Public companies in Ariddia

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The economy of the PDSR Ariddia is fully nationalised, in accordance with the country's communist philosophy. Hence there is no private enterprise whatsoever. Ariddians exchange goods and services, or even give freely, knowing that others will share in turn when needed. This has often been described as a form of gift economy.

Although the PDSRA has an official currency, this is not used for commercial transactions by Ariddian nationals within their own country. Only foreigners are required to pay for goods and services, that money then going straight to the National Treasury, often via being deposited at the Bank of Ariddia by those who initially received it. Ariddians simply show identification of some sort to obtain free goods and services from their fellow Ariddians. In small towns and villages, shopkeepers and other providers of goods or services usually know their customers well enough not to request identification.

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A woman bites into Santé!'s green apple logo in an advertisement-cum-government health tip.

All companies are therefore officially State-run, and are operated on a daily basis by those who work there, effectively giving workers ownership of the means of production.

There are virtually no advertisements of any kind, although the government (mostly the Secretariat for Health) occasionally makes use of the media to issue new health tips and other suggestions to improve people's well-being. However, the media may choose to encourage some public companies by running a limited number of advertsiments. Adverts for the health-oriented fastfood restaurants Santé!, for example, helped increase the latter's popularity.

Public companies in Ariddia include: