Greater Tomania

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Greater Tomania
The Imperial Flag

<tr><td align="center" colspan=2 style="border-bottom:3px solid gray;">National motto: Yassen Naw Quo Yassen Megil</td></tr> <tr><td>Region </td><td>Gemini Exterro</td></tr> <tr><td>Official language</td><td>Quenya Elvish</td></tr> <tr><td>Capital </td><td>Imladris</td></tr> <tr><td>UN Category </td><td>Iron First Consumerist</td></tr> <tr><td>Political Freedoms </td><td>Unheard of</td></tr> <tr><td>Civil Rights </td><td>Outlawed</td></tr> <tr><td>Major Industry </td><td>(Government Controlled)</td></tr> <tr><td>Largest Religion </td><td>Ainurlindalë</td></tr> <tr><td>Sovereign of Tomania </td><td>Empress Ishtar im-Bashi</td></tr> <tr><td>Supreme Cordon </td><td>Miklós Hedikai</td></tr> <tr><td>Population of Tomania
 - Total (2004)
 - Density</td><td>Ranked 1st
551/km² </td></tr> <tr><td>National Anthem </td><td>Mi Palla Arda</td></tr> <tr><td>Currency </td><td>Tokken (~§~) <tr><td>National Animal </td><td>Imperial Peacock </td></tr> <tr><td>Time zone </td><td>ET 1</td></tr> <tr><td>Internet TLD </td><td>.TOM</td></tr> </table>

The Imperium of Greater Tomania (in Quenya Elvish, Ardum in Alcarintomanya). Other wise known as Tomania, Greater Tomania (Tomanya, Alcarintomanya) lies in northwest Gemini Exterro, she has land borders with Dracoriana to the northeast, Erulisse-Heryn and the Great Exterran Deserts to the west and Morindira to the south. To her north lies the Ekkaia Sea and to her west the Belegaer Sea.

Tomania is the largest and most populated nation in the region. Also a member, and founder, of the United Exterran Directorate (UED). Tomania is most renowned for her large standing military, medicine and for her beauty; naturally, architecturally and physically. Tomania is a nation soaked in tradition and history. Ruled over by the supreme authority of the sovereign, which Tomanians believe to be a deity and a child of Heaven; their present monarch is the Empress Ishtar, the 126th leader of the unbroken line of the im-Bashi Dynasty. Tomania also claims to be the holder of Heavens "Divine Mandate" which states; that they alone have the right to rule over all that resides under Heaven and that their monarch is unflinching and infallible. Tomania is a single-party system administrated by the Tomania’s People’s Marduuk Party (Tomanyas Gwaithes Marduuk Perendi), lead by the Executor Miklós Hedikai, who is also the Supreme Cordon of the Imperium.


Imperial Coat of Arms of the Imperium


Country Name

Long Form: Imperium of Greater Tomania (Ardum in Alcarintomanya)
Short Form: Tomania, Greater Tomania (Tomanya, Alcarintomanya)
Country Code: TOM
Capital: Imladris


Northern and Northwest Gemini Exterro located in the Pacific


  • Boundring Countries: Dracoriana (east), Erulisse-Heryn (South east), Exterran desserts (South southeast), Morindira (south)
  • Coastline: Ekkaia Sea(north), Enegear Sea(east), Belegaer Sea(west)


Mostly temperate climate, ranging from tundra in the north, tropical in the south, dry and desserty in the west.


Mostly grasslands and rolling hills, with moutain chains (see map of Tomania)


(Also see Tomanian Culture)
Population: 1,669,000,000
Life Expectancy at Birth: 120 years


In Quenya, Tomanians are known as the Tomar.

Races and Ethnic Groups

Tomania is a society made up of mostly Tomar. Very few foreign cultures and races exists within Tomania.

  • Quendi: 93.4% (Tomanians are apart of the Quendi race)
    • Tomar:94.6%
    • Laiquendi: 5%
    • Sindar:1.4%
  • Anatari: 2.6%
  • Gonhhirim: 2.2%
  • Asians: .8%


The government of Tomania is very religious and so is the populace with almost 100% of the people belonging to the state religion known as Ainurlindalë. All other religions are banned and persecuted, especially Christian missionaries.

However, in many of Tomania's colonies the religious laws are more lax and free, especially in Arda Tuluva.


The official language of Tomania is Quenya, however, Sindarin is also widely spoken especially in Dorthonion. Quenya is seen by the Tomar as a pure and holy language and all others are seen as horrid and grotesque. One will find very few Tomanians speaking any other languages, though, with the youth many of them can know understand and speak Hebrew.

The writing script used in Tomanians is called Tengwar and Tomania uses the duodecimal (base 12) counting system.


Education is the third-highest priority on the government spending list, after the military and healthcare, and this is shown in the high literacy rate for Tomania. Many Tomanians also know the Hebrew alphabet as well. It is mandatory for all people to know both standard, cursive, and calligraphic Tengwar.

  • Definition: Ages 3+ can read and write
  • Total population: 100%
    • Male: 100%
    • Female: 100%

Government of Tomania

(Click on the link above for a more indepth look at Tomania's imperial government)
The official form of government is an autocratic imperial monarchy with a single-party system. All other political parties, besides the ruling Marduuk Party, are banned and are illegal.

Major Political Leaders

International Organisations


United Exterran Directorate, Tomania joined the UED late June of 2004. The main goal of the UED is to ensure continuous regional and economical stability.

Major Allies


Economic Statistics

  • Currecny: Tokken (§) slpit into 144 Reli (¤)
  • Avereage Exchange Rate: §.219 (tokkens) = $1
  • Gross Domestic Product: §17,964,566,152,652.68
  • GDP Per Capita: §5,183.08
  • Unemployment Rate: 6.21%
  • Consumption: §0.00
  • Government Budget: §22,003,467,750,000.00
  • Government Expenditures: §17,602,774,200,000.00
  • Goverment Waste: §4,400,693,550,000.00
  • Exports: §2,677,946,452,652.68
  • Imports: §2,316,154,500,000.00
  • Trade Surplus: §361,791,952,652.68

Major Industries

Among the world's largest and technologically advanced producers of arms, medicines, electronic equipment, machine tools, steel and nonferrous metals, ships, chemicals, textiles, processed foods, and class wear.

Major Exports

Machinery and equipment, electrical machinery, claudia fuel, consumer goods, medicines, meat, sugar, weapons, computers, telecommunications equipment, motor vehicle parts, office machines, electric power machinery, clothing, medicines, furniture, and helium fuel.

Major imports

Raw materials, semifinished metals, refined matels, petroleum, chemicals, wood, paper, plastics, unranium, plutonium, irridium, indurium, and automobiles.

Major Trade Partners

Popular Sports in Tomania

(Listed in order of popularity)

  • Tanítaquárë
  • Quidditch
  • Water Polo
  • Gymnastics
  • Soccer
  • Hockey
  • Figure Skating
  • Archery
  • Marathon Running
  • Track & Field
  • Swimming
  • Skiing
    • Downhill
    • Water
    • Cross Country
  • Taekwondo
  • Karate
  • Fencing
  • Wrestling


Ancient History

No historian to date can decipher the beginning of Tomania, though they have come to an agreement that Lower Tomania was formed approximately in 5000 (B.C.E). Although, the Tomanian monarchy claims to be the descendent of a the God of Heaven, Ilúvatar, the first emperor is said to be Manwë Súlimo, which means "the Blessed One Lord of the Earth". Though he was only emperor of a small empire of the time that consisted of only Lower Tomania (see map of Tomania). His predecessor the 23rd Emperor Maedhros invaded Lower Tomania’s sister state to the south, Upper Tomania, and conquered it bringing and end to the two Tomania’s and forming the Empire of Tomania. Tomania then followed a time of peace for about two hundred years and during the reign of the 29th Emperor Maerfindul the empire went through a time of great conquest taking the Falases and Hithlum under his reign. Unfortunately, Maerfindul died with three sons, tradition states the eldest son would rule. However, Maerfindul had three wives who gave birth all at the same time and Maerfindul gave the throne to each son. Galdor took the North, Galdar took the south, and Galagmer took the east. Galdor went to war with his brother in the south and killed him becoming emperor again. Though, his brother to the east left the land with his people and went to the far east to establish the nation of what is Isenha-Raad today.

After this Tomania went through a time of slow expansion and extreme isolation, though, isolated Tomania furthered her advancements in math, science, technology, and health, becoming the most advanced state of the time. Up to this point the im-Bashi monarchy had never been broken, hindered, or put under and type of confusion. However, when the 62nd Emperor Eru died he has no sons but only one daughter who was crowed 63rd Empress Yavanna. However, she belonged to a religious order called Kelementári, which means "Queens of the Earth." This sect took a vow of celibacy; therefore, the empress could not bare a child which would, in turn, bring an end to the direct line of sovereigns. Luckily, though, the Reverend Mother of the Kelementári Order, Yaviavi, spoke with the young Yavanna and told her it was her divine duty to serve Heaven and bare a son, which she did, the future emperor Eärend. She went to bare seven other children; four boys and three daughters.

Modern History

The Tomanian monarchy has slowly diminished over time and slowly the power went to the rich and to the military, in 567 (C.E) the Emperor appointed a head of government, the Supreme Cordon; the first Supreme Cordon was Elron Umdomi. Then, finally in 1832 (C.E.), during the reign of the 120th Emperor Atanvaryall, the monarchy ceased to place any "true" role in government, however, the divinity and the worship of the im-Bashi did not, in fact it was strengthened. Tomania has gone through three governments the Valpar (1832-1901), the Ardatomani (1901-1977), and the Marduk(1977-); the present leading party. The Valpar government dealt mainly with Tomania’s internal security and the formation of colonies. Though, Tomania remained completely isolated sealing her borders and building a great wall around the empire, they did manage to bring Tomania up to sped in the latest technology and medical practices; in fact Tomania has the best health system in the region and on of the best in the word. The Valpar Party lost favour with the people and soon collapsed and the Ardatomani government took over. In 1901 the people rose up and overthrew the Valpar party and placed it with the influential Umanyar (the elite upper class) and they formed the Ardatomani Party which ruled over Tomania for nearly 80 years. The greatest accomplishment of the Ardatomani government there achievements into space:

  • August 21, 1954 ICBM
  • October 4, 1954 Artificial satellite - Lelya
  • November 3, 1954 Animal in orbit (dog) - Lelya II
  • December 18, 1956 Communications satellite - Centa
  • September 14, 1957 Probe to Moon - Isil
  • February 17, 1957 Weather satellite - Lelya VI
  • August 7, 1958 Photo of Earth from space - Taina
  • August 18, 1959 Reconnaissance satellite - Hendi
  • April 12, 1960 Human in orbit - Lelya V
  • March 18, 1962 Extra-vehicular activity - Imosor
  • December 15, 1963 Orbital rendezvous - Gemini I/ Imos III
  • March 1, 1964 Probe to another planet - Centa VIII
  • July 21, 1964 Human on the Moon - Centa X
  • April 23, 1966 Space station - Arda

Also the Ardatomani government feared that the world may be conspiring against them so, although, isolationists they spend billions into there espionage agencies to make it the best of the times, and still today remains the best in all the world. Though, scientifically and in spies the Ardatomani government progressed greatly they vastly abused the lower classes and ignored the economy, which Tomania is still slightly suffering, and then in 1977 the Ardatomani government collapsed and Tomania fell into a civil war which Miklós Hedikai and his Marduk party gained control of the government and is leading it today. Some major contributions to Tomania the Marduk Party made were: Socialized Medicare, education. Increased the military. Made Quenya Elvish the only legal spoken language to help in further unification. Strengthened the economy. Allied herself with Morindira, Dracoriana, Gavleborg-Uppsala, Acranania, and Atalantia.

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