Forgotten Territories

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The Forgotten Territories are the three nations ruled by Forgottenlord. While the individual history of the three nations sits on the pages of the individual nations, the interlinked nature of the three nations means that the complete historical, characterial and other reference material is unified on this page.

Forgotten Territories
Region: Aberdeen
Nations: Forgottenlands, Angel Fire, Forgottenlands UN
Map: None yet
Official Language(s): English
Currency: Angel
Leader: Forgottenlord


Pre-Forgotten Territories

The Empire of Forgottenlands was founded upon a recommendation of the Nation of Gauss-Jordan in early 2003. The founders of the respective nations, Forgottenlord of Forgottenlands and Gauss of Gauss-Jordan, had been friends from their time working in an old feudal kingdom together, known as Aetheron. The two created the region of Aetheron within the NationStates world and, for the most part, kept to themselves. As May rolled around both, losing interest, left the leadership of their respective nations to fend for themselves and started wandering the world, no longer interested in the politics of the day.

Nearly 2 years later, under advisement of the Grand Duchy of Itsenpotiijaa, Forgottenlord returned to his nation, and Aetheron. Again, his activity within the world was unnoticable. He spent the better part of April and early May in a haphazard state, not really caring much for or about his nation - though keeping his beliefs in check. However, unlike during its time spent ruling along side Gauss-Jordan, Forgottenlands did not return to the UN. Regardless, in his time away, the (originally) rather small nation had blossomed into a nation of nearly 1 billion people. To help relieve his boredom, Forgottenlord founded a second nation, the Armed Republic of Angel Fire. While he remained committed to civil rights and values with Forgottenlands, Angel Fire he treated with impunity - making the rich richer and the poor slaves. However, it was by chance that Angel Fire got noticed before it left for Aetheron.

The region of Aberdeen (formally known as the United Nations of Aberdeen), just getting its start within the world and interested in making a name for itself, had spotted Angel Fire and invited Forgottenlord to join them. Forgottenlord did so, and quickly became a prominent figure within Aberdeen politics. Even though he decided against running for a position within the First Aberdeen Parliment, he soon voiced several opinions on the Constitution that was being drafted. The result was a few minor changes to the constitution - giving a bit more power back to the states - in particular, concerning matters of free trade.</p>

As the positions and policies of the First Aberdeen Parliment were brought into discussion, Forgottenlord noted the lack of capability to perform the legislative duties within Aberdeen. Within a day of his mentioning it, the Aberdeen House of Members was officially openned (as had been defined by the Constitution). Within the week, Forgottenlord had brought forth the first 4 Bills for the House of Members to consider. All 4 passed - 2 of which by a unanimous vote. Amongst the laws was the regulations of making laws and election policies.

Again, feeling a slightly lesser interest, Forgottenlord sagged a bit after his 4 successes. Looking for things to do, he began reading through UN proposals and advising the Prime Minister on which resolutions he felt should be endorsed. After a while, he was recognized as the analyzer of the UN within the region and given full authority over all UN related discussions - even though the delegacy still lay in the hands of the Prime Minister. At one point, he was brought forth into the realms of the UN building when his understanding of UN regulations was challenged by Vastiva. Reading through the Hackian laws (only previously having read the Enodian Acts), he realized how blissfully ignorant he was within the UN. Seeking a larger involvement within the world government, he petitioned his Aberdeen to be considered the Aberdeen Ambassador to the UN, a position that was readily given to him.

At around the same time, increasing demand within the Empire of Forgottenlands and the United Nations of Aberdeen to have a represenation within the UN, and recognizing the realm of his new duty, Forgottenlord conceded with a petition by many individuals from one Province to seperate from the Empire politically (while keeping the same economic ties as before) and join the UN. The Colony of Forgottenlands UN was formed. In a rather ironic twist of fate, Forgottenlord was granted the title of President of the Colony as well - even though he conceded the request for UN membership.

Unlike with Aberdeen, Forgottenlord was unable to quickly make a name for himself. Instead of entering an arena full of people just learning to get their feet under them, he entered a realm where many had been around for years and names were earned through lots of work. His initial discussions produced little, but as debate began over the Bio-weapons resolution, he started to get his feet under him. The Biological Weapons repeal and replacement resolution was, in many ways, a testing grounds for determining what was necessary to be a part of the United Nations debate team. As the final product was brought forth, he was given a true challenge to make a name for himself: the United Nations Security Act.

From the moment that the UNSA had been proposed, Forgottenlord was on a war path. He began a massive telegram campaign and debated heavily within the UN forum - often telegraming those he responded to inform them of his rebuttle. While feeling he had some effect in keeping the vote decently close (from the second day of his telegram campaign, both the votes for and against held within about 3000 votes of each other), it failed to accomplish its stated goal. However, after a comment made by Reformatia, he realized that there was another way to challenge the resolution: an appeal to the UN Leadership to reconsider the actual effect of the resolution.

The intial repeal, started by Reformatia, was rather ineffective. The UN General Secretary, feeling (correctly) that this was just a last minute attempt by Reformatia to not have his Biological Weapons Ban proposal deleted decided they were not going to change their ruling on that thread. However, as the discussion progressed, Forgottenlord replaced Reformatia as the main debater against the resolution, facing off against Powerhungry Chipmunks. Before the debate had finished, Lanquassia had again brought the question to the UN General Secretary - and the debate exploded before the UN leadership could consider the arguments. Finally, recognizing the futility of trying to get the UN leaders to consider such a long and swift debate, he brought forth a deal with the UN leadership for a final attempt to appeal the General Secretary's position. After nearly 2 months, the final statements on the debate had been made and were submitted to the UN leadership by Forgottenlord. The UN leadership, though, ruled against him. Admitting defeat, Forgottenlord moved on

As he began making a name for himself having an opinion and speedy statement for most proposals within the UN forum, Forgottenlord also found some luck back in Aberdeen. The Prime Minister had disappeared off the face of the planet, and the President, realizing the severity of the situation, called for the dissolution of the First Aberdeen Parliment. Forgottenlord quickly put his name in for Prime Minister, running on his work with the first 4 laws and his high level of activity. Despite a hard battle against the Secretary of State of the first Aberdeen Parliment, he secured the Prime Minister position after his criticism of the President's handling of the election earned him both the vote of the President and the third contender of the 3 way race.

However, his victory was soon to be tarnished. One of his competitors, Blackrock64 who is still regarded as the greatest Secretary of State that Aberdeen has ever had decided he could not remain an active part of the government under Forgottenlord and left the region. This was just the first act in the second collapse of Aberdeen. Aberdeen fell progressively from its high of nearly 75 nations to just over 30 at its darkest point. Former Secretary of Defense, Disraeliland, also left the region, while many other key members disappeared due to inactivity - including Dundee East, the President of Aberdeen.

Nearly resigning himself to being the leader of a dead region, Forgottenlord focused his activity to the UN. He accepted an invitation to join the UN Old Guard and looked to further his reputation. During this time, he split ways with Powerhungry Chipmunks to the point that the two now have a difficult time being civil with one another. On the other hand, Love and esterel whom he took extensive time to encourage and edit the work of - seeing great promise in the new resolution writer. Yet he didn't initiate any great campaigns nor write any of his own proposals. His rate of posting decreased noticably.

However, in his time of focusing away from the region, a danger had arisen. Aberdeen was being invaded. Forgottenlord received a warning the day that the first invaders started marching in. Wishing to try and cut them off before too many could get in, he immediately locked the region down - barring entrance. He tried to reactivate all of the remaining members of the region from the first government with only marginal success. Realizing he faced a significant possibility of not getting agreement from anyone before the invasion would be successful, he made a desperate plea to the President, urging him to return to Aberdeen.

The President complied just as Forgottenlord lost delegacy. The invaders were forcably removed from the region. But it was bigger than that: Dundee East wanted to rebuild the region - from the now defunct government structure all the way down to its priorities. Forgottenlord remained Prime Minister as these changes went underway. The cabinet structure was changed. The regional court was overhauled. Immigration was given its own ministry to make recruitment a higher priority. Target numbers were set. And with it, came new life to the region.

Within a handful of days, the region doubled its membership to 60. Within a month, it doubled again. The Regional Court was fully staffed, all ministries were in full operation, the only weak point was the already stable area of Foreign Relations.

Paralleling the increasing success of Aberdeen was Forgottenlord's first resolution. Love and Esterel had approached him as much as two months prior to the Aberdeen revival about working on Right to Divorce. However, Love and Esterel was struggling to find the time to do it with various other projects underway and Forgottenlord wasn't doing much better. However, the two had finally found a common hole in their respective schedules. Thus, Right to Divorce was underway. After a swift two weeks of developement, it went to vote.

But it was doomed right off the bat. On the first day of voting, Ausserland brought forth a major point that Forgottenlord had misunderstood during the drafting process. Realizing that his Resolution was hopelessly flawed, he resigned himself to the need to repeal it even before its momentum began. His realization didn't stop it from passing, but it breathed life into those that would later repeal it. Fonzoland, who had been the first to indicate his vote for the resolution on the forums was responsible for submitting the repeal.

Forgottenlord had not given up hope, however. Despite the considerable flaw, he still felt that Right to Divorce had to be replaced and after a few weeks, began drafting a replacement. It is still being drafted.

Aberdeen had started encountering internal strife. Forgottenlord had become frustrated with an attempt by a new MP of Aberdeen by the name of Bloopa to pass a law that limited the size of Aberdeen armies. The Bill passed in a narrow vote, but this did not stop Forgottenlord from playing annoying politics with the Minister. He fired nearly 40 million soldiers from Angel Fire and enstated a new Zerg army, the national animal of Angel Fire. This merely infuriated the Minister, who immediately pressed charges against him in the regional court. The court is currently in recess as the judge is busy with other things

And yet, on another front, Forgottenlord chose to reorganize the government. Angel Fire and Forgottenlands UN nearly combined to the same population as the Empire itself. Realizing this, he reoganized the three nations and their government structure. The three nations became a unified land under the name Forgotten Territories. Forgottenlord, as President of each of the three nations, became President of the Forgotten Territories. His Vice-Presidents of each nation became the Prime Minister and effective leader.

Post-Forgotten Territories

There is little that has happened since this unification.

Government Structure

Forgotten Territories

The Forgotten Territories is the central ruling body of the three nations formerly ruled by Forgottenlord. The Forgotten Territories is ruled by the Forgotten Council, which is a committee of the military, civil and intelligence leaders from the three nations. Nearly all foreign policy issues with a single nation is handled by the Forgotten Council itself - though issues such as the military remain solely to the discretion of the individual nation.

The President is elected by equal vote from all citizens in all three of the countries. It is nearly impossible to unseat Forgottenlord, though, because he always gets 100% of the Angel Fire vote, anyone who dared vote against him knows he wouldn't be alive the next day.


There is a single legislative body within the Empire. It Currently contains over 1000 members, and has been capped due to the insane increase in the size of the nation. The current parliment is the 24th Forgottenlands Parliment. Parliments are elected every two months, while the Prime Minister is elected every year. If 1/3 of the population signs a petition, any issue will go to a refurendum, though no issue has succeeded at surpassing the 20% mark.

The Nation was divided into 8 provinces, but one Province has since broken off and become the Colony of Forgottenlands UN. The other provinces.....I haven't named them yet. Four of the Provinces have effectively become a single city - and each make up the 4 great cities of Forgottenlands. The Capital, Forgotten City, is one of them, with nearly 400 million within its expanded civic borders.

Angel Fire

There is one rule, one law. The Prime Ministership belongs to one woman until the day she dies. He who defies her will satisfy her thirst for flesh. She is Tristan Angel, the Angel Fire, and she is the law. Her Capital, Port Angel, sits on Angel Bay in Aberdeen and is considered by many to be the military capital of Aberdeen, the home base of nearly half of the nation's 100 million armed personnel.

Forgottenlands UN

After the government reorganization, Forgottenlands UN was divided into 7 provinces, modeling the nation she broke away from. Her parliament is likewise modelled and has received a similar cap, though as of yet, it has yet to pass the 750 mark. Capital remains unnamed.


Forgotten Territories


Forgottenlord is pretty much the person you'll run into if you say hi. He's not so much a character as he President of the Forgotten Territories, enough said

Celeste McNair

Personal Bodyguard of Forgottenlord, head of the group known as the night sisters. More to be added as I develope her fully

Celeste McNabb was chosen. She had joined the Night Sisters during the period without their master. Many of the traditions they had adopted were of her making. She had risen through the ranks quickly. Unlike her sisters, she was not entirely emotionless or thoughtless. She could ask questions. She still never challenged orders - the group's psychic connection prevented the emotion of refusal from ever surfacing - but she was able to expand their society and their powers. Without realizing it, without meaning it to happen, she had become the subconscious leader in the mist of their group psyche. When asked to give a suggestion for a leader, Celeste found herself staring at a group conscience that turned to her without even consciously realizing it.

(This'll make sense eventually)

Positions Held

In reverse chronological order

  • Bodyguard of forgottenlord (current)
  • Leader of the Night Sisters (current)
  • Night Sister Elder (current)
  • Night Sister Angel Master (current)
  • Night Sister Blademaster (current)
  • Night Sister Visionary
  • Night Sister Preist
  • Night Sister Warrior
  • Night Sister (current)
  • Night Sister Padawan
History and Character

Celeste McNair, the bastard daughter of a sex slave and her mother's owner, grew up knowing poverty. Her mother had been sold the moment she had been determined pregnant - or at least a sale was attempted. When no one would take her, so Celeste's father abandonned her 7 month pregnant mother on the highway, several miles away from their city. He had hoped she would die, and then he could claim the compensation for her escape and subsequent death. He only got the money for the escape (though it was still enough for him to acquire a new slave, with whom his plan had a bit more success).

Celeste spent her infancy on the streets - desolately cold and many considered her to be doomed. Yet she seemed to be able to survive cold, hunger, and even the occasional violent episode. When she was 14, her mother was captured and returned to her former master. Celeste, having been born while her mother was officially still a slave, was also enslaved to her father. To her father, this was a dream come true - a daughter that he could rotate with his primary sex slave.

For two years, Celeste was forced to watch as her father raped her mother, normally more than once a day. Occasionally, she could persuade her father to allow her not to watch, but that merely meant that she had to listen to her mother's screams of terror and torture. When she was eight, her mother became pregnant, and Celeste knew the days were numbered before it was her turn.

The number of times she was expected to watch decreased. Her father saw more and more reason to sit in the slave room - where even the screams would normally not reach. Yet Celeste could still hear them - reverberating in her brain. She could sense exactly which acts of defiling her father was performing.

Then one night, when everything had been put in place for yet another round, as she sat in the slave room, but she heard nothing, she sensed nothing. She knew, without realizing how she knew it, that tonight was the night.

And then she realized something worse, her mother was trying to stop it. She was trying to hold him back, pleading with him.

Before she could understand it, still rooms away from all of it happening, she felt her father turn on her mother. He threw her off and pointed something at her. This time, it wasn't the extra bit down below, it was something worse - but she couldn't understand what it was - she had never seen (or, well, sensed, that sort of thing before). However, she knew it wasn't bad. Her father held a feeling of triumph, her mother had a feeling of dread, of fear.

A sound - a crack, she supposed, rang out across the entire compound. She sensed something leave what her father held and at speeds she could have never imagined, entered her mother's chest and run straight through her heart.

Celeste's heart fell as her mother's died. She knew, without understanding what it meant or why it happened, that she'd never see her mother again. With emotions of rage, sorrow, love and despair all mixed together, she released a scream that pierced the night, a scream that didn't just echo through her mouth, but in ways she didn't understand. All she understood was that her mother had failed to protect her, her father had forever seperated her from the closest person to her, and that she would soon meet the fate her mother met every night.

As she calmed down, she developed a level of resolve. She would not be the victim of her father. She would not meet her mother's fate. She prepared herself to fight her father, to prevent him from ever doing anything to her.

She needn't have bothered. If she had tried to sense what was going on around her, she would have realized that in that burst of emotion, she had sent a psychic wave that had knocked her father out - bursting blood vessels and causing a lethal stroke. Her release had also attracted others who were attuned to the psychic ways.

The Night Sisters came that night. While Celeste was not the most powerful potential sister that had ever attracted their interest, she was the first that they sensed through such a manner. Normally, padawans were found by passing through the crowd and sensing another psychic presence. The release was extraordinary for any level of psychic, but emotional releases were uncontrolled - or at least, not consciously controlled. Thus, most Night Sisters never allowed themselves to get to the point where such a powerful burst could occur.

Fearful that Celeste might be even more powerful, and, therefore, capable of far more destruction than the death of one man in a future potential outburst, they released her in exchange for her promising to train as a Night Sister

The Night Sisters were at their low point. Their master was missing and they had no true leadership. The Night Sister Elders tried to be leaders but no one could truly control the psychic haze that connected them all. So, the Night Sisters had simply devoted themselves to expanding their numbers and finding their master.

Celeste excelled in her training. Within a month, she broke the record for fastest to take the Ceremony of Acceptance. She excelled in the area of fighting - feeling compelled by her inability to protect her mother. She was given the battle rank of Night Sister Warrior within another month of becoming a member of the order. With a degree of hesitancy, the Elders broke tradition and gave her the the holy rank of Night Sister Preist, despite the fact that she hadn't completed the requirements. They had realized that despite the fact she had not been tested, she had to have mastered enough control of her abilities to accel so quickly to be equal to a Priest.

Celeste continued to train, but with the rank and right of Priest upon her, she slowed in challenging herself. Some of the Elders suspected that she was already equal to them and knew it. Others suspected she did not wish to become an Elder. Both were wrong. However, having recognized the great honor that had been given to her by the breaking of tradition. She wished to repay it to the order. She expanded her knowledge of the psychic realm beyond what had been put in their literature and lessons. She broadened her horizons in ways that non-sisters can't even begin to imagine, let along comprehend.

After nearly 6 months of this, she returned the honor to the order and gave some amazing new ideas and concepts to the order, including at least one tradition that was adopted. The order was shocked, but gave her the developer rank of Visionary.

Having now repaid the debt she felt owed to the order, she resumed her training with the same level of passion that she had held before. However, this time the driving force was not her past, it was her future. In her time spent studying the psyche of the collective, she had developed a bond with it that was greater than anything she had felt before. It drove her in the same way that all who developed the bond were driven. At this point, those that had tried to dive deeper than the mere presence and outward manner would have discovered that she was equal to the Elders. However, the elders were so busy admiring their star pupil like a trophy, they failed to notice what greatness was within it.

Two days before Celeste attained the battle rank of Blademaster, the Elders found their master. She was sitting in Aberdeen. Pausing only to test their pupils to see if any deserved to be advanced (Celeste, of course, passed), they set off to rejoin their master.

It was a long journey, and they had nothing but feet and their powers to use. However, Celeste was amongst a few who developed ways to hasten the journey. Celeste also invented two new rituals for journeys and a tradition for slumber that is used whenever a Night Sister is supposed to be on duty. Celeste was given the developer rank of Angel Master - or Master of the ways of the Angel Fire.

The elders should have realized then, if not before, that their star pupil was one of them. But yet again, they were blinded by their eyes for what she had accomplished rather than what she was capable of. Some historians speculate on whether the group of Elders who suggested she didn't want to be one had won the leading line of thought within the order. Regardless, despite proving herself yet again and having developed enough traditions to match all the Elders combined, she was still not promoted to an Elder.

However, Celeste felt no jealousy. She was a Night Sister. They had bestowed her some of the greatest honors a Night Sister could ever hope for. She had run through the ranks faster than any Night Sister before her. She was at peace, she was without her emotions, and she continued to quest through the collective, the myst and beyond.

However, with it came questions about how the order functioned. It wasn't a challenge to them - she wasn't calling for changes. She was calling for evaluations. She was calling for them to think about how they operated. The Elders were surprised and often struggled to answer her questions.

In truth, many of their rituals were completely illogical for what they stood for. Many of their beliefs did not match what the order and collective believed. It was the lasting legacy of the Angel Fire's hopes and attempts to shape them, but they were obsolete in her absence. The order, however, refused to drop any of the traditions. Their allegiance was still to the Angel Fire. Their master had not changed.

Celeste accepted that answer, but soon started asking more - this time about the nature of the myst, the collective, and the psychic realm. Unlike her previous expansions of thought, she did this one across the collective, posing the thoughts to all to consider. Her results were less than wonderful, but she still answered many problems that she could not solve on her own.

However, while the collective were only mildly aware of this, she knew that something was wrong with her. She was feeling glee at her continual dives at the borders of knowledge, and the edge of the collective. She enjoyed the quest for further knowledge and always was thirsty for more. With it came the emotions of frustration, joy, anger and love. For the time, it only freed her mind to delve deeper into the realm of knowledge.

They came to Angel Fire. While the collective's mood noticably changed, it was that of those around them that were more noticable. They were oppressed, and she could sense it in every soul they passed.

Eventually, they arrived in front of the Angel Fire. A shiver came across her as she focused upon her new master. While there was a tang of surprise from the woman, it was nothing compared to the waves of pure, unabated evil that flew off of her. Celeste could feel the years of anguish that Tristan had suffered. All of the other sisters bowed their heads in honor of the Angel Fire, Celeste could not move. She was paralyzed by the waves of anger, hatred, jealousy, rage, and bloodlust that washed over her, again and again and again. All she was able to do was start looking at those waves and try to understand what they meant.

In that moment, she understood more than any other Night Sister had ever understood. She learnt of the Angel Fire's past, and slowly followed the trail of everything that happened to her, everything that had shaped her into the monster that she had become. The 17 year old Celeste developed a degree of wisdom that few ever obtained and a kinship to the Angel Fire that not even Forgottenlord possessed. If she was not a master of herself, she would have released a psychic storm at that moment, venting everything that had washed over her in that moment - probably with the power of a nuclear bomb.

Regaining control, she too bowed in servitude, but not before the Angel Fire noticed. However, while she heard her name uttered by one of the elders, the Angel Fire didn't seem interested in details or punishment. Celeste could not penetrate the evil within the woman to find out what she was thinking - even with her understanding, there was too much power in there. She could not release it across the collective for few would have been able to muster the control she was having to employ. She knelt there and awaited her fate.

But nothing happened.

Celeste and the Elders were sent to visit Forgottenlord. He would be an equal master to their old one (she had tried to make him the sole master but the Elders wouldn't hear of it). She didn't understand why she was being ordered to go, but she followed anyways. When they arrived in Forgotten City, she sensed something much different. Happiness, friendliness, warmth. Finally, she was able to vent the evil she had felt in that desolate land.

Forgottenlord had apparently been briefed. He discussed with the Elders for a while. He then turned his attention to Celeste. He asked her what she thought of the Night Sister order. She gave it a high praise, but as she spoke, she could sense that he didn't believe her. He ordered her to be truthful, and so she did.

She reiterated every question she had ever posed to the order, and she could tell that he was happy about something. He turned to the Elders and told them they had made a good choice. Her confusion triggered a need for the Elders to explain.

While she had cut herself off from the collective, guarding the evil she had inhailed, the collective had been asked to pick a leader. She hadn't heard them ask the question, nor had she heard the answer - but the answer was unanimous and immediate. Celeste McNabb was the new leader of the order and had been granted the holy rank of elder.

Shock was the only word for it. She didn't even think herself worthy of this honor, but she had attained it.

Prefering the atmosphere of Forgottenlands over that of Angel Fire, she assigned herself immediately to Forgottenlord's personal bodyguard detail. She changed many of the traditions and added new ones. She continued to dive into the limits, only to come out with greater tools to work with. She encouraged though and even, to some extent, passion. Eventually, she developed a method that allowed her to stand in the Angel Fire's presence without being overwhelmed. Her greatest invention, however, is considered to be the ability of night sisters to become invisible.

And so, the story of Celeste McNair, the greatest of the Night Sisters, continues.

Angel Fire

Tristan "Angel Fire" Angel

Positions held

In reverse chronological order:

  • Prime Minister of Angel Fire (current)
  • Vice-President of Angel Fire
  • Assassin
  • Unofficial leader of Angel Fire
  • Citizen of Angel Fire
  • Citizen of Forgottenlands
  • Top 10 most deadly women on the planet
  • Terrorist
  • Wife of Terrorist
  • Sister of Forgottenlord (I hope to hell that's still true)
History and Character

Sister of Forgottenlord, 12 years his senior. When she was 16, she was kidnapped by a group of terrorists due to one being infatuated with her. He made her his wife after returning to his homeland. He rose through the ranks and was eventually given permission to form and head a parallel group to the one he served. He is still alive but his whereabouts are unknown.

Tristan, while initially fearful, slowly turned her fear into cold fury towards her husband. Eventually, this fury was channelled by her husband into some of the most deadly attacks ever made by terrorists and did not utilize explosives. With an outlet for all her rage, she slowly fell in love with her husband, who used her newfound closeness with him to create greater rage within her. She became one of the most deadly women on the planet.

However, not all went as could be hoped for. Eventually, their base of operations was assaulted. Both her and her husband were forced to flee (though not without creating numerous casualties to the assailing force). They were seperated and unable to locate each other.

With no one else to turn to, she went to her brother. By this point, he had become to the President of Forgottenlands. While he had heard of her many evils, he gave her refuge when likely no other like-minded nation would have. He hired her as an assassin - both to keep her public profile non-existant and to make use of her talents. Eventually, he founded a nation for her with which she could make the decisions and play as she so chose.

Her career as an assassin, however, was not over - though it had taken a turn for the worse. She misinterpreted a joke and nearly attempted to assassinate Pat MacNeil, the President of Aberdeen. On a later (real) mission, she was captured by a Blackrock assassin and was able to escape from their officials, returning to her home nation. No longer wishing his sister to remain in danger, Forgottenlord gave her to position of Vice-President, formalizing her command of Angel Fire that those in the know knew she had. This Vice-Presidency changed to Prime Ministerialship when the Forgotten Territories were reorganized

Brutal, psychotic, vicious beyond belief and always thirsty for blood she no longer could get in the normal course of action, she rules Angel Fire with an iron fist. Occasionally, rumors would come from the suburbs of Port Angel of 10 to 20 dead and witnesses claiming that she was spotted slaying them, but those are often quelled and never reach the ears of her media (nor, certainly, media outside her nation). The only saving grace is she deals with her Foreign politics in a manner that would at least satisfy Forgottenlord - even if it wouldn't be, necessarily, how he would handle it.

Her activities have been numerous since she gained her new power. She was given permission by her brother to sit in the peace talks between Bloopa and Coretta after the Corettan Embassy Slaughter incident where she continues to play the role of annoying nuisance to the peace process. She also authorized the formation of the Zerg forces which worsened relations between her nation and Bloopa. When Bloopa filed charges against her for this, she began a personal feud towards her fellow leader and now does everything in her power to berate and annoy the Bloopan leader - which does not make the peace process any simpiler.


Despite her warrior nature, Tristan has never had her hair fail to reach her shoulders if she could help it. It is nearly always waist length and takes a variety of forms depending on what style and impression she wants to give. However, her normal form is braided down her back with the tips gelled into a thin strip that can leave marks in skin if its whipped about. If she's in a conference, she instead chooses to wrap it in a bun, keeping the bun together with two sharp daggers.

Her eyes are a dead brown. The right eye had sat only half an inch above a short, wide gash. Her right ear lobe is missing, her left ear lobe sports a sword earing that sometimes holds blood on its tip, a present from its most recent victim (she rarely removes evidence of her victims within a 24 hours of them being her victims). Slightly back of where the sword dangles is the upper limit of another scar - this one starting at the base of her lobe, going across the bottom of her chin and down the right side of her neck, down and right her chest and stops just below the armpit - continuing for a short ways across her arm. The lower portion of this scar is normally hidden from view by her uniform.

The uniform, itself, is the only thing she has worn in public during the latter years of her work with her husband and since her retirement from being an assassin. It was the first piece of clothing her husband had given her, and she made it the standard for the Angel Fire military. It's ripped and shares many of her scars. Two slashes go horizontally across the middle of her back, the right sleeve's front side had a slice right across it that went vertically half a foot. The rest are much more minor.


As previously mentioned, she has a sword earing. She also has what's know as a blood pen. Retracted, the tip is protected by 4 blades each extending an inch beyond the tip and 4 inches beyond their base. Even the tip is sharp enough to pierce skin, though she had never actually used it for such a purpose. Her left hip normally sports a pistol, though the model changes depending on her mood. Her right hip normally holds either her favorite sword (Death Blade) or, more regularly, a 6-inch knife (Bloodlust). When she goes for the kill, she prefers her prey to be closer rather than farther from her - she likes to taste the blood of her victims.

Elizabeth Paul


Reverse Chronological Order

  • Zerg Master (current)
  • Lieutenant Field Marshall (current)
  • Field Marshall
  • General, First rank
  • General, Fourth rank
  • Colonel
  • Lieutenant Major
  • Captain
  • Citizen of Angel Fire
  • Supreme ruler of Zerg
  • Supreme Commander of Alliance forces
  • Zerg Queen of Blades (current)
  • Daughter of Sarah Kerrigan (the late)
History and Character: Post arrival in Aberdeen

(Note, pre-arrival history shall be dealt with in the Zerg History section)

Daughter of Sarah Kerrigan, the Zerg Queen of Blades. After driving back those known only as the destroyers to the Xel-Naga (the creators of the Zerg), locking their only entrance into this galaxy and avenging her mother's death, Liz left the remants of the Zerg Empire. Having never wanted the power her mother craved for, she returned to her mother's homeworld with a small force of Zerg that she kept as pets. There she met the Angel Fire who's brutal nature appealed to her (having only ever known war). Her Zerg she released to the wild, feeling they belonged there and she chose to enter service in the Angel Fire military rather than become an assassin like her recruiter. Due to her experience, she quickly rose through the ranks to her current position of Lieutenant Field Marshall before being handed an assignment that played heavily to her history - the formation of a Zerg army.

She is a brilliant strategist - capable of leading troops both on and off the field. She is vicious and brutal, though she holds a calm logic to those she employs it on. If you have not earned her wrath, she is civil and can even be kind to allies. However, she is strict and responds sharply. She can be quick to anger when not in battle, but when she is in battle, her emotions are always under control. She prefers to use her built-in weapons over items such as guns to do her killing.

That said, it is well known that sex with this woman is certain death. Her orgasm results in an uncontrollable release of all her implants - including her claws which go right through the lungs of any man she's with. However, she still loves sex and uses the brutal rule of the Angel Fire as a way to acquire new mates. That said, many consider her infertile due to the fact that it is believed she has never used protection and still has yet to produce any offspring. Those in the know, however, know that she has been merely doing a game of genetic manipulation within her womb - collecting the chromosomes given by the sperm that she receives and slowly combining them - creating new chromosomes that she intends to one day become the first fertilizer of an egg within her womb (though there's a possibility some eggs have already been fertilized, only to be mentally aborted so her project produces, what she feels is, the perfect offspring).

If you have incited her wrath of made a personal insult, you are also likely to die to her claws. For the lesser insults (if they are made by men), she makes the insulter her next mate. For the greatest ones (or the females who insulted her), however, she saves a move known as the gutter. Simply, she launches her claws through the gut of her victim, right at the base of the rib cage. Her claws extend past the backside of the ribcage and up, shredding the heart and lungs of her victim. She then raises her victim at least half a foot off the ground (she will make sure the wound is over her head) and watches the victims eyes: waiting for all signs of life to leave them. Like the Angel Fire, she likes the taste of the blood of her victims - but only those who have earnt her greatest wrath.


Standing a mere 4'11", Liz Paul is not what one would call frightening. Dark skinned (she was born with pale white skin, but it has since darkened due to the Zerg implants), with hazel eyes, no noticeable scars, her black hair tied into two pigtails that rode halfway down her back (past her butt if she undid them) and normally wearing clothing that rode up on the waist on the back side, kept the top of the back open, clearly never wears a bra, and wearing a loose, knee-length skirt with slight rips in the side, many found her appearance to be more the school girl that they would love to nail but would probably be arrested for pediophilia if they tried. Only in Angel Fire would such clothing be permitted in the military.

However, these features only make her even more dangerous, for many believe she is even more deadly than the Angel Fire. Claws that once permanently extended across the top of her fingers now retract and extend at will - normally hiding within her arms. Beneath her shoulder blades are her wings which extend out of her back at the edge of the shoulder blades and through the open area in the back of her shirts. While they are capable of giving her flight abilities, she more often uses them as armor - for their leathery hide can repel any non-explosive bullet, can withstand most explosions, and has nerve endings combined with being the fastest healing part of her body (fast enough that most pistols will have any marks they leave fully healed before the next bullet is in the chamber). She also has a foot long tail - though it is more than capable of stretching to a full length of 6 feet. Her skin can harden and thicken if she so desires - thick enough that it is as resistant to weapons fire as most Kevlar armor. Combined, when she is in battle mode, she is one of the most fearsome sights.


While she occasionally will extend her claws, she is almost never seen with another object on her. In situations where she expects to be in a gun fight, however, she does wear a pistol on her hip.


Alison Riben

Positions held

In Reverse Chronological order:

  • Prime Minister of Forgottenlands (current)
  • Vice President of Forgottenlands
  • Foreign Minister of Forgottenlands
  • Member of Parliament for Forgottenlands
  • BA Political Science, University of Forgottenlands (Specialized in Foreign Politics)
History and Character

Of all the politicians that had ever served under Forgottenlord, Alison is the only one who had studied politics before serving. An advocate of peace and a natural leader, she felt right at home within the realm of politics. She studied Political Science in University and graduated with exceptional marks - including two offers to continue to a graduate program. However, it was another offer that interested her more: the offer of running for Member of Parliament. In her first little bit, she made little notice. The few times she tried to speak up, she ended up making the position she was fighting for look even worse. However, as she learnt the rules of the game, she quickly improved her style and soon became a major figure within the parliament. At the start of her fourth term, she was made Foreign Minister. While the position was high-profile, it was overshadowed by Forgottenlord's love for Foreign politics. However, she was still able to ride his coattails as his relations developed to be good enough to become Prime Minister of Aberdeen and a member of the UN Old Guard. At the next Presidential election, she was handed the Vice-Presidency (Vice President being voted seperately from the President himself). When the Forgotten Territories was reorganized, she was handed the position of Prime Minister.

While she has a tendancy to be timid in debates, she can quickly become a ferocious opponent if the argument rages long enough. With her ability to pick good ministers to address domestic issues, and her own personal talent of foreign relations, there is great hope for her new reign. Many wonder whether she will some day speak at the UN itself - either on behalf of the Forgottenlord or seperate from him.


Standing nearly 6 feet tall and having always been heavily involved in sports, she had a nearly perfect body by most accounts. Coupled with her shoulder length, evenly cut, brown hair, soft brown eyes and a nearly unbreakable smile, many considered her as a man's dream girl. However, that smile always seemed to falter in the middle of a debate, and her kind face became a stern glare - a look that is often disarming for those who have never encountered it. Her clothing is plain, formal, and modest - normally. She knows that some politicians either prefer more sexual clothing or are disarmed (or, perhaps, hindered by prejudice). If she felt that the risk was minimal but the gains were great enough, she probably would even go nude.

Forgottenlands UN


Important Factions


OOC Note: Yes, the Zerg are from Blizzards Starcraft. They hold all the rights, yadda yadda yah. We know the drill. Fine, poor form, but a lot of the characters are modifications from characters with similar or the same names from a lot of my other RPs - and way back then, I rather liked the Zerg from Starcraft being employed into the Freespace universe. Yes I used the vast majority of the Starcraft storyline - and I'm sorry if anyone has the ending spoiled (even though I skipped a bunch of details in the process). No there is nothing of copyright left from Freespace, but those who know the Freespace storyline might see a remaining essence in the Destroyers. Regardless, I shall start from the beginning - besides which, I didn't follow the Starcraft storyline so you may want to notice the various modifications. This ends my note.


The Zerg are a race recently imported to this planet by Liz Paul of Angel Fire. They can be a fairly tame race, though extremely vicious if provoked. They have been designed in such a way that they can be commanded using a psychic link - though they are naturally dumb animals, no smarter than any dog in this world. However, because of their vicious nature and the fact that they have been bred for generations to be warriors makes them suited for new animal training programs for various militaries. At least two Aberdeen militaries have already begun investigating this concept.


The story of the Zerg starts long before their species came into existance. It starts with a race known as the Xel Naga (I hope I'm spelling that correctly). They are an ancient race known for many great creations - in infrastructure, mobility, and now, sentient species. One of their first projects were known as the Protoss. They kept a close link with the Protoss as they developed, but eventually the Protoss developed some agressive habits and had some infighting. Feeling their project a "failure", the Xel Naga left the Protoss (which, mind you, didn't help with unity matters).

Learning from their mistakes, they decided to make a race that would have unity because no other option was possible, and not involve themselves in the struggles of their creation. Hence, they chose a hive-mind based race - the Zerg. The Overmind was created to be the leader of the Zerg. Immortal, powerful, and intelligent beyond belief, it soon grew powerhungry and began assimilating various species. As it expanded its massive force, it found itself overwhelmed and started creating a power structure - Overlords reporting to queens who in turn reported to cerebrets who reported to the Overmind. It became more and more powerful.

It was then that the Overmind discovered his creators, discovered he was their creation, and discovered that they were still observing their work. He his himself and sent his forces against them. The Xel Naga were all but destroyed. The Overmind discovered from them the existance of the Protoss and, feeling a need to prove itself as the greater of the two creations (having already, in its mind, proven itself greater than their creators). It set forth for the Protoss.

The Protoss, too, had discovered the Zerg, and the fact that it too was a creation. They were able to accurately deduce it wanted to destroy them. And so, they prepared for war against the Zerg.

They met in the space of a third race that shall go unnamed, and began their war around and within the other race's territory.

As the war began, a Zerg probe returned to the Overmind from Earth. It had been hunting for the sign of the other creation but instead had stumbled upon the Human race. Fortunately, Earth was relatively out of the way for the Overmind and thus was suited for eventual conquest - once it had dealt with those in its path to prove its greatness. None would then be able to stand in its way. However, the probe had with it evidence that humans may be worth assimilating rather than annihilating - a human woman. A psychic human woman, by the name of Sarah Kerrigan. The Overmind, impressed with its gift, decided to use her as a new commander. Many think that it may have regarded humans as extremely intelligent - and the fact that she was psychic meant that it could employ her as a leader in its forces.

Slowly, the Zerg forces began to gain the high-ground. Poor politics on the part of the Protoss had diverted the attention of the third party away from the Zerg. As a result, the Zerg were overrunning both forces as they fought each other. The Overmind left Kerrigan, charged with the title Queen of Blades, the job of cleaning up the battles in this territory, and moved forth with an army to invade Protoss territory, eventually reaching the Protoss home planet.

The Protoss commander that had been charged with the initial campaign against the Zerg, made a last, desperate stand against the Protoss. He sacrificed himself as he assaulted the Overmind, destroying both of them.

The Zerg were in chaos. The Cerebrets (as well as Kerrigan) were all capable of functioning without the Overmind, but the entire idea of being able to operate without the Overmind's unifying abilities was too much for them. While the Overmind's strategy had meant that they could not lose the Protoss homeworld, or the majority of the conquered territory, they were unwilling to pursue the retreating Protoss. The Protoss, feeling thoroughly and accurately beaten, were willing to agree.

Kerrigan, who had known nothing but independance until her capture by the Overmind, capitalized. She collapsed any attempts to rebuild the Overmind, completed her campaign that she had been assigned by the late Overmind, destroyed all Cerebrets that challenged her directly, and intimidated the Protoss to give them a very clear message: "do not try to challenge me ever again". The unquestioned master of the Zerg looked at her new domain, satisfied.

She never attempted to follow the Overmind's plan to attack Earth. Assimilating them would mean having others that could challenge her and destroying them would be the death of her friends from her former life. She could not return for her new form would not be accepted. However, she wanted an heir and found a man to give her one. She made sure he, Johnathan Paul, was not power hungry before choosing him and produced a single daughter, Liz. Satisfied, she focused again upon her empire and expanding it, while leaving her husband to raise her daughter.

It was then that a different threat came - she had known something was out there - a remnant memory from the Overminds relentless investigation of Xel Naga archives. In there was a mention of a race they called "The Destroyers". They gave little other information for they understood so little about this race. However, they had only ever succeeded in holding this race at bay, and it was through sheer luck that they retreated (it certainly wasn't the Xel Naga's doing).

The Destroyers were an Intergalactic Superpower - THE Intergalactic Superpower. By their records and the records of the races they fought, of a known 63 galaxies, they were the sole sentient race in 30 of them, and always had an active war in 20 to 25 of the others. While they initially regarded the Xel Naga as a threat (being a much older race than them), but soon realized that the military strength of the Xel Naga was irrelevant. With much greater dangers elsewhere, they turned their attention from the Xel Naga.

The Destroyers had returned. Realizing the a swiftly growing empire was forming in the galaxy, they struck out to stop its expansion. Kerrigan responded in kind and launched her forces against it. While history recorders her as being as able a leader as the Overmind (the Protoss actually recorded her as a greater leader than the Overmind), she still faced a great challenge. Even the conquered races - the Xel Naga, the Protoss and others - fought along side the Zerg. The combined might was not enough to overcome The Destroyers. They seemed to have an infinite supply of ships, and could often trade a ship for a ship with the Zerg. While Kerrigan put the Zerg's ability to reproduce quickly to its limits, it still was not enough to stop (or even slow) the relentless assault.

Feeling she could wait no longer, Kerrigan converted Liz into a Zerg Queen. Then she began the largest Zerg campaign ever, a drive to the portal the Destroyers used to enter this galaxy. The Destroyers were not prepared to surrender it easily. Kerrigan was vastly outnumbered, yet prevailed and reached the portal - only to find another massive Armada streaming out of the portal as she prepared for the final assault. Her fleet was destroyed, her flagship surrounded and cut off. Alone, the Destroyer commander, codenamed "Graynor", ordered her ship borded. Kerrigan's crew were slain, and she was captured.

Brought before Graynor, the Destroyers' Admiral interrogated her for hours, torturing her in ways that no Zerg could have ever imagined. She did not crack, and he did not expect her to. He would have actually been disappointed if she had. He was using the hive mind to his advantage. She was linked to every Zerg. They could all feel her pain. They all were suffering. As she suffered, his forces had some of their greatest victories, annihilating nearly a dozen cerebrets. It was only due to a combined Protoss and Xel Naga counter attack that they were halted from gaining total victory.

Realizing his advantage was coming to an end, Graynor performed one final insult. He removed the Zerg implants that provided Kerrigan with air and launched her into space. By many cultures - including Zerg, Protoss and Xel Naga - considered this one of the most dishonorable deaths possible.

Rage became the new master of the allies. Fury of the insult given to what even the Protoss considered one of the greatest leaders of the era. While this initially provided good results, eventually brute strength will wain to superior strategy. The Destroyers struck back. Graynor completely outmaneuvered the allies and destroyed many more fleets.

However, hope came to the allies. Liz, the new Queen of Blades who had conducted a few skirmishes in the last days of her mother's life and had been in charge of the rear guard after her mother's death, came to the rescue of the allies. Though she was still furious about her mother's torment and dishonorment, she was able to overcome her rage and use the tactical capabilities she had inherited to her advantage. Using a small force, she was able to do enough damage to attract Graynor's attention. With nearly his entire fleet devoted to surrounding the alliance's forces and crushing them, once and for all, he moved a decent sized task force to deal with her, leaving a weak point in his circle (with nearly a quarter of the strength of anywhere else).

But this was only a miniscule portion of Liz's force. She lured Graynor's task force away and then had the rest of her fleet strike at the weak point. Holding her own against the task force, her fleet was able to not only break the circle and open an exit, but rally the alliance to turn the hole into a starting point for the annihilation of Graynor's forces. She brought a portion of the force to assist her with the task force, finishing it off, then returned to the front where she was immediately commissioned with the position her mother had held within the alliance: Supreme Commander. Through this, she routed the majority of Graynor's fleet, and then copied Graynor's capture of her mother, surrounding his flagship, destroying its support ships, boarding the vessel, killing the crew and capturing Graynor alive. However, they threw him in front of the Alliance military leaders.

The Protoss and the Xel Naga had never seen anything like him. The Zerg, having seen him through Kerrigan's eyes were not nearly as shocked. Graynor was a monster. He had 3 legs - one forward, two back like an airplane - and two arms - both of which bled for they had held energy swords. His body shone a bright red with black spots shaded into it, like sunspots on a star's surface. His back held the stub of a particle cannon and underneath his chest were the remnants of nearly a dozen turrets.

Before the delegation, Liz berated him - laying charges upon him with little meaning. War crimes that had not been criminalized by any of the members, tactics that wouldn't have been denounced by any ruler, and above all, for being militaristic and imperialistic - a crime all members of the alliance had been guilty of at one point but never charged or punished for. Without waiting for a defense, without waiting for consent from the alliance leaders, she pronounced sentence: death, to be conducted mere seconds from her pronouncement.

It was here that Liz's favorite killing blow was first employed. Funnelling all the rage and greif, she struck out with the claws that came out the back of her wrist, right into the place where she knew the Shivan heart was. Lifting Graynor up, she watched his face, waiting for the sign in his eyes that indicated he was finally dead, his blood dribbling down her arm or dripping onto her face. When Graynor finally died, she lit his body on fire, put him in a stasis field, and launched him, still burning, as the first projectile in her next campaign: to complete the mission her mother died trying to do: close the portal.

Unlike her mother, the death of Graynor had given her the upper hand. The Shivans possessed only a small numerical advantage. The Shivan command had not heard about Graynor's defeat and had not sent the next commander. The Shivan sub-commanders were incompetent beyond belief. It took little to get to the portal and shut it, once and for all.

The alliance commanders braced themselves. Liz was now in command of a much weakened Zerg Empire. Would she try to ensure that their submission to the Zerg would continue?

Yet the war never came. Having been raised by her father, Liz had inherited his lack of wish to be powerful rather than her mother's lust. She split the Zerg Empire up so that each Cerebret had its own territory and forces that were under its command. She gave independance to the alliance members (though gave nothing to those that hadn't helped in the war). Those Zerg which she had always commanded directly she took with her on her next journey.

Her father was dead, but she remembered enough about him. She wanted to return to her parents' home planet, but she knew she would never be accepted in that form. She couldn't remove most of her implants, so instead she made them retractable - tail, wings, claws, mask - all became things that she could just suck inside of herself, or release should she need it. Her skin she could do little about, but satisfied herself with a new implant to make it look like human skin - albeit, darker than the skin she grew up with, but still a color that was normal for humans.

And so, she left for Earth, leaving the remnants of her Empire behind.

The Xel Naga couldn't have been more proud


The Zerg are actually 4 species (the Zerg Empire contained nearly two dozen species, but these 4 are the the only ones that Liz brought with her). Their common characteristics, however, are numerous. They all sport a tail with a razor tip on the end. The length of the tail varies and some even have sharp edges or points along the side of the tail. They also all have dark-gray flesh that is able to protect the Zerg from weapons fire much like Kevlar armor (and about as strong). They can regenerate any limbs (including their tail) in fairly short order and have faster healing cababilities than any animal naturally found here.


Zerglings are ....

Ok, I want to move on so I'll say this for now, Zerglings are just what you have in Starcraft. Period. I'll come back later to add more


Ditto to Zerglings, though I think I spelt the names wrong



Something else

Ok, it's been a while since I played Starcraft..... (looks away, sheepishly). It's those air units however.....

  • makes note to load up Starcraft at some point

Night Sisters


To many observers, the Night Sisters are a religious sect. While there are some truths in this belief, it is not the foundation of their existance. They are many things: assassins who kill the most heavily defended officer or politician, body guards defending the most important members of society, spies who find the most secure secrets, terrorists who incite the greatest fear. They are many things to those whom they serve, but above all, they are warriors. While they are almost never seen on the front lines, the rare time they appear, those that they face soon meet certain death.

Few understand how they operate or are able to perform the extraordinary feats that they accomplish. Some wonder whether those they worship provide them with some power. To the latter comes the failure to understand.

The Night Sisters are all Aetheists. They are all Aetheists because if there is a God (or Gods) out there, she (or they) is amongst their numbers. A Night Sister is not trained, she is born - not into the sect, but found by the sect. She has minor psychic abilities and control them. Some of the more powerful can manipulate the world, but most can only sense it - both what is happening then, and what will happen a few seconds later. Using this, they can dodge hundreds of bullets, parry any sword thrust at them, and anticipate the motions of all around them. They could be the greatest negotiaters if they did not wish to remain shrouded in mystery.


The Night Sisters were formed by Tristan Angel while she still served with her husband. Many assume this makes Tristan Angel - who remains more deadly than almost all of them - the first Night Sister. This, however, would be a false assumption; Tristan never had the psychic ability. However, she did engrain some of the most rigidly followed traditions into their order - from the Ceremony of Acceptance to the Code of Conduct. She tried to craft women more powerful than her who lusted for the same blood she lusted for, wishing to release a whole army of blood thirsty Amazons who would rape the men, women and children of any villiage while the necks of their victims gushed with blood.

By and large, she failed. While she was able to dull the senses of this new group towards the task of destruction, she was never able to give them the lust for it she was forever cursed to feel. All she was able to do was create a team of super-human women who felt nothing, followed orders to the letter, and brought nothing but havoc and destruction upon those whom stood against their master. Only in the rituals they brought in seperate from the Angel Fire's ideas did they show any sign of emotion - but these were clouded in secrecy that no one who ever attempted to observe them was ever found - alive or dead. However, those that have been near enough comment on moans and screams that sound peculiarly like women going through the best orgasms of their life.

They swore their life to the Angel Fire, feeling her, as the one who discovered and trained them all, to be their master. Whatever orders she gave, they followed. Only those who she indicated they could follow did they dare listen to. In the end, they only ever served her husband as a second master while she remained at his side.

After the base was raided, the Night Sisters lost track of their master. When they heard she was in Aberdeen, they left immediately to join her. Their numbers had slowly swelled and their society had adapted, but they remained true to the one that had started it all. Upon their arrival in Aberdeen, Forgottenlord saw significant use for them. The Angel Fire, gracious for her brother's protection, gave him her most valued treasure - she made him the equal master of the Night Sisters, something that even her husband had not been granted. He employed their talents selectively, preferring them to keep a low profile rather than be the terror that his sister had become. He made the first priority to be security with a secondary in espionage. Why not, he felt, employ the greatest warrior group in the known world as the bodyguards for key members of the Forgotten Territories. However, he became accutely aware of their numbers. He suggested to his sister that a leader be chosen amongst the Night Sisters.

The group mind of the night sisters selected Celeste McNabb almost instantly, and instantly assigned herself the task of guarding the Forgottenlord personally. He gave her a list of objectives, and she would distribute the orders amongst the collective. It was a system that proved to be extraordinarily efficient and allowed for orders to be carried over the entire world seconds after they were given.

Celeste continued to change the way the Night Sisters functioned. Eventually they found the ability to make themselves virtually invisible. While most sensors could still detect them, it proved even more useful for the role of bodyguard - being a, now, unobtrusive presence to those that they defended. Slowly, but surely, the Night Sisters disappeared from the public spotlight they had held since they were the most feared terrorist group. Like the ability they had developed, they became an invisible group of society. Only those who's job it is to know things knew of their presence and would consider guarding against them. Those that failed to were easy prey, but rarely needed to worry. Those that knew had to be paranoid, lest a Night Sister or two end up in their base, steal all their secrets, and perhaps kill all those in the building should it be deemed necessary. Some security teams merely acknowledged defeat to the night sisters and simply let them walk in and out of their bases with whatever secrets they wanted - it was easier to swallow than the alternative.


The Night Sisters are rarely seen in the open. Those that they protect are always protected, but you would never know it. However, the rare times they are seen, their appearance is constant.

Their clothing is minimal and tight. When they are seen, they want to be able to follow the rules of decency (otherwise, some would never be wearing clothes). The higher ranked members wear even less, while the lowest wear a full latex suit. The consideration is completely about being able to withstand the weather, but the higher they are ranked, the more capable they are of controlling their environment and body temperature - requiring fewer and fewer articles of clothing. The need for flexibility (which is always contrained by even the tiniest piece of fabric) is balanced by the need to survive the various conditions they undergo. They can handle low amounts of radiation (though a nuclear bomb would kill them) and chemicals - but only the best can address biological weapons. Those that have the control have little ability dealing with mechanical objects - short the right point and you can get past anything. However, they avoid doing even that much damage if possible - the point is to be invisible. They are all thin, flexible in a way that most would consider impossible, and possess long hair. It is often rumored that you can severely weaken a Night Sister's ability if you cut her hair - but the truth is that you actually need to wax it right out for it is the roots that are truly linked.

(Still editing)