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Education is one of the few areas where the government provides a service directly to the citizens. Tax di-coins are placed in a fund with each citizen able to withdraw a percentage from that fund to pay for any education they wish. Citizens negotiate tuition with private schools and pay them from this amount. The government does not exercise any control over content and the success of any school is up to the marketplace. The Sunset Exploration Command is partially funded and controlled by the Education Division along with the Defense Division. Berths on the ships of the SEC and access to their facilities is allowed and encouraged among it's allies.  
Education is one of the few areas where the government provides a service directly to the citizens. Tax di-coins are placed in a fund with each citizen able to withdraw a percentage from that fund to pay for any education they wish. Citizens negotiate tuition with private schools and pay them from this amount. The government does not exercise any control over content and the success of any school is up to the marketplace. The Sunset Exploration Command is partially funded and controlled by the Education Division along with the Defense Division. Berths on the ships of the SEC and access to their facilities is allowed and encouraged among nations allied to Sunset. The government also has a generous inter-ally education program that allowed allied citizens to study at Sunset schools and universities if Sunset citizens are allowed the same matching funds and school access by the host nation.  
"To Secure Peace One Must Prepare For [[War]]" is a statement taken to heart in Sunset. The largest portion of government spending goes to fund the Sunset Defense Force and of this nearly 95% goes to the space fleet. This partially includes the Sunset Exploration Command and all of the Marine force. The remaining money is allocated to external intelligence spending and embassies and their staff as well as research and development in cooperation with the Education Division.  
"To Secure Peace One Must Prepare For War" is a statement taken to heart in Sunset. The largest portion of government spending goes to fund the Sunset Defense Force and of this nearly 95% goes to the space fleet. This partially includes the Sunset Exploration Command and all of the Marine force. The remaining money is allocated to external intelligence spending and embassies and their staff as well as research and development in cooperation with the Education Division.
While the nation has one of the highest per-capita defense spendings many have remarked on the relatively small size of the military compared to some. Military enlistment is fixed at 10 million sentients with the vast majority in support roles. There are 200,000 marines, 300,000 starship crew members, and the other 9.5 million are in logistics, research and developement, intelligence, planning, and maintenance roles. This is part of the focus on a smaller military that uses bleeding-edge technology, extensive training, and an extremely high level of preparedness to be ready to fight anywhere, anytime.  
===Law and Order===
===Law and Order===
Law and Order spending in Sunset covers many different areas. This portion of the budget covers police services, civil defense, planetary defense, and internal intelligence. The Law and Order division works closely with the Defense division as many of their duties overlap. In many ways they are seperate branches of a larger division with the main difference being that the president is the direct leader of the Defense division while Law and Order is handled by the senators.  
Law and Order spending in Sunset covers many different areas. This portion of the budget covers police services, civil defense, planetary defense, and internal intelligence. The Law and Order division works closely with the Defense division as many of their duties overlap. In many ways they are seperate branches of a larger division with the main difference being that the president is the direct leader of the Defense division while Law and Order is handled by the senators.  
Law enforcement is handled by a very small group of individuals - in fact percentage-wise it is one of the smalled police forces among all nations. These highly trained and dedicated men and women spend much of their time focusing on crime prevention with education as well as appropriate punishment being the key. Few criminals in Sunset are repeat offenders with most being youth who commit crimes for kicks, are caught, punished, and quickly learn that crime indeed does not pay. One of the key elements of this system is the punishment method. After observing the failure of the prison system as used in the 20th century to prevent crime it was decided to revert to an older system of punishment. In cases of theft, the most common crime, criminals are forced to repay the property owner three times the value of the item stolen. This is done in a variety of methods but the process usually only happens once. Other crimes are handled in a similar method and while this might seem harsh for some crimes it has served to make Sunset one of the safest and most crime free nations around.
Much of the spending of the commerce and trade divisions goes to speed commerce inside Sunset. Low interest loans to construction companies speed the development of infrastructure while loans to communications companies allow them to keep up with the ever increasing demand. The trade and commerce division also invests heavily in new sectors of the economy with much of the investment going into high tech areas where advancements will help the nation as a whole to move ahead.
Much of the spending of the commerce and trade divisions goes to speed commerce inside Sunset. Low interest loans to construction companies speed the development of infrastructure while loans to communications companies allow them to keep up with the ever increasing demand. The trade and commerce division also invests heavily in new sectors of the economy with much of the investment going into high tech areas where advancements will help the nation as a whole to move ahead.
The commerce division is also one of the main sources of income for the government. Investments in business stocks produce a strong return that is then both re-invested and also spent on different areas as per the needs of the government. This does tie government income to the business sector in a large way but this has been true of any government system. Diverse holdings keep the impact of a slump in a single industry from affecting the whole.

Revision as of 07:44, 27 November 2004

Flag of Sunset
Motto: "Liberty Above All"
The Official Map of Mars
Region The Planet Mars
Capital New Vancouver
Official Language(s) English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, and Russian
Leader President Jon Thorgardson
Population 3.95 billion (Dec 30th, 2002)
Currency Di-Coin ($2.0323) 
NS Sunset XML


Sunset is one of the largest and most powerful nations that currently exists. Much of this power is due to their position as one of the pre-eminent nations of Mars and a justified reputation as one of the most reasonable and rational nations to deal with on the international scene. This reputation does not come unbacked by military might or economic power - with a frightening economy and a top ranked military the government has the power to back up words with deeds.


The nation of Sunset was a result, in large part, of the commercial space transportation industry that took off in the late early 21st century after the X Prize competition and it's successor competitions fueled humanity's surge into space. A group of lucky lottery winners in the northwest of what was once the United States pooled their winnings and used them to fund a private mission to Mars. Thanks to rapidly lowering surface to orbit costs as well as several skilled designers in the group this mission was able to leave the fledgling lunar colonies and head for Mars in the first quarter of the 21st century.

They settled in the Vallis Marineris region and began building their first habitats in the giant canyon itself. As population pressures, renewed wars, and rampant plagues began to encompass the Earth they were joined by more and more brave souls who wanted to both ensure humanity's survival and a place amoung the stars. This slow immigration became a torrent as more and more people left Earth and fled to the new frontier until there were nearly five million people in the Vallis Marinaris region alone. Sufficiency achieved and with a desire to cut ties with what was seen as an unstable Earth they came together and formed the Republic of Sunset.

This was the beginning of the isolationist period of Sunset history. Many other nations formed, fell, and vanished on the red planet for the next three centuries as the people of Sunset grew, expanded, and advanced in relative peace and quiet. Early communal government evolved as corporations were formed and capital began to condense into the hands of a relative few. This led to first a familiar democratic system then as corporations provided more and more of their employees daily needs taxes were removed until now few remain.

Finally the nation emerged from it's isolation as war again enveloped the red planet. At first it was a spectator as the forces of Tor Yvresse and Os Sanglants fought with NGEN and Melkor Unchained. As relations developed it grew more involved - planetary terraforming was well underway and it arranged to provide funding for this to Eniqcir, the neighbor to the north. Allies were found in the Eldar of Tor Yvresse - their first non-human contact and the two searched the planet for signs of the Necron along with the fledgling Knootoss space forces. Word came of a planned attack by a nation known as Sephiroth and it's destruction at the hands of the Triumvirate of Yut.

It was at this point that President Eric Thorgardson, often called the greatest of Sunset's presidents, looked to the stars and saw both hope for the future as well as a sea of potential enemies. In a series of events contact was established with the nation of Scolopendra and the rest of the Triumvirate of Yut. After a period where the Martian nation got to know the nations of the Triumvirate it applied for and was accepted as a member nation. This point marks Sunset's first major appearance on the world stage and the bright future it would have.

Many things have changed since that time. Presidents have come and gone. Generations of starships have been created, built, and relegated to mothball fleets. Hundreds of millions and then billions of people have been born and have died in a nation that believes strongly that all should have the liberty to do as they desire and that this mixed with the twin concepts of free will and personal responsibility are the best way to continue to bring hope for tomorrow.


Much of Sunset society revolves around it's major industries as well as it's government priorities. Information in one form or another is everywhere in Sunset and the average person interacts with it nearly constantly. Nearly 95% of the population spends at least 60% of their time in a virtual environment of some kind. Businesses, schools, entertainment and even the government have the majority of their presence in the system-wide network (SolNet, C-Space, etc).

This environment is literally used for everything. The gambling industry has most of their operations in here with lotteries, competitive sports, and games of chance being the most popular. The publishing industry also has much of it's activity in here with writers, artists, and similar creators able to collaborate with individuals on Earth, in Saturn space, all around Mars, and even in distant out-system colonies. Sunset is one of the premier sources for virtual environments with a majority being educational, tactical, stragetic, or commercial designs. Even the top-ranked manufacturing and resource extraction sectors accomplish much of their labor in virtual space. With the rise of robot factories and robots that can fix robots many workers simply access their jobs from the comfort of their own homes.

Unfortunately the heavy usage of the virtual world has a tremendous downside and that is the health of the average citizen. Physical activity and it's healthy aspects are avoided by all except the wealthy and the military. Wealthy individuals seek to stay alive to enjoy their wealth and take advantage of the latest medical technology but most people are simply well enough to live day to day.

The military is a different story. With a scant .25% of the population enlisted and a retirement rate in the range of 2% the military can afford to be picky. It also recieves the best and the brightest - it pays more than the average, gives them the opportunity to work with technology generations ahead of the civilian sector, and see new things that might never make their way into the latest virtual environment. Training is rigorous with a high washout rate for even those destined for a logistical or maintenance posting. There are only a scant half-million front line openings and these have the highest demand as the sharp end is also the most interesting. Training is brutal with the frequent comment that live combat is often easier if more nerve-wracking.


While the government has gone through many changes most were steps along the way to the form it holds today; A minimalist republic that allows complete individual freedoms while defending those freedoms, making sure others do not abuse their freedoms to infringe on those of others, and giving all citizens the chance to succeed.


The government is organized as a representative republic with all citizens having the right to vote. The citizens elect one hundred senators with twenty five replaced every year. The senate selects the president who serves purely at the whim of the senate. The president's job is to handle foreign affairs both diplomatic and military. The senate is divided into four divisions by their funding percentage - Education (35), Defense (50), Law and Order (8), and Commerce (7). Administration costs fall under their divisions.


Education is one of the few areas where the government provides a service directly to the citizens. Tax di-coins are placed in a fund with each citizen able to withdraw a percentage from that fund to pay for any education they wish. Citizens negotiate tuition with private schools and pay them from this amount. The government does not exercise any control over content and the success of any school is up to the marketplace. The Sunset Exploration Command is partially funded and controlled by the Education Division along with the Defense Division. Berths on the ships of the SEC and access to their facilities is allowed and encouraged among nations allied to Sunset. The government also has a generous inter-ally education program that allowed allied citizens to study at Sunset schools and universities if Sunset citizens are allowed the same matching funds and school access by the host nation.


"To Secure Peace One Must Prepare For War" is a statement taken to heart in Sunset. The largest portion of government spending goes to fund the Sunset Defense Force and of this nearly 95% goes to the space fleet. This partially includes the Sunset Exploration Command and all of the Marine force. The remaining money is allocated to external intelligence spending and embassies and their staff as well as research and development in cooperation with the Education Division.

While the nation has one of the highest per-capita defense spendings many have remarked on the relatively small size of the military compared to some. Military enlistment is fixed at 10 million sentients with the vast majority in support roles. There are 200,000 marines, 300,000 starship crew members, and the other 9.5 million are in logistics, research and developement, intelligence, planning, and maintenance roles. This is part of the focus on a smaller military that uses bleeding-edge technology, extensive training, and an extremely high level of preparedness to be ready to fight anywhere, anytime.

Law and Order

Law and Order spending in Sunset covers many different areas. This portion of the budget covers police services, civil defense, planetary defense, and internal intelligence. The Law and Order division works closely with the Defense division as many of their duties overlap. In many ways they are seperate branches of a larger division with the main difference being that the president is the direct leader of the Defense division while Law and Order is handled by the senators.

Law enforcement is handled by a very small group of individuals - in fact percentage-wise it is one of the smalled police forces among all nations. These highly trained and dedicated men and women spend much of their time focusing on crime prevention with education as well as appropriate punishment being the key. Few criminals in Sunset are repeat offenders with most being youth who commit crimes for kicks, are caught, punished, and quickly learn that crime indeed does not pay. One of the key elements of this system is the punishment method. After observing the failure of the prison system as used in the 20th century to prevent crime it was decided to revert to an older system of punishment. In cases of theft, the most common crime, criminals are forced to repay the property owner three times the value of the item stolen. This is done in a variety of methods but the process usually only happens once. Other crimes are handled in a similar method and while this might seem harsh for some crimes it has served to make Sunset one of the safest and most crime free nations around.


Much of the spending of the commerce and trade divisions goes to speed commerce inside Sunset. Low interest loans to construction companies speed the development of infrastructure while loans to communications companies allow them to keep up with the ever increasing demand. The trade and commerce division also invests heavily in new sectors of the economy with much of the investment going into high tech areas where advancements will help the nation as a whole to move ahead.

The commerce division is also one of the main sources of income for the government. Investments in business stocks produce a strong return that is then both re-invested and also spent on different areas as per the needs of the government. This does tie government income to the business sector in a large way but this has been true of any government system. Diverse holdings keep the impact of a slump in a single industry from affecting the whole.


The secretariat is a recent addition to the government and a controversial one. It is essentially a group of advisors to the President who handle individual areas of the president's duties for them. They are empowered by the president to act as him in certain circumstances. Currently there are only a few secretaries but as the positions are created by the president directly more could be created at any time.

  • Special Projects - Doctor Erika Silaco
  • Alliance Diplomacy - Ambassador Penguin
  • Alliance Military - Admiral Samuel Wick


Much of Sunset's political and commercial activities are tied to two overlapping spheres - Mars and the Triumvirate of Yut.

As the oldest nation on Mars the government feels a large responsibility towards the planet and helping it to stay a system power. Much of this is accomplished through encouraging colonization by reasonable and stable nations and by discouraging settlement by violent and warlike nations. While not directly participating in the terraforming of the planet the government does fund many of the terraforming projects inside it's borders and across the globe in an effort to make the world more and more habitable.

The Triumvirate of Yut is both the source of some of Sunset's power as well as the source of much of the government's worries. While membership has given much needed clout in the international community it has also made the nation a target of irrational aggression in some cases. Still the government and the people of Sunset are ardent supporters of the Triumvirate and feel that it helps lead the way to a better universe year after year.


  • President Jon Thorgardson. Jon is the nephew of Eric Thorgardson and has some very large shoes to fill according to the political pundits. He is also the first president to hold that office in a purely virtual government and this has created it's own set of problems.
  • Senator Marcus Wilson. Head of the Senate Trade Division, Senator Wilson is the guy to go to when you want to establish trade relations. He is active in pushing Sunset as the place to go for high quality goods for those just establishing Martian colonies.
  • Admiral Samuel Wick. Commander of MIDAS II Fleet Forces. He has been doing this job for a very long time and is very good at it but it is getting time to think about retirement and he has begun to push Admirals who can get the job done into the spotlight.
  • Ambassador Penguin. Frequent leader of diplomatic missions in key nations. From all appearances he is a sentient Emperor Penguin just over a meter tall. He first appeared during the war in the Gregor Sector and has served ever since then.
  • Doctor Erika Silaco. Dr. Silaco is the Secretary of Special Projects and is thus almost never seen in public or indeed in the Sol system. She is an evolved AI housed in a humanoid form though this is not advertized as it is not seen as important.

International Organisations

External Links

External Contact

Sunset can frequently be found in the NationStates IRC channel on irc.esper.net, #nationstates. E-mail can be sent to Sunset at the sunsetrpg.com domain.