Homat el Diyar

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“Homat el Diyar” (Arabic: حُمَاةَ الدِّيَار‎, transliteration: Ḥomāt ad-Diyār, translated Guardians of the Homeland) is the national anthem of the Halladi Workers' Republic. It lyrics were written by Khalil Mardam Bey and the music by Mohammed Flayfel, both Syrians. Flayfel also composed many Arab folk songs and the anthem for the Palestinian National Authority.



حـماةَ الـديارِ عليكمْ سـلامْ
أبَتْ أنْ تـذِلَّ النفـوسُ الكرامْ
عـرينُ العروبةِ بيتٌ حَـرام
وعرشُ الشّموسِ حِمَىً لا يُضَامْ
ربوعُ الشّـآمِ بـروجُ العَـلا
تُحاكي السّـماءَ بعـالي السَّـنا
فأرضٌ زهتْ بالشّموسِ الوِضَا
سَـماءٌ لَعَمـرُكَ أو كالسَّـما

رفيـفُ الأماني وخَفـقُ الفؤادْ
عـلى عَـلَمٍ ضَمَّ شَـمْلَ البلادْ
أما فيهِ منْ كُـلِّ عـينٍ سَـوادْ
ومِـن دمِ كـلِّ شَـهيدٍ مِـدادْ؟
نفـوسٌ أبـاةٌ ومـاضٍ مجيـدْ
وروحُ الأضاحي رقيبٌ عَـتيدْ
فمِـنّا الوليـدُ و مِـنّا الرّشـيدْ
فلـمْ لا نَسُـودُ ولِمْ لا نشـيد؟

Latin transliteration

Humat al diari aleikum salam
Abat an tazila al nufusu al kiram
Arinu al urubati beyton haram
Wa Aarshu al shumusi himan la yudam
Robughu al shami buruju al Aala
Tohaki al suma'a bia'ali alsana (x2)
Fa ardon zahat bilshumusi al widaa'a
Samaon limaroka aw kal sama
Rafifu alamani wakhafku alfuad
Aala aalamen damma shamla al bilad
Ama fihi min kuli ainen sawad
Wa min dami kuli shahiden midad
Noufuson ubaton wa madin magid
Wa rouhu al adahi rakibon atid (x2)
Fa minna al walidu wa minna al rashid
Fa lem la nasudu wa lem la nasheed

English translation

Defenders of our home,
Peace be upon you;
Our proud spirits shall
Never be subdued.
The abode of Arabism,
A hallowed sanctuary;
The seat of the stars,
An inviolable preserve.
Our hopes and our hearts,
Are entwined with the flag,
Which unites our country.

Hallad2.png The Workers’ Republic of Hallad Hallad2.png
Main article: Hallad
Characters: Hasan Muhammad, Rashid Hassan, Mustafa Fenris, Musab al Sadr, James Cross
Government and politics: Government, Bill of rights, National Workers' Assembly, Solidarity Bloc, True Directorate, Collectivist Party, Halladi Socialism, First Halladi Civil War, Homat el Diyar
Economy: Halladi Nationalized Arms Manufacturing, Tamil-Ukana, Agriculture in Hallad, Public Sector of Hallad
Military: Halladi Red Army, Halladi Red Navy, Halladi Red Air Force, Republican Guard, W.P.A., Frontier Corps, Workers' and Peasants' Army, HAP-1 Automatic Pistol, HAR-1A Assault Rifle, Halladi-Hattian Conflict, Halladi-Shessaran War
Miscellaneous: Erse, Federated Directorate (defunct), Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera International, Halladi Desert, Education in Hallad