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Forum: [1]
Population: 71
Delegate: New Cyberia
Founder: Salchara
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

World Factbook Entry:

The Planetary Economic and Environment League was originally founded by a group of 12 nations seeking an end to the strife of the rest of the world.

Their legacy is continued by the enduring presence of several of the original nations as well as others, whom, attracted by the prosperity and goodwill between neighbours of the PEEL region, sought to preserve the spirit of friendship and cooperation which the O-12 had held so dear.

However, dark times loom ahead for the Region of PEEL.....

Major Alliances and Organizations

  • COMECON - The largest alliance of Communist and Socialist nations in PEEL. Originally founded by communist Nurdbotia and socialist Zedoljev, COMECON was deeply involved in the Phillips Head invasion, and the surrounding controversy is a prime reason for the exit of Zedoljev from the alliance.
    Ivorila was the next 2nd administrator of COMECON, but also exited the alliance after the differences of Socialism and Unicracy came to light. The current 2nd administrator is Pastocia, while Nurdbotia still holds the 1st administrator title.
    The Free Trade Organization and the POECD have been regarded by the more extreme members of COMECON to be deliberate antagonism by capitalist states to counter the strength of COMECON.
  • Free Trade Organization - The FTO was founded on June 5, 2051 by the leaders of MDKCorp. The FTO is an economic agreement to remove barriers, tariffs and quotas on trade with member nations, to promote the international trade industry. Mutual defence against piracy and other illegal interference is an important clause, but the FTO is not a military treaty. Boasting large membership, the FTO is a force to be reckoned with.
  • POECD - The PEELian Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, also known as the POECD, is a recent treaty devised by Teral and Spifflandia. The goals are to face economic, social, environmental and governance challenges in the international community, as well as to exploit any opportunities. The member base of the POECD is rather small, as strict regulations are in place that many nations aren't eligible for.
  • Unity of Tchazanovite Nations - A treaty of trade and defence between the long-standing Tchazanovite nations, also known as the People's Socialist Union. The Unity is led by Zedoljev, and is one of the older treaties still in effect.

Active Nations

Major Powers

  • New Cyberia - The Greater Cyberian State of New Cyberia is the capital and founding state of the Greater Cyberian Union (GCU). New Cyberia follows a free market democracy government, and presides over many colonies and territories throughout PEEL. New Cyberia is one of the strongest and oldest active nations residing in PEEL, with a large proportion of it's citizens hailing from overseas. Heralding a strong and stable economy as well as being in a geographic paradise, New Cyberia is a long time rival of Zedoljev.
  • Zedoljev - The People's Socialist Union of Zedoljev is a Socialist "Council Based Democracy" with strong ties to the Urallian Homelands, being originally descended from Urallian refugees. Zedoljev is more isolationist than most nations in PEEL, and the only firm ties Zedoljev has in the region is with neighbour Nurdbotia and few others. Founded COMECON with Nurdbotia, but left shortly after the Phillip's Head Invasion. Zedoljev has a proud history, with strong religious background.
  • Slimmy - The Imperial States of Slimmy is a harsh dictatorship, having spread itself around the region. Business is the number 1 priority in Slimmy, and as such the rights of the people are on a strict need-to-know basis. Ruled by a series of Emperors and Empresses since the beginning, Slimmy has a number of interests in the Tri-Island Area. Governmental activity has dwindled lately, but the Imperial States of Slimmy are still going strong.
  • Nurdbotia - The People's Republic of Nurdbotia is a powerhouse Communist nation, and possibly the oldest nation still in existence. Follows the strict guidelines of Communism while having one of the strongest economies in the region. Nurdbotia is a fairly benevolent dictatorship, with most civil rights guaranteed. The Nurdbotian Red Army has incredible numbers, and although their equipment is not as high a standard as most, it is certainly formidible. Nurdbotia is the original founder (with Zedoljev) and 1st Administrator of COMECON, and while members have come and gone, Nurdbotia is still chugging away to keep the Communist dream alive.
  • Teral - The Federal Republic of Teral was once a highly militaristic nation ruled by it's military leaders. Under the military leadership, the free-market economy blossomed, and eventually the military gave power to the people in a bloodless handover of power. Teral is now a democratic Capitalist state, and as such has one of the most powerful economies in the region. Military service is compulsory in Teral, being one of the great traditions in Teral. The Terallian Guard is varied and well equipped, and is very important in Terallian culture.
  • Ivorila - The Syndicated Unicracy of Ivorila, also known as the SUI, is a democratic unitary state that follows a unique political system called Unicracy. Unicracy follows the principles that all people are the politicians, and as such, every major decision made in Ivorila is voted on beforehand. While sounding overly bureaucratic and nonsensical, the electing of representatives to important positions keeps it simple. Ivorila is the most expansionist nation in all of PEEL, having personally absorbed over half a dozen neighbours, making it one of the largest nations in PEEL. At one point Ivorila was the administrator of COMECON, but gave up the mantle when it exited COMECON to follow more Unicratic goals.
  • MDKCorp - When dealing with the Corporate Plutocracy of MDKCorp, it's wise to think of it as less of a nation, and more of a company the size of a nation. Formed in the ashes of Nerdor and The Stone Bear, conglomerates from outside the region purchased the area and assembled themselves as a nation as a form of tax write-off. Ruled by the enigmatic MDKCorp Senate with Senator Lupine Wonse as the representative, MDKCorp also occupies the largest territory in PEEL. Often ruthless in economic matters, MDKCorp also has a highly trained Para-Security Force led by Executive General Scott Mori.
  • Sargus - The Greater Kingdom of Sargus is a democratic monarchy, with a parliament responsible for day-to-day affairs. Unusual for humans, 90% of Sargus lies in underwater cities that are all self-sustained. Peaceful and freedom-loving, the Sargussians have a strong Naval presence in the Tri-Island Area and are not afraid to fight for their nation. Sargus founded the Federation of Island States Treaty (FIST) and has very strong relations with Slimmy, ironically. The current monarch is King John II.
  • Nixorbania - The Holy Economic Dominion of Nixorbania is a heavy handed economic dictatorship with strong ties to Teral. Ruled by a single man, the Patrician, Nixorbania has long been one of the most influential powers in PEEL. The people of Nixorbania are very cynical and oppressed, and confess to live "very dreary lives" if pressured. Nixorbania claims to have the largest and most powerful nation in the region, but this claim is as of yet unconfirmed. Once commanding huge territories over PEEL, Nixorbania has fallen from glory after the sinking of the Patrician into recluse, but it still wields plenty of power.

Minor Powers

Inactive Nations

Great Past Nations