Contemporary History of British Londinium

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of the Londinian history programme.
Constituent Articles

Age of City States
BCE 2 - CE 134
Londinivm Empire
Respublica Unitas
British Dominion
Modern History

This article features historical information pertaining to Eurasia during the years 1745 to 2009. For information regarding other periods in Eurasian history, view the sidebar to the right.

First Civil War (1994-1997)

Prime Minister Saakashvili's economic reforms, especially the creation of the eura, led to significant economic problems in early 1994 due to a rough transition. With employment down, inflation rampant, and the stock market fluctuating wildly, faith in the free market began to falter, leading to considerable socialist movements in the north. Violent revolution flourished in Northolt, Cambridge, and Oxford, with a mysterious man known only as Grueber seizing control of the movement, formally referred to as the People's Red Revolution, or PRR. After marshalling fifty thousand Eurasians to march on the capital, Prime Minister Abdulaziz al-Filastini pleaded for international aid. Among the first two states to reply were Atopiana and Skgorria, who deployed Brobdingnagian amounts of soldiers and equipment. The PRR was successful in bombing the Houses of Parliament, nearly wiping out the centre of government, forcing King James III to flee to neutral Nova Britannica. After days of brutal fighting which ravaged the countryside, the PRR was finally crushed. The government was reinstalled; notwithstanding that, Kensington laid in shambles - the interim government set up its headquarters in Westminster. Atopiana and Skgorria proved to have their own interests at heart, however, when they created the Social Republic of Londin in Ganapati, which comprised Waltham Forest, Stirling, Worchester, and Hillingdon. Eurasia lacked the capacity to repel this development, and permitted it to pass. al-Filastini began a policy of reconstruction - however, his Deputy Prime Minister, Daniel Yañez, schemed to depose of al-Filastini, placing him under house arrest in Kensington Palace. Yañez began a series of cruel, tyrannical acts - harking back to the worst authoritarian regimes of the twentieth century. A Royal Navy submarine unit, comprising twelve SSNs and twelve SSBNs, initiated the first assualt against Yañez, levelling Westminster. In the ensuing chaos, Atopiana and Skgorria reinvaded Eurasia, killing off Yañez and the new regime, and installed Robert Trantor as President, in tandem with a constitutional reform that was forced through the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The New Party acted even more ghastly than the Yañez regime, with genocide against Chinese individuals raging across the nation. There was widespread hatred of the Party, which resulted in major insurgent activity, including an assassination of Trantor and the torture of Yañez. After a year of such resistance, Atopiana and Skgorria decided to pull out, especially in light of international condemnation of the invasion.

Reconstruction Period (1997-2000)

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The number of embassies in Eurasia rocketed after the First Civil War.

The actions of Skgorria and Atopiana showed the Eurasian government the many problems with security and defence policy within the nation. al-Filastini realised that Eurasia lacked any type of powerful allies on the international scene. Quickly, Parliament enacted legislation which had Eurasia join the Corporate Alliance, the Grand Imperial Alliance, and the Union of Democratic Nations. al-Filastini also was forced to re-enact Labour-style reforms as to provide for the millions displaced and affected by the civil war. By late 1999, life in Eurasia had slowly normalised.

The Swanner Regime (2000-2006)

James Swanner was the darling of the Eurasian Conservative Party - dashing, young, and energetic, Swanner was poised to take the office was al-Filastini stepped down on the first day of the new millienium. For the first year of his term, Swanner continued to be the star of the Eurasian political scene, with popularity levels rocketing to unprecended highs. Liberalization and deregulation of the economy ensued after his first election, and Eurasia was as close as it had ever been to achieving its libertarian dreams up to that point. In late 2001, however, Swanner made radical shifts in his policies, which ran against the grain of standard Conservative practices. Before that point in time, a set of anarchists attempted to raid a nuclear missile compound - in response, James Swanner proposed the Eurasian Defence and Solidarity Act, which strengthened military infrastructure, something that al-Filastini neglected. Three weeks later, a 'terrorist attack' on Parliament ravaged Kensington - an incident later revealed to be orchestrated by Swanner himself. With most Members of Parliament dead or severely injured, Swanner declared a state of emergency and granted himself the full power of Parliament, noting that he and his cabinet were all that remained of the Parliament. Swanner quickly initiated a series of drastic reforms; namely, he made sedition a crime, shaking one of Eurasia's founding tenets - the freedom of speech. With criticising the government now a capital crime, government oppression and tyranny spiralled out of control in Eurasia, and Swanner became more and more bizarre and sadistic in his governance. Swanner made purchasing teddy bears punishable by firing squad, he turned election booths into gas chambers, he introduced the giant blender as an execution method, he ordered that retirees be executed and used in the making of Chinese food. At one point, Swanner made utilising math a crime punishable by "being raped by Oprah". Swanner was also infamous for personally taking part in the rapes of female government officials and military officers. Internal passports and constant surveillance became commonplace, with Eurasia possessing the highest concentration of CCTV cameras in the world; the situation of soldiers prowling the streets, armed to the teeth, stating coldly, "Your papers, please," became commonplace. Furthermore, Eurasia entered into the EVIL alliance, only making Eurasia look worse in international eyes.

Sovereign League Invasion (2006-2007)

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Eurasian Royal Army troops days after the initial surrender.

The nation of Eurasia was spiralling into disarray during the barbarious reign of Swanner, who in 2006 declared that all citizens of the nation were required to hunt their own children for sport. Most nations, including the nations of the Sovereign League viewed these practices as a horrific violation of human rights. After Prime Minister Swanner announced a week where pregnant women and babies under the age of five were open sport for hunters, the wheels of war were set in motion. On December 29th, 2006, the Imperial Democracy of Whyatica, along with the Libertarian Empire of Cravan, the National Militocracy of Izistan, the Empire of Clandonia Prime, and the United States of Allanea declared war on Eurasia for the aforementioned breaches of basic human rights, as well as their aggressive imperialistic policies regarding other, small nations. As the allied nations began to mobilize their armed forces for an expected grand battle against British Londinium and their allies, the EVIL alliance, Eurasia unexpectedly surrendered to allied forces before the first strike had occured. Izistani and Whyatican orbital assets were preparing for a strike on Londinian satellites and warships, and other nations had previously engaged Eurasia in other theatres of combat. Without consulting the other members of the coalition, Allanea issued a set of terms to Eurasia, demanding democratic elections and gold statues of national leaders to be sent to the Coalition. Eurasia accepted the terms, but Parliament was still too cowered to nominate another Prime Minister, and so Swanner maintained his position. The coalition threatened to renew the war, and the next day Eurasia desperately threatened nuclear attack to avert invasion. At this point, the Crown Commonwealth of Praetonia issued their own declaration of war and Eurasia surrendered once again. Ambassador J.R. Cash of the Imperial Whyatican Corps of Diplomacy presented the President-elect Sinclair with a peace treaty which severely limited the activities of British Londinium, and President Sinclair signed the document, which would raise hopes of an extended peace in British Londinium. The city of Kensington was occupied by an international force, and other major cities had a minimal Coalition presence, as it was not believed that there would be a serious uprising. Imperial Whyatican troops formed the largest portion of the coalition troops, with the Tenth Corps, made up of four infantry and two armoured divisions.

Battle of Kensington

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Coalition troops on patrol during the Eurasian Conflict.

On December 31st, thousands of police officers rose up against the occupiers, driven by a police chief who wished to take personal revenge on the Coalition forces. Accompanying this rush of rebellion were thousands of Londiniumite reservists, who were fully armed, some with Challenger II tanks. An Izistani heavy tank brigade held one of the main streets against the assault, while Whyatican marines and regular army forces advanced against the police, suffering comparitively few casualties to the insurgents. The Praetonian army's Kensington headquarters, based at Kensington International Airport, was struck by several mortar bombs from Eurasian reservists and was damaged, taking casualties, but the Praetonian force successfully fought off infantry assaults on the airport with little difficulty and slight casualties. Clandonian army forces encircled and captured the primary police HQ, while Izistani forces stormed their sectors police HQ in Kensington, cutting off any command and control they may have had. Cravanian forces also faced stiff resistance in some areas of the city, and were the first to be attacked by the insurgent forces. The first of the attacks in the insurgency occured on London Avenue, in the Cravanian sector of the city. It is here that the EIA, Eurasian Independence Army, began its assault on coalition forces. Three roadside IEDs were detonated, destroying a convoy. Another convoy would be lost later in the battle for Kensington. This came mere minutes after a crazed former officer of the Eurasia military attacked coalition troops outside his window, killing both Cravanians and civilians alike. Gradually, coalition troops carved their way through the city. As the last few police officers died or surrendered, the remaining reservists surrendered and the EIA stopped their attacks after a six hour battle. The Coalition suffered approximately 1,000 casualties across all of Eurasia, while civilian casualties among the Eurasians were estimated at 18,000, mostly due in part due to a terrorist detonation of the Eurasian Broadcasting Group headquarters.

Coalition Takeover

During the Battle of Kensington, a Praetonian armoured column advanced to Kensington Palace, and the Praetonian Royal liason officer, Colonel Sandra Gregory, informed Prime Minister Sinclair that Eurasia was now under coalition control in it's entirety.

Izistani forces withdrawing back to Izistan from Southeast Asia for rest and rearming were dispatched to Eurasia and arrived around this time. Initial landings and air born assault forces took control of the city of Davenport, the city serving as a springboard for the Izistani assault into the interior of the southern island.

In addition, Cravanian forces made a thrust for the northern mainland, landing outside Portsmouth and seizing the city with no resistance. Cravanian troops continued to expand outwards from the city, and managed to secure a large area with minimal resistance. With the cease fire Cravanian troops have since returned to designated coalition bases throughout the nation.

Imperial Whyatican marines made a landing at Bexley and at Waddington, encountering minimal resistance.

New Years Rising

On January 1st, 2007, when the news of the deposition of Prime Minister Sinclair was announced by the Praetorian government, thousands of angry citizens, possibly riled by EIA extremists, tried to march on the Praetonian and Clandonian base of operations at Kensington International Airport and Praetonian troops at Kensington Palace in protest. A smaller group of citizens marched to the Imperial Whyatican headquarters, protesting the occupation of Eurasia by the Coalition powers. When they saw the Praetonian battalion lining the perimeter fence to protect the airport, they became enraged, and the crowd charged across the fortifications to attempt to kill Praetonian and Clandonian soldiers.

Praetonian soldiers were given the order to fire three rounds into the first line of protestors in rapid succession, who were mostly killed. Other protestors began hurling rocks at the Praetonian soldiers, and those civilians who had small arms tried to use them against the Praetonian infantry. The order was given to return fire, and after a brief firefight, the Eurasian civilians retreated. During the firefight, many Clandonian infantry opened fire without being fired upon, causing a brief reprisal to their commanding officer by General Raj-Singh, the Whyatican commanding officer.

Thousands of protestors also marched to the Kensington Palace, where a Praetonian infantry battalion had fortified and waited for a possible attack. The Praetonian infantry formed a solid bayonet wall, and the protestors there retreated with comparitvely few deaths. It is estimated that 2,000 Eurasian civilians died, while upwards of 10,000 were injured. Coalition military casualties are unknown.

Nuclear War

Initial exchange

After a nuclear threat that the major Coalition powers believed to be unfounded, the nation of Nova Brittanica, one of the former Eurasian government's allies, launched twenty conventionally-armed ICBMs at every Coalition nation as a 'warning shot.' The various space-based forces of the Coalition, and their allies, such as Franberry, Steel and Fire, and No Endorse, detected the strike and destroyed the incoming ICBMs. The several Coalition nations, unable to determine the contents of these ICBMs in flight, assumed the worst, and returned fire with overwhelming force. Over fifty thousand warheads of a combined total yield of ninety three gigatons impacted the main areas of Nova Brittanica. The entire island nation was sunk below sea level beneath the weight of the strike, with over 300 million casualties of all types.

Nova Britannica's parting shot

Upon detecting the launch of numerous nuclear warheads from the Coalition nations, the government of Nova Britannica decided to launch every last missile in its reserves. While most of the estimated seventeen thousand ICBMs launched from Nova Britannica were destroyed, several managed to impact on their targets. One nuclear missile made it past the Steel & Fire defences in Clandonia Prime, killing three hundred thousand Clandonian civilians. Several nuclear missiles also impacted No Endorse, killing millions and devastating the cities of Old Heisen Bay and Lover's Leap. Multiple chemical and biological weapons impacted as well, most notably in the city of Stumpy Point, which had recently been ravaged by nor'easter Mary, severely injuring First Lady Violet Amner and killing hundreds more. One warhead also slipped past Cravanian defenses, detonating over the city of Richtor, a city of over 35,000,000. The impact occured at morning rush hour, killing millions civilians and injuring countless more, as well as contaminating the area.

Immediate casualties in the coalition amount to over 50.3 million dead. Of these, 300 thousand were in Clandonia Prime, around 10 million in Cravan, and about 40 million in No endorse. It has been estimated that the direct effects of the weapon impacts killed or shortened the lifespans of as many as 100 million in No Endorse, and unknown numbers in the other nations effected. Unfortunately, it is impossible to calculate the number indirectly effected by the sum total of the entire nuclear incident around the world. Many other coalition nations, such as Allanea, successfully intercepted their share of ICBMs through use of large amounts of nuclear interceptors missiles.

Later attacks

For reasons that can only be deciphered by the government of Novacom, they ordered the firing of their high-energy laser system, Damocles, at the glass and wreckage of Nova Britannica, which devastated the remains and made much of it below sea level. Several days afterwards, Questarian Strategic Forces dropped ten 75 megaton test thermonuclear weapons on the remaining landmass.

Coalition Withdrawal

On 2 May 2007, the Coalition occupation of Eurasia ended, though Cravanian, Whyatican, and Skyian bases remain scattered throughout the countryside.

See Also

New Era (2007-2009)

Second Civil War (2009 - )

In early 2009, Ivan Yakovlev and his organisation, the People's Revolutionary Army (PRA), executed a terrorist attack in the Black Gold Sea, bombing an oil rig and a rig supply vessel, in response to the completion of Sir Phillip Sinclair's libertarian reforms. Whilst Eurasian resources were focused on solving the infamous bombings, the PRA engaged in a massive uprising within Waltham Forest, located within the province of Viridis Foresti, lynching the provincial governor and murdering resistors. Other PRA cells within the province also erupted in violence, eventually seizing control of the whole of Viridis Foresti. The Eurasian government found it difficult to handle this situation at first, since the prime minister found the concept of Eurasians killing Eurasians to be abhorrent. However, international intervention in the conflict prompted a full-fledged military campaign in the area.

eurasiauberminiflaggc0.jpg The People's Sovereign Republic of British Londinium eurasiauberminiflaggc0.jpg
Main article: British Londinium
Individuals: Alistair DavidsonAdélaïde Azzopardi
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