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Flag of Jambone
Motto: Work Hard , Play Hard
[Map URL], or No Map Available
Region Rineu
Capital Euporia
Official Language(s) English(s)
Leader Chairman Smith
Population currently 12 million
Currency The gunni 
NS Sunset XML

UN Category

The united socialist states of Jamobone is now Identified by the UN as a 'new york times democracy' though it was once reconized as a 'liberal democratic socialist' state.

This is its evolutionary devolpment as a nation according to the UN's Catergory's from oldest catergory to newest most up to date.

Liberal democratic socialists New york times democracy Liberal democratic socialists Left-wing Utopia

The United Socialist States of Jambone

The United socilaist states of jambone is a relativily young and devoloping nation who have been established as a democratic socialist goverment for about 10 years after the Jambonian revolution which overthrew the previous ruling monarchy and gave the Jambonian people their first democratic elections. The Jambonian peoples democratic socialist party attained the majority vote and the people's support by promoting a fair and just Jambone which promtoted social equality and justice for all lead by their charismatic leader Theo Smith, otherwise known as Chairman Smith.

Chairman Smith

OLD chairman.jpg]

Chairman Smith is the leader of the Jambonian Peoples democratic socialist party and is famous in Jambone as a revolutionary who played a key role in the overthrow of the monarchist dictatorship 10 years ago and as a revoloutanry life streching back 30 years where he represented and was a member of the Jambonian peoples campaign for democracy , a protest group formed in the worst years of the monarchist dictatorship as protest against the dictatorial rule of their rulers. He is 62 years old.

monarchist past/The Jambonian Revolution

The land of Jambone used to be ruled over by a dynasty of kings and queens who were responsible for every decsision taken on behalf of Jambone. The economy pre revolution was dictorial capitalism , and most people were uneducated and poorly paid. This was due to lack of interest by the dynasty of Jambone to fund education because they did not want (or as many prominent thinkers would have us believe) the populace to think for itself. The dynasty collapse began when strikes began by workers after years of education from pro democracy intellcetuals who had travlled outside of Jambone who had persuaded the peoples of Jambone to rise up against the dynasty , and to claim back their rights as human beings to freedom and democracy. These strikes crippled the economy and the dynasty reacted by enforcing zero tolerance for workers caught on strike, this was until the offical police force also went on strike although some reamined loyal to the dynasty of Jambone.

With the dynasty getting weaker and weaker , all parties interested in democratic reform grouped together, left and right united as one to storm the dynsaty palace, and storm it they did with a force of over 1000 police and army personal taking control of the palace of the Jambone dynasty. Realising all was lost the current king of the time renounced his throne and agreed to democratic reform, eventaully himself going onto to form the party for monarchist reform , in an effort to get back what he lost.

The national animal/Flag of Jambone

After the revolution the snake was taken up as the national animal and symbol, representing the newfound knowledge Jambone had gained after it's democratic reform, and also because of the snakes assocation with rebirth (ie the shedding of skin) and knowledge (biblical tree of knowledge, serpant). The snake was also included on the flag as surrounding a clenched fist, represenitng socialism, and Jambone Reborn with democracy and socialism.

The legalisation of drugs

Jambone has no laws currently regarding drugs , as it regards recreational use of substances to be a indivudals right. Many prominant political commentators however beleive this lack of law to be a poltical experiment of sorts by the jambone goverment, and that if things were to ger out of hand, they may crack down on drugs and change their stance.


The private sector is almost non exsistenent, though they have a large amount of book publishers and tax rates are high for the wealthy of society.

Political Parties

The Jambonian people's democratic socialist party - The left wing ruling party, liberal and socialist.

The Jambonian conservative party - the right wing party of jambone politics, main opposition, conservative and capitalist.

The JCP - The hard left communist party of Jambone, main oppostion from the left

Party for monarchist reform - supporteers of the old regime, pre revolution

The NSOJ The national socialists of Jambone - Far right National socialists

Goverment structure

current chairman of the house - Chairman Smith

The chairman of the house is the leader of the current ruling party of jambone and is resposible for the leadership of the country

The council of jambone - the council of jambone is made up of elected memebers of the council who vote on different issues of the day.

currently the number of representitvies from the different parties are

The JPDSP - 234

The Jambonian conservative party - 150

The JCP - 78

PFMR - 73

The NSOJ - 65

making 600 current members of council

local elections are every year , general elections every 3 years.

Structure of ruling party

The JPDSP has a leader chairman smith and several senior positions of power such as chairman of the treasury, chairman of law and order etc etc. laws are passed by first being discussed internally within the party and then put to a vote by council who vote on the law at hand. Any party can put ideas foward on laws they want passed and all get their say during council meetings, but only the ruling party can actually pass laws and put laws foward to the council for voting.


The goverment is atheist

Nations in Rineu with NSwiki pages
Current Members: Federation of Rineu (Founder), Agretla,

Billopesha, Charred Knights, Dukam, Ethan Smith, Fahadia, Jambone, Mafertopia, Rain of God, Schneeflocke, Sinisland.

Ex-members: Boshka, Dyonistan, Laststandb, Neudegg, Niploma.

Region of Rineu Forum
Region of Rineu on NationStates