The Resi Corporation

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The Resi Corporation
Flag of The Resi Corporation
Motto: "Your One-Stop Robot Shop!™" jpg
Region The Tradelands
Capital Resi City
Official Language(s) English
Leader CEO Sara Resi
Population < 4 billion
Currency Resi Credit 
NS Sunset XML


Founded long ago when the CEO of a small-time cell phone company, Unum Resi, became the leader of the great Resian revolution that overthrew the restrictive anti-business government of the island of Corania, the Resi Corporation has bloomed over the years from a simple weapons industry to a massive robotics, nanomachine, mecha, and, in the near future, spacecraft producer. The Resi Corporation is future tech, but remains largely Earthbound with very few space interests beyond a small patch of Martian soil they colonized, terraformed, and forgot about when the nations of Mars ended up being disinterested in the products it was selling. Recently recovering from a period of collectivist isolationism, the Resi Corporation is once again hitting the international scene swinging.


Long, long ago, the Resi Corporation was but a small part of the nation of Corania. It made cell phones and other technological devices such as PDAs, but raked in very little profit because of the increasingly socalist government. Then, in 200X, the Coranian Socialist Party won the presidential election and instated their candidate as president of the Confederacy of Corania. Now, despite the small profit margin, the fledgling Resi Corporation had much power in the underworld and gained most of its profits through borderline legal means. This was common knowledge, but no one even in this progressive government dared take on the mob empire of the Resi Corporation. No one, that is, except for the new president. He declaired that the Resi Corporation had become too powerful, and that it was to be nationalized. The Resi Corporation rebelled, and hired thugs and mercenaries off of the streets and from foreign lands to come defend it and fight for it in the civil war that followed. The Resi Corporation's propaganda campaign even had the Coranians believing that the president was evil, and that the way of capitalism was the way of righteousness. The man who watched over all of this, eventually brought the Coranian government to its knees, and executed the president publicly to the delight of a crowd, was the first CEO of the corporation. His name was Unum Resi. CEO Unum Resi rechristened the newly-captured nation "The Resi Corporation", but the island it is on carries the name of Corania to this day.

Unum kept his personal life and his business life very seperate. So seperate, in fact, that no one in the entire nation knew that he was married until his son was born. He had a single baby boy, who he named Jai Resi, and proceeded to neglect. Little Jai often wondered about his father, but his mother was always there to comfort him and protect him from the evils of the world. But, when Jai was only 7 his mother died of mysterious causes, leaving him alone in the world. Jai often ran away, and even once required his father to hunt him down personally. Eventually Unum learned to keep his rebelious son under lock and key.

Skipping ahead a bit, Unum still harbored a heavy grudge against Communists, and then declared war on the nation of Udona in early 20XX. Udona, run by Red Father Nui, had no idea what hit it, but Unum used the same tactics he used with the nation of Camodia and began to control the Udonan underworld, manipulating the nation against itself. However, the world turned on Unum, and just as it seemed he was to be overpowered by the forces that be, a lone nation stepped in to save him. This nation, now sadly faded into isolationism, was the corporation of GENOM. They sent their biomechanical BOOMERs to storm the capital city of Udona along with the Resi Corporation's human army. This assult claimed many lives on both sides, and even the life of Unum Resi was taken when Roanian assassins, working under the guise of Udonans, stormed into Resi Tower and killed Unum. It is assumed they did this because of their socalist ideals, but exactly why they pinned it on Udona is still unknown. Jai, then 22, claimed his father's seat and brought about a swift end to the war with Red Father Nui's blessing. After all, Nui didn't want any trouble in the first place.

Jai Resi married young, a marriage that spawned Sara Resi, his only daughter. Jai's first wife, Haley, died of complications during Sara's birth, which was the first of many pains that Jai had to suffer. The second was the fact that Sara, who was born without arms or legs, was given but two months to live unless they could artificially restructure her body. They had a procedure for this, but they needed a subject first, which is where Jai's third pain comes in. Jai's best friend, now known simply as "Fargo", volunteered himself for the process to save Jai's daughter. Because of the extreme nerve surpressants used in the process of the operation to stop the pain, Fargo lost all of his memory. However, the operation was mostly a success, and it was used to save Jai's daughter. Unnerved by the lack of technology his empire had, Jai established many futuristic and unique creations, among them were first the Covert Crawlers, then the Star Storms, and eventually robots and Raven Units, all of which became the symbols of Resian might. But, fast as Resian technology was moving, its production fell behind. However, this was of no immeadiate concern to the corporation, as they were not under seige. And this certainly wasn't a concern of Jai's, because he had just met Eris, the future love of his life. He won Eris' heart by defending her when no one else would, defending her from Melkor and the entire GDODAD when Eris refused to turn over a single elf to be slaughtered by them. Eventually, the Resi Corporation bought its way out of a tight space and hammered out a treaty with Melkor.

Then came a great peace, in which Eris, Jai, and the entire corporation flourished. That is, until the nation of Iesus Christi formed a pact with every nation from Melkor to Santa Barbara to Menelmacar to Roania to step in, frame the Resi Corporation, and completely obliterate them. This did happen, the Resi Corporation was leveled, but the corporation managed to pay every last one of them off. It was poor, and in ruins, but in rebuilt and has begun to thrive again. Several years later, however, the corporation was delt a hefty blow when a sentient computer virus calling itself "Dark Storm", merging with the world's foremost technology databank, the world's greatest nanodevice, and one of the greatest mechas on Earth, created a Godzilla-like monster and stormed the capital with it, taking over the minds of the Resi Corporation's robots while it was at it. The only thing that stopped the beast's rampage was the release of S-H-A-R-O-N, a sentient Resi AI that had long sense been locked in isolation after accidently releasing the virus that was then storming the corporation.

For most likely known but publicly undisclosed reasons shortly after this incident, Sara Resi, daughter of Jai Resi, apparently committed suicide by jumping oout of the window of her mile-high penthouse on old Resi Tower. This marked the decline of Jai, and by extension the corporation as a whole. Eris simply wasn't having fun with Jai at this time, and divorced him, furthering his depression. Jai died of old age, a lonely man, but not before recommending that his head advisor, Dae Narasagi, become the next CEO of the Resi Corporation. She was unanimously approved by the High Corporate Council, and was instated as the CEO.

Dae was the first of several things to be CEO, a non-human woman who didn't bear the Resi surname. She began her reign by overhauling the corporation and turning it into a collective, creating a period of technological stagnation like no other. Great pieces of the Resi Corporation's history are missing at this point, but on her deathbed it is known that she recommended Johnathan Tetragammaton to be her replacement. Tetragammaton was staunchly against her politics and her person throughout her reign, so it is highly suspected that she was either dilerious or "influenced" when she made this decision. Tetragammaton's entry into office was slightly less than unanimous, but he inevitably made it to CEO-ship for all of two months, before a revolution by an entity claiming to be Sara Resi threatened his rule.


The original island of Corania, once green and fertile while under its original despot, is now completely covered with one large city. Naming it would be pointless, so what the Resi Corporation refers to as "cities" are actually the highest areas of population concentration in terms of either living, jobs, or both. Corania is a giant cresent-shaped island, with just under 400,000 square km of landmass. As such, land is at a premium and prices for land above ground are always high. Below ground are extensive catacombs where the poor and impoverished live, either on the subterranian streets or in apartments below ground.

Most of Corania is flat, and originally it had mountains somewhere in the middle of the crescent. However, these were incorporated into the massive towers of the city of Centris, and have all but disappeared from the landscape.

In the middle of the Coranian crescent is the island of Janus, weighing in at a mere 2,000 square km. It is here that the main food stock of the Resi Corporation is produced, in crystalline towering multi-level hydroponic farms and yeast production centers where the fungus is sculpted into synthetic food. For the poor, a turkey-flavored broth is produced in huge vats here by genetically engineered bacteria that feed upon air and other special "food" bacteria to produce this cheap and essentially limitless foodstuff.


As far as the international community is concerned, robotics and weapons manufacturing are the best-selling industries within the Resi Corporation, with Urban Development coming in at a close second. Internally, though, everything is owned at some level by the Resi Corporation. Private enterprise is encouraged, of course, but at the national level anyone's small business is owned by a business that's owned by a business that's owned by a business that's owned by the Resi Corporation itself. However, this still maintains a relative distance between government and individual, and makes it easy for entreprenuers to gain loans and compete with other, similar facets of the corporation. Most of the production of the Resi Corporation is done overseas in the losely-affiliated Kingdom of Defacto Russia, where its corrupt dictator, King Antonius Dominicus, can easily work his minions to the bone without so much as a spot of dirt getting on the reputation of the Resi Corporation. The Resi Corporation has other interests around the globe, such as oil refineries and rigs, blood-producing vats, utilities companies, factories, and mines to name a few. Its neighboring island and Resian protectorate to the south, Bandonia, is a large recipiant of tourism and various drug trades.

The Resi Corporation's Storefront can be found here: [1]


With the CEO at the top, the government is not entirely dissimilar to the later republics of Rome. The CEO is appointed by a councel of various people of status from around the corporation and its interests known as the High Corporate Council (HCC), and holds that position until he resigns, is impeached by an 80% vote of said councel, or dies. So far, all CEOs have held their position until death. While the main Resi Corporation, which owns all the land on the island, has a few laws that it upholds, it's mostly up to the sub-companies and corporations underneath it to regulate their own laws on the land they occupy. Through this, as would be expected, conflicts arise that are settled in the Intra-Corporate Court (ICC) system, which helps to smooth out the laws created between the subcorporations. Should the court's ruling prove unsatisfactory, the CEO of the Resi Corporation or any of his immeadiate underlings can step in and make a dictatorial decision to override the court. Private citizens can also sue over laws they feel were unjustly enforced, but the Private Citizen's Court (PCC) can throw out whatever lawsuits they don't want to hear. This ammounts to a good 65%-70% of the court cases presented to them, and even if the PCC takes on a case, the CEO and said immeadiate underlings can overturn the decision if they see the need.


Education is greatly encouraged within the Resi Corporation, as research is the only way to make bigger and better weapons. Scientists are reveared, and a complex chemical formula can pass as art in some circles. However, independant artists are government-funded provided that they meet a certain "art-quota" and their art maintains a certain avarage value per piece. Different levels of funding are available to artists with different levels of recognition, and as per contract the corporation takes a portion of the profit of each art sale as their own. This applies to playwrites, authors, musicians, and photographers as well as your general artists.

As for the common man, he lives in a strict business soceity where his every action is monitored by several security corporations. These actions are logged by A.I., and inputted into a national database that judges each citizen's "worth" and decides who deserves a promotion and who needs a pink slip. Those fired from the corporation rarely crawl back off the streets, as all other companies under the Resi Corporation tend to see those fired as defects of sentient life. If they have enough money when their position is terminated, they can buy a final plane ticket to Menelmacar, Santa Barbara, A Few Rich People, or some other more forgiving capitalist nation. Eventually, after earning a reputation in their new nation, the Resi Corporation will welcome them back.

Holographic movies (called "hovies") and regular movies (called "flaties") are popular passtimes on a worker's one day off a week. Obviously, shopping is a huge activity, as are amusement parks that dot the corporation's landscape. Some roller-coasters even intwine between office buildings to try and increase morale for those that work inside. Every citizen with a place of residence owns a computer, and the higher-ups even have small holographic laptops built into their wrists that produce two thin hologram panels when activated, one for the screen and one for the keypad.