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The Golden Empire Of Shakal
National flag

Motto "In the absence of orders or myself, find something and kill it."
Region Europe
Capital and largest city Shakal City
Official Language Shakal
Leader - Empress Kristina Schraepl II
 - Total (March 2007)

1.45+ Billion
National animal Klaka
Currency Imperial Dollar
International abbreviations Shakal, SE
Naval craft classification SIN-Shakal Imperial Navy

Shakal, more commonly recognized as the Shakal Empire, is an ancient and powerful nation. Over the couse of its history the leaders proved competant and willing to service the people. In the past two hundred years it has taken part in over a dozen wars.



  • BHP - Before Holy Purge
  • HP - During The Years Of The Holy Purge
  • PHP - Post Holy Purge

Early History 4000 BHP - 2000 BHP

First Alexandrian Conglomerate

The history of the Empire first begins with the first foundation of the Alexandrian Conglomerate in 3455 BHP. It occupied the city of Alexandria and several of the neighboring tribes and city states. Much like ancient Greece. They were held together under a demcratic style council. There lands spread north to the Great River and west to the Great Wing (Left Third Of Modern Shakal Empire). In the south it reached almost 180km down the Great River.

Rise Of Greater Octavia

The Second major player in the international stage was Octavia. It grew from a single nomadic tribe into a set of equal and allied tribes of the area west of Alexandria made to defend there ancient lands when they were attacked in 3380 BHP. The tribes joined together and won several small skirmishes over the Alexandrians with there superior raiding skills. However they were always bested when they fought in pitched battle. The conflict climaxed in the Battle Of Kokam Gia in 3291 BHP. The Octavians won there first pitched battle and by 3250 BHP were equal to the Alexandrians in all respects.

A Third Contender

A third contender came into being south of Alexandria. In 3100 BHP the Celem Union grew after several smaller cities formed a coalition to defend against Alexandria and Octavia. Celem quickly gained animosity from the other two powers because it was able to expand south unhindered. By 2987 BHP the Celem forces reached Mt Klaka and were pushing along the mountains. It was in 2850 BHP that the Alexandrians declared war on the Celemese. It was a great slughter for two years and the Celem forces got pushed south 700km to the city which is now known as Celem. There they won a pitched battle, the largest in history up to the time, included some 70 000 souls.

Civil Uprisings

After the Celem forces halted the Alexandrian advance the world went into turmoil. All the major powers at the time began to crumble. This gace the barbarians from the north of Octavia time to gather an army. In 2500 BHP the gathered barbaric armies formed the Great Coalition. The entire army reached into Octavian lands by 2450 BHP. A major and massive battle was fought at the Plains Of Ruin and it was the first battle in which the barbarians superiority in numbers became apparent to the feduing "Civilized" countries.

Second Alexandrain Conglomerate

The Second Alexandrian Conglomerate was formed in 2444 BHP after the Octavians won at the Plains of Ruin. It was larger than before comprising of almost two million citizens. Its borders were the same as the first except in the east, they extended over the Great River to the highly untamed lands that lay beyond. Initially they were welcomed. But in 2440 BHP the tribes began to realize that the Alexandrians were conquering them. The all fought together and lost countless times because of the superior Alexandrian tactics. The only tribe that continued to fight was the Shakal. They were noted to be much taller than the average Alexandrian and fought with large axes or hammers. They were pushed north and left along in what is now the area direstly south of Shakal City.

The Rise Of The East

In 2200 BHP the Alexandrian borders reached the Far Mountains. This is where they first made contact with the Daranan Kingdom. It possesed more power than the Alexandrians and had greater influence, it already covered an area equal to all three western states combined and doubled there combined populations of 5 million.

Initially relations were sucessful. It wasnt until 2088 BHP that struggles for power began. At this point Alexandria was trapped. Darano lay to the east, the terrible savages to the north, Celem had expand greatly in the south, and Octavian lands were crawling up the great western jutting. Its reaction was the Western War. It attacked Celem defeatings its far off armies in several engagements effectivly annexing its lands in 2086 BHP which had spread as far south as Mt Klaka. The Octavians called for aid and were joined by Darano creating a two front war for the Alexandrians. They decided on a firm policy of Octavia first. The conquest of the ancient enemy of Octavia was complete by 2078 BHP. Darano was diffrent, there armies were massive and well equipped. The forces clashed at Mt Junin Togaba and both empires signed an unsteady peace in 2071 BHP.

Age Of Expansion 2000 BHP - 0 HP

Rebuilt Forces

After the war between Alexandria and Darano was over both empires were exhausted. The people wanted peace and would recieve it. For two hundred years the Empires stood always ready ut never acting to face eachother, each unmatched in there side. Be it east or west. It wasnt until around 1433 BHP that Darano began to expand again. It moved South East and conquered lands that doubled its land area and tripled its population. It was now the supreme master of the east. Alexandria in the meantime expand south over the mountains to the unexplored lands reaching the ocean bu 1420 BHP. The two empires now had populations of almost 70 million each. The Alexandrians moved west conquering the fringe lands of former Octavia and reaching the Long Beach.

Misfortune began when the Alexandrians attempted to move and secure the Shakal tribal lands. The Shakal defeated a massivly superior force in the battle of Grihig Forest when almost thirty thousand Alexandrians were slaughtered. They even pulled the border back to give the tribes breathing room. The Alexandrians instead moved north up the Western Peninsula. They displaced the natives. They were stopped in 995 BHP when troubles at home mad ethe army return. They set up a string of forts and left.

In 610 BHP the Darano forces met up with a small collection of city states in the north of the Eastern Peninsula and took them over securing the entire astern half of the country under there rule. The Alexandrians responded by rebuilding there forces and investing in new technologies. By 400 BHP the Alexandrians had technology that equalled that of late medeval Earth.

30 Years War

The thiry years war broke out between Darano and Alexandria in 338 BHP abd continued as a set of battles until 308 BHP when a peace was signed that returned the world to the status quo. Only 1 million people are said to have died in the conflict, a miniscule amount compared to what was fast approaching.

Holy Purge 0 Hp - 77 HP

Shakal Tribes Unite

In 22 BHP the Shakal tribes were united under the Emperor Zalord who founded the dynasty that still rules the Empire today. He is said to have possed strength and stamina above that of the normal man. Zalord slowly began to gather forces for what he called, "A Puge OF All Wickedness From THis Earth" also now called the Holy Purge. The Shakal built a city in the sea connected to land by a bridge 25km wide and 110km long. The city island itself covered an area that was roughly 35km by 48km or, 1680 sqkm. By 3 BHP he had an army of just 30 000.

First Assult

The Shakal lashed out first to the east in 0 HP. Zalord led his army of 35 000 towards the Daranan capital. The Shakal burned and pilligaed along the way eliminating some 250 000 people before a battle was even fought. The Daranans sent there best men under tried generals to defend the Empire. The battle of Crosslands is now considered one of the most decisive battles in the history of the Empire.

Reformation 1589 A.D - 1700 A.D

After so many years of war the people were content with holding what they had. The Emperor agreed. He focused all of his energies into the people. As the other European nations were trying their hands at Imperialism the Shakal remained passive. The extent of the borders now reached to the Danube and followed it to Belegrade where they came down at an almost perfect 45 degree angle to the Adriatic sea. In the east the Shakal controlled all of Modern Turkey, the fertile crecent and stopped at the border with the Mamulukes in Egypt. Persia was weak. The north was held by Shakal forces. The Shakal border hit the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf. By 1688 no other nation on the planet save China, could boast of cities with over 2 million inhabitants. By now the population of the Shakal Empire was at over 300 million.

Preperation 1700 A.D - 1791 A.D

In the year 1700 A.D a new Emperor came to power. Unlike his predacessors he was eager for more lands to add to the Empire. This began with the call for a new and rebuilt navy to be created. The Shakal had always held little sway on the seas. By 1741 A.D 4 Ship Of the Line were finished along with over 50 smaller ships.

With the death of the Emperor in 1749 the new heir completed the goals set by his father. By the middle of the eighteenth century the Shakal navy was among the largest on the planet, second to only France and Britain.

When this great project was completed in 1755 the Empire began to modernize the army. The country was preparing for war, and its neigbors noticed. The newest memeber of Europe, Russia, had sent men to claim Crimea in 1754. With this it began to be a major worry to the Shakal that wished for Romania to remain in their own sphere of influence.

By 1780 the country had some of the best drilled and trained soldiers in the world, but the true pride of the Empire was the Armored Legion. It was an elite division of horseman that only used them to reach the battle area (Much like cavalry in the US Civil War).

The Four Years War 1791 A.D - 1795 A.D

The Shakal were again isolated from any friendly European nation, save Prussia. In March of 1791 the Shakal forces launched the invasion into Mameluke Egypt. Persia joined the Mamelukes and attacked Mesopetamia. In respone the Shakal cut off the silk road in Persia diverting it north towards the Shakal. This angered the Europeans who, led by Spain and Portugal, declared war by June.

It wasnt until the joint Spanish and Portugese defeat at the Baelric Islands that France and the Italian Co-alition joined the struggle in the favor of the Europeans. By the end of 1791 the Shakal were being attack from the South, West and East. The situtaion got worse when in January of 1792 the Russians sided with the Europeans.

The next year was one of great manuver, but no great battle. The Shakal continually outmanuvered the Persians and allies threatening their supplies forcing them to retreat countless times. It wasnt until December that a major engagement was fought, even so, it had no great victor.

In 1793 the Shakal luanched three sucessive campaigns into Persia, Egypt and deeper into Europe. The Persain Campaign was deemed acceptable even with the loss at Tehran. In Egypt the Shakal fared muc better, by April 3rd General Klaka had reached the port city of Benghazi. In Europe General Von Vorsaca made a name for himself that would last hundred of years longer than his body. He won a great victory in the Battle Of Zagreb where a Shakal army of two army corps, roughly fifty thousand men, beat the superior forces of the combined allies armies, estimated at over three hundred thousand.

By the end of the year Persia had surrendered and Mameluke Egypt was no longer in existence. Only in Europe did the Shakal fail to gain significant ground. Von Vorsaca may have won at Zagreb, but numbers had worn him down. The men were tired and supplies were running short. The Emperor appealed for peace, but was rejected.

The fourth year or war led too numerous smaller clashes at sea in which the Shakal were mostly sucessful. The combined Iberian navies were beaten in the Adriatic while the French were hit three months later in the Straight of Gibralter. The war came to a close on November 25th 1795 with the signing of the peace of Vienna.

Imperialism & Industrialization 1795 A.D - 1891 A.D

Immediatly after the four years war the Shakal rebuilt the army and pushed south along the coasts of Arabia. By 1802 they had gained control of the coasts of both the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. For two years the Emperor refitted the military and waited for a good time to strike.

In 1822 that chance came. Spain went to war with Portugual. The Shakal used this as a reason to send men farther into Lybia and managed to conquer all the war to Casablanca by 1827. This was a stepping stone for the "Protection Campaign" of 1830 against both Spain and Portugaul. This was essentially an invasion against both countries at once. Bu 1832 they were almost totally occupied and defeated.

Expanision came again in 1836. Romania, Aurtria and Italy joined forces and attacked the Shakal. In three months Romania was crushed. Russia joined the remaining allies in June and was defeated by years end. Romania was totally engulfed, Crimea and part of the Ukraine were given up along with some land on the other side of the Caspian. Italy was totally taken excpet for some lands aorund Torino and Savoy. Austria was almost lost and by 1838 Hungary was also engulfed. The expansion was so fast that most European countries couldnt even reace when the Shakal pushed south along the Nile and took Eritea in 1841.

The Shakal Empire then pushed and crushed Yemen and Oman by 1843. In 1844 the Army pushed into Somalia and Abysinnia fighting in a long attrition war that lasted 6 years. In 1852 the Shakal pushed into Kenya and were defeated by the Portugese and British. This didnt stop Shakal Imperialism. They sent dozens of newly built Ironclads to the far east and secures Siam and much of south China in 1860.

After this the Civil War brought about great change. The army adopted newly built breechloading cannons built by Wolke Industries, which would become the Empire's greatest supplier of military goods. The new value of these cannon were proved in 1877 with the victory over France. This led to the occupation of Marsailles and several other French port cities on thew Mediteranian.

In 1882 the Shakal fought a war with the Dutch, Belgians, and Chinese. This led to the occupation of Macao, the entire east indes and Belgian congo. The Germans and Japanese had god relations with the Shakal becuase of the equal rights they surrported for all races below them.

The last expanision to the Shakal Empire took place in 1890 in the war with most of South America. The Shakal's superior weapons and training won an easy victory that secured Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Uraguay, and Venezuala. On May 1st 1891 the Empire was at its greatest extent.

Modern History 1891 A.D - Present

After the extent limit was reached the rise of Empress Melak the Empire fell into turmoil. The Shakal Civil war erupted in 1893 nd ended in the crushing of the rebel armies in 1900. The turn of the century hurt the Shakal. The colonies so hardly fought for in SOuth Amrica were lost along with those in the Pacific to the British in exchange for compensation. By 1910 it was fully recovered with the giving up of its colonies in Africa. The next fourty years passed with the total industrialization of the Empire. Even the more isolated provinces such as in Arabia and Morocco held some industrial capacity. In 1956 the peace was disrupted with the outbreak of the Kenyan War. It was during this war that George Von Hindel set the universally held record for the longest overland supply line to an armored legion, over 7000 km from Shakal City to over 200 km past Nairobi.

With the wars end in 1962 a new era of industrial expansion came on. Thirty years of unrestrained development led to the strong and powerful economy the country has now.


For the Shakal Imperial Law See: Shakal Imperial Law

The Shakal Government is divided into two seperate sections. The Imperial Wing which handles all foriegn and domestic affairs related to the economy or Emperor itself, and the Peoples Wing which handles all internal matters relating to the people themselves.

Imperial Wing

Made up of officals set into power by the Emperor. This includes the ministers of all aspects of any government. It usually consists of 12 Memembers:

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Imperial Palace
  • 1 Government Head-Francis Weldheimer
  • 1 Foreign Minister-Edward Delamont
  • 1 Domestic Overseer-Katie Ritchie
  • 1 Minister of Eductaion-Josef Beltram
  • 1 Minister of Healthcare-Carl Digory
  • 1 Minister of Economics-Vladmir Corpelstein
  • 1 Minister of Justice-Neil Hills
  • 1 Head Of The Army-Fredrick Mannstein
  • 1 Head Of The Imperial Godess Guards-Derrick Braun
  • 1 Head Of The Navy-Samantha Conners
  • 1 Head Of The Airforce-Colin Hall
  • 1 Chief Of The General Staff-Fredrick Mannstein

Peoples Wing

The Peoples Wing is far more complex than the Imperial Wing. Each province of the Empire has its own elected representative that holds a seat in the Hall Of Representitives. A total of 100 seats exist in the HOR and the number of representitives is based on percentile votage.

Example:34% of the votes means 34 seats for the party.

The HOR is followed by the House Of Wills[1]. These are the local representitives that the people elected to voice for them in government. It containes roughly 430 seats at the moment, one for every 2 million residents (Under upcoming Law 321 Section G the number would be set at a 1:3 Million ratio) They vote on issues and create the laws that must pass through the HOR to become the law. After this they require the signitue of the Emperor to officially be a law. If the Emperor dissapproves they can hand down the bill for amendment or cancellation.

The Emperor is the supreme power in government. They can veto any bill or law that wants to be passed with the support of two members of the Imperial Wing. If they dont have the support of these people they can still cancell the motion but this is greatly frowned upon by the people. It has happened only once in the entire history of the Shakal Empire, when the people wanted to make the army non-existent during the years after the wars of Imperialism.


The Shakal Empire is almost very resource rich and has a strong economic base to support it in the case of war. Such as the last 12 weeks war with The Extreme Dictatorship Of Mt. Baker,& The Most Serene Republic Of Momo Monkey. It was the economy that allowed the Shakal to revitalize Blitzkrieg and crush the Momo army in just a under a month. Before moving on the Mt. Baker in under two months.

The economy is based primarily on resources and manufacturing, especially weapons. The Empire had four distinct economical sectors, central Anatolia which holds the main sources of distrubtion, Balkania which is the major production center of the Empire, Caucasia which supplies all the basic resources for the Shakal Empire to produce, and the Agriculture is centered mostly around the fertile cresent, the Nile river valley, and Arabia (animals).

In times of war the production of consumer goods falls very little. The highest recorded margin ever was 12%. Most of the production is primarily based around the military already. This allows the government to shift the effort of the workers into military works without a hefty penealy in the actual production of Consumer goods.

Wolke Industries is the countries largest supplier of arms and all weapons. It supplies 45.23% of the Military goods for the Shakal Empire. It currently employs 0.38% of the Empires population which was around 4.56 million on May 8th 2007.

  • Production From Internal Sources
  • Consumer Goods:65.43%
  • Military Godds Produced Internally:98.61%


Main Article:Shakal Military

The Shakal Empire's defence is the best in its region. It is based on the doctraine of Decisive Mobility this means that all three distinct sectors of the military, the Army, Navy, and Airforce, work closly with one another to give the troops maximum speed and firepower while retaining a strong capability to react to enemy moves.


Shakal culture is one that is totally unique. It has some elements from both German, Turkish, and Middle Eastern influence. The most notable form of German influence is the House Of Representitives. A good example of of this unique culture is the way that the Shakal approach religion. Everyone is free to join any religion they wish and are allowed to follow some of the practices even if they break minor laws.


Sports arent a very large part of the Shakal culture. They are not held in as high a regard as those of the modern west by any standards. Soccer is fairly popular but only 5 million people view games over the television. The least popular is a close tie between Football and Baseball, followed closly by any form of wrestling or fighting, then these are followed by Rugby and Basketball.


The Shakal national anthem is a perfect expression of the country, loud, dangerous, and modern.

Shakal National Anthem


Most music in the Empire is of two contrasting genres. One is the genre of Classical music relating to the masters, Bach, Mozart, and Bethoveen. The second genre is that of Hard Rock. This latter genre includes such bands as ACDC, Van Halen, and many others.


The Shakal people have latly been shocked to learn about the existence of Vampires in the Empire. Apparently the government has known about this for quite some time. From this people also became aware that these have existed among the Shakal Imperial family since the days of the Emperor Zalord. Only now a research expidition has been mad eup to discover the real roots of the aptly named Vampial people.

The Shakal are also known to be especially promiscious. Marraige is sacred, but often couples agree to allow the partner to have relations with a certain number of other partners. STI's are only a minor problem due to the healthcare system. It is not uncommon to see people engaged in sexual acts on park benchs or on beaches. The government has very liberal freedom laws allowing public nudity and the minimum age of sexual consent is 14. Abortion, however, is strictly illegal unless the womans life is in danger and it undully harms he if the child is born.