Metropolitan Police

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Dyelli Beybi

Dyelli Beybi's Police Force is Divided into several branches, the largest of which is the Metropolitan Police. While fairly unglamourous, compared to the Central Intelligence Division, Armed Offenders Squad or the Cheka, the "Met" are the backbone of the Police force, doing all the general policing work in the towns and cities. In villages and rural areas they are replaced by the Local Constabulary. Currently the head of the Met is Chief Constable Francis Crabtree.

The Cheif Constable for the Metropolitan Police also acts as head of the Armed Offenders Squad and the Central Intelligence Division (smaller branches of the Police Force).

Ranks and Organisation

Ranks in the Metropolitan Police are similar to all other branches of the Police Force. The top rank is that of Chief Constable, held by Francis Crabtree. Each zone is led by a Deputy Chief Constable, who is assisted by a variable number of Assistant Chief Constables (depending upon the size of the zone, eg Cyro has considerably more Assistant Chiefs than Penrose District). Below this (in descending order) are the ranks of Chief Superintendent, Superintendent, Chief Inspector, Inspector, Police Sergeant and finally Constable.

All Stations of the Metropolitan Police are Commanded by a Superintendent, a Chief Superintendent, in excess to his/her own Station is charged with overseeing nearby Stations, commanded by Superintendents. This is the main difference between the Local Constabulary. By definition, a local Constabulary Station is too small to warrant any officer more Senior than a Chief Inspector, if the Station becomes upgraded, it is immediately reclassified as Metropolitan Police.


The Metropolitan Police, abbreviated Metropolice, MetPol or simply MP, is both the police and the military of Metropolis. The MetPol mainly consists of the remainders of the Royal Navy Regulators and acts as a corporate police force. It is headed by a Commissioner.

OOC Infomation

npc_metropolice is the identifier of a type of NPC (the Civil Protectionm which is also sometimes referred to as Metro Cops) in the RL computer game Half-Life 2. However, except for the Metropolice designation, the Metropolitan Police in its NationStates appearance regarding Metropolis, has not drawn inspiration from the Half-Life 2 entity. however, the Civil Protection does have some similarities to the RvneTek infantry, the RvneTek being a (OOC design-wise) predecessor to Metropolis. These similarities, however, are unintentional, as the RvneTek soldiers were inspired solely by the forces of the Seidensha corporation from the manga BLAME!. For further information, please see: RvneTek.

New Tower of Babel.jpg Metropolis New Tower of Babel.jpg
Society: Plebs, OLs, Clerks, Sons, Metropolitan Police, Revolution En Serie, Resistance, Gothics, Basicorporation, Megalopolis, Dominion, Strikers, Enforcers, Crushers, Sweepers
Hardware: M-Machine, Heart Machine, Monorail, Vidphones, Lifeforce Exraction, Peacemaker BOLO, Peacekeeper BOLO, Django Mecha, Goddess Mecha
Events: Great War, Bloody Valentine War
Characters: Father, Balder O'Dean, Commissioner, Foreman, Moebius, Coordinator, Auditors of Reality, Creator