Taraskovyan Diplomacy

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the institution responsible for coordinating, organizing and leading the Taraskovyan foreign policy. It is also the body responsible for main contact in between the country and other States, entering into contact with the States.

The Ministry not only leads the foreign policy of the Grand Duchy of Tarasovka proper, but also of its Dominions and Dependencies.

The current Minister of Foreign Affairs is His Excellency Ithun Khat, High Count of Var-Gellath.

International Treaties and Organisations

Taraskovya tends to stay away from any large international organizations that it could consider as generators of binding international law. Taraskovya does not recognize any international law above its national legislation, at least not until any international norms have been codified within the national legal system.

The country also shies away from any overly large collective security organizations. The main worry is that Taraskovya does not want to see its soldiers falling in some far away corner of the universe because of a dispute between a technical ally and some third party.

Collective Security Treaties

Instruments of International Cooperation

Delegation withdrawn, representation duties conferred upon Daedalia Angst until further notice.

Bilateral Treaties

Concluded between Taraskovyan and Austarian Dominions. Guaranteed by the Grand Duchy of Taraskovya and the Unione of Capitalizt States of Austar Union.
  • A host of other treaties and agreements

Diplomatic Missions

Taraskovyan Diplomatic Missions Abroad

The Grand Duchy of Taraskovya maintains a number of diplomatic representations in foreign states. Additional to an Embassy, the highest representation, a number of Consulates General also function in the largest cities, the existence of such Consulates also depending on the amount of Taraskovyans visiting or working in the given State, and the number of the given State’s citizens visiting or working in Taraskovya.

Additionally, four Grand Embassies also exist. Functioning as normal Embassies, these missions indicate on a special friendly and allied relationship between Taraskovya and the State or Organisation in which such a mission operates.

Below is a list of diplomatic representations to sovereign states and international organisations. Missions to semi-independent protectorates under Taraskovyan supervision are not included.

OOC note: list subject to modification as exact extent of diplomatic relations is confirmed.

State Name Mission Type Chief Official Additional Accreditation
Sacred Sindarin Empire of Aelosia Embassy Neshala Shekth
Grand Kingdom of Aerion Embassy Leila Lubnic
United States of Allanea Embassy Ruslan Mai-Maievskiy
Confederated Peoples Embassy Anton Kerbishev Abt Republic
Eternal Necrontyr Empire of Eternal of the C'tan Embassy Larth Nathesh
Hypocrisy of Der Angst Grand Embassy Mikhail Dolgoletov
Dominion of Dread Lady Nathicana Embassy Stanislav Bertsov NDA Members At Large
Federated Imperium of Kajal Embassy Kildaren Vath Grand Duchy of Kajal Mars
Dutch Democratic Republic of Knootoss Embassy Dragomir Volodov Knootian Federation
Mars Port Authority Official Delegation Alkh Nal-Shekth
Martian Duma Official Delegation Hitomi Weisskopf
Eternal Noldorin Empire of Menelmacar Embassy Neran Keorth
Greater Kingdom of Midlonia Embassy Alexander Poltavin
Commonwealth of Nephtali Embassy Dragomir Rostov
Pantocratorian Empire Embassy Georgiy Karadin Pantocratorian Ambara
Sisgardian Fellowship of Nations Grand Embassy Rithlen Gellarith
Queendom of Spanjaboria Grand Embassy Boris Ledovik
Empire of Tartarus Embassy Leonid Negin
Magocentric Federation of the Technocratic Republics Grand Embassy Narth Sirdarth
Greater Ascendancy of Tsaraine Consulate General Leonid Timofeev
United Star Empire of Valinon Embassy Anton Zatulin
Incorporated State of ZMI Embassy Artur Berkut

Foreign Diplomatic Missions to Taraskovya

As per the principle of reciprocity, those states having diplomatic relations with Taraskovya also have a diplomatic mission. Most Embassies are situated in Vigvar, the capital city of the Grand Duchy. However, establishment in Vigvar is subject to certain limitations, since tenants are not allowed to build their own structures or “drastically modify” the exterior of the buildings they rent. These limitations are due to the Vigvar’s authorities desire to preserve the historic city in its pristine beauty.

As such, those nations wishing for some special arrangement often build their compounds on the outskirts of the capital city.

OOC note: list subject to modification as exact extent of diplomatic relations is confirmed.

State Name Mission Type Chief Official Also Represents State
Sacred Sindarin Empire of Aelosia Embassy Alisair Paelisi
Grand Kingdom of Aerion Embassy Arnulth Eshoth
United States of Allanea Embassy Polina Kovalyova
Confederated Peoples Embassy Heraklees Hajiyanni
Eternal Necrontyr Empire of Eternal of the C'tan Embassy Jessar Malar
Hypocrisy of Der Angst Embassy Cynthia Wiese
Dominion of Dread Lady Nathicana Embassy Diego Abineri
Federated Imperium of Kajal Embassy Sala Maraan Kajal Mars, Kajali Risa
Dutch Democratic Republic of Knootoss Embassy Wolter Breytenbach Knootian Federation
Eternal Noldorin Empire of Menelmacar Embassy
Greater Kingdom of Midlonia Embassy David Fontsworth
Commonwealth of Nephtali Embassy
Pantocratorian Empire Embassy Konstantinos Peresopoulos Pantocratorian Ambara
Empire of Tartarus Embassy Angelina Ormond
Queendom of Spanjaboria Embassy
Magocentric Federation of the Technocratic Republics Embassy
Greater Ascendancy of Tsaraine Consulate General Moradt tsaKaretau
United Star Empire of Valinon Embassy
Incorporated State of ZMI Embassy Isabella Trask