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Revision as of 18:17, 28 February 2006 by Swilatia (Talk | contribs)

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Introduced 1993
TLD type National
Status Active, but considered full
Sponsoring organization Pacitalian Internet Naming Agency
Used for Pacitalian websites
Registration restrictions Annual domain fees
Structure Subdivided at second-level
Example web sites home.pc, domainmax.pc

.pc is the Internet TLD for the Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia. It serves both private and public interests. Although a domain extension can never truly run out of names, the Pacitalian Internet Naming Agency considered it full and registered the .rp domain extension in 2003 when .pc "ran out" of possible domain name combinations on 1 January 2003.

Top Level Domains
Currently active: .aao | .an | .ari | .asg | .bsk | .ca | .cdl | .ce | .cf | .cr |.csl| .el | .emp | .fe | .fps | .frc | .fs | .gt | .idu | .ine | .jey | .ked | .kh | .la | .len | .mpv | .my | .nb | .ne |.no | .noe | .nwa | .pc | .pu | .qd | .rp | .rta | .sb | .sbu | .sk | .sna | .sw | .swa | .swi | .tvr | .uie | .ukin | .un | .ur | .usec | .ut | .vk | .wk | .zr | .zz
Reserved/inactive: .fbr | .gtz | .pta | .snj | .vf | .zy