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The logo of COMECON
Founded: 1990 (STS) in Nurdbotia
Headquarters: Nurdograd, Nurdbotia
Acronym: COMECON
Administrators: None
Members: Neo-Strongbadiski, Nurdbotia, Nurdostroiksa Strategoski, Weinersteinston
Alliance type: multi-lateral mutual defence and trade agreement based on political system and/or government beliefs
Status: Active


COMECON was the largest alliance of Communist and Socialist nations in PEEL. Originally founded by Nurdbotia and Zedoljev, and inducted many members. After rising international fears about COMECON in 2048, including a bitter confrontation within MuDeAl, Zedoljev promptly exited in an effort to cool tensions. Ivorila took its place as administrator alongside Nurdbotia, but after some disagreements between Ivorila and newer members such as Pastocia, Ivorila also left COMECON, leaving Nurdbotia as the sole administrator. For some time Nurdbotia reigned over COMECON by itself, but was forced to cave in to pressure and passed the 2nd Administrator title to Pastocia.

In the years following it's creation, the COMECON has grew tremendously and new nations were inducted each year. Very quickly, it became one of the most powerful and well-known alliances in PEEL and used this attain much influence in international affairs. In the Dominion Wars, the COMECON fought on the side of The Coalition against The Holy Dominion, and after it's victory, the alliance became even stronger.

But unfortunately, by the mid 2050s, most of the region of PEEL, namely the capitalist nations such as Teral and New Cyberia came to highly distrust COMECON, citing it's denial of human rights and political freedoms. This was intensified by Yugopatomia's brash and outspoken Premier, Whoopwhoopwhoop who spit in the face of critics and vowed to overthrow the capitalist nations of PEEL by inciting communist revolutions. This came to a boiling point when Terallian protestors stormed a Zedoljan embassy in Empok Nor, resulting in hundreds of deaths on both sides. Thankfully, war was everted for the time being and PEEL slipped into a long period of uneasy peace.

Around the same time as the Zedoljan Embassy Incident, the nation of Nurdbotia underwent a severe lugnut shortage, which spawned riots and rebellions amongst it's robot population. In 2057, a Robot Seperatist group, The Chrome Hand seized control of the government and soon the entire nation was swept up in a massive civil war, which ravaged the country for 2 years and killed thousands.

During this time, Pastocia assumed sole leadership of the COMECON and began leading it towards a more centrist position in world politics, which angered many of the alliance's more radical leftist nations, namely Yugopatomia. And in 2059, The Great Communist Schism took place, when Yugopatomia, Bamonia, and The Sunrise Forces all left COMECON to create a new alliance, the CommIntern, one dedicated to the expansion of PEELian Communism through violent class revolution, spurred on and funded by the CommIntern.

Soon afterward, the more democratic nations of the alliance, Pastocia, Weinersteinston, and The Crunge also left, citing disagreement with the totalitarian nature of the alliance's leading members and formed The Delian League, an alliance meant to promote democratic reform and peaceful coexistance with PEEL's capitalist nations, but also to provide a countermeasure to the CommIntern.

After the exodus of the majority of the alliance, the alliance was formally dissolved on October 16th, 2060 after 12 years of existance. In the wake of this, it's founder, Nurdbotia formed a new alliance comprised of itself, and it's satellite nations, Neo-Strongbadiski and Strategoski called The Triple Alliance.

Member States



Former Member States

Former Administrators

Former Members