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The Free Land of Eisophca
Flag of Eisophca
Motto: Permissum Levis Fulsi
(Latin: Let the Light Shine)
Region International Democratic Union
Capital Tidaea
Largest city Tidaea
Official Language(s) Eisophcan English
Leader Transitional
Population Approx. 2.5 million[1]
Currency Knol 
NS Sunset XML

The Free Land of Eisophca is a small nation in the International Democratic Union known for its love of books and ideas in general. Despite its small population, its quick initiative in the International Democratic Union Council debate has given it a name in the region and there is speculation of important future involvement. It lies on the far western coast of the IDU, geographically split between the Deutchlands and Ayyubids-Oceania, but culturally having very little in common with either of them, due to cultural influences from all around the region. Eisophca borders Brechenlass to the east and Nimali across a small strait to the south, but it has historically had very little international contact until it joined in the international politics of the IDU.

Politically, the nation is stable, with a solid republican government with moderately high popular sovereignty, although it also shares minor concepts with technocratic governments. Its United Nations membership remains in limbo: although it participates significantly in UN debate, political opposition has precluded its membership from being fully accepted by the nation.


Main article(s): History of Eisophca

Eisophca's settlement began slowly, with a trickle of escapees, refugees, and others looking for a home in the early eighteenth century. Most of these first residents settled into small communities or towns, living a primarily agrarian life. Differences in culture hampered communication between the cities, and trade was virtually unheard of. The land was fertile, with its proximity to the ocean giving it high rainfall and temperatures slightly above the IDU average.

The American Federalist Crisis took place primarily in the Eastern Keeslands (lightest shading), while Eisophca is located in the far west of the IDU Mainland (northernmost part of the southwestern block).

The turning point in settlement occurred by way of the American Federalist/Riconiaa Refugee Crisis, which led to a huge amount of displaced people. Although most found homes in nearby nations such as Antrium, overpopulation in some areas led to uncomfortable refugees looking for new homes. Many came to rest in Eisophca, which was becoming well-known as a target for refugees.

The first government was established in 1889 through the First Shore Pact, a sort of weak Constitution. It provided for rule by a triumvirate, each elected from a different part of Eisophca - one from the north, one from the southern mainland, and one from the southern islands. The north had established a more urban society while the south used its higher temperatures for farming of many types of crops.

Because of its weakness (not having the power to collect taxes), the First Shore Government only lasted for 25 years. In 1914, a newly elected triumvir named Tolio Solinia began his one-year term with a bang, declaring that he did not intend to give up power until an entire tidal cycle, lasting nineteen years, had elapsed. Although he did not manage to keep power for that long, he did oversee the completion a host of public works projects, made possible by his insistence that citizens pay taxes. Solinia was wildly popular with the public for around three years, until concerns by vocal media outlets led to a collapse of trust in the man who had essentially abolished the First Shore Pact.

Before long, in 1918, various groups began a march on Tidaea, which was the current capital of Eisophca, with the intention of forcing an election for Solinia's seat. When they reached their destination, however, things quickly became violent, with the groups becoming mobs and causing partial destruction of many parts of the city. Solinia was forced to flee, but didn't make it far before he was bound and cast into the ocean by a group that chased him. The incident proved to be disastrous for the stability of Eisophca.

It wasn't until 1929 that order was finally restored. Known as Eisophca's "Dark Years", the period from 1919 to 1928 was one of turmoil, with various groups claiming power and then being quickly eliminated by other factions. For the average citizen, however, things continued mostly as normal, since none of the governments—neither the First Shore Government nor other factions that claimed power during the Dark Years—actually affected anyone to a significant degree.

The Second Shore Pact convened on the shores near Tidaea in 1929. During the convention, delegates from across Eisophca decided to implement a national equivalent of a municipal Council-manager government—that is, a legislature would be elected by the people and would then appoint a manager to act as the executive authority. Delegates added to the system in various ways, notably by giving the populace the power to implement additional legislatures for specific purposes as needed. The new government had much more power, and lasted in relative tranquility until the year 2000.

Eisophca's joining of the IDU forum (the group of nations in the IDU participating in regional governance and activity) in 2000 sparked a new wave of government reforms. Another convention was called at the same location as the First and Second Shore Conventions. The convention, for the most part, only provided for the implementation of a President, who has limited power, mostly just that to preside over the legislature and conduct foreign affairs.


Main article(s): Politics of Eisophca

See also: Foreign affairs of Eisophca and Eisophca and the United Nations

The government of Eisophca has traditionally been limited in power, and, although the increase in size of the nation necessitates a larger government, Eisophcans are quick to react when they sense too much power being accumulated. The current system is composed of the Legislature, a body of 99 men and women elected from each of Eisophca's three states: Gnosom to the north, Koekal in the southern mainland, and Chilo, composed of the southern archipelago. Representatives are elected to two-year terms.

Serving alongside the Legislature is the Congress, a body composed of experts on various subjects that advises on the Legislature. It also has control over scientific, mathematical, and educational appropriations and has the power to propose and veto bills relating to energy, the environment, science, education, and related subjects.

Also alongside the Legislature is the President, who is elected to a six-year term by the people but who has restricted powers. His or her main duties are to perform foreign affairs and act as a figurehead of the nation. The President's powers become much more pronounced during time of war, when he or she is also the Praetor of the Eisophcan Armed Forces, which gives him command over the nation's armed forces. This power is checked, however, in that in the capacity of the Praetor, the President is completely accountable to the Legislature.

Below the Legislature, but arguably just as powerful, is the Secretariat, led by the Secretary-General. The Secretariat is the executive body, and oversees execution of laws passed by the Legislature. Its various departments are generally given leeway in this, but can be reigned in by the Legislature at any time.

The people of Eisophca retain power through the Third Shore Pact, the Eisophcan Constitution. The main check on the Legislature is a balanced-budget requirement, which attempts to keep government accountable to the people by forcing them to pay for programs. However, public-works projects are frequently carried out even with this requirement, as the people are generally supportive.


  1. ^  The nation's underground tunnels mean that UN gnomes end up counting many people more than once, resulting in a radically increasing UN population estimate as people travel more and gnomes' intelligence scores drop. In reality, Eisophca's population is growing slowly, with a year 2000 estimate of around two and a half million.

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