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Flag of Rejistania
Motto: "Divensi mi'aru hetaki veka altenany!" (Defense is by far the best attack)
National Anthem: rejistaniha kaletri
No Map Available Yet
Region FIFA
Capital Sike kali
Official Language(s) rejistanian
Leader after the revolution, the unofficial leader is High Priest Haxada. Officially Hank~hila Sede, Xatiharatene La~e, Sikime Kansu, Ja~ovil Hikaril and Lyku Menk~ha share the position
Population billion
Currency lil'kansu ($1 = 1100 lil'kansu'ny) 
NS Sunset XML

The Karelan Dictatorship of Rejistania, also known as 'the Rejis' is a peaceful, sports-loving and semi-socialist, semi-capitalist nation in the region of FIFA. It is governed by the inikresaist temple of Taderekansa. Other religions are tolerated, ie not openly prosecuted. The nation is renowned for ot's use of Va'karela'ny to stabelize the order in the nation.

The Rejis is an island, known for its tropical climate. Rainforests and fields are covering most of the surface. Most cities are on the coasts, Sike is a remarkable exception. The northern part (nanti simu) as well as the southern part (nanti kansu) are the most densely populated, the central part (nanti ligat) however has only a few cities.

The Rejis is inhabitated by different peoples, tribes and ethnic groups, most important are the Majuveda, Minokaje from the nanti simu, the Hito and Jis from nanti ligat and the Isesi and Trs from Nanti kansu. Ehila~o and Seleke do not belong to one nanti, through emigration and the need to flee during historical wars, they are found everywhere in Rejistania. The main religion in Rejistania is inikresaism, a religion which believes that the everything in the world consists of the two principles 'rise' and 'fall', which are represented by the gods Relekekansa and Jaortirkansa. Despite this simple general idea (maybe even because of its simplicity) the religion is split in several confessions. Buddhists and atheists are the biggest religious minorities.

The Rejistanian capitol Sike has no economical or cultural importance at all. The economical and cultural center is KaMaRi kali, which is by far the biggest city in Rejistania. Rural exodus created a few important cities: KaMaRi kali (which is the abbreviation of Kalimnintan-Maiju-Riandu), Hetkali, Na~ovi kali, Najajara kali, Kalisimu and Sijitalatirikimidateme kali.

The former name name Orange-White-Blue Regions referred to the three words of the motto ('xkeja' being blue, 'lik~hat' white and 'korona' orange) and to the three nanti.

Rejistanians are known for their dedication to soccer. The national team, the Orange-Blues are sometimes seen as the country does not dissolve in civil war.

World Cup 13 was hosted by Rejistania and Cockbill Street, but the home advantage could not help the national team. The 'young Orange-Blues', the Rejistani U21 team, won the fifth Under-21 World Cup in Total n Utter Insanity. The team still lacked a catchy nickname in the 10th installment, where they won without giving up a goal. They repeated this unbelievable achievement in U21WC11. Most national players play or played in the H1SR. The most important media for reports is the radio. While Rejistanians have dozens of radio stations in their local languages, there is even one in English for foreigners: Radio RejisCAST.