Solism (Democratic Union)

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The Solist symbol, a depiction of the sun's rays. It is also the flag of Solray.

Solism is a monotheistic religion focused around the teachings of Iosif Ustarema of Solray. It is one of the oldest and most influential religions in the Democratic Union, with followers in almost every nation.


The exact origins of Solism are unknown, but its writings are considered by the majority of the scientific community to be the oldest known written records in the world. Until recently, Solism was contained entirely within the borders of Solray due to the government's policy of isolationism. As a result of the isolation, followers consider the religion to have remained true to its origins and escaped the corrupting influences of the outside world.

In recent years, an era of expansion began with hundreds of missionaries being sent throughout the region. While at first resisted by the people, the Solist teachings slowly became more and more accepted until several nations declared it the official religion.



The basis of Solist beliefs is in the self. By improving oneself mentally and spiritually, a Solist helps to improve the condition of the world. Continued self-improvement provides an example for those around him to follow. Through this process Solism hopes to improve the entire world, uniting all peoples under a banner of self-improvement. This unity would eventually bring about an end to crime, poverty, and injustice.


Solists are compelled to follow many ancient traditions. These traditions strengthen their faith as well as their unity, and typically enhance their spiritual connections. While there are many smaller traditions, only the most important 5 Traditions are required:

  1. Pray at dawn and mourn the setting of the sun
  2. Celebrate the rising of the sun and mark it by eating a ceremonial meal
  3. Carry red, orange, and yellow beads upon shoulder (used to pray and tell the time of day)
  4. Never eat swine or raw meat
  5. Have at least one sunflower in garden or home (to help show the path of light)

Light and Dark

Solism is heavily focused on the conflict between light and dark, and believes that each is necessary for the continued existence of the other. The Ustarema is the godly figure of light, and his antithetical figure is the Imoy Ikust, figure of darkness. Rather than having laws set in stone, the words of the Ustarema are considered to have total legitimacy over everything else. Likewise, the words of the Imoy Ikust are considered the ultimate path towards evil and should therefore be avoided.


League of Red

Many nations dedicatedly follow the teachings of the Ustarema. As required by Solism, all nations with significant Solist populations are members of the League of Red, a loose organization. In accordance with Solist dogma regarding free will, members of the League are not required, but encouraged, to aid each other when necessary. After proving their dedication strongly enough, members may be given an Angel, a spiritual leader on the national level. Angels are usually natives of their country, and are chosen for their potential in the eyes of the Ustarema rather than any tangible quality.


Microscopic view of the Solist plague.
The first Solists to arrive in Abascalania were not missionaries, but rather soldiers sent as a response to the nation's invasion of chucknorrisville. After a convoluted series of events, Solray withdrew its forces, but not before introducing a biological strand of assorted pathogens into Abascalania's ecosystem. These pathogens quickly spread throughout the nation and contaminated the population. In response, Abascalania was forced to declare a quarantine and cut off all trade. This devastated the economy and led to widespread civil unrest.

Solray repeatedly offered to cure the disease if the government accepted Solism, but the price was considered too high. Finally, the military junta of Gen. Chuck Norris Jr. was deposed and Rujclef Wisesman, a Solist supporter, took control of the government. Within days all of Abascalania's citizens had been cured by Solist missionaries. Since then, Abascalania has fully embraced the Solist faith and joined the League of Red, with over 67% of the population regularly performing the traditions. This method of converting a nation remains highly controversial, and Solray has since vowed to only convert through peaceful ways.




Eyygui is probably the most Solist nation, right behind Solray. The Eyyguians once basically had no religion, relying on science to prove everything for them. They lacked faith, joy, and they recieved Solism. Solray sent missionaries to Eyygui. They came by the thousands and the people adopted Solism by the millions. For its show of unshakeable faith in the eyes of adversity, Ustarema granted Eyygui an angel. This angel was called Islandiel and he shook the very foundation of the Eyyguian nation. Coming to Eyygui at a time of chaos, he easily took control of the government and was supported by the vast majority of the people.

The leader before Islandiel, President Edward, had acted militarily against the neighbor nation of Shockway without the approval of the Senate. He was impeached and imprisioned right after this occured. The Senate took control of Eyygui but the hostile differences among the members of the Senate made it completely incapable of ruling Eyygui. Islandiel then appeared to the Eyyguian people and proclaimed himself the ruler of Eyygui by the wish of Ustarema. After a brief and bloodless civil war, Islandiel took over Eyygui. He left the Senate as the legislative branck to help him govern.

Islandiel immediatley started to make life better for the Eyyguians especially the Solists. In cases of international tradgedy everyone is to mourn and go towards the ocean where they launch milions of sunflowers into the ocean. They believe this will help to soothe the upset balance of nature and restore everything to normal. All ships of the Navy must have a sunflower room, where sunflowers are placed in case of emergency. The dead are buried, thier coffins are filled with sunflowers, which are believed to help the dead in their afterlife.

The Glorious Empire

George Pita, husband of the Imoy-Ikust and unoffical "Satan" of Solism.

Officially, Solism has been repressed in The Glorious Empire. This is not due to lack of faith but rather the fact that in the eyes of all Solists, the Satanists are followers of the Imoy-Ikust. This belief was ultimately verified by the marriage of the Imoy-Ikust to the leader of Satanism, George Pita.

Solists and Satanists have often been at odds with each other. Public killings of Solists are routinely sponsored by the government, and they have been dubbed "The Beast of the North" by the National-Capitalists. Solists are considered inferior to Satanists, as well as all of the TGE peoples. They are at the bottom of the "Hierarchy of Faiths" and are considered sub-human. As TGEians believe that they have evolved beyond the normal level of humanity, "sub-humans" are discriminated against even worse than humans.




Solism only really arrived much later than others of the DU had experience it in Spooty, when it arrived it mostly appealed to those in Freak Show of the Rastafarian movement, one of the main reasons for its downfall in Spooty, High Inquisitor Acco Spoot issued a ban from the Great gig in the Sky for all Solists but this didn't seem to stem the flow which dug into the Judeo and Christian beliefs in Spooty.

In May 2006 riots opened up in Spootopolis with the Floydians and Solists meeting eye to eye on the streets of the city, it was a long while before the then leader of Spooty Mr Spoot managed to restore control, then a short while later after the Morningstar Uprisings Solism was allowed but Satanism replaced a huge majority of the Floydian faith, and there were moves by Nephilim forces to destroy all Floydian pockets of resistance, furthering the racial hatred of Solists in Spooty.


Solist-Floydist Conflict

The Floydian Church has always had an unspoken rivalry with Solism. Unlike Solists, Floydists do not feel the need to convert others. Because of this decision they have not achieved the same level of population penetration. In many nations, Solists and Floydists live in very close proximity to each other. This, combined with both religious groups' tendencies to openly practice their faith, has led to severe tensions which have many times escalated into violence.

In early May 2006, violent riots broke out in Spootopolis after Solist and Floydist gang rivalries erupted. The Floydist Philanchez ordered the Madcap Brigade to aid the Floydians in what was perceived as a "struggle for freedom". The violence continued for months before the Spootish government was able to re-establish order in the capital.

More recently, Solists have met Floydists on the battlefield in the Crusade of the Glorious Empire. The Ustarema declared that Philanchez started the crusade as a ploy to conquer the entire region, and that the Floydist attempts at imperialism must be stopped. However, several Solist nations have disagreed with the idea of supporting The Glorious Empire and chosen not to aid in the defense. The loose affiliation of the League of Red permits such actions to be taken, and the Solists are expected to be united again after the end of the war.

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