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Population: c. 40 nations
Delegate: DTAS LAND
Founder: Sirocco
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Poised on top of the world's largest megalith, the inhabitants of this region have not only developed an immunity to acrophobia but are also accredited with having the world's largest bungee jumping society. Lancrastians are also famous for such beverages as chocolate champagne, tintinnabulation coffee (it will make you THAT sober), dredgewart, and scumble which is made of apples. Well, mostly.

Lancre was founded in May 2003. The most nations to ever be in Lancre is 54.


The Beginning

Lancre was founded by Sirocco in May 2003 in a bid to escape its old region of Switzerland Sucks. Such was the raging rivalry between nations, Sirocco felt he wanted a place where it could stretch its mountain ranges and breath clean air. So, gathering a few friendly allies, Sirocco founded the region with the nation of Sodarules (now sadly deceased). Soon, the region was growing and growing, and things looked good.

The, Uh... Stuff That Happened Afterwards

Sirocco stimulated interest in the region by creating sports events (most notably The Lancre Cup), a map, a web site (provided by Peng-Pau), and even a newspaper. Lancre has been hit by many setbacks however. It was constantly under seige by various members of the old region 'Switzerland Sucks', but Lancre was strong and easily deflected the blows. There was also what has been known as 'The Meteorite Crash'. Eight nations all died at the same time, cutting the population of the region by a quarter. It was called The Meteorite Crash because exactly a month before, a nation (the name of this seer is, alas, forgotten) had prophecied that a meteorite would hit Lancre in a month's time.

And After That...

Sirocco became a Moderator of NationStates. His duties split between moderating the game and maintaining the region, it was decided that he would retire from being delegate and allow someone else to oversee the region's involvement in the United Nations. That delegate has been DTAS LAND for most of the time, with strong challenges from Andrewmania who managed to secure the position for a few days before everyone voted the original delegate back in. The UN delegate for a period afterwards was Bestiville until he mysteriously resigned for reasons unknown and DTAS LAND took up the position once more.

The Modern Day

Lancre is in something of a golden age right now. The reintroduction of the Lancre Cup was a big success and we've got a good healthy size for a region (around forty, which isn't bad considering the average is eight), and, of course, lots of enthusiastic and good people take an interest in the region's progress. All is hunky-dory!


Lancre doesn't have any allies isn't a member of any alliances. A great many regions have tried it on, but Lancrastians were having none of it and rejected them all. Why? A streak of independent pride? Apathy? Economic fears? No-one really knows. There is a tenuous and largely-forgotten mutual friendship between Lancre and the regions of Greater Nova York and Metal Bass but there have been no formal communications between them for years.


There is no regional military, but there is a general consensus that should one of Lancre's nations be attacked by an external hostility all other members will help as best they can. If asked politely. And if they feel like it. In fact the whole arrangement is fairly suspect, but since there hasn't been any major wars since it came about no-one knows if this pact would be honoured.


Lancre has been host to many sports tournaments including almost everything from rugby, cricket and olympic sports to bungee jumping and insult calling (unfortunately this one never came about because someone called the organiser an alcoholic clown). But the most famous and loved of all Lancrastian sports events is The Lancre Cup which has been going on since June 2003. Follow the link for more details.

Nations of Lancre

Nations with NS Wiki entries, in alphabetical order:





Hockey Canada




