Greater Prussia

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Greater Prussia
Forum: [1]
Population: 10 nations
Delegate: Cav
Founder: Derscon
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Greater Prussia is a region that was created upon the separation of Reichskamphen from the Reich due to religious and political conflict. The Greater Prussian Empire claims to be the only Protestant region on Nationstates, and the heart of Protestantism in the NS world.


When King Marcus Antonius II effected the split between his Kingdom and the Reich, he opted to found a new region. The Reichskamphian occupied Esamopia and other occupied territories along with a few other allies that the King had made, and formed the region. Of the original members, only Reichskamphen remains. Many of the other nations have simply faded into obscurity.

Shortly thereafter, Reichskamphen was embroiled in a Civil War called the Second Scottan War in which factions from the northern Triune Kingdom of Scotta sought to replace Reichskamphen as the head Kingdom. Reichsburg was shelled and the Royal Palace was destroyed before the victorious Scottans marched through the City. Upon their victory, the leader of the Scottans, Viktor Leipzig I, was crowned the King of Reichskamphen and the Triune Kingdom.

Once Viktor ascended the throne, he began to organize the region of Greater Prussia under a Consulate system of government where he was made the First Consul. As the region continued to grow, Viktor assembled the sometime legislative body of the region, the Estates General, for its first meeting to decide the fate of the regional government...whether it would become a semi-democratic Consulship, or an Empire. The decision was unanimous and King Viktor Leipzig I was Crowned Emperor Leipzig I of Greater Prussia. This decision was the most notable thus far made by the Estates General.

It was in the early days of the Greater Prussian Empire that Greater Prussia joined METUS. During its time in METUS, Prussia was -- while the largest of the METUS triumverate of alliances -- still not an active participating member within Melkor's domain.

Upon the death of Viktor I, it was decided by the Imperial Family that the Religious Advisor to the Crown, Dr. Ian Paisley, should become the Emperor of Greater Prussia. Proponents of Paisley hold the Paisley years as years of sincere devotion to God and austerity during which time Greater Prussia cultivated its reputation as the heart of Protestantism in Nationstates. As the Emperor aged, he decided to Abdicate in favour of the Archduke Andre Allistaire von Katrineburg, an apparently closeted Catholic, who sought to suppress the free practice of the Protestant religion. His militia unit known as the Pax Maria burned Protestant churches throughout the Empire and sought to suppress Protestantism by force.

Soon, the Greater Prussian Imperial Guard revolted against the Catholic Emperor who was captured and executed on the orders of the Arch Chancellor. Afterwards, there was a large shakedown in the recently created Kingdom of Burgundy, where top officials of a few nations were arrested by the Imperial Guard for treason against the Crown for helping the fugitive Pax Maria units.

It was at this time that Former Emperor Paisley along with the Imperial Family opted to make Napoleon Francois Charles Joseph de Sanglant, the Reichskamphian King of Allanea, the Emperor of Greater Prussia, whereupon he was crowned Napoleon IV, taking the name as an acknowledgement of the fact that Reichskamphen saw its foundations in the Napoleonic Empire, saw itself as the reincarnation of this Empire, and therefore recognized Napoleon I and Napoleon III as past Emperors.

It was during this time that Napoleon IV realized the Paisley Government's aggressive anti-METUS policies by announcing his withdrawal from METUS to the world at the same time as the current Arch-Chancellor, at that time Czar Ivan Rekjyavich Andropov the Second of Derscon, announced Greater Prussia's withdrawal from METUS itself. For some time afterwards, Greater Prussia seemed to almost drop from the face of the earth, laying low and preparing for the Ardan counterattack that never came, due to the inability of Melkor to effectively control the superalliance because of his own turmoils within his homeland, Melkor Unchained.

With Napoleon IV at its head, Greater Prussia sought to emerge from its isolation and somewhat less than sterling international reputation. Napoleon IV solidified his dynasty's claim to the throne by consecrating the House of Bonaparte as the Imperial Family of Greater Prussia to the exclusion of all others. Symbols of Napoleonic Glory abound in what the Emperor dubbed "The Third Empire", a further reference to the First French Empire and Second French Empire of the Napoleonic past. Accompanying this facelift to the Empire are reforms which proponents say allow for unprecedented liberty throughout the Empire.

For two years Napoleon IV fell into a coma, during which time, the Tsar of Derscon took over as acting Emperor. Napoleon IV awoke from that coma, however, and resumed control of the Empire. His reign came to an end through assassination. A nuclear explosion destroyed Reichsburg, and the Imperial Family was murdered. In the light of these events, the Dersconi Tsar took power after his supporters among member nations selected him to serve as Emperor. It was later discovered, however, that Napoleon IV had had a son, Joseph, who was kept hidden (since he was the product of a failed marriage), who took over the crown of the Greater Prussian Empire as Joseph-Napoleon.

Organizational Structure

The Greater Prussian Empire is organized into three sections:

Greater Prussia Majour

The Greater Prussia Majour is the heart of the Greater Prussian Empire. It contains most of the centres of power of the Empire, including the capital of the Empire (New Geneva) and the home of the Emperor (Joseph-Napoleon), Reichskamphen, as well as the nation of the Arch-Chancellor (Xavier Andropov), Derscon.

The Archduchy of Bavaria

The Archduchy of Bavaria is the Catholic region of the Greater Prussian Empire. It is headed by King John Antonette, of Cherry Ridge. The Archduke is considered to be the third highest ranking member of the Empire, after the Emperor and Archchancellor. The Archduchy is a region bound section of the Empire. Some Bavarians also hold positions in the Imperial Court, such as Queen Mariah of Jeruselem, who is the Imperial Treasurer.

The Free Cities Alliance

Since the dramatic liberalization of the Greater Prussian admittance codes, the Free Cities Alliance was created. The only requirement for admittance into the Free Cities Alliance is that the nation must abide by capitalist ideals and not actively or passively oppose the Christian religion. Headed at first by the Confederate States of Allanea, it is now headed by Arizona Nova.

Nations within the Free Cities Alliance are officially members of the Empire and entitled to all the privileges allowed to Greater Prussia Majour and the Archduchy of Bavaria, yet they are allowed to remain in any region they desire, so long as said region is not an enemy of the Crown. Each nation must agree to the FCA Constitution in full before admittance as well as apply for membership through a form.