The Xheng Dynasty

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The Xheng Dynasty rules the Arch-Imperium of the Xheng Dynasty, a multicultural union of 8 Imperiums. These Imperiums are smaller kingdoms united under the Xheng Clan. Under their administration and governorship of the 8 Imperiums they have become the most dominant oriental nation in the entire European Region. As a collective of multiple imperiums, the Dynasty rules a greater imperium, thus the Arch-Imperium and is the only one of its type in the world where lesser sovereigns still have autonomy over cultural and family groups while still owing collective allegiance to the Emperor.

The Xheng Dynasty
Flag of The Xheng Dynasty
Motto: With Heaven's Blessing
No Map Available Yet
Region Europe
Capital Xi'an
Official Language(s) English, Chinese,
Leader His Imperial Majesty the Xheng Emperor
Population 11.3 Billion
Currency Imperial-Euro 
NS Sunset XML

The Dynasty

The Xheng Dynasty is the longest reigning Han Dynasty in the Arch-Imperium's history. At first it was a small Imperium one of eight, that lived in what is now known as the Arch-Imperium. Due to its geographical boundaries with the other nations surrounding, the large area that would become the Arch-Imperium was left relatively alone.

The Imperium Wars were fought to ensure the survival that the Xheng dynasty would reign supreme over the other dynasties. The Han, Tang, Qin, Xia, Shang, Wong, Ming, and Xheng clans all fought for dynastic control of what would become the Arch-Imperium itself. The Xheng clan was triumpant over the other clans for control and reigned over them all in a united Empire. The Arch-Imperium would later be formed, grouping more control in a decentralized government that would allow the other clans control as well.

See main article, see History of the Xheng Dynasty

The Arch-Imperium

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The Imperial Seal of the Imperial Stratagem

The Arch-Imperium's government is the Imperial Stratagem. Within this government is the body of the legislature as well as the executive and judicial branches that manage the functions of the government as well as checking the power balance within its structure. The Arch-Imperium itself is a modern entity that has evolved from thousands of years of monarchy-based dynastic rule. Within its borders, the Arch-Imperium is in fact a collection of 7 seperate Imperiums, all which are officially stated as self-determining political entities united under a common protective banner of the Arch-Imperium. In truth the system is rather unitary with the central government enacting majority control over all dominions in its borders.

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The Imperial Seal of the Xheng Dynasty

The Arch-Imperium itself has little to do with direct spending in terms of Enviornmental policies, Social Welfare, or Public Transportation. Instead these are actually delegated towards State Owned Enterprises. Since State Owned Enterprises themselves are technically self-responsible corporate entities, their budgets and such are not disclosed as Government Funding and administative costs, which is why they don't show up as government records. Within the Imperial Stratagem's laws, there is little disclosure even with State Owned Enterprises. However it is suspected that mega conglomerates such as Dynastic International, PetroEnerGen, Imperial Networks and Royal Star Enterprises spend heavy funds within these areas. Dynastic International in particular is extremely well known for spending vast sums of its profits in supporting enviornmental causes. PetroEnerGen itself is under heavy scrutiny, as it is a PetroChecmical Corporation, to assure that the enviornment is well looked after. Royal Star Enterprises and Imperial Networks oversee the majority of the transportation costs since there is a vast need for effective public used transportation systems. The Octopus Card, was one of the many systems used to support public transport.


The Xheng Dynasty rules over an Arch-Imperium, which is a federation of 3 provinces and 1 territory. The Territory is under the control of the Xheng Family while the other 7 provinces are nominally under the control of the 7 smaller dynastic clans. In truth most of the families are members of these 7 groups, but realistically this has no impact on their lifestyles. Except for the Royal Family, most people within the Arch-Imperium live rather simple ilves. It is a highly commercialized yet socialist style culture. The ancient culture of Oriental traditions is very prevelant and classical confucian ideas still flourish. The religions of Islam, Mahayana, Khan and Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Shinto and Ancestral Worship are still the most dominant of religious forces.

The culture of the Xheng Arch-Imperium allows for a very high standard of living with minimal income required. This makes the Arch-Imperium unique as the government is heavily responsible for providing shelter and community resources such as energy and shelter for its population. The wealth of the Xheng Dynasty comes from various sorts of industries, primarily manufacturing and mineral refinement. The advent of the massive construction of sea cities meant that mariculture was also a significant industry, exporting food and raw materials from the ocean which Xheng Technology seemed perfect for.

The mix of the old and the new seem to work well together. The Imperial Palace features many ancient buildings that were directly imported from their homeland. These buildings were disasembled then reasembled into a perfect reproduction of the great Imperial Palace of the orient. Many of the government buildings within the Imperial Palace were former great dining and meeting halls for the Emperor's officials. Converted into large auditoriums these great halls now are used to create laws and regulations that protect the people outside of the Imperial Palace. The Palace, like its twin, the Forbidden City features 9999.5 rooms (one room is actually a door opening to a staircase that goes to the ceiling with no destination, which is considered half a room).Outside the Imperial Palace, ancient looking oriental buildings are actually built from new modern state of the art materials purposely aged to look ancient and with rich culture.

Medicine is state of the art and highly reliable, but at the same time people consult herbalists and Acupuncturists for additional healing. Exercises such as meditation and Tai Chi are still widely practiced and the Government even encourages daily exercise for health and safety reasons. Martial Arts is also encouraged to promote dicipline and detication to physical health, while music, art and caligraphy are also promoted to preserve artistic expression. The practice of these arts and cultural activities are often moments for celebration. The New Years celebrations are also a holiday to remember as the Orientals certainly know how to throw a party.

Social culture of the Arch-Imperium is surprisingly liberal for a nation that values ancient traditions. Recently, the Emperor openly declared same-sex unions to be legal and just as valid as opposite sex relationships, a powerful liberal motivation for the movement towards more social and independent freedoms is a vital mandate for the Imperial Stratagem, that is heavily supported by the monarchy and the aristocracy. Abortions, and right to die have been examined in detail and are judged by a case by case situation. For the most part Judges and Advocates are heavily relied on to judge these cases with an open mind.

Cultural and Religious Groups

Choson: Primarily from central Orient, the Choson are the smallest minority. They compose perhaps 20 million in number but have their own blend of architecture, cuisine and music. They essentially are an independent people who have their own lifestyle. Under the Xheng Dynasty they have been granted a great deal of autonomy.

Han: The largest population by far is the Han ethnic group. They compose 90% of the population and the Xheng Dynasty is amongst them. The Han culture is by far the most dominant but thanks to the efforts of the government the cultural assimilation of other smaller groups was stopped. The Han language is also the most commonly spoken and is the official language but in regions of other ethnic groups,

Nippon: Islandic and more feudal, the Nipponese are a very culturally rich minority based on simplicity. Their own cultural iconic buildings were also imported such as Sa'ja Castle were brought across the oceans. Their food is famous for its delicacy and richness of flavour, as well as being raw.

See main article, see Nipponese Culture

Shintoism: A religion based on local Nippon folk beliefs and customs. Shinto comes into significant important for the Nipponese elders are directly responsible for the highest levels of worship. Shintoism itself has the belief of many natural spirits of nature and the enviornment.

Confucianism: Though not technically a religion, Confucianism is actually a philosophy of social order with a heirarchy structure. To the benefit of the Xheng Dynasty this order points to the Emperor as the supreme authority of power and must be obeyed.

Khan Buddhism: There are four vast branches of Buddhism that exist within the Arch-Imperium: Zen, Mahayana, Khan and Tibetan Buddhism exist all within the borders. These 4 major sects exist peacefully and stress the importance of internal peace and understanding. The largest sect by far is Khan Buddhism, lead by the High Lama, Khan Tao-Tse.

See main article, see Khan Buddhism

Taoism: In addition to similarities to Shintoism, Taoism is a Han/Choson version of the relatively similar beliefs of the Shinto culture, however Taoism evolved before Shintoism became mainstream.

Islam: The only western religion to recieve a large following within the Arch-Imperium. This usually is associated with a more outward religion.

Ancestral Worship: This concept is unique to the Oriental culturals, even with different religious groups. Ancestral worship is veneration of one's ancestors and appreciation of family traditions.

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The Great Hall of Ancestral Worship


The Commercial structure of the Xheng Dynasty is quite complex with a number of Government owned corporations and Dynastic Companies that have dominance over their capitalist market. For a Monarchy, the Arch-Imperium is extremely socialist which is shown by icons like the Red and Yellow Star.

The construction of the Xheng-Class Worldships was a breakthrough for manufacturing of large scale vessels and construction projects. The technology required to create such huge vessels was put to later use when the construction of cities took priority. At an astounding rate cities throughout the Arch-Imperium's territory were springing up with fully functional facilities. Hydroelectric, solar and wind power were used to make the entire region enviornmentally friendly. Geothermal energy sometimes was also exploited to be used for heat generation. The need for energy sources allowed the enviornment to be targetted but the government was adamant that the enviornment was a definate issue that could not be disputed. As a result the Arch-Imperium has some of the most strict laws regarding enviornmental protection.

Cities made of steel and glass seem to be the more popular but also other construction materials like concrete and wood and even bamboo are common place. A mixture of their ancient curved roof architecture and compacted earth may still be seen in the building of traditional gardens and temples. For the most part modern grey and glass structures are more common. To allow for beauty, asthetic appeal is of pivotal importance. Gardens and plantlife of various colour variations are highly favored.

The Xheng Dynasty itself owns many large corporations which are highly profitable. These companies are not under the jurisdiction of the government executive, rather under the royal family of the Xheng Dynasty.

See main article, see Commerce of the Xheng Dynasty


Much like Dynastic International, The Xheng Dynasty holds a formidable share of the Media as well, this includes news programs, newspapers and magazines, web blogs, internet news sites, and mass media broadcasts. Under the megacompany Imperial Telecommunications (Imperial Telecom) a massive share of all the media types are all under the majority control of the government. The sheer influence of the media power of Imperial Telecom reaches all of the households throughout the Arch-Imperium at the same time Government and Royal Funding keeps the company flourishing with a massive job market constantly growing for the spread of news. Imperial Telecom is seeking to break into neighboring markets.

The largest news network is the Xheng Imperial News Distrbution Agency, better known as XINDA.XINDA runs 24 hours, 7 days a week always with updated reports on issues that concern citizens on everytopic imaginable. The XINDA network is a subsidiary of Imperial Telecom but bears the Xheng name as they have ownership over the Agency itself. XINDA has a strict protocol for objectivity and even though the Xheng dynasty has ownership they do not interfere with the news services itself. XINDA by far is the largest of the news agencies but is not alone, however it is the only one that is half publically owned.

See main article, see XINDA

The Imperial Stratagem (government structure)

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The Imperial Stratagem, note the use of the Imperial Seal

The government forumula of the Xheng Dynastic Arch-Imperium is consisted of three legislatures the executive, the royal family and the Judicial system. Throughout the system of government representatives are elected by a democratic process similar to those of European Nations but they utilize a single-transferable ballot proportional representation system. By tradition the legislative system is refered to as the Imperial Stratagem.

The legislative process in the Imperial Stratagem is relatively simple. There are three readings in every chamber. Every reading must pass with a majority then it is immediately moved to the next chamber. All legislation can be introduced by any member of any hall or council, but it must begin in the Hall of Deputies. The Hall of Deputies represents the majority of the general public so that is the beginning of any process. Amendments can be made in each of these processes including committees which are made as a stage 2 of the readings.

See main article, see Government of the Xheng Dynasty

Arch-Imperium Military Defense Forces

The establishment of the Arch-Imperium Military Defense Forces was a direct order from the Emperor, the Imperial Proxy and the Prime Minister. The Military Forces were created at the same time as Psionex, at first a privately owned military hardware manufacturer that later evolved into the prime military supplier and manufacturer for the entire Arch-Imperium. At first the logistics of supporting the estimated size of the needed military was exponetial but tax rises and reliance on more automated techniques in technology and resource extraction efficiency allowed for the growth and sustainment of a substantial military presence.

The growth of the Imperial Military was fast and it was intense. Over the course of 10 years, the army quadrupled in size and naval vessels were pouring out of shipyards with blazing speed. The effectiveness of the military experience was proven in a series of wargames and simulations but the military had no need yet to engage in actual armed combat against an enemy nation. The AIMDF was designed to be defensive, guarding the floating cities and Worldships of the Arch-Imperium.

The military philosophy of the Arch-Imperium follows a simple phrase "quality over quantity". They didn't want their military to bear the paper tiger reputation as a large but ineffective beast. Every single soldier is trained to the maximum efficiency allowing for unrivaled performance and equipment is state-of-the-art. Obselete equipment is quickly replaced with higher value and better versions of technology that would be of benefit in the field as well as in practice and drills.

To this extent, the Imperial Stratagem has delegated huge sums of money towards the military services. This puts the Arch-Imperium's armed forces into a high-tech fighting machine and digital technology, satelite systems and other technology help them achieve their goals.

See main article, see Military of the Xheng Dynasty

Political Parites

Special Economic Zones

To increase foreign investment into the Arch-Imperium, the Imperial Strategem setup a number of Special Economic Zones (SEZ's) to encourage a massive income of money from other nations. These SEZ's are famous for massive tax breaks towards international companies and foreign governments making their land also highly valued. The floating cities are examples of these are are even the large Dynastic-Class Worldships. Though the Worldships are not interpreted as foreign territory, they are under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Stratagem itself.

To allow the concentration of wealth to be more stable, the Xheng Dynastic Territories have been added to this tax exemption district, making the lands surrounding the capital city of Xian a massive tax break area. It is here that many foreign companies setup offices and luxury resorts to cater to their wealthy customers.


The Arch-Imperium of the Xheng Dynasty is actually a federal state composed of 7 Imperiums and 1 Territorial posession. Every province has internal domestic politics but they are all overruled by Xi'an's Imperial Stratagem.



  • Arch-Imperial Capital
  • Population: 17 million


  • Imperial Capital
  • Population: 5 million


  • Imperial Capital
  • Population: 7 million


  • Imperial Capital
  • Population: 6 million


  • Imperial Capital
  • Population: 4 million


  • Imperial Capital
  • Population: 3 million


  • Imperial Capital
  • Population: 9 million


  • Imperial Capital
  • Population: 8 million



  • Municipality
  • Population: 4 million


  • Municipality
  • Population: 4 million


  • Municipality
  • Population: 5 million


  • Municipality
  • Population: 6 million


  • Municipality
  • Population: 6 million


  • Municipality
  • Population: 3 million


  • Municipality
  • Population: 4 million


  • Municipality
  • Population: 7 million



See also: