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== Criticism ==
Critics have stated that Indra Prime has neither the authority nor the right to appoint himself as the sole arbiter of time-based technology on Nationstates, and also questioned his claimed credentials as a quantum physicist. Critics have also noted that in practice, the Temporal Accord is usually only used to intrude on RPs and ruin them.

Revision as of 15:57, 21 October 2006

The Temporal Accord was first instituted by the Temporal Research Commission of Indra Prime, and over time grew to become a widely-accepted charter for understanding how time travel functions and for the responsible use of temporal technology throughout the multiverse. The Accord also served as a binding force for its members to oppose rogue nations that developed and utilized temporal technology for selfish and destructive ends. The Temporal Accord amassed several critics as it aged, mostly nations and groups repelled by its authoritarian style of controlling the development of temporal technology among members and aggressive attitude towards those that would develop temporal technology or defenses against it without membership in and consent from the Accord's leadership. At the time this article was written, the Temporal Accord had ceased to function in any active or otherwise externally-visible capacity, but it would be presumptuous to write off an organization of such tremendous political and technological power so soon. The Temporal Accord has made a great mark among nations of advanced technological ability, and its influence will continue to be felt throughout time, even if its activities have truly stopped for good.

Text of the Temporal Accord


This accord is constituted under Indran Law with respect to sections 152 through 176 of the Temporal Research Commission of Indra Prime Charter. As the primary auspicious leader in the field of Temporal Research and the Technological Development of acceptable devices that utilize the unique properties of the Space/Time Continuum for the purposes of research and defense, The Temporal Research Commission is hereby authorized to offer the following treaty, which is to be known as the Temporal Accord, for the confirmation and approval of third parties to develop technological advancements in the field of Temporal Mechanics. All third parties who express an interest in procuring the technological ability to develop Temporal Devices must agree, unconditionally, to the terms and conditions set out by the Temporal Accord. Any third party who fails to comply with the specifications set out by the Temporal Accord, will be subject to face immediate retaliatory actions, identified further down, by, and not restricted to, the leader in the field of Temporal Mechanics and Technological Development of acceptable devices that utilize the unique properties of the Space/Time Continuum for the purpose of research and defense, the Temporal Research Commission of Indra Prime. Full descriptions of response actions are outlined in later articles of the Temporal Accord. All parties who agree to the terms and conditions of the Temporal Accord hereby agree to strictly enforce the rules and regulations set out by the Temporal Accord both on signatory parties as well as third parties who illegally make attempts to develop the technology necessary to create devices that can affect the Space/Time Continuum.

Section I: Definitions of Terms Used In the Temporal Accord

In this section, terms that are commonly used throughout the Temporal Accord, but that are not in common vernacular, are defined here. To prevent any misunderstanding, the terms are listed alphabetically and will contain a detailed description of the meaning used.

BackStep – A Temporal Incursion that is caused by natural or artificial means that results in the displacement of person(s), ship(s), planet(s), or any other object. The displacement would include but not be limited to movement into the future, movement into the past, movement into alternate timelines, etc.

Device (Temporal) – Any artificial construction that allows for a user to observe, manipulate, detonate or otherwise control the flow of Time and/or the Primary Timeline or its subsidiary possible Timelines. This includes but is not limited to Shielding, Weaponry, Sensors, Power Plants, Displacement Drives, etc.

Fissure/Rift (Temporal) – A tear in the fabric of the Space/Time Continuum that has a Temporal Displacement and may include Spatial Displacement.

Incursion (Temporal) – Any act of manipulation of the Timeline, which would include but not be limited to, BackSteps, Erasures (Temporal), Creation of Paradoxical situations, etc.

Multiverse – The collection of the universes all ties in through the unified Space/Time Continuum.

Paradox (Temporal) – The Temporal Anomaly that generally causes the most damage to the Space/Time Continuum, usually brought into play artificially through actions taken by lifeforms manipulating the Space/Time Continuum. This includes, but is not limited to: - The Dali Paradox (a.k.a. The Melting Clock Effect) – A Temporal Fissure that slows the passage of time to a gradual halt. - The Pogo Paradox (a.k.a. The Causality Loop) – An act of interference to prevent an event that triggers the same event. - The Grandfather Paradox – A BackStep event that results in the prevention of a crucial event that would allow for the BackStep, thus preventing the BackStep, thus returning the Timeline back to its original form where the BackStep event can take place.

Primary Timeline – The normal flow of time everyone is aware of. The Primary Timeline flows in one direction and maintains a constant pace, without artificial interference.

Primary Unit – An object or person from the Primary Timeline.

Secondary (Tertiary, etc) Timeline – Deviations of the Primary Timeline that are resultant of different decisions made at decision points along the Primary Timeline. At any one instance, an infinite number of Timelines diverge from the Primary Timeline though remain Unrealized Realities until a Primary Unit crosses the multidimensional plane into a parallel timeline.

Shielding (Temporal) – A field of energy, similar to normal defense shields, but tuned specifically to deflect or absorb Temporal Energy from natural or artificial sources. The level of strength of the shield determines what the shield is capable of defending against. Does not protect from conventional weapons.

Space/Time Continuum – The 11 dimensional location of the Multiverse that contains the universe Humanity resides in. Is the underlying layer of reality that everything is apart of. Time and Space are linked. If one is affected, so is the other.

Temporal – Of or relating to Time

Temporal Mechanics – The Study of the Space/Time Continuum by organic or non-organic lifeforms, which would/could result in the creation of technical ability to manipulate the Space/Time Continuum according to the desires and actions of said lifeform.

Third Party – A group that exists outside the primary targeted group. Relates to the events as a possible source for future relations. Also considered to be a Neutral Nation that could be affected by the Temporal Accord though not directly tied with the Accord.

Weapon (Temporal) – Any device that is used in an offensive or defensive capacity that utilizes temporal technology that allows for, but is not limited to, Total Erasure, Partial Erasure, Temporal Suspension, etc.

Abbreviations of Terms Used in The Temporal Accord

PT – Primary Timeline PU – Primary Unit ST – Secondary (Tertiary, etc.) Timeline STC – Space/Time Continuum TRCIP – The Temporal Research Commission of Indra Prime

Section II: Articles of the Temporal Accord

This section contains a complete list of the Articles that must be followed by all nations who desire to be or who are currently are signatory nations of the Temporal Accord. The Articles were written to ensure the stability of the STC and to prevent any nation from unraveling history through ignorance or stupidity. Any infraction of the following Articles will result in the immediate declaration of war and intervention by, and not limited to the Indra Prime Temporal Incursion Fleet. Responses to Infractions of any Article under Section II of the Temporal Accord will be listed under Section III of the Temporal Accord.

Article I
No nation shall be advanced by means of more advanced nations until the nation in question has reached a point where it is found they are capable of dealing with the technology responsibly. Even then, the nation in question will only be able to have the more experienced society as consultants, not as caregivers. The Advanced nation will not be allowed to give the younger the boost to a similar level of technical ability, due to the ignorance of the younger nation. The young nation must develop the technology on their own to allow them to grow wiser while still developing the technology. Any artificial subsidizing of technology would put the younger nation in the position of being able to damage the Space/Time Continuum beyond the ability of the Temporal Research Commission of Indra Prime to repair. The only exception will be if the TRC has determined that intervention is absolutely critical in the matter at hand. In that case the intervention will be monitored and made sure that no problems arose.

Article II
Nations with Temporal Ability must keep that ability within the confines of their own nation. For the protection of the Space/Time Continuum, the smaller number of nations with the ability to proactively affect the fabric of the STC will greatly limit the possible problems that may arise from Temporal Research.

Article III
Nations with fledgling Temporal Mechanic Research and Development Departments will be limited in what they will be able to build until such time they have decidedly earned the respect and the responsibility to take on more advanced avenues of research. The leaders in the field will make the decision as to when they have grown in maturity to the point where they can handle such responsibility. This is to serve as an additional safeguard to protect the STC.

Article IV
Once nations reach a certain Technical Expertise level in the field of Temporal Mechanics, where they are deemed to be Seasoned and mature with the technology, they will be brought into the higher echelon, where more responsibility will be added to that nation’s already standing responsibilities to the STC. At that point they will be allowed to develop the more advanced Temporal Technology that would have the potential ability to seriously affect the STC. At that point, the nation in question will have earned the respect in the field and will be aware of the danger they are taking on.

Article V
The signatory nations of the Temporal Accord will work together to prevent debilitating paradoxes throughout the STC, which would undoubtedly cripple the countless societies in existence. Any non-signatory nation, who does not comply with the rules of the Temporal Accord, will be confronted by those signatory nations who have sworn to protect the sanctity of the Space/Time Continuum.

Article VI
The development of Temporal Shielding above Level 5 will be restricted to those nations who have proven themselves in the responsibility of having the Temporal Technology. Any unauthorized nation who attempts to develop Level 5 Temporal Shielding or higher will be countered with the full forces of the Temporal Incursion Fleet of Indra Prime. Level 5 Temporal Shielding and above create imperfections in the STC that must be accounted for when the Temporal Research Commission must make a correction to the STC. If a Level 5 Shield is discovered, immediate action will take place and the source will be eliminated.

Article VII
The development of Total Erasure Temporal Weaponry is completely forbidden. A TETW would immediately cause multiple catastrophic paradoxes once used, as a TETW would completely eliminate an object from the Past, Present and Future. The only type of Temporal Erasure Weapon that nations will be allowed to construct will be, at most, a Class 10 Temporal Disruptor. This disruptor will ‘push’ the target object out of the STC and scramble the quantum signature of the object, effectively eliminating the object. It will not affect the Past, which is the most dangerous.

Article VIII
Nations who agree to the Temporal Accord and are given clearance to build Temporal Technology, they immediately agree to assist the Temporal Research Commission of Indra Prime in the event of an STC level disaster. The nations who lack the higher level shielding will be unable to affect much change, but they will follow the orders given by the TRCIP or whoever is in command of the situation. In the event of major Temporal Disasters, orders will need followed with alacrity to prevent any permanent damage to the STC.

Article IX
Any attempt to gain access to the Temporal Technology and then turn your allegiances against the goals of the other nations who have signed, will be met with swiftly and harshly. There will always be a nation with greater Temporal Abilities than you, so any attempt at deception will most likely result in a severe destruction of your forces.

Article X
Nations who grow in their ability to control Temporal Technology and master their ability to use it, will be requested and required to begin to monitor the PT more and more as they become more seasoned. After that they will expand into the rest of the Multiverse to monitor that all Unrealized Realities do not pose a threat to the PT. Any indication of dangerous UR that may intersect with the PT, the nation will need to contact the TRCIP if they are unaware. This is to prevent the timelines from intertwining and creating more problems than the TRCIP can handle.

Article XI
Nations who sign the Temporal Accord will be required to monitor the STC for any disturbances that may include Temporal Fissures, Temporal Rifts, Inversion Loops, or any problem that may pose a threat to the STC.

Article XII
Nations other than designated Senior Temporal Nations will be forbidden from building warships with Temporal BackStep ability. To prevent any predestination Causality Loops and Grandfather Paradoxes only Senior Temporal Nations will be allowed to maintain a military fleet of Temporal Ships, similar to the Temporal Incursion Fleet of Indra Prime. These vessels are only to be used in extreme situations (i.e. another nation sends warships into the past, by somehow bypassing the Temporal Accord) to eliminate the ships and restore the natural order of the PT.

Article XIII
Nations with Intermediate Temporal Ability will be allowed to construct Research Vessels that will be able to BackStep to view the events of the Past. To prevent an infraction of Article I, no nation will be allowed to go into the future for any reason, except for a one-way trip. Any attempt to go to the future will be met with extreme hostility from the TIF, which will result in the destruction of the offender. Nations who BackStep into the past will be allowed to move about freely, provided they do not break Article I, which would be done even by a simple discovery. No past nation can know about the presence of a future vessel as it will contaminate the timeline and would result in penalty.

Article XIV
In times of possible attack by cause of, in relation to, or by proxy, of temporal technology, unorthodox methods may be used to diffuse the situation by offering NON MILITARY HARDWARE or SOFTWARE of no greater than level 5. This offer must be approved by the leader in the field of Temporal Mechanics, Indra Prime. Despite the obvious stength in military capacity this Accord allows for, peace is always the best option.

Article XV
If new regulations are identified as important, they can be added later as per this Article.

Section III: Consequences for Violating the Articles

This section is to outline the consequences should anyone violate the rules laid out by the Temporal Accord. The Temporal Accord will be run with the policy of No Tolerance.

-If a nation violates the Temporal Prime Directive, and interferes with the development of another nation, Temporally, Militarily, Economically, or Politically the nation will be immediately charged with Intent to Subvert, and a state of war will immediately be declared against the offending party. The offender will face a fleet of Temporal Incursion Warships and will have to relinquish their Temporal Abilities or face summary destruction.
-Any nation who attempts to cross the nations who are signatories of the Temporal Accord and gain temporal technology, will face a fleet of Temporal Incursion Warships.
-If a nation attempts to cause a STC level disaster, the Temporal Incursion Fleet will first see to the protection of the STC, then immediately turn its entire force against the nation who instigated the paradox or Temporal Fissure.

Last Official Record of Signatory Nations