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Region: Haven
Motto: Everyone is below me, except my friends
Map: click here for map
Official Language(s): English, Russian, German
Capital: Lebanon
Population: 1.69 billion
Currency: Dollar
Leader: Justin Scharfe
Stats: NSEconomy Pipian XML

The Soverign Republic of Willink is a large country in the southern area of The Consortium of Shadows. It is an island, with its closest neighbors being Risban around 22km north, and 2650058 island about 325km south. Formerly the Emirate of Willink, it became a republic following the Saharistan war and the electing of justin scharfe as president.

Willink is an influential member of the UNA alliance, which also includes Borman Empire, Roach-busters,and the Camel Eaters. It the years before that, Willink was a member of the Saharistan War Coalition. Willink is also a member of the Bio and Economic alliances.


Little is know of the history of Willink Pre-Kentuckistan Era, as most of the files were destroyed following the Revolts of 1910. What is know is that Willink served as an outpost and trading center for Kentuckistan, and many ships of other empires would dock and trade goods.

By 1910, Willink (Then known as the Colony of Webster)had grown population wise to 20 million people, the largest of the Kentuckistanian colonies, and was becoming increasingly hostile to its occupants. Following several large riots, Several hundred firearms were smuggled into the colony by Risban(Who was on hostile terms with Kentuckistan at the time), and Radicals and Rioters held the government hostage in the Senate building in the old city of Ayl, including the president of Kentuckistan who was on a visit. They demanded that Webster become it's own country, and The President signed the agreement on the spot, and was free to go. After the rest of the Government had left, the Senate building was vandalized and burned down, and the new residences of Webster celebrated their own nation. A mere 2 months after the Nationilization, the countries name was changed to Willink.


The Goverment of Willink is somewhat a cross between the United kingdom and the United states. The Parliment and Presidency are elected by the public, while the Delegates are selected by the Parliment and the Cabinent by the president. This is followed by a court and lower governmental system which is in charge of the providences of Willink. A president may serve as many terms as he is elected, with each term lasting 5 years(Current President Scharfe's has been through 7 terms, a record).

Geography and Environment

Willink is a massive island a little larger than south america, with a large chain of islands along its Eastern Coast. The Climate is warm year-round, and many parts of the country are covered in jungle. It is Humid in the south, but actually very fair in the north, were the population tends to settle. A large mountian range lays across the nation in the Northeast, were it meets up with another mountain range that heads through the upper-center of the country.

Major Cities

Lebanon(Capital), Ayl, Fort Leza, Terra City, Port arthur, Webster