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Forum: Sisgardian_HQs
Population: 20 nations
Delegate: Diablo_NL
Founder: Technocratic Republics
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Region Information

Current Regional Population: 52,713b (7 September 2004)
Regional Area: 8,750,000 sq miles
Average Density: 6.024 habs per sq mile



Sisgardia is composed by three main contients: Northlands, Central Sisgardia and Southern Sisgardia. Northlands mainly a group of islands and one mayor subcontinent. It is divided in the following regions: Aphyr, Handalar, Tavaroth, Thul Alard, and the Eastern and Western Shattering. The nations ofAlterack, Tarasovka, Tarakalar, Celeborne and Spencertopia hold claims in this continent. Central Sisgardia is the core of the region, and the one with the highest density of population and most urbanized. It is composed of three subcontinents and small groups of islands. It is divided in the following regions: Sigodia, Valakia, Tarvalak, Cardinia, Dakathia, Zar Kaeloth, Heffescia, Antedammia, Sisgardian Highlands, Utharian Peninsula, Ironhook Peninsula, Island of Sadria, and the Southern Shattering. The nations of Alterack, The Lab Mouse, Der Angst, Tarasovka, Technocratic Republics, Alizara, Zethkur, Pilon and North-West Antarctica hold claims in this continent. Southern Sisgardia is composed by a main continent, two subcontinents and a myriad of islands. It is divided in the following regions: Kaszidra, Ath-Olad, Eastern Hithion, Western Hithion, Kalambria, Nessanor, Falkadria, Khul'Balath, Phadabros, Dokthoria, Parvator, Gargaroth, Windust Islands, Islands of Sibion and the Hollow Island. The nations of Taurenor, Aerion, Lun Noir, Zigaroth, Der Angst, and CairnTarra hold claims in this continent.


From the Hippie- culture of North-West Antarctica and CairnTarra to the Psionics of Der Angst and Zethkur, from conventional nations like Tarasovka and Aerion to Mago- Technological Utopias like Technocratic Republics or Elvish nations like Taurenor, basically everything is represented in Sisgardia.


Sisgardia is the home of the World Technological Entity, Located on Tavashii Island, and the influence of the WTE, as well as the membership of most Sisgardian nations in the WTE, resulted in isgardia becoming a high- tech utopia.

Furthermore, the Sisgardian Fellowship of Nations is important. While the defense- oriented alliance is a relatively dormant factoor, several of its members have managed to develop significant impact on other regions, for example Mars.

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