Delta Green

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The Incorporated Populations of Delta Green (abbreviated IPDG, or DelG), named after its extensive intelligence and military network that blends seamlessly with its government and sometimes refered to as Hyperborea, is an unusual new form of nation that has progressed through the years practically unnoticed until its official "awakening" on the new year of 2006.

It is unknown the exact history of Delta Green's formation, yet all historical references seem to vaguely point towards its existence, no matter how insignificant. Only after the Trillenium Committee was formed by the leadership of Delta Green after the nuclear holocaust that occured during the Woomera Incident did the Technocracy receive any recognition or renown. The following events placed Delta Green as a political power when it seized official control over Antarctica, large areas of ocean between Australia and Antarctica, and the former state of Australia. While dwarfed by such powers as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Delta Green proved itself worthy of political manueverability.

Delta Green's ambitions extend far beyond its territories. It is actively involved in the new Post-Modern Arms Race between the Soviet Union and Delta Green, using its seemingly limitless resources to fund fantastical programs based on technology never seen before. Delta Green, despite being rather small, proved willing to defend itself with superior technology and tactics during the Hyperborean Purge, when all foreign elements remaining on Antarctica either were actively eliminated by Delta Green forces or simply "disappeared," which ended with the renaming of the desolate continent Hyperborea.


As mentioned above, historical details of the Delta Green organization and the state of Hyperborea are extremely vague. The only evidence found so far in records has been classified by the nations holding them or silenced by the government of Delta Green, which seems quite intent on keeping historical information on Delta Green as clandestine as possible. This strange behavior exhibited by the nation is usually not attributed as odd, especially considering the communist revisionism exhibited in the historical records of its fellow nation, the Soviet Union.

Some investigation has revealed ties to former nations, such as the United States of America during World War II and the early Cold War. Declassified documents uncovered from the former government point towards a connection to a secret military organization that was used to infiltrate and destroy secret Nazi and later Soviet projects involving paranormal affairs. Rejected as rumor by most authorities, most especially Delta Green's, such claims seem no more than conspiracy theory. Furthermore, there are also alleged ties with the network of the Free People of Communist Brazil before the collapse of the junta government. Another alleged tie is with the Imperial Union of Napoleonic Empire, which is also another collapsed nation. The only thread tying each nation that seems to be connected vaguely to Delta Green is that they at one time collapsed. But the presence of former officials from all three of those fallen regimes now in power within Delta Green is not seen as a simple coincidence by some.


The citizens of Delta Green have a unique sense of culture. Because of the strange conditions in which they live, a new sub-culture that is derived from assimilated peoples and the activities of the State at large has been developed and is slowly bringing a sense of community and cultural equality and reciprocity. However, currently the cultures are still heavily divided between the several habitation centers. Cultural differences and conflicts have in the past cause conflicts, which brought a sweeping new change not only to segregate and seperate cultures, but also attempt to assimilate and homogenize.

The Partition

Because of huge cultural conflict during the early years of Delta Green development, it was decided by Parliament that the cultures could not be immediately combined and had to be kept seperate and administrated differently because of it. During the creation of Delta Green, the intitial populations were founded upon a small amount of ethnicities. These included selected German, French, British and Irish refugees (fleeing the Spectre War and Holiday Revolution conflicts respectively), Australian, Aboriginal, and Brazilian populations (displaced by the Woomera Incident), and finally a substantial ethnic Norwegian population, whom was settled or assimilated during the Hyperborean Purge. However, there is one exception

The Capitol is the nerve center of the entire Delta Green state, and as such, it also is the cultural center as well as economic and political. It is unique in that all of the major Delta Green ethnicities can be found with substantial numbers in this hab-center. While some hab-centers may have divided populations, the Capitol is the only one which has been successful at creating a new culture and breaking down cultural divisions. This is called by some the Hyperborean Experiment, as the populations within the Capitol are the focus on creating the new Hyperborean race. See below for more details on this experiment. Even though it is the only non-segregated population, the Capitol still ranks higher with certain ethnicities than others, whom are determined to be the more "adapted" and more suitable for the Hyperborean experiment. The Capitol's major ethnicities set the standard on which the new Hyperborean culture is designed. Currently, the major populations include ethnic Norwegians, English, and Aboriginal Australians.

Hyperborean Experiment


The government and system found in Delta Green is quite unique. Unknown to all but the highest of officials, Delta Green is not exactly a nation. Populations of people are placed into habitation facilities, where giant complexes built as cities and facilities are found, usually subterranean and outside of prying eyes except for a few exceptions to please tourists and visitors. The people are systematically conditioned and drugged until the psychological burden places upon their minds the illusion of living within a great society, creating a compulsory consumerist, dystopian society akin to that of Huxley's Brave New World.

Externally, Delta Green is controlled by a semi-representative, extremely centralized statist government firmly based on capitalism (although this proves to be a folly.) There is only one "official" government office in Delta Green. All other perceived positions, such as the hierarchy of the Delta Green organization, Parliament, and the President's executive advisors, are completely unofficial and only have power because the President wills it so. In theory, the President is the State and the State is the President, yet the Parliament tends to control the President behind closed doors, the executive advisors regulate issues of their domain, the Trust control all economic affairs, and the Delta Green organization usually opperates autonomous of the office of the Presidency in military and intelligence affairs.

The President is little more than a figurehead, at first glance. Yet Bailey O'Sullivan is more than a puppet. The first and only President Delta Green has had (actually, there were three before him, but propaganda revises history to place Bailey as the founder of the Technocracy to inspire loyalty), O'Sullivan has taken a leading stance, even though his actual powers are limited. With support in his actions, he actively works the the "shadow government" of Delta Green to lead his nation, giving them a central point to rally around.


Politics in Delta Green are extremely vague and undetailed to people outside of the nation. What is know is that there is a general sense of apathy when concerning political conflict and affiliation. Propaganda and societal norms further this, and people tend not to associate themselves with political ideologies. Those who do are labelled as extreme radicals and ostracized by the rest of society, such as the dwindling protest group Høyesterett, which causes more resistence to change than support for it. Along with this apathy, as can be inferred, is a deep seated sense of conservatism. This is aided very much by the propaganda used by the Delta Green and the strict centralist policies enforced.

Shadow government

Main article here: Parliament
The majority of the actual power in the IFT can be found in the "shadow government" that rests with the corporatist Trust, the mysterious Parliament, and the Delta Green organization. None of these are official and almost all of these organizations are kept classified and rarely make themselves obvious.

This is one of the defining aspects of the political element of Delta Green. The Technocracy is like a giant conspiracy, long and convoluted folding upon itself in a maddening web of intrigue and bureacracy. The purpose is for one protect the actual goals and motivations behind the Parliament and the purpose of the entire creation of Delta Green. This is all kept unknown, making it near impossible for others to penetrate the real, physical barriers as well as the bureacratic in order to infiltrate the Delta Green political situation.

Executive Advisors

As mentioned earlier, executive advisors form the backbone of the effective bureacracy of the Delta Green government. Each one is personally appointed by the President, and in turn they are given full control of their "commission," in which they further take on additional advisors, bureacrats, and create an organization from appointment. There is little hierarchy set in law rather than whim, but they manage to create a rather well oiled machine. Each one is given full flexibility and authority by the President's endorsement and approval in their chosen area. The vagueness of their position and domain also lends towards a broad interpretation of what their powers actually consist of, and in the especial case of Commissioner of Stability Oppenheimer, they often find themselves taking on positions outside of their commission, branching from their area of authority.

Internal affairs

Main article here: Delta Green (organization)

Internal affairs within Delta Green may be seen as confusingly burearcratic and horribly complex by some outside analysts. Domestic policy and control mostly lies in the Commission of Stability, headed by Bernard L. Oppenheimer. However, the other Commissions often intervene when their specialized position would bring expertise to the subject. The Delta Green organization also plays a large role in controlling internal affairs. All other smaller issues are either enforced by any of the various commissions

Foreign relations

Under construction.

The Incorporated Populations of Delta Green
State Motto: Truth is a privilege. Innocence is a luxury. Deception is a right.
Spoken Languages
 - Official
 - Language of Law
 - Unofficial
Jiwali, Norwegian, Hyperborean, English
Capital Capitol
Largest City The Big Shell (Shell-01)
President Bailey O'Sullivan, Centralist Party (Image)
Prime Director of Delta Green ALPHONSE (Image)
 - Controlled Quota (2006)

125 million (kept stable until quota changed)
 - Declared
 - Recognised

January 1 2006
Government type Technocracy with "shadow" sub-government
Nation type Compulsory Consumerist State
GDP (2006)
  - Total
  - GDP/capita

2,472,419,134,877.90 in USD ($) (As of 1/12/06)
17,534.89 in USD ($) (As of 1/12/06)
Currency 1.0733 vouchers (N/A) = 1 USD worth in credit ($)
Time Zone Unknown
International Abbreviations
 - sport
 - government

Naval Craft Classification
  - State
  - Civilian

MSC (MSSC for submarines)
All naval craft are State
National Anthem TBA
Internet TLD .dg