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Flag of Forgottenlands
Motto: War or Peace, I can't choose both
Region Aberdeen
Capital Forgotten_City
Official Language(s) English
Leader forgottenlord
Population About 2 billion
Currency Angel 
NS Sunset XML


Pre-Forgotten Territories

The Empire of Forgottenlands was founded upon a recommendation of the Nation of Gauss-Jordan in early 2003. The founders of the respective nations, Forgottenlord of Forgottenlands and Gauss of Gauss-Jordan, had been friends from their time working in an old feudal kingdom together, known as Aetheron. The two created the region of Aetheron within the NationStates world and, for the most part, kept to themselves. As May rolled around both, losing interest, left the leadership of their respective nations to fend for themselves and started wandering the world, no longer interested in the politics of the day.

Nearly 2 years later, under advisement of the Grand Duchy of Itsenpotiijaa, Forgottenlord returned to his nation, and Aetheron. Again, his activity within the world was unnoticable. He spent the better part of April and early May in a haphazard state, not really caring much for or about his nation - though keeping his beliefs in check. However, unlike during its time spent ruling along side Gauss-Jordan, Forgottenlands did not return to the UN. Regardless, in his time away, the (originally) rather small nation had blossomed into a nation of nearly 1 billion people. To help relieve his boredom, Forgottenlord founded a second nation, the Armed Republic of Angel Fire. While he remained committed to civil rights and values with Forgottenlands, Angel Fire he treated with impunity - making the rich richer and the poor slaves. However, it was by chance that Angel Fire got noticed before it left for Aetheron.

The region of Aberdeen (formally known as the United Nations of Aberdeen), just getting its start within the world and interested in making a name for itself, had spotted Angel Fire and invited Forgottenlord to join them. Forgottenlord did so, and quickly became a prominent figure within Aberdeen politics. Even though he decided against running for a position within the First Aberdeen Parliment, he soon voiced several opinions on the Constitution that was being drafted. The result was a few minor changes to the constitution - giving a bit more power back to the states - in particular, concerning matters of free trade.</p>

As the positions and policies of the First Aberdeen Parliment were brought into discussion, Forgottenlord noted the lack of capability to perform the legislative duties within Aberdeen. Within a day of his mentioning it, the Aberdeen House of Members was officially openned (as had been defined by the Constitution). Within the week, Forgottenlord had brought forth the first 4 Bills for the House of Members to consider. All 4 passed - 2 of which by a unanimous vote. Amongst the laws was the regulations of making laws and election policies.

Again, feeling a slightly lesser interest, Forgottenlord sagged a bit after his 4 successes. Looking for things to do, he began reading through UN proposals and advising the Prime Minister on which resolutions he felt should be endorsed. After a while, he was recognized as the analyzer of the UN within the region and given full authority over all UN related discussions - even though the delegacy still lay in the hands of the Prime Minister. At one point, he was brought forth into the realms of the UN building when his understanding of UN regulations was challenged by Vastiva. Reading through the Hackian laws (only previously having read the Enodian Acts), he realized how blissfully ignorant he was within the UN. Seeking a larger involvement within the world government, he petitioned his Aberdeen to be considered the Aberdeen Ambassador to the UN, a position that was readily given to him.

At around the same time, increasing demand within the Empire of Forgottenlands and the United Nations of Aberdeen to have a represenation within the UN, and recognizing the realm of his new duty, Forgottenlord conceded with a petition by many individuals from one Province to seperate from the Empire politically (while keeping the same economic ties as before) and join the UN. The Colony of Forgottenlands UN was formed. In a rather ironic twist of fate, Forgottenlord was granted the title of President of the Colony as well - even though he conceded the request for UN membership.

Unlike with Aberdeen, Forgottenlord was unable to quickly make a name for himself. Instead of entering an arena full of people just learning to get their feet under them, he entered a realm where many had been around for years and names were earned through lots of work. His initial discussions produced little, but as debate began over the Bio-weapons resolution, he started to get his feet under him. The Biological Weapons repeal and replacement resolution was, in many ways, a testing grounds for determining what was necessary to be a part of the United Nations debate team. As the final product was brought forth, he was given a true challenge to make a name for himself: the United Nations Security Act.

From the moment that the UNSA had been proposed, Forgottenlord was on a war path. He began a massive telegram campaign and debated heavily within the UN forum - often telegraming those he responded to inform them of his rebuttle. While feeling he had some effect in keeping the vote decently close (from the second day of his telegram campaign, both the votes for and against held within about 3000 votes of each other), it failed to accomplish its stated goal. However, after a comment made by Reformatia, he realized that there was another way to challenge the resolution: an appeal to the UN Leadership to reconsider the actual effect of the resolution.

The intial repeal, started by Reformatia, was rather ineffective. The UN General Secretary, feeling (correctly) that this was just a last minute attempt by Reformatia to not have his Biological Weapons Ban proposal deleted decided they were not going to change their ruling on that thread. However, as the discussion progressed, Forgottenlord replaced Reformatia as the main debater against the resolution, facing off against Powerhungry Chipmunks. Before the debate had finished, Lanquassia had again brought the question to the UN General Secretary - and the debate exploded before the UN leadership could consider the arguments. Finally, recognizing the futility of trying to get the UN leaders to consider such a long and swift debate, he brought forth a deal with the UN leadership for a final attempt to appeal the General Secretary's position. After nearly 2 months, the final statements on the debate had been made and were submitted to the UN leadership by Forgottenlord. The UN leadership, though, ruled against him. Admitting defeat, Forgottenlord moved on

As he began making a name for himself having an opinion and speedy statement for most proposals within the UN forum, Forgottenlord also found some luck back in Aberdeen. The Prime Minister had disappeared off the face of the planet, and the President, realizing the severity of the situation, called for the dissolution of the First Aberdeen Parliment. Forgottenlord quickly put his name in for Prime Minister, running on his work with the first 4 laws and his high level of activity. Despite a hard battle against the Secretary of State of the first Aberdeen Parliment, he secured the Prime Minister position after his criticism of the President's handling of the election earned him both the vote of the President and the third contender of the 3 way race.

However, his victory was soon to be tarnished. One of his competitors, Blackrock64 who is still regarded as the greatest Secretary of State that Aberdeen has ever had decided he could not remain an active part of the government under Forgottenlord and left the region. This was just the first act in the second collapse of Aberdeen. Aberdeen fell progressively from its high of nearly 75 nations to just over 30 at its darkest point. Former Secretary of Defense, Disraeliland, also left the region, while many other key members disappeared due to inactivity - including Dundee East, the President of Aberdeen.

Nearly resigning himself to being the leader of a dead region, Forgottenlord focused his activity to the UN. He accepted an invitation to join the UN Old Guard and looked to further his reputation. During this time, he split ways with Powerhungry Chipmunks to the point that the two now have a difficult time being civil with one another. On the other hand, Love and esterel whom he took extensive time to encourage and edit the work of - seeing great promise in the new resolution writer. Yet he didn't initiate any great campaigns nor write any of his own proposals. His rate of posting decreased noticably.

However, in his time of focusing away from the region, a danger had arisen. Aberdeen was being invaded. Forgottenlord received a warning the day that the first invaders started marching in. Wishing to try and cut them off before too many could get in, he immediately locked the region down - barring entrance. He tried to reactivate all of the remaining members of the region from the first government with only marginal success. Realizing he faced a significant possibility of not getting agreement from anyone before the invasion would be successful, he made a desperate plea to the President, urging him to return to Aberdeen.

The President complied just as Forgottenlord lost delegacy. The invaders were forcably removed from the region. But it was bigger than that: Dundee East wanted to rebuild the region - from the now defunct government structure all the way down to its priorities. Forgottenlord remained Prime Minister as these changes went underway. The cabinet structure was changed. The regional court was overhauled. Immigration was given its own ministry to make recruitment a higher priority. Target numbers were set. And with it, came new life to the region.

Within a handful of days, the region doubled its membership to 60. Within a month, it doubled again. The Regional Court was fully staffed, all ministries were in full operation, the only weak point was the already stable area of Foreign Relations.

Paralleling the increasing success of Aberdeen was Forgottenlord's first resolution. Love and Esterel had approached him as much as two months prior to the Aberdeen revival about working on Right to Divorce. However, Love and Esterel was struggling to find the time to do it with various other projects underway and Forgottenlord wasn't doing much better. However, the two had finally found a common hole in their respective schedules. Thus, Right to Divorce was underway. After a swift two weeks of developement, it went to vote.

But it was doomed right off the bat. On the first day of voting, Ausserland brought forth a major point that Forgottenlord had misunderstood during the drafting process. Realizing that his Resolution was hopelessly flawed, he resigned himself to the need to repeal it even before its momentum began. His realization didn't stop it from passing, but it breathed life into those that would later repeal it. Fonzoland, who had been the first to indicate his vote for the resolution on the forums was responsible for submitting the repeal.

Forgottenlord had not given up hope, however. Despite the considerable flaw, he still felt that Right to Divorce had to be replaced and after a few weeks, began drafting a replacement. It is still being drafted.

Aberdeen had started encountering internal strife. Forgottenlord had become frustrated with an attempt by a new MP of Aberdeen by the name of Bloopa to pass a law that limited the size of Aberdeen armies. The Bill passed in a narrow vote, but this did not stop Forgottenlord from playing annoying politics with the Minister. He fired nearly 40 million soldiers from Angel Fire and enstated a new Zerg army, the national animal of Angel Fire. This merely infuriated the Minister, who immediately pressed charges against him in the regional court. The court is currently in recess as the judge is busy with other things

And yet, on another front, Forgottenlord chose to reorganize the government. Angel Fire and Forgottenlands UN nearly combined to the same population as the Empire itself. Realizing this, he reoganized the three nations

This update is not complete......

Government Structure

There is a single legislative body within the Empire. It Currently contains over 800 members, and with the Empire's swiftly growing population, it grows even further with every election. The current parliment is the 21st Forgottenlands Parliment. Parliments are elected every two months, while the Presidency is elected every year. If 1/3 of the population signs a petition, any issue will go to a refurendum. No issue has succeeded at surpassing the 20% mark.

The Nation is divided into 8 provinces. One Province has since become the Colony of Forgottenlands UN. The other provinces.....I haven't named them yet. Four of the Provinces have effectively become a single city - and each make up the 4 great cities of Forgottenlands. The Capital, Forgotten City, is one of them, with nearly 400 million within its expanded civic borders.