History of Antarctic Oasis

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The written history of the Antarctic Oasis region is a catalog of unspeakable evil, dastardly deeds, criminal capitalist ventures, warring on impoverished and oppressed peoples, sticking it to the poor and disadvantaged alike, gratuitous gnome slaughter, barbecuing dolphins, unhealthy fixations on goats, making people feel bad that they aren't part of the "Antarctian clique," [1] and (horror of horrors) swearing in the General Assembly. But it's all set to polka music, so all taken in it's rather amusing. Or nightmare-inducing. Or somewhat sacrilegious. I don't know. Whatever the score, the behavior of some regional representatives to the United Nations has been enough to prompt lecture [2] after lecture [3] after (mind-numbingly boring) lecture [4] on diplomatic decorum. ... Can we start the bleeding article already?

Birth of a Region

Omigodtheykilledkenny founded Antarctic Oasis shortly after (or was it shortly before?) Manuelo Fernanda took office as president. The new Chief Executive said he moved because he couldn't stand the confining dress of women in the nation's former region of Valdesia [5], but other versions of the story speak of a cataclysmic seismic event that triggered an exodus of Valdesian nations to the Antarctic. Other nations from the period who are still around include Lois-Must-Die, Z0S0, The Palentine and the on-again-off-again republic of Mashtopia.

The region celebrated its first anniversary on May 22, 2006, wherein oozing purple Battle Pod penguins became an unexpected icon of the indomitable Antarctic spirit. [6]

When Floydists Attack

After trying to drag the region into a pointless war with some Godmoding communists, the Floydist nation of Palixia tried to steal Antarctic Oasis's delegate position from Omigodtheykilledkenny by winning endorsements from region members. But when it brought in outside Floydist nations to try to surpass the sitting delegate in the endorsement count, Omigodtheykilledkenny accused Palixia of staging an invasion. Upon hearing of this, most of the region members withdrew their endorsements, after which Palixia and its puppets and allies swiftly departed the region. Palixia was booted from the UN shortly thereafter.

Team Antarctica: World Police

Regional partners became heavily involved in OMGTKK's War on Terror, a conflict that had carried on for years -- and included such pivotal theaters as Lois-Must-Die -- but didn't really swing into gear under the Fernanda Administration until the senseless slaughter of the Paradise City Dumbass Cheerleaders in fall 2005. [7] The infant Allied Antarctic Asskickers being not yet ready for prime time, the task fell upon individual states to contribute to the anti-terror alliance.

The Kitten Revolution