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Flag of Narwah
Motto: People Matter, Knowledge Matters More
Region The Honor Guard
Capital Michrokhan
Official Language(s) English, Narweighan
Leader Ranos tec'Narwah
Population 651 million
Currency lanash 
NS Sunset XML

Narwah, or more correctly Nar'wah, ("Land of Nar" in Ancient Narweighan) is a medium-sized, democratic socialist nation, located on the southern coast of Rigin continent in The Honor Guard. Historically insular, it is only in recent years that Narwah has made itself known to the other nations of Rigin.

A philosopher’s haven, Narwah boasts some of the continent’s largest protected forested areas. The Arts too, can find a welcoming home within Narwah’s boarders. Peace with nature is a fundamental law within Narwah, with many strict regulations on emitions levels.

The people of Narwah are among the nicest you can meet. Always willing to accept strangers into their midst they are well looked after by their government. However, Narweighans are known for their ability to hold a grudge, but with short tempers a rarity in this peace loving Eden, grudges are hard to come by.

The national motto, “People Matter, Knowledge Matters More”, mirrors the Narweighan philosophy perfectly. Government spending on the welfare and education of its citizens is phenomenal. Narweighans have been shown to be among the smartest in Rigin, and indeed The Honor Guard.

===Official UN Report===
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United Nations Flag

The Republic of Narwah is a huge, environmentally stunning nation, notable for its punitive income tax rates. Its compassionate population of 651 million are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality; they tend to view other, more capitalist countries as somewhat immoral and corrupt.

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Education, Social Welfare, and Healthcare. The average income tax rate is 100%. The private sector is almost wholly made up of enterprising fourteen-year-old boys selling lemonade on the sidewalk, although the government is looking at stamping this out.




Narwah is home to many small companies, watched over by the government. The minimum wage is above the regional average, while prices are at a competitive level.

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Uranium Mining Facility
</div>Narwah’s main industry is uranium mining. Based in the eastern city of Neith, the uranium mining industry supplies a great portion of Narwah’s income. With 86% of Narwah’s uranium mining industry running through Neith, the city has expanded to become one of Narwah’s largest.

Second only to the uranium mining industry is Narwah’s book publishing industry. Although many of its title have never been published outside Narwah, the industry generated over 1bn lanashes per year from sales. Many great philosophers from around Rigin have had special publications released solely for the Narweighan audience, who have proved accepting of all they are given.

Narwah boasts only one other industry worthy of mention. Based in Rom’kal, the automobile manufacturing industry is far from the best in the region. Receiving relatively low funding from the government, Narweighan cars are more functional than aesthetic. If you want something to get you from A to B comfortably, then there’s no better buy. But if you’re looking for something that looks good, you’ll have to look elsewhere.


Narweighan culture is unique within region. Its matrilinial society along with a high social welfare and education bugets have combined to make Narwah one of the safest place to live. Philospohy is a key disapline in Narwah creating a cynical population living in relative harmony. Relgion too plays a large role in the daily life of the average Narweighan.


The predominant religion of Narwah is The Church of Nar (often referred to as The Narist Church or the Kul’nal’Nar). It teaches the worship of the goddess Nar, the beautiful and merciful goddess who saved mankind from the wrath of her brother Ner. Church gatherings are common and are directed by a member of the Silver Sisterhood, the collective name for the priestesses of the church.

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Harmony of Male and Female

The Narist Church teaches that the world was created, in unity, by the god Ner and the goddess Nar. The two siblings took great pride in their creation and worked in harmony to create the land, the sky, the animals and the plants. However, when Nar created the first woman in her image, and the first man in that of her brother, Ner was enraged. A fierce battle ensued between the siblings over the existence of man. Ner, the harsher of the two, wish to wipe man from the earth so as nothing that resembled the divine should walk its land or sail its seas. Nar, a kind and loving goddess, fought to save mankind from her brother’s wrath. The battle only ended when the two came to an agreement that, although man would be allowed walk upon the land, and sail upon the sea, he would suffer the knowledge that he would pass from the land. Thus, man became mortal.

The Church

The Church of Nar is a predominantly female religion. All celebrations are led by a priestess of the Silver Sisterhood. However, at the very top of the church is the Narweighan leader, taking the title Tar’tec’Nar (True/One Son of Nar). There is no hierarchical system within the Silver Sisterhood, although older members are viewed with reverence by those younger than them.

The Teachings

There are five main teachings within the Church of Nar;

  1. Nar and Ner created the world.
  2. Nar is all loving.
  3. Nature should be respected.
  4. Peace between men.
  5. Worship of Ner is forbidden.

Language & Naming

The Narweighans have a unique way of naming their children which comes from the old Narweighan Language. At birth, a child is given a birth name. This single name is all the clid is known as for the first two years of their life. On their seccond birthday however, the child is then given the oppertunity to select the name they will be known as for the rest of their life. This name comes from a choice of four

  1. birth name + mother's second name
  2. birth name + place of birth (joined by the prefix nal meaning of/from)
  3. birth name + father's birth name (joined by the prefix tec or tes meaning son/daughter of)
  4. birth name + mother's birth name (joined by the prefix tec or tes meaning son/daughter of)



The First Documents


Age of Exploration



Nations in The Honor Guard with NSwiki pages
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