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The Federal Republic of Belarum
Flag of Belarum
Motto : With Justice For All
Region European Union
Capital Bastia (pop. 15 million)
Five largest cities Bastia, Costanja, Oristano, Prezhnov, Marzen
Spoken languages
 - Official

 - Total
 - % water

? km², ? sq mi
 - President
 - Vice President
 - Senate Leader
 - Governing Party
Federal Republic
Viktor Draugen (DS)
Alan Mengela (DS)
Fredrick Savinoy (L)
Democratic Socialist Party/Liberal Party
Population (2007)
 - NS population
 - Roleplay population

2.75 billion
275 million
GDP (FY2006/07)
  - Total (USD)
  - Roleplay (USD)
  - GDP/capita (USD)

$100 trillion
$10 trillion
National animal
Currency Euro (€)
 - sport
 - government

Internet TLD .bel, .fr
NS NSEconomy Pipian Sunset XML


Belarum, officially the Federal Republic of Belarum, is a country in the European Union. It is the third-largest country by geographical area in the EU, as well as one of the more populous liberal democracies in the region. The Federal Republic, most notably, borders the nations of Aesop Rocks, Triera, Mortal Thunder, Jantonio, Saint Joseph, and the regional governing district of Europolis. It also shares the Pas De Calais with Peace-Loving States, and borders the Arctic Ocean to the northwest. Belarum is in the vicinity of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. More specifically, Belarum is a constitutional federal republic, with its capital in Bastia.

Belarum emerged as a major regional power in 1930’s after the end of the Great Depression and the Baltan War, which saw the expansion of Belarian manufactured goods spread throughout the EU. During the post war years, Belarum become a dominant force in the political and economic events in the region, and even today wields significant sway in international affairs. Domestic terrorism became an issue in 1989 when the Oristano subway system was attacked in what would come to be known as the Gorzowan Incident. In recent years, the nation has emerged as an active force in regional politics, with both Franklin Carter and currently Marcus Tristan serving as heads of regional government (the former as UN Delegate, the later as EU President with delegate status).

The nation today has one of the most powerful economies in the region in terms of purchasing power, with a GDP of roughly 10 trillion USD. It is one of the more popular in the European Union with 275 million inhabitants. The nation is represented in the European Union Security Council (EUSC) as well as the European Treaty Organization (ETO), and uses its economic, political, and cultural clout to influence regional happenings on a modest scale.


Unification of Belarum (1906-1923)

On the first of May in the year 1906, several diplomats from the small nations of Sarbonia, Galati, Gorzowa, Anatusia, Kaunus, Kalma, and Zamora convened on the city of Oristano to discuss their unification in order to create a single, powerful nation which could combine it's economies and create a regional superpower. The diplomats carved out the new nation and decided on the creation of a republic. A legislature and executive office was created, as well as a judicial court to provide for checks and balances in the central government. The old nations were turned into new principalities. A new city was created in order to accomodate the new central government, and construction quickly began in 1907. By 1913, the legislature settled on the name Bastia for the capitol.

Anatusian Liberation Front (1923-1929)

Very rapdily, the principalities soon lost their once great powers in favor of centralized control from the federal government. In 1923, General Marcus Budechenko led a violent splinter faction in Anatusia's principal military forces, which named themselves the Anatusian Liberation Force (ALF). For a little over four years, Budechenko's forces committed assassinations, kidnappings, and several bombings in Bastia and other regions which grew complacent and supportive of central rule. Marcus Budechenko was captured on June 19, 1927 in an apartment in Prezhnov, Zamora. He attempted to escape custody several days later, and was killed. The ALF quickly crumbled, and Belarum had regained control over the principalities. In order to combat such future actions, President Khaskovo signed an executive order, resulting in the creation of the State Security Bureau, which would ultimately become the Belarian Intelligence Office.

Ideological Shift and the Baltan War (1929-1947)

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The leaders of Triera, Belarum, and the Soviet Union meet during the Baltan War.

The economy, which was based entirely on corporate control at the time, soon took a horrid turn beginning in the 1930's because of the Great Depression. The Belarian Communist Party soon seized control of the government, and rapidly took control of commerce and what industry was available at the time. The government quickly instituted New Deal-esque policies, and the Great Depression went out with a whimper by 1935. Belarum quickly rose in the European Union as a regional power, as it rapidly mechanized and industrialized the economy. The military of the Federal Republic would be revamped as well because of the open hostility of the Baltan Empire, a fascist empire which openly sought to expand it's borders under the leadership of Imperial Emperor Gustav Harster.

By the year 1941, the Baltan Empire declared war on the Federal Republic of Belarum. Other nations would join the fight against the Baltan Empire and Gustav Harster, most notably the Imperium of Triera and the Soviet Union. Belarum, the USSR, and Triera banded together to form the Grand Alliance, in order to defeat the hostile Baltans. In perhaps one of the most brutal wars in the history of the European Union, the Grand Alliance was victorious over the Baltan Empire by the end of the year 1947.

The devestation of the war was felt across the whole European Union. Billions of dollars of damage had occurred, almost 47% of all economic capabilities in the region were destroyed, and over 134 million lives were lost. The Baltan Empire was quickly absorbed by surrounding nations, including Belarum, and the healing process was starting.

Post War Years and Democratic Socialism (1947-1989)

The economy surged in the post war years, as GDP per capita in Belarum rose sharply and new markets emerged, including arms manufacturing (private ownership of firearms was legalized in Belarum in 1940's; gun control would be instituted and repealed several times in the nation's history). As economic prosperity in Belarum skyrocketed, it created an unnatural dominance of Belarian markets acrossed the ravaged private sectors of the European Union. From 1949 to 1979, Belarum became a dominant force politically and economicaly in the EU.

Democratic Socialism became very popular in the late 70's, and soon large chunks of the Belarian Communist Party melded with parts of the Centrist Party to create the Democratic Socialist Party, which seized 76% of the popular vote in the presidential election in 1980 after an advertising blitz for the past three years. This also allowed the party to gain many seats in the legislature. Since 1984, Democratic Socialism has become extraordinarily popular, and seems very likely to last as a dominant force in Belarum's political machine. The party quickly moved to support more privatization in Belarum's economy, but kept the "main pillars" (railroads, utilities, energy, and to some extent agriculture) under state control, while using public funding to create social safety nets for those working in the private sector by creating masive public works administered on the local level.

Gorzowan Incident to the Present (1989-Present)

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A Gorzowan terrorist .

Belarum pursued isolationist policies after mild turmoil in Gorzowa exploded in national headlines when an ethnic Gorzowan terrorist group led by Andre Vikza detonated a large explosive device in the Oristano subway system in 1989, killing hundreds of innocent civilians and prompting action from the Belarian Intelligence Office. Shortly after, the same group kidnapped three senators and executed one, leading to a dizzying array of arrests and raids on the terrorist group that would come to be known as Black Winter. The group's leaders were captured by the BIO, and have since been sentenced to life inprisonment.

In December of 2005, Franklin Carter of Belarum was elected UN Delegate for the EU. In January of 2006, the Federal Republic was elected to the EU's new Security Council. Belarum celebrated it's centenial on May 1 in 2006. On June 1 of 2006, Franklin Carter resigned from service as UN Delegate for the EU, shortly after which Belarum withdrew from the United Nations altogether.


The government of Belarum began as a federal republic, which is defined as a federation of states with a republican form of government. However, as the ethnic tensions which once pervaded the state of Belarum have all but faded, more and more power has been transfered to the federal government, making it more of a unitary state.

The FRB has a tricameral form of government, which includes executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The executive branch is headed by the President of the Federal Republic, who is the head of state and government. The legislative branch is the Belarian Senate, a unicameral legislature representative of population. The judicial branch is the Supreme Court. These branches are tasked with various duties, but primarily are tasked with enacting, implementing, and interpreting laws.

Executive Branch

The Federal Republic is a presidential system, which means that the executive branch is independant of the legislative branch. The head of the executive is the president, who is elected every four years for up to three terms of office. The president appoints heads of ministries with the approval of the Senate.

Ministries of the Federal Republic

Ministry Minister Party Province
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Franklin Yager Conservative Anatusia
Ministry of Internal Affairs Delano Morris Liberal Zamora
Ministry of Finance Madeline Fulton Centrist Anatusia
Ministry of Defense Jack B. Buchanan Centrist Sarbonia
Ministry of Education Victoria Redgrave Democratic Socialist Zamora
Ministry of Commerce E. M. Rawlings Conservative Kaunus
Ministry of Labor Craig Jennings Liberal Galati
Ministry of Health & Welfare Milhous Van Morrison Centrist Anatusia
Ministry of Justice Emily Carlson Centrist Anatusia
Ministry of Transportation Janet Forsythe Democratic Socialist Galati
Ministry of the Environment Victor Hugo Cummings Democratic Socialist Anatusia
Ministry of Culture Harry S. Jacinto Liberal Kalma
Ministry of Agriculture Gregory Vick Democratic Socialist Sarbonia
Ministry of Energy Bobby Crane Centrist Gorzowa

Legislative Branch

Under Construction

Judicial Branch

Under Construction

Political Parties

Political Party Party Chairman Description Percentage of Seats in the Senate Seats in the Senate of 563
Liberal Party Kevin Carmikael The Liberal Party of Belarum (LPB) has recently become the major political party in the nation. The new party, backed by the Liberal Party of the European Union, was created a few months before the 2006 Senate Elections, and perhaps managed to swing many Centrist and a few Democratic Socialist voters because of the simultaneous running of native Belarian Marcus Tristan for the Presidency of the European Union under the same party banner. The party is economically centrist, socially liberal, and committed internationalists in matters of foreign policy. The LPB now controls a plurality in the Senate. 38.9% 219
Democratic Socialist Party Viktor Draugen The Democratic Socialist Party (DSP) was created in the late 1970’s, after center-left members of the CPBR left and merged with the old Communist Party to create the new DSP. Its members advocate socially moderate philosophy and economically leftist ideals, while maintaining tariffs in order to protect the labor force. The party has been a force to be reckoned with, controlling more than half the Senate until the 2000 Elections, which saw the Centrist Party take a plurality of the legislature. The current President, Viktor Draugen, is a member of the Democratic Socialist Party, and has remained very popular since his 2000 election to the office and re-election in 2004. This has been true mainly because of his ability to work with the Senate in order to get things done, most recently a free trade agreement between regional allies and fellow economic powers Triera and Peace-Loving States. 25.04% 141
Centrist Party Nikolai Karachev The Centrist Party of the Belarian Republic (CPBR) is one of the oldest political parties in the Federal Republic, and has offered itself as the most moderate party in the nation. It favors maintaining defense spending, stronger border protection, fiscal conservatism, economic deregulation, minimum wage increase, fair labor practices, fair trade policies, civil unions for homosexual couples, restrictions on abortion, and a gradual decrease of the welfare state. 20.07% 113
Conservative Party Fredrick Hatcher The Belarian Conservative Party (BCP) has been known throughout the country as the most forceful of the opposition parties, and has been losing ground since the creation of the DSP because of its harsher economic policies. The Conservatives are fiscal watchdogs and constant critics of big spending, economically libertarian, socially traditional values, and generally hold more hawkish stances on foreign policy. 15.99% 90

Administrative Divisions

Anatusia Galati Gorzowa Kalma Kaunus Sarbonia Zamora


Belarum is the seventh largest economy in the European Union in real terms, placed behind Malvines, the Soviet Union, Byzantium, Nungeena, Dim Quai, and Triera. It also has the seventh highest GDP per capita in the region, which usually hovers around $36,000 USD.

Belarum has a social market economy, much like many other nations in the European Union. Since the Great Depression of the 1930's, Belarum had shifted significantly to the left, but in recent years has successfully straddled between capitalism and communism. This social market economy (or mixed economy) aims at balancing high economic growth and low inflation with full employment, social welfare and equality, public services, and good working conditions. Results on a large scale have been highly favorable.