List of Knootian ambassadors

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This article lists the names of ambassadors and diplomats currently employed by Knootoss in foreign nations and to international organisations, as well as ambassadors from foreign nations to Knootoss. This is by no means a complete list.

Usually the ambassador will be an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (or simply Ambassador) representing the head of state, the Prime Minister of Knootoss directly. Alternatively, an Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary (or envoy) may be employed, representing the government of Knootoss in a consulate. Consulates are usually established in states deemed to be of lesser importance to the Dutch Democratic Republic. In addition to these representatives the Knootian Ministry of Economic Affairs has established 'Economic Affairs Consulates' which have their own 'ambassadors' representing the Minister of Economic Affairs and Knootian business interests. Where relevant these representatives will be listed.

In cases of dispute, it is not uncommon for Knootoss to recall its Ambassador for consultations as a sign of its displeasure. This is less drastic than cutting diplomatic relations completely, and the mission will still continue operating more or less normally, but it will be headed by a chargé d'affaires with limited powers.

Knootian ambassadors are to be addressed as "Your Excellency".

Knootian Ministers and Foreign Affairs Officials

  • Knootian Prime Minister: responsible for coordinating policy. The Prime Minister is the figurehead at important occasions such as state visits. The AIVD reports to the Office of the Prime Minister. Currently Jan Willem Daatman,
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs & Defence: in charge of foreign policy as well as Commander in Chief of the Knootian Defence Force and the MIVD. The Foreign Minister also has acces to the AIVD. Currently Femke Halsema.
    • State-Secretary of Foreign Affairs: exclusively coordinates (non-military) policy for certain countries and acts as a replacement of the minister in her absence. Also acts as diplomatic envoy. Currently Tim de Boer.
  • Minister of Economic Affairs: oversees Knootian economic policy including Foreign Economic Policy and oversees the EIVD. Currently Hendrik Zeevalking.
    • State-Secretary of Foreign Economic Policy: coordinates Foreign Economic Policy, including the Economic Affairs consulates. Acts on behalf of Knootian businesses abroad. Has acces to the EIVD. Currently David Davinci.
  • Minister of Education & Science: heads cultural and educational exchange programmes as well as integration policy. Currently Dr. Mientje Hoogland.
  • Minister of Domestic Affairs:: no Foreign Policy competence, nonetheless holds a vote in meetings of the Council of Ministers. Currently Teun Klaassen

List of Knootian ambassadors

Knootian Federation



List of ambassadors to Knootoss