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Flag of Aerigia
Motto: For Peace and Prosperity
Region The Heartland
Capital Aden, Hyacinthe Province
Official Language(s) English, Aerigian high school graduates must be fluent in one of 3 other languages: Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese), Polish, German
Leader His Excellency, President Andrew H. Yang
Population 2.2 billion
Currency Aerigian Mon 
NS Sunset XML

The Federal Republic of Aerigia and Federal Regions of Joaoia, Sachsen-Dresden and Gabbiani Islands is one of the larger countries of the The Heartland. Aerigia formed in December 2002, alongside Ineptia and Grays Harbor are the three permenent members of the Heartland High Council, a legislative organ that governs Heartland-wide economic, security and judical matters.

On the international scene, The Federal Republic is also well-known as the re-organizer of the WBO, as well as a former member of SATO. Currently, The Federal Republic is a signatory of the KIST treaty.

The Federal Republic is considered one of the most economically prosperous nations in both the Heartland and the NS World. Its growth in the mid 1990s has been a key study area for many economists, political scientists and scholars. A reason being the country's ability to simutaneously allow different ethnicities to co-exist peacefully, dealing with a rapid change in ideology, and also to develop a vibrant export-led economy.

Currently isolationist outside The Heartland, there has been small movements to move Aerigia back onto the world stage.

Geographical and Climatical Description

A large country sculpted by the majority parts of the Prudentian Empire, Aerigia, including Joaoia and Sachsen-Dresden, is the largest nation on the Prudentian continent. The central regions of the country is dominated by tall, snowy mountain range systems, hot springs and evergreen trees. These mountain ranges, including the most prominent Mount Parker, Mount Snowview and Mount Tamaranch stretch from the north of the nation to the south, and are noted as the "spine" of the nation. Popular ski and hot springs resorts are located in this region, mainly in the province of Silverado.

The northeastern regions bordering St. Ryanesia are dry, rolling desert plains. The region is known for its abdundance in uranium, nickel and phosphate. As a result, mining is a predominant industry in the northeast. Meanwhile, the northwest coast is a line of propsering urban areas and is the commercial heartland of Aerigia, with tall skyscrapers, towers and bridges overlooking the clear waters of the Lost Vegas Ocean. The fisheries industry is dominant in the north end of this region, especially in the Yin Sound near the border with Nastic.

The southeast is dominated by "The Veldt", a system of jungle, marshes and swamps. The area is also rich in natural gas and crude oil, while the ocean to the east is rich in caviar. The inland areas are agricultural heartland (in Joaoia), growing a variety of crops such corn, strawberries as well as for raising cattle. The industrial heartland (in Sachsen) is also located inland, supplemented by the steel industry, supported by the local metallic resources.

There are five major river systems flow through Aerigia, the largest of which, the Ashley and the Huang, flow east from the mountains to the Vegan Sea in the West. The southwest coast, the Pleasant Coast province, is lined with pristine beaches and palm trees near the border with Grays Harbor; while the northwest coast, including the capital city of Aden, sits on the rolling hills and plains overlooking the Baren Falls in the north, off the Baren river, which seperates Aerigia from Nastic.

The south of the Federal Republic has a moderate sub-tropical climate, it is however, far more humid in the Veldt of the southeast than it is in the southwest. As we move northward, it gets colder, although the climate of coastal cities such as Aden is quite moderate because of the effects of the ocean. Nonetheless, it is not uncommon to see snow in Aden in the winter seasons of December-March. In the inland areas, it gets colder, while the northeast is quite dry and warm because of the chinook winds driving down from the mountains of St. Ryanesia.

Provinces of Aerigia

Aerigia is divided into 15 provinces, in addition to the Federal Protectorate of Gabbiani Islands:

1)Hyacinthe - Hyacinthe is located on the northwest part of The Federal Republic. Aden is located within Hyacinthe province, although the city, along with most of its suburbs and sateillite cities are part of the Capitol Administrative District. Main industries in Hyacinthe include media, electronics, information technologies, and automobiles industry.

Capitol: Kariya

2)Stonebrook - Stonebrook is located in the northcentral part of Aerigia, it is a province filled with rolling plains, abdundant wildlife, and natural beauty. Jostana, the capital city, is considered the artistic capitol of Aerigia, with a large artist population and open-air cafes in its downtown areas.

Capitol: Jostana

3)Brentwood - Brentwood is located in the west central part of Aerigia. It is home to the industrial cities of Dundas and Fort Vervedris. Fort Vervedris houses a major Aerigian Navy base and housed facilities for SATO's Atlantic fleet. The aerospace industry has a strong presence in Brentwood.

Capitol: Dundas

4)Fairview - Fairview, as the name suggests, is a beautiful province. It is right in the middle of the Aerigian heartland of agriculture, and is dominated by rural townships and villages. The cromberry originated from Fairview.

Capitol: Maryville

5)Silverado - Silverado is a mountainous province, famous for its picturesque towns, castles and forts, as well as majestic mountain ranges. The province has te largest concentrations of ski resorts, hot springs resorts in The Federal Republic. Aside from tourism, mining also makes up a significant proportion of the province's economy.

Capitol: Regent Valley

6)Azura's Coast - Azura's Coast is located on the eastern seaboard of Aerigia. It is home to a large automobile industry, and is also home to refinieries processing crude oil from the Mauvidian Sea.

Capitol: Ebonheart

7)Galbadia - Galbadia is located on the very north tip of Aerigia. It is a largely industrial province, specializing in aerospace, transport machinery and automobiles.

Capitol: Deling City

8)Sheograd - Sheograd is located on the Northeastern part of Aerigia. It is a rather desolate province, bordering the Great Ice Sea, it is an area rich in natural gas, crude oil and coal. Their province motto is: "We keep Aerigia humming.." Curiously enough, there is a large amount of contrmporary Aerigian musicians hailing from this province.

Capitol: Confederation City

9)Kummu - Kummu is a largely agricultural province located in north central Aerigia. The Crimson Plum is native to Kummu, and agricultural activity makes up for large amount of the economy. Although biotechnology is gaiing ground. Balmora is one of the fastest growing cities in Aerigia.

Capitol: Balmora

10)Tethyir - Tethyir consists of much of the rolling plains of Joaoia, east of the central mountain range. It has a largely agricultural economy, although information technology and biotechnology is increasingly prominent. The angelberry is native in Tethyir, it's juice is used in many Aerigian desserts, puddings and jellies.

Capitol: West Tethyir

11)Veldt - The Veldt is a series of marshes, swamps and jungle that compasses the majority of the Aerigian southeast. The petroleum, natural gas industries are the province's economic drivers.

Capitol: Doma

12)Sachsen - Sachsen is the province of heavy industry. The air is smoky and the smog is thick, but they are proud of it. Not all of Sachsen is grey and gloomy though, villages and towns in the countryside still mantain their Central Prudentian charm.

Capitol: Sachsen City

13)High Rock - High rock's provincial symbol is the pine tree. And the province is a popular camping.fishing destination because of its many streams and rivers, tributaries of the Ashley River.

Capitol: Trabia

14)Figaro - Figaro's many castles and forts, built during the Imperial era attracts many tourists. The province is also known for its fine, rich lager. Capitol: Figaro

15)Pleasant Coast - Aerigia's Gold Coast, filled with white sand beaches, palm and coconut trees and turquoise water. A major tourist attraction for Northern Prudentians looking to get a little suntan not too far away. Capitol: Costa Del Sol

National Anthem

Forward On, Aerigia

Oh my glorious Aerigia,
My glorious and brave home

On, for valor and freedom
On, 'cross the great plains
Arms-in-hand we march!

Oh my glorious Aerigia,
From sea to shining sea,
Across the mountains and the valleys
March our Great nation to victory!

Oh my glorious Aerigia,
It is in unity that we find strength
The new era is here,
Forward on, we march!

Oh my glorious Aerigia
Glorious Aerigia,
On, towards glory we march!

Forward On, my glorious Aerigia,
Our courage will lead us to victory.

The People of Aerigia


With the 427 years it spent as the prominent part of the Prudentian Empire, the Aerigian population a mix of several main cultural groups. The eastern coast was originally dominated by East Asian fishermen and miners. If you move inland, Central and Eastern Europeans live in the rolling grassy plains and at the foot of Mount Parker and Mount Tamaranch.

The Western coast is populated by a primarily Malkeri or Harberian population, they are decendants of settlers moving north from the old Harbieran Empire.

Over the years before the 1924 Communist Revolution in Doma, which dispersed rural ethnic settlements in favor of mass urbanization, the groups have kept seperate except for trade ties. Because of the ongoing conflicts during the years of partitioned Aerigia, major cities in Aerigia, formerly consisting mainly of Harberians and Malkeris, have seen massive induction of migrants yearing to avoid the ongoing war in the countryside.

After the Federation in 1992, the rural areas have once again become peaceful and farming/mining communities have flourished. Nonetheless, as of the Aerigian Federal Census 2001, 86% of Aerigians live in urban environments and the different ethnic groups have became dispersed throughout the country. Cross-ethnic families also now account for nearly 55% of Aerigian marriages per year, one of the highest in the world.

Census - Aerigian Ethnic Composition 2001

West/Central European (Mostly Harberians, Malkeris (Similar to British 
and Irish in Grays Harbor) and Germans ): 25%
Eastern European (mostly Polish and Ukrainian): 22%
Eastern Asian (mostly Chinese, Korean and Japanese): 22%
Northern Europeans (Finnish, Danish, Swedish): 7%
Mixed Background: 10%
Others (Mostly Carribean (Gabbiani Islands), Spanish , South Asian (mostly Tamil)): 14%

Industry, Commerce & Economy

Aerigia's economy has moved on from primary industries to high tech Secondary and Tetiary Industries, although mining, forestry and farming is still common in the inland areas.

Based primarily on high technological areas, Aerigia's main exports include automobiles, aerospace/defense and transport equipment as well as computer electronics and information technology. Dominant imports include foodstuffs and petrochemicals.

The Federal Republic's major trading partners within The Heartland include Grays Harbor, Ineptia, Liverpool England, Nastic and Los Paises Lejanos. Outside of the Heartland, the majority Aerigia's main trading partners are member of the World Business Organization, and includes Der Angst, Lavenrunz, Menelmacar and Kyleria.

The Aerigian currency is the Mon, and the subunit to the mon is the Cin, in 100 denomination similar to cents/dollar.

Economic Facts (Aerigian Statistical Bureau, 2003)

 Exchange Rate: 1 Aerigian Mon(ÆM/AEM) = $1.6433 USD
 Gross Domestic Product: $126,404,063,851,403.16 
 GDP Per Capita: $31,172.40 
 Exports: $15,650,166,915,465.65 
 Imports: $15,130,313,789,062.50 
 Trade Surplus: $519,853,126,403.15

Flora and Fauna

The wide variety of landscape of Aerigia serves as a home for many types of flora and fauna native to Prudentia. Brown bears and lepoards live in the north and central areas while semi-tropical animals and plants exist in the southern swampy areas. Antelopes are common in the deserts of the northeast.

The Crimson Plum, a sweet plum used primarily to produce the infamous Aerigian plum wine, is fielded in the northeast, while Cromberry, a bitter fruit used to produce Shein, a domestic alcoholic drink, is produced in the southern areas. The angelberry, hailing from central Aerigia, is a fruit akin to the elderberry and lingonberry, usually made into jellies, puddies, jam or syrups.


A blend of Eastern honor and Western elegence, the Aerigians inherited the formalness of the Prudentian Empire Dukes of Aberdeen and Malkeri courts. According to eastern traditions, guests are made to feel welcome and are provided with many refreshments and amenities. It is not uncommon to see Aerigian friends insisting to pay the restaurant bill for both themselves and their families and friends. "Going Dutch" is not as popular in Aerigia as it is in other Western nations.

Hot springs, and Eastern music instruments are famous Aerigian tourist attractions brought from ancient times. Orchestral music were brought in by the Malkeris and Harberians during the Prudentian Empire and became big attraction, with the famous play "The Love Oath" featured by The Aden Metropolitan Orchestra, a major hit among locals and tourists. A major movie studio is currently making the play into a motion picture to be released worldwide. The other famous folklore in Aerigia is "Two Pieces", which is a much more contemporary literature based on a group of adventurers searching for themselves while looking to save a fantasy world from a certain doom. The motion picture of this literature/novel is set to be released soon in theatre.

Aerigia is also home to an increasing number of artists. Art galleries are prominent in Jostana, the artistic capital of Prudentia.

Modern pop culture in Aerigia is similar to North American pop culture. Hip-hop and urban music is popular in Aerigia, and so is euro-inflenced dance music. Some world famous Aerigian artists/groups include: <WIP>

Language in Aerigia

With a varied culture, the Aerigian populations speaks a wide amount of different languages as their mother tongue. While English is used as the official language by The Federal Republic, for law, business and public institutional uses, there are a large amount of ethnic businesses and communities that also conduct their business and daily activities through their native language.

Aerigian high school graduates, as of 1995, are required to be proficent in one other language of Polish, Chinese (Mandarin or Canontnese), or German in order to graduate. This is the result of the Heritage Rights Act.

Aerigian Federal Census Bureau - Census 2001 - First/Household Languages

English - Official Language (100%)
Other widely used languages: (Percentages of Population)
23% Polish
22% Chinese (Canotonese and/or Mandarin)
14% German 
10% Finnish
10% Danish 
4% Korean 
5% Swedish 
2% Japanese
10% Others

Foods and Wines of Aerigia

Because of Aerigia's diverse population, there are resturants serving varied cusines. Fish, prepared in sashimi form is popular in Aerigia because of the fresh fish due to the proximity to the sea. Salmon from the Baren river tributaries are also known to be some of the best, as is the salmon roe.

The formal Aerigian cuisine consist of a large appitizer platters with seaweed, seafood, fish, with daikon (white carrot) in hot pork bone soup. Other soups may be substituted, such as broscht or cream soups. The Aerigian main course varies; steak, chicken, or beef served with a side of rice pilaf and potatoes are popular.

Noodles are popular lunch and snake foods in Aerigia, as is dumplings. Fillings of dumplings vary (from meat and vegetables for Asian style, to Cheese and sour cream for pierogies).

Wines and liquor consist of the normal fare, and also several speciality liquors. Brewed from Crimson Plum (Crimson Tide), angelberry (Fallen Angel) or Cromberry (Shein), these liquors have found its way into numerous cocktails such as the Aden Sling. These liquors are also served as shots.


The President holds the power to defeat or to pass bills that were otherwise disapproved/approved by the parliament and the Federal Comission (Otherwise the Senate). He is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Armed Forces, to uphold safety, equality, peace and prosperity of The Federal Republic.

There are several political parties that have been risen since the collapse of the Communist regime in Socialist Aerigia in the early 80's. None have however, garnered enough public support to win power from the Democratic Harmont Party (DHP), the party currently in power since Federation.

Head of State
His Excellency, President Andrew H. Yang, 2nd President of The Federal Republic of Aerigia
Head of Government
Head of the Federal Comission, Miss Kimberly Majewski

Religion in Aerigia

Most of Aerigians are Catholics, following the teachings of the late Cardinal Sinclair, whom brought Aerigia under control after the break-up of the Prudentian Empire and the Aerigian civil war. There are also Taoists and Buddhists groups among other Christian groups. Free religious rights are protected and freedom to practice is garunteed under The Federation Act of 1992.

Federal Census - Religions Practiced

Christians (Roman Catholic, Baptists and Presbyterians): 59%
Taoists/Buddhists (Chinese/East Asian Combinational Religion): 10%
Other Christian: 10%
No religion declared: 6%
Other: 15%

Laws and Judicial System

Aerigia's law system is a mix of Harberian Basic Law concepts with indigenous concepts coined and amalgamated together by Cardinal Sinclair at the formation of the First Aerigian Republic. Smoking and Alcohol is legal in Aerigia, although Drinking and Driving laws are one of the harshest in The Heartland (as well as other traffic laws and regulations).

Laws have recently passed to allow cannibis to be partaken in designated cafes. Firearms must be registered and can only be owned by Certified Firearms Clubs hunting clubs and collecting clubs, in addition to the police, military and governmental authorities.

Freedom of speech, to a degree is alloted by Aerigian Federal Law. However, any comments that attempt to undermine the stability, or otherwise, peace and prosperity of The Aerigian Federation is not tolerated.

Euthanasia is permitted by witness consent and professional approval from a Federally-recognized board of doctors. Same sex marriages are not recognized by The Aerigian law system and such couples are not permitted to adopt children, or share the same benefits hetero-sexual couples have in the Aerigian family law system, which includes certain tax subsidies.

The death penalty exists for capital crimes such as murder (not including unintentional manslaughter), rape, treason.

Aerigian Media Networks

<Under Construction>

Some prominent radio stations

FLASHback FM 97.1 (Aden area) HEAD radio FM 99.9 (Aden area) LIPS radio FM 98.5 (Aden area) MSX radio FM 103.1 (Aden area) KJAH FM 93.7 (Aden area)

Aerigian Military

<Under Construction>

Traveling to Aerigia

The Federal Republic has Visa-free agreements with most Heartland states. (Except for Cokekilan Alliance States, Ashvagosha, Most are billateral vias-free agreements for leisure and family travels. Foreign Workers and Students must acquire respective visas to be able to work, or study in Aerigia.

Visa free-agreements also exist for non-Heartland states, mainly for those in the SATO and WBO alliances. Livestock, animals and plants cannot be brought into the country without approval of the Federal Foods and Wildlife Comission. Large amounts of property and cash will also require an audit by The Federal Department of Commerce.

When inside Aerigia, all persons must carry government issued identification cards when in public (IDs from Grays Harbor, West Olympia and Ineptia are also accepted). All other visitors will be given a temporary card at the immigration desk at the port of entry. This card must be returned as the exit visa when leaving the country.