United Kingdom of South Lethe

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The United Kingdom of South Lethe (UKSL) was the official title for the United Kingdoms of Isselmere, Nieland and Gudrof from 1653 to 1899, though one which did not gain currency until about 1803 when the presence of another, larger United Kingdom, that of Great Britain and Ireland, emerged in 1801. Gudrovian nationalists, taking advantage of the Union government's involvement in the Boer War and comparatively substantial investment by the German Empire (approximately 250,000 RM, of which only an eighth actually arrived on Gudrovian shores), declared a reluctant Prince Hengest of Caitwuil-Houmbertis-Sigurdsson-Alvarsson the sovereign Prince of Gudrof. The Union government of South Lethe, happy to relieve itself of the troublesome region, granted independence to the majority of Gudrof, only retaining possession of one of its six provinces, the coal-rich Upper Gudrovia.

Although the UKSL had technically reverted back to the Kingdom of Isselmere and Nieland, the term "United Kingdom" had become so ingrained in the culture that de facto and de jure the country became the United Kingdom of Isselmere-Nieland, as it is to this day.

Isselmere-Nieland and Gudrof maintain amiable relations and still share many of the same traditions.

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Category | Factbook

Categories: Administrative divisions | Constitution | Defence Forces | Festivities | Government | Languages | Laws
Subjects: Capital | Coat of arms | Currency | Economy | Education | Football | History | Lethean Islands | Religion
Monarchy: History | Royal Family
Government: Council of State | DPA | Lords Commissioners | The King | Parliament | Prime Minister | Storting of Nieland
Firms: Detmerian Aerospace | Isselmere Motor Works | Lyme and Martens | Royal Ordnance | Royal Shipyards | Turing-Babbage | UPGO
Products: Isselmere-Nieland Defence Industries