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The Aristocratic Thalassocracy of Myroria
Die Aristokratische Thalassokratie von Myroria
Aristrocratische Thalassocracy van Myroria
Le Thalassocracie Aristocratique de Myroria
aristocraticimperialflagofmyroriago8.gif myroriacoaud5.gif
Flag and Coat of Arms of Myroria
Gesetz des Gottes ist Frieden.

(God's Law is Peace.)

Map Current Myrorian Map
Myroria before move to Vorlon, with the old capital Guyrith.
Official Languages German, English
Religion Roman Catholic, following Pope Benedict XVI.
Ethnicity Bavarian, Belgian, Dutch.
Capital Quarrovth, >1 million
Head of State Imperator Peté Tar-Ilium I.
Foreign Minister Klaus Guurith.
 - Total (multiply by factor x)
 - water

410,764 km²
7,643 km²
 - Total (June 2006)
 - Density

Independance Independance from Germany achieved in 1236.
Government Type Capitaliztic Benevolent Dictatorship
Nation Type Aristocratic Thalassocracy
National Symbols National Animal: Stallion
National Flower: White Tulip
National Colours: Maroon and Cream
National Personification: Myroriana
HDI 0.947 - high
Currency Deutsche Mark
Time Zone
 - in summer
GMT -5
GMT -5
International Abbreviations
 - sport
 - government

Pronunciation Mi-roar-ee-uh
Naval Craft Classification HAIMS (His Aristocratic Imperial Majesty's Ship), MSC (Myrorian Service Craft)
National Anthem Symphony No. 3, Myroria by Otto Drovroth
Internet TLD .my
Calling Code +7


Myroria is a country in the region of Vorlon. The local form used most often is just Myroria. The full name is "The Aristocratic Thalassocracy of Myroria." The country was created by William Guuy. Guuy started the first dynasty, and his beliefs and ideals have carried on to the modern twenty-fourth dynasty.

Main Exports & Imports

The three main exports of Myroria are mahogany, which grows plenty in the southern rainforest, ivory, from Walrus tusks in the NordTaiga, and haddock. When there is a surplus of crops, those are a thriving business. Most everything else is, unfortunately, imported from various colonies and other countries.

The Myrorian People

Their Background

Myrorians are largely Belgian and German in their ancestry, with most people immigrants from those countries. All native European Myrorians were descended from medeval nomadic tribes in the south of Germany.

Their Personality

Main Article: Myrorian Personality

Myrorians are very satiric and dark in their humor, and enjoy poking fun at other people's, especially foreigner's, misfortunes. Though Myrorians regularly poke fun at each other, this is taken in much better than if a foreigner made a joke. They are rather xenophobic, and first-generation immigrants will often find it very hard to earn the trust of his new countrymen.

Their Sports

Myrorians are not very sports-liking, though a good assortment of sports are popular among the people. Among the aristocracy, badminton is especially popular, as well as tennis. Among the gentlemen and women, Fox hunting is popular. For the commoners, polo is more predominant. American football, while not banned, would not be played by any self-respecting Myrorian because of the taboo and "barbarianism" associated with it.


Foundation of Myroria, 1236 AD

William Guuy was a chief of the Myror tribe in southern Germany at this time. Following encouragement by his people, William Guuy declared his lands the new state of Myroria, and ordered the construction of Guyrith, the first and longest lasting capital of Myroria.

Death of William Guuy and New Leadership, 1274 AD

On October 17 of 1274, William Guuy died at the age of 57, and his heir Klause took the throne. Klause's reign was in no way comparable to William's, and Myroria fell into disarray and corruption. Klause's reign didn't last long, as he was assassinated by angry peasants in 1278.

Myroria in Chaos, 1278-1549 AD

With the death of Klause, Myroria's power was taken by tribes of peasants and warlords, causing great strife and loss in Myroria, and the near destruction of Guyrith. In 1549, a man emerged claiming to be a distant desendant of William Guuy, named Adolph Worwoth. He gained control of Myroria and, while stopping the destruction and war, was an extravagant and harsh leader.

Relative Stability, 1549-1798 AD

Luckily, Adolph's children were not such harsh rulers. When Adolph's only child, Agatha Worwith, became the first woman leader of Myroria, people were sceptical on how things would turn out. It became a period of stability and peace in Myroria, and Agatha's great-great-grandson, Ritten Worwoth, became ranked among the best rulers of Myroria, regaining economy, and finding a new ally in the United States of America, who he aided during their war of independence.

Noblesse Oblige and the Rise of Aristocracy, 1798-1936 AD

Ritten began a code of morals for the aristocracy of Myroria, which began appearing earlier in his reign, to prevent what was happening in France at the time. Aristocrats in Myroria began to look like what Greece had made them to be: dutiful citizens who lead armies from the front rather than hiding and pointing, both figuratively and literally. This ensured Myroria's place as one of the longest-lived European monarchies.

Facism and Annexation, 1936-1945 AD

In 1936, Myroria's neighbor and long ally, Germany, had completed its transition to Nazism, and forces marched into Myroria to annex it. Concentration camps were set up all over the countryside, and brutality was common. The allies pushed the Nazis out in 1945 and Myroria returned to sovereignty.

Move to Vorlon, 1945-2006 AD

After the war, Myroria began to research new space technology, first heard of from Nazi Germany during the occupation. After a successful manned flight was made, the King of Myroria announced it's unification with Germany, and gathered together several top aristocrats to fly to "Vorlon", a newly discovered planet. Myroria was remade on Vorlon once it arrived. Not long after, however, an Arab country in the region annexed Myroria. Citizens expected a second Nazi Germany, but the Arabs seemed to care for the people of Myroria, and thought of Myroria as its equal. However, after it tried to annex more countries, a war began between the major powers. In the end, the Arabs were defeated and Myroria freed.

Colonization and Pax Myroriana, present

Fredrika I took the throne in 2006, promising to rebuild Myroria. Quarrovth became the new capital, and colonization became a huge profit for Myroria. The Kingdom of Myroria was reformed as the Aristocratic Thalassocracy, and Fredrika wished to return to 1700's culture and acting. For maybe the first time in history, a nation became less technologically advanced. Even so, a great peace in Myroria has begun, and people have already started adding Fredrika to a list of great Myrorian rulers.

Language and Religion

The most often used language in Myroria is German, with English following as a close second. The largest religion is by far, Roman Catholic, with Muslim second, then Atheism as a third. The standard of living in Myroria is very good. Attending school is mandatory for all students above 5 years old. The legal age of dropping out is 17, though few actually choose to.

Wars and Military

Imperial Aristocratic Army

The Imperial Aristocratic Army is the land defense force of Myroria. Conscription for twelve months is compulsory for men seventeen and older. One of the cozier divisions to be assigned to is the Elite Aristocratic Imperial Guard, which maintains the old traditions of using horses, wearing ornate uniforms, and bearing swords. A recent modernization of the entire military affected the IAA especially, giving them Heckler & Koch G36s as assault rifles and modernizing their uniforms.

Imperial Aristocratic Navy

The Imperial Aristocratic Navy is the largest section of the Myrorian armed forces, probably due to the vast amount of colonies needing protection. With 1,306 ships in active service, and over 1,000,000 men serving, it is a very large navy. With the modern renaissance, rail guns have been implemented on most IAA ships, nearly eliminating ammunition explosions. The IAA retained it's old-fashioned uniforms, though modern materials are used to make them. Reasoning being that camoflague is not needed on a ship.

Imperial Aristocratic Air Force

The Imperial Aristocratic Air Force is the second-smallest section of the Myrorian military. 15,000 airplanes are part of the IAAF, and 400,000 soldiers on active duty. A recently revealed aircraft of the IAAF is the Pandora reconaissance aircraft, a hypersonic and high altitude reconaisssance aircraft capable of reaching Mach 6.

Imperial Aristocratic Government Guard

The Imperial Aristocratic Government Guard is the smallest section of the Myrorian armed forces, comprising of 15,000 guards dressed in old-fashioned uniforms and guarding the more than 60 palaces in Myroria and her colonies. They are considered the best soldiers in Myroria, and can move in near perfect unison.

Economy and Crime

The economy in Myroria is very good, with the minimum wage being 10 deutsche marks per hour. Myroria is capitalizt, and communist and socialist countries viewed with suspicion. Income Tax has been abolished. The Myrorian Governmental Initiative has taken up most government duties.

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">180px-5-DEM-REV-122x62.jpg
The deutsche mark, Myroria's national currency.

Crime is no longer a problem, since the death penalty has been reintroduced.


Myroria is a benevolent dictatorship, but the Great Houses aid in decision making. Parliament was disbanded after Fredrika came to power, calling it too corrupt. According to the Crown, it will be reformed once more trustworthy members are selected, though this is starting to be doubted.

Great Houses

The Great Houses of Myroria are what political parties are to a democracy. A group (usually family) of aristocrats who exert control over several companies and areas of Myroria and aid decision making on the part of the Imperatrix.

Great House Leader Description
Great House Quarrovth Fredrika I Great House Quarrovth is the Great House in power, led by the Imperatrix, Fredrika I. Their view on things is rather neutral. Quarrovth is largely centered around the The Church, and view honour and chivalry as the most important things in life. They are pacifistic and pioneered the idea of armed neutrality in Myroria.
Great House Hanso Alvar Hanso Great House Hanso is unique in that it is the first Great House to be led by a foreigner, a reclusive and old Danish man named Alvar Hanso. They are the most corporate of the group, with Hanso owning the most businesses out of the three. They hold an "every man for himself" attitude, and are the most progressive. Great House Hanso is the only house with an extensive paramilitary, and the most modern one at that.
Great House Worwoth Klaus Worwoth Great House Worwoth is the most notorious out of the three. Klaus is a fascist, and is rumoured to be connected with the Nazis, though he denies it. Out of the Great Houses, Worwoth is the most xenophobic, and foreigners are barred entry into the house. As of now, Worwoth is the smallest Great House, though their numbers are growing. Ironically, they inspired the colonialism that Myroria is now famous for.

Major Cities and Businesses

The largest city is Novrith, a major sea port. The city with the most independant businesses is Quarrovth, the capital. The largest communication company is Myrorian Communications Incorporated, or MCI. A large corporation helps run the country called The Myrorian Governmental Initiative, run by the power-hungry Alvar Hanso, a controversial figure because of his foreign background.


The provinces of Myroria are rather generically named. The North Province is mainly Taiga, and Great House Hanso is located here, with its household city being Mecklenburg. The Fertile West is largely agricultural land. Great House Worwoth is located mainly here, with its household city being Novrith. The Civilized West is home to the large cities and industry. Great House Quarrovth is headquartered here, in the city of Quarrovth. The final province is the Eastern Desert. No major cities or Great Houses are located here.

Climate of the Provinces

In the cold north province, the summer temperature rarely gets above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. In the densely populated west province, the climate is temperate and July temperatures is typically 75 degrees Fahrenheit. In the fertile land, temperatures are hot and humid and typically 90 degrees Fahrenheit. In the desert, it is usually around 115 degrees Fahrenheit.


File:Myrorian License Plate
A sample Myrorian License Plate.

Myroria's public transportation system is unique in that only the rich actually own cars. The rest usually get around by using horse drawn carriages. To accomidate both sides of the transportation issue, in most of Myroria one side of the road is paved like a modern street, and the other is cobblestone. As such, the autobahns are considerably more expensive because of this, so most roads are privatised and maintained by corporations. Common car makes in Myroria are Mercedes-Benz, Saab, Volkswagon, and BMW.


The main architecture type used in Myroria is the Rococo style, which is different from other Roman Catholic states, as the Church shuns it for it's unearthlyness and flamboyancy. Most tourists will find a huge similarity between Myroria and Austria or Belgium. The flowers that border the roads and autobahns of the Empire will strike an almost believable sensation of drifting along without an idea of where to go.

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An upscale mansion in western Quarrovth.

Diplomatic Relations & Embassies

Myroria has open diplomatic relations with the following countries:

Current Monarch\Sovereign

Main Article: Peté Tar-Ilium

The current monarch ruling the Aristocratic Thalassocracy is Imperator Peté Tar-Ilium. His wife and Imperatrix Consort is Fredrika I/


Myroria is a sea empire. In other words, the colonies stretch through many regions and cultures. The population of the Thalassocracy, if all the colonies were added together, would be over 3 billion. The following is a list of colonies under direct control of the sovereign.

The Aristocratic Thalassocracy of Myroria
Major Articles: Myroria, Myrorian Architecture, Myrorian Images, Thalassocracy
Cities: Guyrith, Mecklenburg, Novrith, Quarrovth
Geography: Bay of Myroria, Guuy Strait, Mount Mecklenburg, Myrorian Fertile Land
Languages: Dutch, English, French, German
Colonies and Former Colonies: Balearic, Dibella, Govria, Ivorheart, Kovrovth, Larvenlands, Larvia, Mahogheart, Marcica, Quirrith, Rovlofth, Rovrith, Towcica
Miscellaneous: .my, Proto-capitalism, Myroria Communications Initiative
Great Houses: Great House Hanso, Great House Quarrovth, Great House Worwoth
Monarchs and Other People: Ælar Tar-Ilium, Alvar Hanso, Emma Tar-Ilium, Empeurer, Fredrika I, Mattir Tar-Ilium (Prince), Peté Tar-Ilium