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Serene^Union of Kaenei
Ilianara^Neaniya zu Kaenei
Flag of The Serene^Union
Map of Kaenei
Official Languages English, Baroque-Kaeneian
Capital Solarri, (82 Million Pop.)
Governor-General Sophia Byzainti
Supreme-Overseer of Foreign Affairs Riordan Likonesse
 - Total
 - water

3,166,086 km²
20,643 km²
 - Total
 - Density

6.5 billion
Founded Formed from individual Provincial governments July 3rd, 1452 (Earth Calendar)
Government Type See Government Entry
Nation Type Theoretically, Technocratic Absolutist Monarchy; In actuality, Technocratic Aristocracy
National Animal Phoenix
  - Total
  - GDP/capita

N/A - See economy entry
N/A - See economy entry
Currency Energy-Credit
Time Zone GMT -3
International Abbreviations
 - sport
 - government

Pronunciation (IPA) Key-Neigh
Naval Craft Classification KDV (Kaeneian Defence Vessel)
National Anthem Eternal Union
Internet TLD .ki
Calling Code +55


The Serene^Union of Kaenei (Pronounced "Key-neigh") is a Technocratic Aristocracy based upon an island landmass in proximity to the Arctic Circle of Earth, upon the Jovian moon of Europa and also upon "The Ring" within Saturnian space. The nation is fundamentally alien almost every facet of its society and existance, despite being primarily centered upon the cradle of Humanity and producing the bulk of its six billion plus citizens within the Sol system.

The Serene^Union practices blanket isolationism, and vehemently avoids involvement in international politics unless unavoidable or otherwise adventageous without significant opposition. Exceptions to this policy come in the form of being signatories to The Triumvirate of Yut, as well as the Non-Democratic Alliance.

Additional National information

Traditional Long Form
The Serene^Union of Kaenei.`
Traditional Short Form
The Serene^Union, The Union.
72 00 N, 40 00 W (Arctic Ocean, Earth)occupying 3,166,086 Sq. Km. ; Southern Hemisphere of Europa (Jovian System)


Main article: [History of Kaenei]

What is now known as the Serene^Union came into existance almost five centuries ago, when the individual Kaeneian settlements (themselves directly assembled from the majority of the starships which had borne them on their journey from Solarri to Earth) which had grown over the course of some decades into Provinces, unified under a central power-sharing authority. The following five hundred years spent then integrating the various governmental departments and authorities which safeguard and discharge their duties over the populace to this day.


Government structure

At a basic level, the national government of the Union consists of Semi-Autonomous Provinces with substantial self-governance unioned under an Authorative and non-elected supreme body combining State Legislature, Juidicial and Executive with the latter being dominant. Consultative National Parliament beneath with provincinal representatives and no direct ability or authority to influence governmental agenda or actions

The government of the Serene^Union is fundamentally undemocratic; elections considered in any way, shape or form public participation do not take place and for all intents and purposes render the classification of Autocracy the only truly descriptive label to describe generic structure. The national government of the Union is also unusual in that there is no effort or will to enact seperation of the varying departments of rule; Executive, Juidical and Legislative (known internally as "Facets of Governance") are united within the Council of The Aengelistoria Dominica whilst the concept of "Checks & Balances" is inherently impossible to implement.

Executive Facet

The Executive Facet of Governance is perhaps the most instantly recognisable of the three blurred boundries; The Aengelistoria Dominica Council itself, comprising the most senior Kaeneians of the Union whom have risen through the political ranks of their respective offices to hold supreme will over all subordinates.

The Council is composed of separate departments:

  • Defence Solarri- The controlling centre for all extra-solar colonies and the combined space-borne fleets of the Serene^Union, an Interstellar navy of sorts. They are expressively prohibited and forbidden from controlling or maintaining signifcant Kaeneians-at-arms.
  • Defence Terra- The controlling centre for all Earth-based military and personnel, and the department overseeing manpower directly. They are expressively prohibted and forbidden from controlling or maintaining orbital or trans-system transport of any signifcance.
  • Department Scientia- The controlling centre for scientific study, research and analysis. The Scientia has further specialised segments which are closely involved with their respective sister-departments; Military, Medical and otherwise stated.
  • Internal Administration- This governmental department is by far the most mammoth and sprawling of any other facet on the council -- For its mandate is expansive and truly all-encompassing covering such divergent responsibilites as the national power grid and the botanical maintenance of city parks.
  • Intelligence Directorate- Classified.
  • Office for Foreign and Extra-Solar Affairs-The controlling centre for affairs out with the territory of the Serene^Union, and central point of contact for non-Kaeneian enquires and requests.In recent years, with the shroud of isolationism being pulled back this department has risen from mere technical existance to vital point-of-contact for any number of senior Kaeneians and their respective offices.
  • Union of Medicine- The controlling centre for medicine. Includes research, implementation and operation of the nationwide health system.
  • The Office for the Maintenance of Law* - Charged with ensuring the continued obediance of all to the code of conduct [Law] of Kaeneian society as a whole; also responsible for the entirety of the national court system and having partial juristiction over the Grand Court of the Union [See Judicial Facet] whose Supreme-Justicar is also the Office leader.

The Supreme Overseers [as explained below] whom take charge of each facet of the Council are:-

There are several positions within each Executive section, each position of varying rank and importance and consequently for the sake of completeness listed here.

In essence, a department head and one of the most senior positions in the Serene^Union. A Supreme-Overseer claims a seat within the Aengelistoria Dominica and is considered the total authority in his or her field of expertise. Due to the draining nature of such a lofty position they are rarely actively involved in the day-to-day running of their department.
Technically subordinate to the Supreme-Overseer in terms of placement, to all intents and purposes a Kaeneian of this position is the ultimate controlling point of his or her department- Actively assuming all facets whilst their superior is essentially devoted to the servitude of the Aengelistoria Dominica.
At this stage of government, the overall assumption of duty ceases. Departments further fracture into sub-sections, an example being the Defence Terra which breaks into the Armed Forces, Naval Forces and Air Forces. Overseers consequently take charge of one facet of these newly fractured departments- Continuing to report to their relevant superior.
The direct junior of the Overseer. It is this position that deals with the majority of the logistical work which is created by the decisions of the Overseer, and it is the Master Adept’s task to implement these changes as they are decided upon. They also carry status as advisors to the Overseer, as they are usually well versed in their field.

The true Executive power of the Aengelistoria Dominica however rests with two senior positions; that of the Kaeneian Head of State, The Governor-General and their immediate deputy the Overseer Aengelis -- Described here.

Governor-General of the Serene^Union
[Currently Sophia Byzainti ] - Arguably the most senior position in Kaeneian society, the Governor-General is selected from amongst the heads of department to serve five year terms in which they shall, together with the Overseer Aengelis hold final veto or assent over the decisions of the council at large. Furthermore in the event of non-specified emergency and with the support of the Overseer Aengelis and at least one department head the Governor-General can assume total executive control of the Serene^Union.
Overseer Aengelis
[Currently Kristilanna Lgealis ] - In ages passed this position was directly responsible for overseeing all military aspects of the Serene^Union, and ensuring sufficient safeguards were in place to prevent abuse or circumvention of the will of the Council. In more modern times, it has instead become the centre of power for all Kaeneian affairs outside of the cradle of Humanity- Recent legislation passed founding the base of the Overseer Aengelis upon the ice fields of the Jovian Moon Europa, and assisting to spread the populace between two central points. Along with the Governor-General in possession of a grand veto and assent. In cases of disagreement the Governor-General may overrule but cannot use this power more than three times during any given administrational year.

Legislative Facet

The Facets of the Executive and Legislative are extremely difficult to seperate at first glance, though closer study reveals it an unequal partnership that favours the former quite considerably and the latter with virtually no voice or leverage in said equation.

The Serene^Union is divided into regional Provinces granted considerable autonomy in matters of non-national legislation, eight in total, these being in order of size and population; Solarri, Byzantineri, Khandrisii, Xirithias, Fortuna, Meridiaa, Xiana and the Northern Fortresses. Each Province is further sub-divided into Regions, of which the number is not fixed and can vary considerably from one area to another.

The ultimate head of any Province is the Governor (Full title: Provincial Governor Supreme, of the *Named Province* and regions contained therein) whom is appointed by a Committee of the Aengelistoria Dominica and typically staffed by those specifically selected by said body for their experience. The Provincial Governor is the focal point for activity at a legislative level within that province -- He or She has a wide selection of powers which enable policies to be implemented across a considerable spectrum (All policies are however cleared by the Aengelistoria Dominica, though it is unheard of for such a piece of legislation to be too unacceptable as to be denied assent). Beneath the Governor is a small cabinet of colleagues chosen by He or She whom act as advisors and aides, whilst also representing the Govenor within the entirely consultative 'Provincial Dominica'.

The 'Provincial Dominica' is a unicameral chamber populated by representatives (Known as Regional Citizen Representatives or RCP's) raised and sent from the member regions of the respective Province. Here matters of concern are raised for address by the Cabinet and prospective policies are debated as thoroughly as time allows (Though no changes can be implemented save suggestions taken onboard by the Governor and colleagues). The number of representatives from each region is not fixed, and follows a rough formula of fifty thousand citizens to one Rep.

Becuase of the fantastical sizes of the Provinces and the regions they contain, each RCP has a considerable staff at their disposal to streamline the workload they must endure in service; though it remains mangable due to the limited, if mostly intellectual nature of the work they carry out.

Each Province further sends fifty additional representatives to the National Consultative House of the Union (known as Provincial Delegates, or PD's) traditionally shortened to the House of Union, which is bicameral and comprises two sections; The upper and lower house. The lower house seats representatives from Provinces whose population does not exceed 250 million, whilst the upper house seats those provinces that do. This policy ensures that the Aengelistoria Dominica's time is spent more on those who proprtionally require it more so. The House as a whole fulfils an identical function to the smaller Provincial Dominica and allows concerns of some severity to be raised to the attention of the Aengelistoria Dominica itself and thus supreme attention. Again it has a merely consultative power and does not hold any legal sway.

The lowest form of legislative authority is seen within The Regions, the foundation of each Province. Here power is vested in a special "Citizen Appropriation and Delegation Committee" (CAD Committee) which acts essentially as a conventional City or Rural Council might in its attitude and effect. The members of these Comittees are usually mostly appointed by Provincial Governor though occasionally, only a small number will find their way to this seat by appointment, with the rest being selected by those already in place.

It is the CAD's perogative to select the RCP's whom will represent their Region at a Provincial level.

Judicial Facet

The Judicial system of the Serene^Union stands as a peculiarity amongst many other civilised, though non-democratic nations. The Law itself, or that is, the power to enforce it is neither supreme nor independent; the actual authority being combined with the Executive and evident by the Office for the Maintenance of Law being on the Council of the Aengelistoria Dominica.

Due to the Technocratic nature of Kaenei and the slim number of cases falling outside strict Criminal Law there exists no specified system for Civil cases -- They are persued in the same way as any physical wrong or illegal action. Courts exist at Regional and Provincial level, with Justicars appointed by their respective civilian authority on the advice of the Office for the Maintenance of Law and its national subsidaries. Courts of Appeal exist only at Provincial level below National government.

At a national level, the supreme judicial power of the land lies with The Grand Court of the Union, which hears cases involving multiple provinces, crimes against the Union as a whole, or otherwise difficult proceedings which they may be offered to take to trial. The Grand-Justicars which are seated upon the court are appointed by the Governor-General for life, unless unfit to serve or otherwise bring disgrace upon themselves, with the agreement of the Supreme-Justicar and Overseer Aengelis.

Suprisingly, it is precisely becuase of the nature of the Court system's place within the Council of the Aengelistoria Dominica which lends it total supremity in judicial matters. If a case brought before the Grand Court of the Union against the Council or some facet ends in a ruling indicating a wrong by the afore mentioned party, the Executive is bound to redress said infringement. However in reality becuase of the relatively calm nature of Kaeneian affairs, as well as the selection of Grand-Justicars by the Governor-General, this scenario is highly unlikely -- Further rendered difficult by the existance of a Court for appeals at national level.

It is often joked (Irony at a Kaeneian sense of humour aside) that the National Court of Appeals, or "The Court of Redress and Balance" to grant the actual title has sat in session so few times that none can remember the actual scope of its powers or perogative. In actual fact they are essentially correct -- For in nearly five hundred and thirty years this final appeal venue has never once come into calling or requirement.

It exists essentially as a mirror for the decisions of the Grand Court of the Union -- A final place to plead a case before all hopes of juidical appeal are dashed. It is however controversial in nature, in that those whom sit upon the Court of Appeal to render a final decision are from any viewpoint, hardly neutral. Three judges are selected from the supreme power of the land; The Governor-General, The Overseer Aengelis and the Supreme-Justicar whom form a tri-group of the most senior Kaeneians.

The effectiveness of such a coloured system has not been tested -- Yet.


The Act of Supremacy {Citizenship Bill EA025/02/AD} is the piece of legislation setting forth the bulk of law on the subject of Citizenship within the Serene^Union.

A [Kaeneian] Citizen is entitled to the following:

  • To be selected, and serve in Government Office.
  • To serve in the Armed Forces as a commissioned Officer or above.
  • Right to abode within the Serene^Union.

The concept of Kaeneian Citizenship is more complicated than it might first appear to the outsider, and sports many considerable and important differences when compared to the practices other nations that are distinct enough to warrent highlighting, and explanation.

The integral concept to Citizenship within the Serene^Union is Jus sanguinis (Latin for "right of blood"); The only way to hold Citizenship is to be borne forth with both parents being Kaeneian in birth right. Whether a prospective child is borne within Union territory or outwith is irrelevant -- If both parents are Kaeneian Citizens, the offspring shall be also. Unlike many other nations, Kaeneian Nationality does not provide for naturalisation or any other form by which an "alien" might obtain Citizenship and thusly the benefits therein.

A second class of Citizenship is however in existance -- that of Kaeneian Subject. It is important to note that this second classification is not intended to convey meaningful benefit or actual usefulness; it instead serves as both a warning and stern reminder of the Aengelistoria Dominica's continuing enforcement of the policy of genetic Isolationism.

Individuals borne forth from a union of parents not both Kaeneian Citizens will automatically forfeit a right to said status; traditionally this has implied and been held to be a non-Kaeneian Mother or Father such as Human, Eleven etc. A Kaeneian Subject is one recognised by the Serene^Union only in the vagest legal terms -- For said subject enjoys virtually no favour in Kaeneian territory including not possessing by automatic gift even the right to abode. The exception being they are permitted to serve in the Armed Forces only, and confined entirely to non-commissioned status.

Furthermore, any Kaeneian Citizen whom knowingly does give forth to child who consquently will be for any reason a Subject and not full Citizen, shall be automatically stripped of their own status and relegated to that of Kaeneian Subject. Since this forbids the right of abode it is in effect a form of exile.

The recently passed Act of Supremacy {Citizenship and therein EA517/4500/AD} reaffirms additionally that the Aengelistoria Dominica does not recognise nor hold themselves approachable to the concept of Dual-Citizenship; Kaeneian Citizens and crucially also Subjects, are forbidden from thusly also being a national of a foreign nation.

Acts of Supremacy

The term Act of Supremacy is an inclusive name for pieces of legislation passed at a national level which are important, all-encompassing or otherwise noteworthy enough to be gifted such a grandiose name. Frequently they are the building blocks of government actions and some govern entire sections of society, such as the place of Religion in governance and Citizenship. When an Act of Supremacy is passed, it is usually not incorrect to assume substantial thought and analysis has gone into preperation -- The Aengelistoria Dominica do not hand these titles out copiously.


Biological Differences

Main article: Kaeneians

There are several important differences between the physiology of a Terran Human, and that of a Kaeneian. Currently there are no qualified physicians capable of treating a Kaeneian outside of the borders of the Serene^Union.

Kaeneians retain a genetic prevalence to taller heights than their Human relations- Anything below five foot ten being considered highly unusual. It is often noted that the female of the species exhibits a litheness in limb that casts a deceptively fragile aura about their person.

Due to the rather frigid temperatures of Solarri, and the continued colonisation of areas of the Earth described at best as “sub-arctic” Kaeneian body temperature is significantly lower than that of a contemporary Human- Indeed temperatures found warm and comforting to Homo Sapiens can be quite uncomfortable and unpleasant to any Kaeneian likewise within that zone.

The gestation period for Kaeneian pregnancy is seven months, compared to the standard nine month term of Terran Human.

Although purely cosmetic, the hair shade of "blonde" is extremely rare amongst Kaeneians. Fewer than eight per hundred are born with this colouration, and it was often thought of as a lucky omen amongst more "conservative" elements.

Unfortunately so, the Terran Human is in possession of a considerably more efficient liver detoxification system. Specifically in the breakdown of hydrocarbon compounds, similar to alcohol. Kaeneian alcoholic beverages are often commented on as "weak" when rarely experienced outside of their borders, despite boasting a taste that is overlooked when one is merely seeking to become "legless”.

The Kaeneian visual spectrum is markedly different to its Terran Human counterpart, in rather that a constant exposure to harsh elements and relatively weak if consistant sunlight has caused the Kaeneian retina to develop a hue against vision, meaning that to all intents and purposes, Kaeneians see their world in a slightly bluish tinge- Many a wise-cracking foreigner has commented on this matching their equally dour mood perfectly.

Social Outlook

A typical Kaeneian mind is far more organised, and less prone to emotional outbursts than its Terran counterpart. Whilst hardly devoid of those feelings, it is felt more efficient and less foolish to allow them free reign in a sentient mind. Often provoking the blinded observation that Kaeneians are as unimaginative as the Electronic Intelligences they spawn.

Bustling crowds, bright colours and what can be generally regarded as a "party atmosphere" are all found distasteful by native Kaeneians, and avoided. They prefer silence to noise, and are often very loathe to befriend or truly open up to non-natives, though they will at all times remain polite.


Kaeneians as a people make up a virtual totality of those within the Serene^Union; a policy of strict isolationism only now receeding and flawless genetic purity means that only a handful of foreigners have ever set foot within Kaenei, and each has as a result recorded into the history Data-Nodes as firsts.


Personal values

An average Kaeneian values three core beliefs above all else -- Honesty, Tolerance and Non-interference. The first is obvious in origin; the displacement that saw the Union founded and billions displaced remains an ever-lasting indication of the horror of deception and it is true in no uncertain terms that one shall never elicit even a whilte lie from a Kaeneian; better the harsh truth burn and blind, than a lie sedate and weaken.

Though as a people, Kaeneians have had no contact with other races, they hold dearly a belief that no one ethnic line or civilisation holds divine right upon another under any circumstances -- Impressing one's will upon another is no true statement of power, merely terror incarnate.

Unfortunately, Non-interference proves often to conflict with Tolerance as a central belief. Kaeneian values teach that second only to Honesty is the vital truth that all beings are entitled to fulfil their affairs and destinies without interference; to pursue dreams and stumble, or achieve their desires and leap upwards it is neither for a Kaeneian nor his people to step inside and directly interfere -- This concept had been stretched to breaking point in recent decades, the Sketchen war virtually destroying this fundemental and rendering it mere words with no action to speak of.

An increasing whisper amongst the populace are calling for Non-interference to be declared a defunct concept, and to embrace an active participation in all arenas -- This is however a bold move unlikely to be enacted in the near future.


The various structures of Kaenei are remarkably different to many other foreign constructs. Preferring not to cluster together, and create senses of claustrophobia, Kaeneians far prefer the concept of space management and aesthetic concerns, without compromising on efficiency.

The Tower is a pinnacle of Kaenei craft. Never has such a simple, and open idea spawned a myriad of solutions. From the city spanning, cloud grasping behemoth of the Spire, to the small, compact habitation towers that house many Kaeneians to this day. It is the favoured form of construction, and given this there is often an almost a deliberate expanse of space between.

Another unusual concept is the shunning of tungsten filament lighting or thereabouts. Having long ago practiced and perfected the concept of photo-chemical illumination, a very different concept, achieving much the same aim is the norm.

An unremarkable, greenish liquid is circulated through opaque piping, or whatever shape is the required fitting. When stimulated with various electrochemical agents, the liquid is persuaded to shine brightly, providing illumination. The preferred tone is darkish, though standard white light is tolerable.


Foremost, the Serene^Union is a Technocracy -- As such, money and that associated with it is redundant. The only comparable currency is the Energy-Credit which determines the levels of power consumed by individuals within the Union, and is not affected by employment or qualification and is thusly not an indicator of wealth or success. The Serene^Union does not trade actively with outsiders. All goods that are required are manufactured within their borders. Because of their unique origins, they have never had a great need for participation on Earth economies.

There are exceedingly few corporations within the borders of Kaenei and none in the familiar capitalistic scence and motivation seen in many free market nations, for their presence would be pointless. The Serene^Union is more than capable of supporting itself, as it has done for centuries beforehand. With the advancement of technologies, coupled with the increasing threats of a militaristic world, the Serene^Union does however on a strictly non-regular basis trade in high gain computational systems, and limited raw materials.;Seeking to increase their knowledge in neglected areas of medicine and biotechnology.

Taking their experience and achievements in the field of gravimetric technology, and their undoubted mastery of the art of defying such a natural force, Kaenei exchanged related services for the benefit of their species. Great leaps in medical technology needed to continue expansions of fleet operations were garnered.

However, there are entities owned by the stare which are charged with providing services under the all-encompassing provisions of the Aengelistoria Dominica and covering a multitude of facets which a Kaeneian might encounter within the normalacy of his or her day; Power generation, sanitary systems and heavy industry supplied by such devolved assemblies. The most well-known of these state-maintained entities outside of the Serene^Union is Air Kaenei, the state Gravline and primary carrier of internal and trans-world Kaeneian air traffic.



Religion is a fundamentally alien concept to the people of the Serene^Union, hailing as they do from a World very different to Earth and its myriad of faiths. It is important to remember the Kaeneian mindset in relation to any acceptance of a higher power or deity; to a Kaeneian, there is no higher individual to answer to than one's self -- Only the common moral and ethical beliefs of a people bound into codified law act as a safeguard against the ravaging excesses of sentient nature, and when so little stands between society and anarchy, to hand free will away from Kaeneian to the supernatural is seen as an error at least, and a catastrophic leap of faith at worst.

Church and state

The Act of Supremacy {Religion and practice thereof EA517/4966/AD} States:

The state, deemed to include the workings of government such as legislature, consultative, executive and judicial shall now and forever remain seperated and impartial to the affairs, beliefs and practices of religion, organised or otherwise. The state shall endorse and give good-favour to no religion over another and seek not the establishment of a preferential. Holders of theological position shall henceforth be prohibited from also holding state office, to ensure the seperation of practised worship and government is maintained.

Despite an overwhelming consensus on the subject from a purely logical point of view (With a near one hundred percent of population confirming themselves as Non-Religious/Atheist) It is believed a not-insignifcant minority numbering in the possible hundreds of thousands do practice a faith known as Celestialism , based almost certainly on some ancient facet of Baroque-Kaeneian culture that has failed to survive in the modern time amongst the population as a majority.

Religious Groups

  • Atheism: 95%


  • Kaeneian: 99.9%
    • Human/Elven/Humanoid Species: TRACE

Related articles

Articles relating to threads on the forums

The K.T.V. Scoperta DSX-1T; a closer look at the Serene^Union's Timeship currently featured in A Final Barrier Broken.

Recent History

A Final Barrier Broken - The Timeship Scoperta and her Kaeneian crew are forced (More some than others) to work closely with Cetagandan, Der Angst and Dominion Envoys to safeguard their existance following a successful, though crippling test of a Temporal Displacement Drive.

A Gateway between Stars - The discovery of an ancient Baroque-Kaeneian transport gate releases the possibility of a return to the Home sectors of Kaenei, and perhaps, the long abandoned homeworld of Solarri.

Whatever Gets You Through The Day - Governor-General Sophia Byzainti is forced to find an unusual solution to a unique problem and rely on those she has few ties to, when the newly restored holographic form of Minister Killthanus comes to the conclusion he no longer wishes to exist.

An Unfortunate End - Events preceeding "Whatever Gets You Through The Day."

The End Justifies The Means - The Intelligence Directorate acts to safeguard the Serene^Union from the incessant and threatening nature of their own citizen's emotions.

Alliance Information

Charter of the Triumvirate of Yut

Charter of the Non-Democratic Alliance

Territories & Dependencies

The Star Territory of Kaenei Mars: A closer look at the Serene^Union's presence on the Red Planet.