UN Timeline

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The United Nations works from a body of International Law. The UN members vote to accept proposals into resolutions, and push for repeals of existing resolutions. Here is the current body of law as accepted by the United Nations.


UN Timeline

The official chronology of the United Nations only makes note of the passage of resolutions. There is no official UN record of failed resolutions, nor of proposals that were removed from the queue prior to reaching the UN floor. Several UN resolutions that did pass have also been purposefully deleted from the official record of adopted UN resolutions. Typically, deleted resolutions or proposals violated the Enodian UN rules or game mechanics.

The following chronology has been assembled by meticulous study of forum topics past and the recollections of UN members and observers. Since game time tends to be somewhat fluid, this list has been indexed into annual quarters. The numbers express the 'official' chronology, with other important events inserted where appropriate.

All of 2002 and much of 2003 (through early September) is no longer available in the forums, so your assistance is especially welcome in upgrading that portion of the Timeline. Additionally, note that official forum topics did not exist until 2004, so earlier resolutions often had many topics to discuss them.


2002 Fourth Quarter

The United Nations was formed on Nov 13 2002 by Maxtopia. In order to test the new procedures for voting on UN resolutions, a test resolution, Fight the Axis of Evil, was proposed and voted upon by three nations prior to the official starting date of the UN. This resolution is considered the first United Nations resolution. It took over a month before the next (and only other 2002) resolution reached the UN floor. There were no formal guidelines for resolution submission nor formats at this time.

Res # Title Status Date UN Debate  % Support
1 Fight the Axis of Evil Repealed 2002.11.12 No 67%
2 Scientific Freedom Passed 2002.12.26 N/A 70%


2003 First Quarter

  1. Education for All Jan 8 2003 Repealed: Mar 1 2005
  2. UN Taxation Ban Jan 13 2003
  3. DVD Region Removal Jan 17 2003
  4. End Slavery Jan 21 2003
    Removed for mechanics reasons: Proposal limits Jan 26 2003
    Removed for mechanics reasons: Search Function Jan 30 2003
    Removed for mechanics reasons: Secretary General Feb 6 2003
    Removed for mechanics reasons: Resolution 245A Proper Grammar Feb 15 2003
    Removed for mechanics reasons: Knowledge of Own Country Feb 19 2003
    Removed for mechanics reasons: Reduction of Needed Approvals Mar 4 2003
  5. Sexual Freedom Mar 13 2003
    Failed: - UN, Where did it go wrong? Mar 21 2003
    Failed: - Self-Support Mar 25 2003
    Failed: - TO PROTECT Mar 30 2003

2003 Second Quarter

  1. Citizen Rule Required Apr 4 2003
    Removed for mechanics reasons: Resolution Restrictions Apr 8 2003
  2. Keep the World Disease-Free Apr 14 2003
  3. Stop Privacy Intrusion Apr 22 2003
  4. Ban Single-Hulled Tankers Apr 28 2003
  5. Gay Rights May 3 2003
  6. Mandatory Recycling May 8 2003
  7. Child Labor May 13 2003
    Contoversy over Child Labor
  8. Protect Historical Sites May 23 2003
  9. Elimination of Bio Weapons May 31 2003 Repealed: Jun 28 2005
  10. Required Basic Healthcare Jun 5 2003 Repealed: May 13 2005
    Failed - Curb Illicit Arms Transfers Jun 10 2003
  11. Hydrogen Powered Vehicles Jun 16 2003
  12. Religious Tolerance Jun 21 2003
  13. 'RBH' Replacement Jun 26 2003

2003 Third Quarter

    Failed - United Nations Peace Prize Jul 5 2003
  1. Fair Trial Jul 13 2003
  2. Outlaw Pedophilia Jul 18 2003
    A History of Outlaw Pedophilia
  3. Replanting Trees Jul 23 2003
  4. Metric System Jul 28 2003
  5. The Child Protection Act Aug 2 2003
  6. The Universal Bill of Rights Aug 8 2003
  7. Due Process Aug 13 2003
  8. Free Education Aug 19 2003
  9. The IRCO Sep 1 2003
    Establishment of the International Red Cross Organization
  10. Common Sense Act II Sep 12 2003 - Forum topic -
  11. Wolfish Convention on POW Sep 17 2003 - Forum topic -
    A History of Wolfish Convention on POW
    Failed - The Cato Acts Sep 25 2003 - Forum topic -
    Failed - The Bill of No Rights Sep 30 2003 - Forum topic -
    Removed for mechanics reasons: International Space Initiative (ISI) Oct 3 2003 - Forum topic -
    Failed - The GenetiCorp Convention Oct 11 2003 - Forum topic -

2003 Fourth Quarter

  1. Global AIDS Initiative Oct 18 2003
  2. No Embargoes on Medicine Oct 24 2003
  3. Oceanic Waste Dumping Oct 30 2003
  4. Stop Dumping - Start Cleaning Nov 4 2003
  5. Freedom of Humor Nov 9 2003
  6. World Heritage List Nov 15 2003
    Failed: - Equality For All Nov 19 2003
  7. The Rights of Labor Unions Nov 24 2003
    A History of The Rights of Labor Unions
  8. Alternative Fuels Nov 30 2003
    Removed: - HIPPOS ARE BIG - removed Dec 02 2003
  9. Banning the Use of Landmines Dec 6 2003
  10. End Barbaric Punishments Dec 11 2003
    Failed - HIPPOS ARE REALLY QUITE LARGE Dec 16 2003
  11. Increased Access to Medicine Dec 28 2003


2004 First Quarter

    Removed for mechanics reasons: Freedom From SPAM Act Jan 15 2004
Res # Title Status Date UN Debate  % Support
Internet Advertising Pop-ups Failed 2004.01.10 Yes 42%
43 Legalise Euthanasia Passed 2004.01.16 Yes 52%
44 Fair Treatment of Mentally-Ill Passed 2004.01.21 Yes 85%
45 UCPL Passed 2004.01.26 Yes 58%
46 Legalize Prostitution Repealed 2004.02.02 Yes 54%
Passport Harmonisation Deleted 2004.02.09 Yes 81%
47 Definition of 'Fair Trial' Passed 2004.02.14 Yes 67%
48 Save the Forests of the World Passed 2004.02.19 Yes 63%
49 Rights and Duties of UN States Passed 2004.02.24 Yes 82%
50 United Nations Space Consortium Passed 2004.02.29 Yes 71%
51 Children in War Passed 2004.03.08 Yes 86%
52 Ballast Water Passed 2004.03.14 Yes 79%
53 Universal Freedom of Choice Passed 2004.03.26 Yes 53%

2004 Second Quarter

During this time period, UN discussions were characterized by double posts due to issues with the old NationStates server. Problems with the server made it difficult to conduct business on the old server, but a number of the discussions were transfered over to Jolt, thus providing records of many of the discussions from this time. A number of UN resolutions were voted down. The Enodian Protocols came into effect around this time.

Res # Title Status Date UN Debate  % Support
54 UN Educational Committee Passed 2004.04.09 Yes 61%
55 World Blood Bank Passed 2004.04.14 Yes 66%
Space Defense Initiative Failed 2004.04.20 Yes 40%
56 Bio Rights Declaration Passed 2004.05.06 Yes 72%
57 Reduce Black Market Arms Sales Passed 2004.05.12 Yes 72%
58 SPCC Regulation Act Passed 2004.05.17 Yes 73%
59 The 40 Hour Workweek Passed 2004.05.23 Yes 50%
60 Public Domain Passed 2004.05.31 Yes 56%
61 Abortion Rights Passed 2004.06.05 Yes 59%
End Nuclear Proliferation Act Failed 2004.06.10 Yes 44%
62 Female Genital Mutilation Passed 2004.06.16 No 92%
63 Freedom of Press Passed 2004.06.21 Yes 79%
Ban of Death Penalty Failed 2004.06.27 Yes 43%

2004 Third Quarter

The NationStates United Nations under went some significant changes in the third quarter of 2004. First, the server that was used to host the forum debates for NationStates was switched to Jolt. The transition took several weeks, during which time, several UN resolutions reached the UN floor for voting at a time when there was no centeralized debate location. Second, the UN Secretariat went through the old adopted resolutions and deleted a number of early resolutions because they violated UN rules. Proposals submitted to the UN were now subject to the high standards left in the Enodian Protocols, meaning more illegal proposals were deleted before they had the chance to reach quorum while in the proposal queue. Though some proposals still reached quorum, the decide to remove the Olympic Games proposal after it had reached the resolution queue, reinforced the idea that a proposal is only a resolution once it actually was put before the UN for a vote.

Res # Title Status Date UN Debate  % Support
64 Tracking Near Earth Objects Passed 2004.07.05 No 79%
65 Refugee Protection Act Passed 2004.07.10 No 67%
66 Illegal Logging Passed 2004.07.18 Yes 68%
67 Needle Sharing Prevention Passed 2004.07.25 Yes 80%
68 Ban Trafficking in Persons Passed 2004.08.01 Yes 82%
69 The Sexes Rights Law Passed 2004.08.15 Yes 73%
70 Banning Whaling Passed 2004.08.24 Yes 77%
Olympic Games Removed 2004.08.28 Yes N/A
71 Sustainable Energy Sources Passed 2004.08.31 Yes 78%
72 Reduction of Green House Gases Passed 2004.09.05 Yes 73%
73 Habeas Corpus Passed 2004.09.10 Yes 79%
74 The Law of the Sea Passed 2004.09.21 Yes 69%
No Marriage Under Age of 15 Failed 2004.09.27 Yes 42%

2004 Fourth Quarter

Towards the end of the third quarter of 2004, the UN Secretariat enacted changes to the UN procedures (i.e. the moderators changed the game) to allow repeals. Though many nations attempted to repeal just about every existing resolution, it wasn't until late October that a proposed repeal achieved quorum and reached the UN Floor. The official United Nations repeal was a motion to remove the Fight the Axis of Evil resolution from the books, and this motion was carried by a supermajority. Two months later the next repeal that reached the UN Floor failed. The vast majority of the 2004 repeals were justified on the opinion that the resolutions they seeked to repeal were flawed, but many UN members disagreed with this sort of reasoning thus accounting for the lack of success of many of the proposed repeals of this time.

When the NSWiki project was started during this time period, many governments and NGOs started using NSWiki to document UN resolutions, thus increasing the continuity in UN resolutions. It was also during this time that references to prior adopted resolutions started appearing in the preambles of proposed resolutions. The International Red Cross was also revisited in two Moral Decency resolutions, starting a renewed international focus on humanitarian aid and protecting populations against natural disasters and epidemics.

Res # Title Status Date UN Debate  % Support
75 The Nuclear Terrorism Act Passed 2004.10.02 Yes 79%
76 Good Samaritan Laws Passed 2004.10.08 Yes 72%
77 Epidemic Prevention Protocol Passed 2004.10.13 Yes 83%
78 Repeal "Fight the Axis of Evil" Passed 2004.10.23 Yes 83%
79 Reformed Literacy Initiative Passed 2004.11.02 ? 78%
Disallow Torture Removed 2004.11.07 No N/A
Ban Nuclear Weapons Failed 2004.11.09 Yes 43%
Preventing Human Trafficking Removed 2004.11.12 No N/A
80 Rights of Minorities and Women Passed 2004.11.20 Yes 63%
81 Definition of Marriage Passed 2004.11.25 Yes 61%
82 Stem Cell Research Funding Passed 2004.11.30 Yes 73%
83 The Eon Convention on Genocide Passed 2004.12.07 Yes 83%
Repeal "The 40 Hour Workweek" Failed 2004.12.19 Yes 46%
84 NS HIV AIDS Act Passed 2004.12.28 Yes 85%


2005 First Quarter

Although repeals were first established in 2004, it was in this quarter that nations began to organize into coalitions and make use of the repeal function to replace resolutions with new revised and improved versions of the resolutions. The repeal debates began to shift away from "this resolution should be removed" campaigns to a more successful "there is an effort underway to replace the text of this resolution". The Global Library and Legalize Prostitution are two examples of resolutions that were repealed and then quickly replaced by resolutions that had stronger support. The Tsunami Warning System resolution is also notable in that it was a NationStates response to the real-life Boxing Day Tsunami and is considered a good example of how to incorporate ideas from the real world in a NationStates context.

Res # Title Status Date UN Debate  % Support
85 Support Hemp Production Passed 2005.01.02 Yes 74%
86 The Global Library Repealed 2005.01.07 Yes 54%
87 Repeal "Legalize Prostitution" Passed 2005.01.12 Yes 53%
88 Equality and Fairness Passed 2005.01.17 Yes 66%
89 Rights of Indigenous Peoples Passed 2005.01.22 Yes 71%
90 Tsunami Warning System Passed 2005.01.27 Yes 86%
91 The Sex Industry Worker Act Passed 2005.02.06 Yes 62%
92 Humanitarian Intervention Passed 2005.02.14 Yes 66%
93 Repeal "The Global Library" Passed 2005.02.19 Yes 70%
94 Right to Self-Protection Passed 2005.02.24 Yes 72%
95 Repeal "Education for All" Passed 2005.03.01 Yes 55%
96 UNWODC Passed 2005.03.07 Yes 65%
97 Universal Library Coalition Passed 2005.03.15 Yes 75%
International Court of Justice Failed 2005.03.21 Yes 38%

2005 Second Quarter

The 100th resolution was adopted by the NationStates UN by a supermajority. The UN Secretariat removed one proposal that had reached quorum, but after a revision that proposal managed to reach the UN floor and was adopted. It was during this quarter that the Enodian Protocols were replaced by a new set of rules drafted by the Most Glorious Hack. Some of the changes included limitations on the number of authors that could be listed in a resolution and the number of committees established by a resolution.

Res # Title Status Date UN Debate  % Support
98 Eradicate Smallpox Passed 2005.04.02 Yes 78%
UN Peace Prize Failed 2005.04.07 Yes 48%
99 Discrimination Accord Passed 2005.04.14 Yes 63%
100 Natural Disaster Act Passed 2005.04.24 Yes 81%
Right to Learn About Evolution Removed 2005.04.25 No N/A
Defining Diplomat Immunity Failed 2005.05.02 Yes 48%
101 Right to Learn Evolutionary Theory Passed 2005.05.08 Yes 72%
102 Repeal "Required Basic Healthcare" Passed 2005.05.13 Yes 77%
103 Right to Refuse Extradition Passed 2005.05.20 Yes 71%
104 Computer Crimes Act Passed 2005.05.25 Yes 74%
105 National Systems of Tax Repealed 2005.05.31 Yes 52%
106 Protection of Dolphins Act Passed 2005.06.10 Yes 66%
107 Ban Chemical Weapons Repealed 2005.06.10 Yes 58%
108 Repeal "Elimination of Bio Weapons" Passed 2005.06.28 Yes 80%

2005 Third Quarter

The most significant UN resolution of the 3rd quarter of 2005 was the United Nations Security Act, because as a result of its passage all future Global Disarmament resolutions now must include language stating that any weapon being restricted is not necessary to national defense. This quarter was marked by a steady decline in UN members and also in a decrease in the level of support for UN resolutions.

Res # Title Status Date UN Debate  % Support
109 Nuclear Armaments Passed 2005.07.03 Yes 55%
110 United Nations Security Act Passed 2005.07.08 Yes 58%
111 Civilian Rights Post War Passed 2005.07.13 Yes 73%
112 Repeal "National Systems of Tax" Passed 2005.07.18 Yes 78%
113 UN Biological Weapons Ban Passed 2005.07.23 Yes 57%
114 Establish UNWCC Passed 2005.07.28 Yes 72%
115 Freedom of Conscience Passed 2005.08.03 Yes 70%
116 Mitigation of Large Reservoirs Passed 2005.08.08 Yes 65%
117 The Microcredit Bazaar Passed 2005.08.13 Yes 60%
The Transgender Equality Act Failed 2005.08.18 Yes 49%
118 The Sex Education Act Passed 2005.08.23 Yes 72%
Repeal "Protection of Dolphins Act" Failed 2005.08.28 Yes 34%
119 UNCoESB Passed 2005.09.02 Yes 68%
120 Repeal "Ban Chemical Weapons" Passed 2005.09.07 Yes 51%
121 Adoption and IVF Rights Passed 2005.09.12 Yes 57%

Additional Material

United Nations Association UN Resolution Chronology pdf