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Flag of Iansisle
Motto: "Debate Triumphs Over All"
Region NPIG
Capital Ianapalis
Official Language(s) English
Leader Premier Charles Bradsworth
Population 387,000,000
Currency General 
NS Sunset XML


The Gull Flag Republic of the Iansislean Peoples is the primary state which grew out of the collapse of the Grand Empire of the Shield. The others are the Socialist Democracy of Wyclyfe (a Beddgelern protectorate) and the Javian Kingdom of the Foothills. The Republic consists the former kingdoms of Shadoran, Vesshampton, Weshield, Mansford, Thortraia and the former Archduchy of Sentry Island.

Formation of the Republic

After the corporatist powers which had occupied Ianapalis (see Corporate Yoke) withdrew on 3 August 1952, Charles Bradsworth set about remaking the old empire. The Combined Parliament became the Constituent Assembly, which was itself renamed the National Assembly on 18 May when the new constitution came into effect. The High King of the Empire became the King of Iansisle and Emperor of Gallaga. Nearly all major companies, especially those which had participated in the Corporate Yoke, were nationalized. Bradsworth himself became the Premier Interim of the Provisional Government of the United Kingdom before winning 116 of 225 votes in the elections of 18 May 1953 and assuming the full office.

However, an early war with Effit, whose goals beyond the humiliation of their arch-rival state in its weakest hour are unclear, forced the new government to take radical actions, including the annexation of Gadsan and the introduction of the Conscription Act of 1954. Faced with the loss of Lakeriverwood and a string of losses on the front, the government - under the orders of Director of War Lawrence Madders - was compelled to take harsh steps to bring about a military turnaround. Field Marshal Sir George Pennyman - the victor in the wars against Thortraia and Weshield - was hanged in Gull Flag Square for his failure to uphold the front, which Madders claimed was a part of a larger aristocratic plot to reform the Grand Empire.

His Majesty King James was spooked by the increasing anti-royalist sentiment in Ianapalis and decided, in early December 1955, to flee from Dûn Ádien to the Javian Kingdom, where he declared himself to be the one true High King of the Shield and raised his banner against the government in Jameston Place. In response, the National Assembly declared Iansisle a republic and James to be a tyrant.

The National Assembly

The Assembly consists of two hundred and twenty-five representatives elected every other year by the two hundred and twenty-five districts of the Republic. The Assembly is then broken down into twenty-two directorships, each with its own committee of four and a Director. The Director, on the advice of the committee, submits legislation from his directorship’s area to be voted on by the full Assembly. Directors and committee members are elected by the Assembly to their position after the general elections. Debates are supervised by the Premier, who can also introduce his own legislation for general vote.

The first elections of 18 May 1953 showed strong support for the Revolution, though royalist candidates captured many more districts than were expected. The trend continued in the elections of 18 May 1955, although more seats went to Madders-aligned candidates than Bradsworth-aligned. Currently, there are no officially declared or recognized parties on the Shield; however, 135 Assemblymen can be considered solidly pro-revolution (108 for Bradsworth and 27 for Madders) and some 70 can be considered solidly royalist.

The Premier

Unlike the Prime Minister of the Combined Parliament of the old Empire and Commonwealth, the Premier of the Assembly is elected by a nationwide vote. The Premier serves as the head of government and appoints all directors. Each district elects one Assemblyman and gives one vote to the candidate who won the local popular vote.

Charles Bradsworth, running on a relatively moderate revolutionary platform, won 108 of the 225 districts in the elections of 18 May 1953, compared with 26 for Lawrence Madders, an extreme reformist, and 91 for the Baron Destian, a moderate royalist.

The Empire and Gallaga

The Grand Empire bequeathed a number of colonies in South East Asia, centered around the island of Borneo, and Troobodia Bay, most notably Dianatran, to the United Kingdom. However, with the nationalization of the East Gallaga Company, the United Kingdom (and later the Gull Flag Republic) was faced with the problem of administering a country three times as large as itself with more than six and a half times as many people.

A fast solution had to be found, and the Assembly quickly readopted the Gallaga Act of 1750. Although the language and social structure was all wrong, it would have to do. Richard Appleton was elected Director of the Gallaga Office by the Assembly, and he appointed the Earl of Furthingham as the fifty-second President of the Council of the New Shield but only the second Governor-General and Viceroy of Gallaga. The King also reassumed the title Emperor of Gallaga. It is not yet clear how the change from United Kingdom to Republic will affect the Iansislean power structure in Gallaga; most assume that Lord Furthingham will simply drop the title of "Viceroy."

Quick Facts

Conventional Long Form: The Gull Flag Republic of the Iansislean Peoples

Conventional Short Form: The Gull Flag Republic or Iansisle or the Shield

Colloquial Short Form: Iansisle or the Shield

Government type: Republic with imperial holdings

National Holidays: 18 May (Constitution Day); 3 August (Gull Flag Day); 5 December (Grand Street Day)

Sufferage: Males above the age of 20

Population: see: Census Act of 1953

Ethnic Groups: Shieldian (predominate), Gadsani, Sentrian, Gallagan, Tharian, Dianatranian, various minorities

Religions: Roman Catholicism (predominate and official), Hindu, Islam, various Protestant sects (primarily Lutheran)