatory Commission: [[Jako]]
==Second Charter of the Red Liberty Alliance==
*1. This document will call into being the organisation known as the Red Liberty Alliance, henceforth called the RLA.
*2. All signatories to this document renounce the right to attack any region by the use of non-native UN nation-based armies, without due provocation.
*3. All signatories to this document pledge themselves to the defence of the members of this organisation above all other organisations and treaties as a ready acknowledgement of our unity of purpose in protecting and furthering the existence and discussion of left wing ideologies, particularly Marxism, anarchism, syndicalism and socialism.
*4. All signatories to this document agree to pass on any piece of information, no matter how seemingly insignificant, that pertains to the attack upon a member of the RLA, to the below established elected Executive Committee of the RLA.
*5. All signatories to this document ascribe to the belief that collective enterprise, suitably regulated by democratic control, to prevent the tyrannous use of, or use for personal means of, the efforts of the members of the RLA, is the best way to bring about the goals as laid down in Article 3.
*10. There will be established a five man Executive Committee of the Central Soviet of the RLA. This body will be elected from among the members of the Central Soviet by the members of the Central Soviet.
*11. Elections will take place every three months on the 7th day of the third month.
*12. Each member of the RLA will have five votes to cast, where one vote may be cast for any given candidate. RLA members are under no obligation to use all votes or to vote at all.
*13. Elections will last for 72 hours, at the end of which, the elected candidates will take up their new offices. The candidate with the highest number of votes will become automatically the General Secretary of the Executive Committee and may be above all others be held accountable for any inaction of the EC.
===Powers of the Executive Committee===
*14. The EC will appoint one member of the RLA to manage all affairs intelligence related and one member of the RLA to manage all affairs military related. These posts will be known as the Director of RLA Intelligence and Commander of the Red Liberty Forces (RLAF) respectively. The Central Soviet will have the right to propose a shortlist of four members per position and the EC must then choose from this list. Those who are appointed must be ratified by simple majority vote of the Central Soviet to confirm their position. Voting will last 48 hours.
*14.i. The Commander of the RLAF will have the authority to appoint the Five Watchers who will take charge of the Invasion Warning Centre and to appoint a Deputy Commander of the RLA. These posts are provisional, subject to later ratification by a simply majority vote of the Central Soviet, within 48 hours of the notification of the appointments.
*14.ii. Neither the Commander of the RLAF nor the Director of RLA Intelligence may be members of the Executive Committee. If they wish to become a member of the Executive Committee, they must first resign their respective posts. No CRLAF nor DRLAI may hold the equivalent positions within their own regions; to take up either post, the incoming nation must first resign command of regional forces or regional intelligence organisations.
*14.iii. Both the Commander of the RLAF and the Director of RLA Intelligence will be subject to review on the seventh day of every month, for every month in which they hold office, by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will deliberate and vote as to the performance of these posts. The EC has the power to choose a new CRLAF or DRLAI from the shortlist provided by the Central Soviet.
*14.iv. A Council of Defence shall be called into being whenever the RLA engages in sovereign war or whenever the military leader of a member region so wishes it. This Council shall consist of the head of the defence forces of each region and will be chaired by the sitting Commander of the RLAF. Each member of the Council will have one vote, with the power to order missions or restrict missions during times of war and elsewhen being reduced to passing resolutions on any military issue, which the EC must then examine.
*15. The EC will have the authority to oversee and order as it sees fit the affairs of the RLA, military, political and diplomatic. The EC will not have the authority to order a direct military engagement except where the Command staff of the RLAF have been absent from their posts for more than twenty four hours. The EC will have no viewing privileges of specialised Intelligence forums which the Director of Intelligence wishes to keep secret.
*16. The EC will not have the power to arbitrarily restrict freedom of posting and in all such cases where this is done for good cause, the Central Soviet of the RLA must within a space of twenty four hours ratify the decision or it is by default overturned and access must be restored to the nation suffering restriction.
*17. Any member of the EC may be automatically and immediately recalled by a simple majority vote of the Central Soviet, voting to take place immediately upon motion seconded by two members other than the proposer. Voting on this will last for seventy two hours and following a vote to recall the EC member in question, all special privileges of access granted by election to the EC will be rescinded. Special privileges of access will also be rescinded upon resignation from the EC.
===The Forum===
*18. The RLA will use and maintain a forum for the centralised co-ordination of all efforts at
*19. The Administrators of this forum will be
*iv. New Administrators of the forum will be added upon the suggestion of a current Admin and the ratification by the Central Soviet.
*20. The Global Moderators of this forum will be members of the Executive Committee, excepting where the access of the Global Moderator is superceded by a higher access level.
*21. Certain sections of the forum will have moderators elected by and from the Central Soviet of the RLA. The precise details of the forum are laid out in Appendix 1.
*22. The EC may add to the number of forums within the RLA but may not change a moderated forum to an un-moderated forum. The EC may not delete forums except with the prior approval of the Central Soviet by simple majority vote over a twenty four hour period.
===Military and Intelligence Matters===
*23. The RLA shall not have the ability to go to war against other sovereign organisations, regions or nations without a referendum in every member region and the support, demonstrated by a pro-war vote in said referendum, of every member region. A proposal for war may be initiated by unanimous vote of the Executive Committee, by a declaration of sovereign war by any party on a member of the RLA, where ten members of the Central Soviet sign a petition supporting a referendum. A referendum may last forty eight hours, maximum after which, if the result returns in favour of war, the EC will draft a declaration for ratification by the Central Soviet within twenty four hours.
*24. The RLAF will consist of one UN-based member-state from each member-region of the RLA. This contribution to the RLAF is compulsory. These member-states should make themselves known on the RLA forum so that they may be briefed and inducted into the organisation of the RLAF.
*25. Soldiers of the RLAF do not have to comply with any order from a superior that would break a treaty signed by any member-region of the RLA.
*i. Soldiers of the RLAF do not have to comply with any order from a superior that would amount to an invasion of a region, except in instances where the invasion is justified by the aim of recapturing the delegacy of a left wing region on behalf of the rightful government.
*ii. Soldiers of the RLAF do not have to comply with any order from a superior that would involve the defence of any overtly pro-capitalist, pro-conservative, xenophobic, racist or fascist region.
*26. The Director of Intelligence of the RLA should recruit at whim members of the regions within the RLA to act as part of the Red Liberty Intelligence service in all activities related to gathering intelligence, espionage and counter-espionage.
*i. The Director of Intelligence of the RLA will make a report on global affairs to the Executive Committee not less often than every fortnight, covering sanitised material gained from the RLAI and covering all geopolitical material from other sources, particularly concerning regions with treaty connections to the RLA as a whole or to member-regions of the RLA.
*27. The Central Soviet of the RLA reserves the right, upon a vote, over a period of one week, of seventy percent of all enfranchised members, to begin elections for a three-man Intelligence Oversight Committee. The IOC will be elected from all those who wish to stand for such a position - each member of the RLA will have one vote and voting will take forty eight hours - and will have four days to peruse all Intelligence forums of the RLA to ensure the organisation is not part-taking in operations beyond those needed to penetrate invaders and other undemocratic or tyrannous organisations.
*i. The IOC will at the end of four days report to the Central Soviet whether or not it has confidence in the Intelligence Service and the Director of Intelligence of the day, in such a way as to omit all operational details.
===Amendments to the Charter===
*28. Amendments to the Charter can be passed by simple majority of votes at close of vote of the Cental Soviet of the RLA. Any member of the Soviet may propose an amendment and from the time of a motion to vote being seconded, votes will last 72 hours.
*29. Amendments to the Charter will be appended to the charter under the heading "Decrees of the Soviet" and these will be numbered from 1 ascending per decree and subsectioned in an appropriate fashion.

Revision as of 18:51, 3 December 2005

Red Liberty Alliance
Members: 15 regions
Type: Socialist Defenders
Forum: Red Liberty Alliance forums

The Red Liberty Alliance (RLA) is a left wing defender alliance. Started by Allied States of EuroIslanders and The Proletariat Coalition after the dissolution of the MASS Alliance, it currently has 15 regions as members. It recently created a diplomatic wing to facilitate discussion about global diplomatic issues. The Red Liberty Alliance's goals are to unite the left-wing in common defense of their common ideologies.

Former Officials