The Good Guys 2: The Rise of S.A.T.O

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The Good Guys 2: The Rise of S.A.T.O
Director Steven Spielberg
Studio Kabomf! Pictures
Starring Liam Neeson
Clive Owen
Ralph Fiennes
Hugh Jackman
Tom Welling
Jason Biggs
Patrick Stewart
Sean Bean
Music Various Artists
Screenplay Cameron McDermott
Editing Richard Dugdale
Liam Brierley
Distribution Kabomf! Pictures
Release Date 10th June 2007
Runtime TBA
Country Sherylannia
Awards None
Language English
Budget 35,000,000 Sherris
Tagline The greatest story that was completely fabricated.
Rating TBC

The Good Guys 2: The Rise of S.A.T.O is an upcoming action film in The Spectrum. Although not much is known about the project, the storyline is expected to follow the creation of a rival alliance, S.A.T.O and Oldham Road's departure. It also introduces the characters of Dhatsun, Enthalpy Change and Sabrateur. It is expected to be heavily fictionalised. To make the material easier to understand, the film is mostly played through fictional leaders of the countries.

A sequel, The Good Guys 3: The Shadow Threat has already been approved, thanks to overwhelming internet hype of the first film. The trilogy is being filmed back to back, with a release date for the final film being 4/7/07.


Main Characters

The Good Guys

Oldham Road - Liam Neeson
Sherylannia - Clive Owen
White-Rose - Ralph Fiennes
Domas-Porada - Hugh Jackman
Nintenduu 64 - Jason Biggs
Don Flanioso - Johnny Depp
The Red Rose Movement - Nicole Kidman
Daveanoyl Chloride - Tom Welling
Mushy Pea - Gwyneth Paltrow


Sabrateur - Sean Bean
Dhatsun - Patrick Stewart
Calumnius - David Tennant
Enthalpy Change - Tobey Maguire
I Know Better Than You - Joaquin Phoenix
Petersvillia - Macauley Culkin
Adoggo - Christian Bale

Supporting Characters

Buttery Boonswoggles - Steve Coogan
Undracor - Antoine de Caunes



The Good Guys are shown inducting Mushy Pea into the alliance through a grand ceremony. We see that everyone is smiling, and it is a happy day. A shadow grows over the procession. A large helicopter lands, and four menacing looking people step out. One of them is shown to be Calumnius. They converse with Oldham Road, and after the talks lead to a less than suitable ending, a battle ensues. Guns are fired, and swords are drawn. The assailants flee from the scene after ruining the ceremony.

Sherylannia gets an entire research team on finding the attackers, whilst Oldham Road is shown searching the Spectrum for any trace. Oldham Road notices one of the attackers entering a building in Enthalpy Change, and follows him. Sherylannia and his team of workers are closing in on the identity of the attackers. Oldham Road is peering through the door, and Sherylannia utters a single word... and Oldham Road is caught.

Oldham Road is arguing with the Good Guys, and decides that this isn't for him anymore. Shocked faces are shown on everyone, and Sherylannia punches him in the face.

Operatic music builds up to a crescendo, as images are shown. Don Flanioso is holding onto Red Rose Movement, who is falling off a building. Domas-Porada is shown being flung against a wall, as an unnamed man draws closer. Daveanoyl Chloride and Mushy Pea are trapped in an ever shrinking cage. Sherylannia and White-Rose are having a fight with Oldham Road and an unknown adversary. Mushy Pea is shown leaving a grand entrance hall with Buttery Boonswoggles, as Sherylannia is shown looking flabbergasted. The music stops. Finally, a man is knelt down in front of another, and the words "Welcome to the S.A.T.O ranks... Oldham Road!!" are uttered. The title card is shown.

Red Rose Movement is shown slipping out of Don Flanioso's grip. The date is shown.


"It is time that the Spectrum need no longer live in fear!"
"Oh my God... Sabrateur."
-Sabrateur (overheard by Oldham Road), Sherylannia

"You didn't even lift a finger to save me! I knew I shouldn't have ever recruited you. You're weak."
-Oldham Road, to Sherylannia

"If we die here today, remember... I'd rather die with someone else."
"Thanks, you're too kind."
-Mushy Pea, Daveanoyl Chloride

"Welcome to the S.A.T.O ranks... Oldham Road!"

"There's a new sheriff in town."
-Enthalpy Change, to Domas-Porada

"Oldham Road was right. You are weak. Call me when you grow a spine."
-Mushy Pea, to Sherylannia


The Original Soundtrack to The Good Guys 2: The Rise of S.A.T.O

The lead single for the film is The Vermilion Company's "Betrayed". Other confirmed bands are Asking Creek, Sabbath Apathy and Sharp Check.


  • There was an intense feeling from forums and fans that Sabrateur not be played by Will Smith as the ethnicity of the character was in question. Despite the Sabratese government's high enthusiasm of the idea, the fans prevailed and a different actor was cast. Interestingly, there was no such qualms when Nintenduu 64 was originally due to be played by Samuel L. Jackson during The Good Guys: The Movie.
  • An entire cinema in Oldham Road had to be demolished, when an entire screening room of fanboys wet themselves with pure excitement when the trailer was first aired.